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And why is that? Don't start with the whole Crusades thing, because if God wanted them to "regain the Holy Land", they would have.

Stem cell research is a very promising field that looks like it could provide cures to many diseases, possibly including cancer.

In the US, it has been banned for the last eight years on purely religious grounds.
yah but in 50 years he'll be diagnosed with cancer and then we will have cures based on stem cells and he won't allow it because it's AGAINST THE RULES OF GOD
Because stem cells are obviously from aborted fetuses. Because abortion is a sin according to the Bible. Don't know where it is? It's right next to the part about stoning the gays.
Because stem cells are obviously from aborted fetuses. Because abortion is a sin according to the Bible. Don't know where it is? It's right next to the part about stoning the gays.

The Old Testament laws are not enforced physically anymore, but spiritually through Christ's death. No violent action is taken against gays in the New Testament. You would know that if you even knew a lick about Christianity.

GameFreakerZero said:
If religion isn't being forced on people; why is it that in this country two men, or women, who love each other can't get married; they have to get civil unionised due to the religious outcry against gay marriage?

I'm sorry, but it's been voted on, and shot down. I shouldn't be expected to change my beliefs when voting.

GameFreakerZero said:
And the vehemently anti-religious believe that religion is bad, double standards at all?

I'm not the one with the tough-guy attitude going around talking shit about others' values (coughwatershedcough). This is America, where everyone has a voice, yes, even *gasp* CHRISTIANS.

GameFreakerZero said:
If religion isn't being forced on people; why is it that in this country two men, or women, who love each other can't get married; they have to get civil unionised due to the religious outcry against gay marriage?

Because it's been voted down? Everyone should have the right to vote according to their personal values, including Christians.
The Old Testament laws are not enforced physically anymore, but spiritually through Christ's death. No violent action is taken against gays in the New Testament. You would know that if you even knew a lick about Christianity.

Instead of beating them up, we now deride them for being sick and unnatural in the name of God? God, we've become such a civilised bunch since the NT came into being

I'm sorry, but it's been voted on, and shot down. I shouldn't be expected to change my beliefs when voting.

yes you should if the arguments of the other party are better

I'm not the one with the tough-guy attitude going around talking shit about others' values (coughwatershedcough). This is America, where everyone has a voice, yes, even *gasp* CHRISTIANS.

I didn't talk shit about anyone's values. Religion has done things that have been detrimental to society and have held up our progress in the pursuit of knowledge. They are refusing access to things that have been scientifically grounded enough to combat or work with any sort of rationality, and yet Christianity refuses to believe out of beneficial gain (tax exemption). I haven't spoken about whether God exists at all. I said we can't prove it.

Your talk is completely out of the blue. Everyone has a voice, Christians have a voice, but having an opinion with shit backup means you have a shit opinion. When will people learn that "I have an opinion" is not a valid argument in a debate. "I think there should be a God, therefore God exists" is the worst argument ever.

Because it's been voted down? Everyone should have the right to vote according to their personal values, including Christians.

everyone has the right to vote to shitty values, doesn't mean you're not wrong
Instead of beating them up, we now deride them for being sick and unnatural in the name of God? God, we've become such a civilised bunch since the NT came into being

Correction. We deride the ACT of homosexuality sick and unnatural. Most of us don't hate gays themselves. Those that do are ignorant.

Watershed said:
yes you should if the arguments of the other party are better


I'm done with you and your pathetic trolling. Have a nice day.
Correction. We deride the ACT of homosexuality sick and unnatural. Most of us don't hate gays themselves. Those that do are ignorant.

What's the point of being gay if you can't actually fuck someone?

ok so have fun not ever learning from your mistakes. a little bit of reflection on your actions and flaws would be appreciated, thanks. we don't need conceited arrogance coming in telling everyone NO GOD EXISTS IM RITE YAYAYA YOU'RE TROLLIN IF YER DISAGREE. See, that's what I hate. Someone going into a debating hall and not using their brains.

I'm done with you and your pathetic trolling. Have a nice day.

Offering criticism is trolling now?
Sarcastic garbage in all caps and calling everything you disagree with "shit" hardly constitutes as criticism.

it's "sarcastic garbage" and everything I disagree with is "shit", I see

i suppose you conveniently ignored the points about Galileo, the fact that science learns from its mistakes which religion doesn't, and the historical irrelevance of the bible in today's culture and called that sarcastic garbage

you have a nice way of trying to ad hominem it but it doesn't work mate

not here
I'm sorry, but it's been voted on, and shot down. I shouldn't be expected to change my beliefs when voting.

Because it's been voted down? Everyone should have the right to vote according to their personal values, including Christians.

Uh. I'm not talking about voting here, you were saying that people weren't forcing their religion on other and how America is a free country and yet people are forcing their religion by disallowing gay marriage in your country; you are disallowing another person's freedom.

Not to mention I was questioning the logic of the 'separate but equal' name that exists in my country, England, and likely a number of other European countries that I don't know, of 'civil unions', when they essentially give the exact same rights as marriage but for some reason are called 'civil unions' because religious people get their pants in a twist over it.

I'm not the one with the tough-guy attitude going around talking shit about others' values (coughwatershedcough).

Actually I think watershed's been giving some fairly insightful feedback and counter arguments, I don't see why you don't just debate back instead of pulling the persecution card every time he says something that you disagree with.

This is America, where everyone has a voice, yes, even *gasp* CHRISTIANS.

Yes, I'd imagine the majority of your country would have a voice. It's hard to imagine they wouldn't. But then, so does everyone else.

Oh, and stop saying "this is America" considering about half of this forum is made up of Europeans.
Uh. I'm not talking about voting here, you were saying that people weren't forcing their religion on other and how America is a free country and yet people are forcing their religion by disallowing gay marriage in your country; you are disallowing another person's freedom.

I never said that nobody is trying to force religion. Some do. I personally think it's wrong.

We aren't disallowing anyone's freedom. Everyone has the right to marry one of the opposite sex. If they choose to be gay, then one of the drawbacks is that they can't marry one of the same sex.

Not to mention I was questioning the logic of the 'separate but equal' name that exists in my country, England, and likely a number of other European countries that I don't know, of 'civil unions', when they essentially give the exact same rights as marriage but for some reason are called 'civil unions' because religious people get their pants in a twist over it.

I think it's the other way around. Marriage is a religious ceremony. A civil union is more of a legal ceremony.

Actually I think watershed's been giving some fairly insightful feedback and counter arguments, I don't see why you don't just debate back instead of pulling the persecution card every time he says something that you disagree with.

I would if he wasn't an asshole.

Oh, and stop saying "this is America" considering about half of this forum is made up of Europeans.

Most of Europe already allows gay marriage/civil union, so it's kind of redundant to talk about it as it applies to them. Look at the sidebar here.

I never said that nobody is trying to force religion. Some do. I personally think it's wrong.

then stop voting for laws that FORCE RELIGION UPON PEOPLE

it's hypocritical

We aren't disallowing anyone's freedom. Everyone has the right to marry one of the opposite sex. If they choose to be gay, then one of the drawbacks is that they can't marry one of the same sex.

Important word in italics. You, as a religious group, are denying them their right to marry on shaky grounds. That is disallowing their freedom. By DEFINITION.

I think it's the other way around. Marriage is a religious ceremony. A civil union is more of a legal ceremony.

Marriage has always been a legal ceremony. It existed before religions did. Different religions have given marriage a different meaning, but no, marriage is as much a legal institution as a religious one. Your talk is baffling. :/

I would if he wasn't an asshole.

Pot, this is kettle. He wanted his black colour back.
We aren't disallowing anyone's freedom. Everyone has the right to marry one of the opposite sex. If they choose to be gay, then one of the drawbacks is that they can't marry one of the same sex.


I'd like to ask you something: When you hit puberty, did you look at a woman and say "Hmm...I want to be attracted to her."? Or rather, did you look at a man and say "Hmm...I don't feel like being attracted to him."? No, you didn't. Why? Because it's all chemical. A person can't choose to be gay any more than they can choose their hair or eye color.

Besides, how does it personally hurt you to allow gays to marry each other? It doesn't. FUN FACT: Jesus himself never said a word about homosexuals. It was Paul, and he was just doing it to appeal to Rome and Corinth.
then stop voting for laws that FORCE RELIGION UPON PEOPLE

it's hypocritical

I'm not. A ban on gay marriage doesn't force anyone to believe in any religion.

and omfg stop voting for laws that FORCE ME TO ABANDON MY RELIGON

it's hypocritical

Important word in italics. You, as a religious group, are denying them their right to marry on shaky grounds. That is disallowing their freedom. By DEFINITION.

They have the same marriage rights as I do. They want different ones.
I'm not. A ban on gay marriage doesn't force anyone to believe in any religion.

No it forces people to not do things on religious grounds, which they would have every right to otherwise.

and omfg stop voting for laws that FORCE ME TO ABANDON MY RELIGON

it's hypocritical

I haven't voted for any laws that forced you to abandon your religion. Gay marriage and religion go together perfectly. Marriage, as I said, is not a religious institution, no matter how much Christians pretend it is. Your reverse ad hominem doesn't work, buster.

They have the same marriage rights as I do. They want different ones.

In my country, marriage is defined as a bond between two people. Irrelevant of gender/sex.

In your country, people do not have that right. You see, they don't have marriage rights because you forbid them to. Your argument is flimsy.

It's like the old Ford saying: "You can have any colour you like, as long as it's black."

Now that doesn't work, my friend.
I'd still like an answer to how gay marriage is against Christianity when Jesus said nothing about it and the silly Old Testament rules don't apply anymore.
We aren't disallowing anyone's freedom. Everyone has the right to marry one of the opposite sex. If they choose to be gay, then one of the drawbacks is that they can't marry one of the same sex.

Hey, could you do a test for me quickly? Could you look at an attractive guy quickly and choose to get an erection over him?

If you're unable to do this, you have proved yourself wrong. If you can, well good for you but most people can't do this. You don't just wake up and say, "what a wonderful day to be gay!" You can't choose to be gay and if you're going to make a claim like that, you sure as hell better be ready to back it up.

I think it's the other way around. Marriage is a religious ceremony. A civil union is more of a legal ceremony.

Then why are atheists allowed to get married?
And what about religious homosexuals?

Most of Europe already allows gay marriage/civil union, so it's kind of redundant to talk about it as it applies to them. Look at the sidebar here.


Hur hur yeah I know I live in a country there T_T
That doesn't take away the fact that the discriminative label of "civil union" exists, and the fact there are a lot of people here who're still complete homophobes.

I'm not. A ban on gay marriage doesn't force anyone to believe in any religion.

No, but it infringes other people's freedom of choice, which is the same thing that means you're allowed to believe in whatever the hell god you want.

They have the same marriage rights as I do. They want different ones.

No, they want to give everyone better, and freer, marriage rights.
I'd still like an answer to how gay marriage is against Christianity when Jesus said nothing about it and the silly Old Testament rules don't apply anymore.

Matthew 19:4-6

4And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
context to be interpreted in?

also I assume this is all metaphoric because lol "one flesh"

And also the argument of "since when is God the authority and why should we take him to be the authority"
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