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Red Alert 3


fka Grimdour, for the curious
Right, time for some hardcore gaming here.

Anyone want/have it? The whole premise is epic with the Soviets eliminating nuclear technology, giving Japan a whole army of floating fortresses(Howl's Moving Castle), giant samurai robots and a psychic schoolgirl. Plus parachuting bears in armor. What's not to like?

Also Tim Curry as a Premier is just awesome.
After finding out that it will, in fact, run on my hunk of junk, I want it.

I've played all the other C&C games, except Sole Survivor, but that one doesn't really count, and so I looked forward to this one. If only for the live-action cutscenes and Red Alert's trademark over the top-ness.

Nothing like recycling the Soviets going back in time concept.
I have it. =D It is awesome, though they cut off an interesting part of the Soviet campaign, and it's just... left there, abandoned. Ah well. It's what expansions are for! XD Though I can only play the campaigns on easy. *is a wimp* Still, it's fun to play. :P
My only gripe with it is the lack of Germany and the Nazi party. They could've easily fitted them into the story along with the Empire, using biological warfare in place of nuclear stuff.

It would've been the next Warcraft III. Still, no worries. The bears more than make up for it.
Yes, but 4 sides is not only harder to design and would've held back a very anticipated game, but would've been hard to balance. Warcraft III won't get to Starcraft's level of balance for a while, for example.

Not to mention it would've felt really weird in a C&C game. 3 sides is enough for me.
Once I get the proper drive for this game, I'll start playing it. From what I've heard, the weapons are just completely nuts in this game. Including Colbert's worst enemy: BEARS. With parachutes.
Once I get the proper drive for this game, I'll start playing it. From what I've heard, the weapons are just completely nuts in this game. Including Colbert's worst enemy: BEARS. With parachutes.
And psychic schoolgirls.
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