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In Progress Rose&Fang

Charizard Morph

has doomed us all.
Mild cussing and blood. Please as much positive critique as possible, and please enjoy.
Rose and Fang

A burning blitz,
Something is moving in the darkness,
An inferno,
The sounds around me, voices?
I cannot hear them,
I am weak,
They stole me,
Took me from my home,
And now I am dying.
There is only darkness now,
My breath is weak,
I cannot feel anymore,
There is just me,
I am floating,
Breath no longer comes,
I am darkness,
Yet there is fire,
A light?
I will move towards it,
There is nothing else to do.
I awake,
But I am not where I fell,
I am healed,
The other ones they took are around me,
But not all of them,
Are we dead?
No? Yes?
But we are together,
We are darkness,
We are fire,
I am Riz-ar-Rard,
I am Rose-and-Fang!
I am charizard,
And team rocket will pay,
For what they have done to my family,
I am fire,
I am darkness,
I will destroy them,
And none will stop me!
I am strong,
And this is my FIGHT!
I am human,
I am charizard,
I am morph,
And I will destroy them!
I awake,
And I shall destroy.

Chapter one

Chapter one

Rose awoke to the sound of voices, human. By the sound of them, Rockets. She kept her eyes shut and kept her breathing slow, she thought if she didn’t move they wouldn’t notice her, she was wrong.

“Hey! I’ve got a live one!” she heard someone above her say. “Great!” a voice sounded distant. “Let’s get out of here, I’m starting to get creeped out with all of these dead bodies laying around.”

“Damn, I forgot about my tail, stupid rockets.” She thought to herself. Rose stayed still as the rockets dragged her to a truck; to move now would be a fatal mistake, she couldn’t tell for sure, but she was pretty sure that they had guns, and she didn’t want to chance getting shot, she was strong but not bullet proof. Rose was none to gently thrown into a cage; she winced as her back slammed against the bars and the door slammed shut. Then she heard a rumbling sound. “I’m in a truck.” She thought to herself. She hadn’t ever seen one before, but it was easy enough to come to that conclusion.

Rose opened her eyes, the truck was lit with fire from other Char morphs. There were four char morphs in total, herself, a female Charmander and two male Charmeleon morphs; everyone in the truck was a morph, like there were any normal Pokémon in the village they could’ve taken anyway.

Apart from the four Char morphs in the truck there were seven others, a male Flygon, who, sitting in the corner, was muttering something unintelligible. Two Dragonite morphs, a male and female, were sitting next to each other, unconscious. There was male Salamance, whose tail was making a quiet thumping sound as it ran back and fourth along the bars of his cage. A female Altaria, who had her head buried in her wing and seemed to be crying. A female scyther, who was entertaining herself by slowly maneuvering the scythes on her arms into different offensive positions. And a male aerodactyl, who, although the same breed of Pokémon, wasn’t Roses father. Most of them were bruised and/or bleeding.

She examined her body for injuries, apart from a few bruises and an ache in her left wing there wasn’t anything wrong. Then she took a look at her tail, the flame was small, but still burning hot. She breathed a tounge of fire on it; it felt better, but the tiny flame-thrower hadn’t really helped much.

The little Charmander, whose cage was a few feet from Roses, easily slid through the bars of her cage. Her name was Melanie-Fire-Claw; Rose had usually kept an eye on her when her parents were assigned to guard duty. She walked over to Roses cage and slid through the bars then handed Rose a Sitrus berry. Rose smiled at her, she was trying to be brave, Rose knew that. She’d always wanted to be like the grown-ups, Rose doubted that she’d be so quick to complain about being “to little to do anything” again.

Melanie curled up next to her and fell asleep. Rose took a bite of the berry and soon felt much better; the last time she’d watched Melanie had been two months ago, after the past…? Had it only been hours or had it been days? It seemed like years.

The truck rumbled to a stop, the bright light stunned them for a moment as the door opened. Then they were paired up, and handcuffed together.
The two Charmeleon were paired, seeing as they wouldn’t be separated. The Dragonite were paired together, blinking their eyes tiredly as they managed to comprehend what was going on. The Altaria and Scyther were paired, and didn’t seem pleased about it. The Charmander was torn from Rose and paired with the Salamance, he lifted her onto his back, where she clung tightly as he let loose a rumbling growl at the rockets. Rose was paired with the Flygon who had been muttering, he looked at her with a slightly confused look on his face, then shrugged and turned to look at something else.

They were all led into a facility then the pairs were thrown into cells after having the handcuffs removed. A voice came on an intercom “Hello, I trust that you are all comfortable with your accommodations? Fwahahaha” Rose looked at the speaker, with a lost expression on her face. “Well that was odd, they usually just tell the guards to whip us if we do anything suspicious, or stupid. I guess that the rocket who runs the intercom finally lost it.” The flygon morph laughed bitterly. “ My name is With the Wind and among the Stars, please just call me Star, I hate it when people have to use an entire breath just to say someones name.” Rose looked at him in confusion. “Okay, you can stop staring at me like I’m sewing my wings together”

Rose looked away, thinking that this guy was verging on total nutjob, then turned and looked back at him, “so you’ve been here before?”

Star laughed, “Yeah, it’s easy to escape but it’s hard to hide from the rockets, despite what morons they are. This is probably the…. Fourth time I’ve been here, yeah there’s the day count over there, see” he pointed, there were lines that had been roughly scratched onto the wall showing how many days he’d stayed each time, the longest was a month, that was his 1st visit. By the 3rd visit he’d escaped within a week. “It’s about the thirtieth time I’ve been captured though. The truck doesn’t usually get very far with me.”

“So is your goal to escape from this place in three days this time?” she asked sarcastically, his answer wasn’t.

“Pretty much, I’ve actually started figuring out a plan already.” He looked over at a spot on the wall and was silent for a minuet. “See those three stones over there, they’re loose from the wall. Now see the large hole in the wall where there’s a cement slab? That’s how I escaped last time. Throwing the brick through the window first didn’t help much though, it’s a good thing I evolved after jumping through, or I might have bled to death.” Said Star. “This time I think hitting the guard on the head first is probably a good idea.”

Rose spoke up after considering for a minute that this guy was probably a psycho path. “I doubt that we’re going anywhere tonight, too many guards, hitting one would just piss the others off. But I honestly don’t want to escape, not today.” She said calmly. “I’m going to kill the rockets, all of them; they deserve to die, after they killed my family, destroyed my home.” She growled “stupid assholes, they work on creating us for fifty years then decide to kill us off.” Rose took a second to examine what she’d just said and realized that she sounded like a psycho too. “Small world.” She mumbled quietly enough that Star didn’t hear her.

It was his turn to think about someone being a psycho but he just shrugged it off, he figured that given the situation teetering at the edge of insanity wasn’t unreasonable. Then he decided to look into her eyes; when he’d lived in the dessert one of the wiser Pokémon gave him some advice. “If you ever want to know what someone is feeling just look into their eyes.” Rose’s eyes were on fire, even though her manner was calm.

“Well, it might be a little hard to take out a gang with over two thousand members by yourself. Do you think you could use some help?” There was nothing else he could do but help, not without turning suicidal at least, he wasn’t altogether sure that he was completely sane anyway. What could one more life altering decision do? It was his fault that her family was killed anyway, he had accidentally led the rockets to her home.

“Of course I could use help! Let’s just hope that we can find enough.” Her eyes turned thoughtful for a moment. Star nodded. Having a roommate was going to be much more interesting than sitting by yourself figuring out ways to break out of a gray moldy jail cell.

Rose climbed to the top bunk and let her tail hang down, “Oh yeah, my name’s Rose and Fang, just call me Rose.” She yawned. Tomorrow was going to be the worst day in hell she’d ever have, or at least she thought. It seemed pretty likely from the bastards who’d destroyed her home. “Well, at least I can try to return the favor. If it’s the last thing I do I’m going to shove this rocket hell back up their butts. Or die trying.” She stretched out on the lumpy mattress and closed her eyes.
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Well, half way through writing this I realized that, hey, I remember this!



Anyway, hopefully I gave a better review then last time.

Now, if there is anything that makes this story bad, it's your description. All you do is tell, and there is barley any showing. Now, I don't think I can fully explain what showing is, and what telling is, so I'll try my best to show you with an example.

Rose opened her eyes, the truck was lit with fire from other Char morphs. There were four char morphs in total, herself, a female Charmander and two male Charmeleon morphs;

See, this is an example taken from your story that is clearly telling. You tell us she opened her eyes, and you tell us the truck was light from Char-morphs. Now, he's an example of showing with the same concept of your sentence:

Me said:
All she saw were two slits of faint red light, almost like fire, from her eyes. The light disappears as the slits closed, and reappeared as her eyes stretched open, gaining a better insight of her surroundings. Although blurry at first, she could clearly see three or four sources of light, giving off their own heat that she could feel from where the Rockets had thrown her. The more she blinked, the less blurry her vision became until finally she could see the three red creatures, much like herself, with their their tails creating fire in the dark truck.

See how there is description, and that there is only a few spots where I only told anything (the blinking <.<) Sure, telling she did this is easy, but to make writing great, you need to describe (not too much though) so that there's no need for you to just say "She did this."

But uh, not sure if even I can understand that >.>

Anyway, there were also many mechanical things I found wrong in here too:

(Oh yeah, sorry if this doesn't sound 'positive', but at least it will help you in the long run, right?)

“Damn, I forgot about my tail, stupid rockets.” She thought to herself. Rose stayed still as the rockets dragged her to a truck; to move now would be a fatal mistake, she couldn’t tell for sure, but she was pretty sure that they had guns, and she didn’t want to chance getting shot, she was strong but not bullet proof. Rose was none to gently thrown into a cage; she winced as her back slammed against the bars and the door slammed shut. Then she heard a rumbling sound. “I’m in a truck.” She thought to herself.

The two things I find awkward in this, is the way you had Rose 'think' and the way you said Rose twice. Although, the thinking this is more of personal preference, the latter is one you should work on. If you write the the name of a person fir a paragraph, then it would be assumed that when you say 'she' or whichever gender they are, you are talking about them. That helps a lot so that the paragraph doesn't sound repetitive. But what's worse, is that you had Rose at the start of the second sentence, and the start of the third one as well, which makes it sound even more repetitive.

Rose opened her eyes, the truck was lit with fire from other Char morphs. There were four char morphs in total, herself, a female Charmander and two male Charmeleon morphs; everyone in the truck was a morph, like there were any normal Pokémon in the village they could’ve taken anyway.

A male flygon, two dragonite, a male and female, a male salamance, a female altaria, a female scyther, and a male aerodactyl, he wasn’t her father. Most of them were bruised and were bleeding. The Flygon morph was sitting in the corner. “…Stupid rockets again...” She heard him mutter.

The two Charmeleon were paired, the Dragonite were paired, the Altaria and Scyther were paired, the Charmander was torn from Rose and paired with the salamance, and Rose was paired with the Flygon who had been muttering.

Well the only thing I found weird in these quote's is how you list off the pokemon. It's not exactly necessary, and sounds too... list-like. It would sound a lot more smoother if you wrote that there were a few Charmander Morphs lighting the area, with a large diversity of other pokemorph's. Then, as each Pokemorph come in, you describe them instead of rushing through it here now.

And with the second one, why not just say the pokemorphs were paired up with others, and only describe who Rose was with and who Melanie was with. Much easier, as I don't see how they have anything to do with the story (that you can't say when it does have something to do with the story)

She examined her tail, the flame was small, she breathed a tounge of fire on it; it felt better, but it didn’t really help much. Everyone was frightened, their eyes wide and gleaming in the dim fire-light.

I can't see how these sentences relate to each other. And if they're put side-to-side like they are, it makes your writing seem choppy and unfocused. Unless they have something to do with each other, they should be in different paragraphs, because a paragraph is nothing but many sentences (Ie. smaller ideas) combined for a larger idea/thought.

The little Charmander slid through the bars of her cage. Her name was Melanie-Fire-Claw; Rose had usually kept an eye on her when her parents were assigned to guard duty. She walked over to Roses cage and slid through the bars then handed Rose a Sitrus berry. The Charmander curled up next to her and fell asleep. Rose took a bite of the berry and soon felt much better; the last time she’d watched Melanie had been two months ago.

Now, this is an example of having one big idea/thought with all the sentences relating to each other. It's all about Melanie, right?

Rose looked at the speaker, with a lost expression on her face. “Well that was odd, they usually just tell the guards to whip us if we do anything suspicious, or stupid. I guess that the rocket who runs the intercom finally lost it.” The flygon morph laughed bitterly. “ My name is With the Wind and among the Stars, please just call me Star.” Rose looked at him in confusion. “Okay, you can stop staring at me like I’m sewing my wings together”

Remember back when I said a paragraph is about one big idea/thought? Well, expanding on this, in the first sentence of this paragraph, you were talking about Rose. So, usually the reader would expect that any dialogue or thought in the paragraph will be her talking, because she is set as the main thought/idea of the paragraph. So, if the Flygon is going to talk, mention him, or break his dialogue off and start a sentence with him, so we know it is him taking instead of Rose, only to find it was really a Flygon.

Rose looked at him and said, “you’ve been here before?” Star laughed “yeah, it’s easy to escape but it’s hard to hide from the rockets this is probably the…. Fourth time I’ve been here, yeah there’s the day count over there, see” he pointed, there were lines on the wall showing how many days he’d stayed each time, the longest was a month, that was his 1st visit to this place. By the 3rd visit he’d escaped in a week. “it’s about the thirtieth time I’ve been captured though. The truck doesn’t usually get very far with me."

And back to the big idea/thought thing. That includes people, so whenever someone else starts talking (ie. someone new, other then the one talking before), then you make a new paragraph because the idea/thought is about them, not the speaker before.

And uh, tl;dr. There's probably going to be some Grammar/spelling mistakes >.>

Keep it up!
Thanks Dragon_night, your review is better, and thanks for taking the time to write all of that.
I've been working on this story a lot. The first few chapters still need a lot of work, but they're slowly getting better. Chapter two is going to be up soon, so hopefully I do better.
Hi to anyone who's been reading this, sorry it took me so long to get the second chapter up, I've been doing a lot of editing on it. Please enjoy and i hope for some more wonderful criticism. :grin:

Chapter 2
Day one in rocket camp

Rose woke up, the stone ceiling was gray, dark, there were no lights, the little light there was came from the dimly lit hallway, and her tail. She climbed down from the top bunk, “so this is what it’s like in prison,” she thought to herself. Rose had heard of prison, one of the few humans who had visited her home had spoken about it, he’d said it was dark and gray, that you couldn’t escape very easily. She figured that this was pretty close to the same.

She thought about the very few times any humans at all had even seen part of the village.

Rose remembered one time a lady named Joy had come when her father had been hurt in a windstorm. It was odd, her mother had told her to never go past the village border, but that day she had, and she’d brought the pink dressed human to help. That was when she had only been a charmander, “one of the odd things about Poké-morphs, we grow like humans and evolve like Pokémon.” She mumbled to herself. Her mother then told her that if she ever needed help all she had to do was find a town and go to the building with the red roof. Rose wished that she could find help now.

She also remembered once when a trainer with a dragonair accidentally stumbled on the village, her home had never really had a proper name they just called it the village. That was the 1st time she had actually seen a normal dragonair, this was when she was a charmeleon, and her best friend was a dragonair morph. The trainer had asked if he could stay and rest for a while, despite the scared look on his face.

Rose had run and gotten Gumar-of-spoons, the leader of the village, an Alakazam morph. He had told the trainer he could stay for two days. When the trainer was leaving he had challenged Rose to a battle, other morphs had been challenged to competitions like these, usually by wild Pokémon. Rose had accepted. The young man had sent out his dragonair, but it refused to fight, she remembered the Pokémons hateful words “I will not fight a being that was not intended by Mews creation.” The Pokémon stated “you are neither charmeleon nor human, you are unwelcome to fit in either world.” with that the snake-like dragon returned to its pokeball. The trainer apologized then continued on, embarrassed on what her friends had translated.

This was when she had realized that they were not like anyone else, realized why the trainer had been afraid, outside of her home she was a freak, people like her didn’t exist in the outside world. “The last time any humans came they killed and destroyed, I evolved into a charizard then, I flew to one of the air ships, I killed the fearow that the rocket sent out, then I destroyed the ship.” That was the last thing she remembered before she had fainted from the stress of the battle and the evolution.

Star rolled over and opened his eyes “welcome to your 1st real day in hell” he said. “Soon they’ll come and fit us in clothes, oh well, that is the only thing to look forward to, a fresh change of clothes, oh yeah cover your ears…….. NOW!”

A high pitched bell rang, then a voice came on the intercom, “That was the wake up bell, rockets if anyone is still asleep, whip them.” It said tiredly. “And don’t forget to do your morning exercises.” It said with a little more enthusiasm. They both just stared at the speaker as if it were reason these deranged sentences were floating through the base.

The rockets walked along corridors, one entered their room and, even though he was up, whipped Star. “RAAAAAARRRrrrrgggghhhhh” Star was panting “that one was for escaping last time” said the rocket spitefully.

Rose started building up fire for a flame-thrower, “don’t!!” yelled Star. Rose shut her mouth with a snap and flinched as the rocket slashed the whip across his back two more times. Then the spiteful human threw two outfits into the room and left.

Two pairs of jeans cut for tails, then a black shirt with red flames on it, and a dark blue shirt blue shirt with green flames on it. The shirts had two long holes on each of their backs. Rose ran over to Star “are you okay!!?”

Star was panting again, “Don’t worry, I heal fast, she would’ve whipped you too if she’d seen that” he said. Rose watched as the places where the whip had broken through his skin seemingly disappeared. Star groaned and stood up, then grabbed a pair of jeans. He threw a pair to Rose “don’t worry, they’re fire-proof” he stated at her slightly wary look.

She looked around the room, noticing a curtained area in the back she walked over after grabbing a shirt and changed. “What do we do now?” asked Rose as she walked out from behind the curtain, dressed in the red-flamed shirt.

“Well, next they’ll probably take us to the fight room, It’s not really pleasant even though there is more room in there than in here.” Said Star with a bitter tone in his voice.

Rose continued to ask questions until an hour or so later a voice came in on the intercom, “the doors to your cells have been opened, do not try to run, or you will be killed on sight. Get into a double file line and be prepared to fight.” It said joyfully, as if nothing was better than making someone walk down a hallway. “And don’t forget your toothbrushes!!”

“Yep.” Muttered Star. “The intercom idiot has finally lost it, I hope they find a replacement before he starts singing off camp activities and plays a bugle to wake us up.” He laughed quietly to himself. “Although it would certainly add some interest to this dump.”

The morphs were led to a large room that was sectioned into 15 cells; the walls were made of seven-inch-thick Plexiglass. They were each led into separate cells and faced against a rocket. “Alright, the name of this game is win your battle and eat or loose your battle and die.” Said the intercom voice with excitement, like it was a baseball game instead of a death match. “Don’t forget to play nice and fallow the rules!!” It sang. Now the entire base was either staring at a speaker, mouths hanging slightly open, or laughing it’s head off.

Each rocket sent out a Pokémon, the one Rose faced was an aerodactyl, she remembered watching her father, who had been an aerodactyl morph, get killed. A shiver ran down her spine, hatred for the rockets coursed through her at the memory of what they’d done. The rocket she faced was the same one who’d whipped Star; this was going to be fun.

The aerodactyl was obedient as it’s master called the 1st attack “Use wing attack!” this was easily dodged, she quickly shot a flame-thrower at the Pokémon, YESS! It hit leaving the airborne Pokémons underbelly scorched, but still flying. Rose took a deep breath and shot up into the air, her large wings carrying her easily as if she were lighter than a feather.

“Aerodactyl try to knock it out of the air!” The prehistoric Pokémon shot towards her, Rose dodged then charged in and, with fire in her mouth head-butted the Pokémon in the stomach leaving two puncture wounds where her horns had been. Then as the Pokémon began to land she shot a flame-thrower that pounded it against the wall.

The aerodactyl fainted as the rocket recalled it, out of the air, to it’s poke ball. “Stupid worthless never should-of…” the rocket muttered, frustration and hate lacing each word.

“WHAT did you just say?” snarled Rose, her sharp ears picking up the hateful mutterings.
The rocket yelled out, “I just said that this was a worthless stupid Pokémon, what’re you gunna do about it?” she seemed smug as she folded her arms, turning her back on Rose as she moved to open the door.

Rose flew straight at the rocket and pinned her to the wall, “Maybe the Pokémon isn’t worthless, maybe the person who is suppose to be training it is, ever think of that, rocket?” She growled in her ear, thinking strongly about chewing a hole in the neck it was connected to.

Rose dropped her to the floor and walked off, she sat somewhere near the center of the large plexiglass cell, the rocket glared at Rose, wishing her eyes could burn her.

A nervous young man ran in set something on the floor and ran out, he looked as if all he’d done all day was be thoroughly frightened out of his wits. Rose walked over to the item, it was a plate, on it was a piece of some sort of fish, a banana sat next to it. Rose looked up and spotted Star, he looked at her then at the food and nodded, he was already eating his. It looked like they were the first ones to finish their battles.

Rose took a bite of the fish “bleggg” it was cooked, not just cooked but badly burnt too. Rose ate it anyway, she hadn’t realized how hungry she was until the first bite sent stabs of pain through her stomach.

Rose doubted that she would get much more to eat. At home she was able to go days without eating, but that was on a sufficient amount of food. With rations like these she would have to eat every day, even though the food tasted terrible. “At least I get to eat” she growled to herself.

Rose observed the other battles going on, there were some morphs that hadn’t been in the truck. She noticed a Blaziken morph who’d just used double kick to send a Jolteon flying, a Gabite morph who’d just taken out an Exploud by using her Dragon claw, and a Lucario morph that was fighting an Arboks Wrap with his metal claw; were the ones she could see.

She could also see the two Charmeleon morphs who’d been in the truck, they were in the same plexiglass cell together. Rose decided to watch the double battle, it was Zeek and Zuno fire tail. She remembered the twins; they were always causing trouble and joking around in the village. They’d always been up to some sort of trouble; digging holes for people to trip in, making faces at Gumar during important meetings, skipping class so they could pelt the hunters with nuts growing on the trees, etc.

The fight raged on, but about 10 minuets later Zeek was knocked out just as the sealeo Zuno was fighting was knocked out. The crawdaunt Zeek had been fighting was about to kill him, then Zuno ran in and slashed it in the underbelly, killing it instantly as his claws broke it’s shell and dug into the internal organs.

A dark purple-red color, seeping out of the dead Pokémons shell, spread over the field. The rocket sent out an octillery. Rose sat horrified as the red-orange Pokémon smashed it’s head against Zeek’s bloody body; as the small flame on his tail suddenly flared up white and disappeared.

She stared as the rockets dragged the remaining Charmeleon morph, screaming and slashing wildly, out of the fight area. Rose was growing steadily angrier, the heat radiating off her began to fog up the room, then a bell rang, “you are to line up and walk back to your designated cells” said the voice.
The intercom was going to say something more about making sure to respect trees, but Rose used a flame-thrower on it. She stood up and walked to the door, a few rockets stared at the disintegrated speaker in disbelief as she walked out.

She and Star were led back to their small jail cell, “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!!?” yelled Star, his eyes practically popping out of his head.

“I'm not sure, I saw that Charmeleon morph killed and I freaked.” Said Rose calmly, even though there was still a fire of deep resentment and hatred in her eyes.

“I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled.” Star apologized, “But I don’t think destroying a speaker was the best of plans.” He half laughed.

“I hate them all, I should’ve killed that rocket that I was faced against, you know it was the same one that whipped you?” Rose started heating up again, the fire burning to the front of her eyes.

“Woah now take a deep breath and cool down, oh and I'm glad you didn’t kill her, she’s an admin, she has direct contact to Giovanni, killing her would’ve gotten you a worse fate than death, probably.” Said Star, his eyes seemed to light up at the thought of killing an admin.

“Who’s Giovanni?” asked Rose, using her curiosity to calm down and shove her hatred back.

“He runs team rocket, you kill him, and the admins, you have instant rocket chaos.” Star smiled at the thought. “I wonder how the rockets would react if we suddenly started acting nuts?” he said, half to himself.

Rose shook her head. “I have no idea, but we might as well have some fun while we’re here.” She said, with playful sparks dancing in her eyes.
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Chapter 3
Day 2 in rocket camp

Star woke up, stretching as he stood up from the bottom bunk as well as avoiding Roses tail, the flames on it dancing from the movement of air. She was still asleep, her deep breathing and slight twitching making it obvious.

He walked to the small area in the cell that was curtained off, he pulled the curtain and closed off the small space. And relived himself in something that could only be described as a chamber pot. He rolled his eyes as he zipped up his jeans. “Apparently we’re not only in camp, it’s taking place in a medieval castle.” He laughed to himself quietly; then, looking around at the dark gray stones he frowned, “in the dungeon.” He muttered.

Star looked at Rose, hating to wake her up, but getting her up before that damned bell was more important, watching her get whipped wasn’t at the top of his ‘hey, lets do this!’ list. He gently shook her shoulder, “Hey, wake up” Rose sat up and blinked. “You remember the plan?” he asked.

“Yeah, today ought to be fun, well, as fun as it can get in hell.” Rose smiled bitterly, then blinked a few times, eliminating the sleep from her eyes.
She jumped down and sat on the bottom bunk “hey, Star, you’ve been here lots of times right, how come they’ve put you in the same cell every time, you’d think that they’d put you in a different cell, to make it harder to escape?”

Star laughed, it was anything but joyful. “That’s a good question, I suppose they always put me in the same cell so they can figure out how to make it harder for me to escape, problem is, I escape before they can figure out how to keep me in.” Star laughed again, the sound was bitter and full of resentment, as if each escape had been worth nothing.

“Ya know, pretty much my whole life has been trying to figure out how to escape from the rockets, for about fourteen years. I was captured when I was 5, I used to live in the Sinnoh, with a clan of trapinch and other dessert morphs. I escaped after a month, I pretty much dug my way out, any rockets who tried to follow got pulled down to some room, because of my arena trap ability when I was a Trapinch.” He scuffed the floor with his foot, making the dust jump up, he spoke again as it settled back to the floor. “They redid this whole room and now it has several plates of reinforced steel and iron in the floor and walls.” He paused for a minute then continued his story.

“We’re about three stories up, So when I busted through the floor into some weird office I scared to crap out of all those Rockets, I think they were really only hired to do paperwork. They scrambled and made a mess while I just ran down the stairs and out the door. And none of them were smart enough to grab me or anything, I don’t think I’ve seen anything stupider since.”

“So I ran out the door and escaped to a nearby cave, I lived there for four years, and none of them even bothered looking for me within a ten mile radius of the base. I dug deeper and enlarged the cave so there was a huge maze of tunnels, it was amazing, the original entrance was small but deeper in there was this huge chamber. It was all lit up from Chinchou with water flowing...” he trailed off, remembering something with a fondness, like an old best friend.

Pretty much all I ate was berries and some nuts that could be found near the cave entrances I’d dug. Every now and then a wild Pokémon would battle me, most of them said that I was a freak and refused to fight though.” Explained Star.

“That happened to me once too!” said Rose quickly “it was a trainer Pokémon” she murmured sadly.

“Well I’d suppose that it’s happened to a lot of morphs, but there’s not much we can really do about it.
Anyway, about four years after I’d escaped for the first time the rockets found and captured me again, but before they could get me back to the base I’d chewed through the bars of the cage and dug a hole in the bottom of the truck.” He laughed, the sound of it surprised Rose, it wasn’t butter or angry, it sounded like he truly thought the rockets stupidity was funny!

“They were able to find me easier after that, Giovanni actually sent level 3 grunts, the highest level a grunt can be before they become an admin, out to find me the first time. I guess he thinks I'm really important or something because he’s been keeping close tabs on me, or at least as close as he can get.”

“After that I decided that it would be better to stay on the move. I dug into a clothing store and stole pants long enough to hide my feet, a sweatshirt with a hood, a pair of gloves, and a backpack. Two days later I was in a pokécenter and a news bulletin poped up on the TV showing the store I had stolen from, then it showed camera footage of the whole damn thing.”

“So for the next four years I was running from police, rockets, and nutjob alien hunters. As you can guess I got captured, a lot slower than I expected yet I still did, but not by rockets, or anything in the above list, but by a Pokémon collector, I was walking through some woods and was suddenly in a net tied to a tree. The collector was there, and very disappointed that I wasn’t a Pinsir. He recognized me from the news, I’m not sure how, it was a really terrible picture, and he seemed to be half blind, the poor idiot.

Then he got a crapload of money after selling me to team rocket, like I was just some used car or something, I think I would have preferred a zoo.”
“That’s how it’s been for a while now, on my second escape I evolved, then just before the last one I evolved again.” He was cut short by the “wake up bell”, this time a different rocket came in, and Star whispered “act one scene one” in Roses ear.

Their basic plan at this point was to mess with the rockets until they actually figured out a plan, which is, I admit, extremely pathetic.

Rose stood up and walked up to the rocket “Hello, you know, you guys must think your pretty scary, don’t you?” she asked,

“yeah well I'm a level two so you’d better wat” he got cut off, the kid was fuming, it actually looked like his head was on fire.

“Ooh a level twoo rocket I'm sure scared Rose, I might cry.” Said Star sarcastically, then his tone suddenly turned dark and forceful, if the bricks in the wall had legs they would have run. “listen kid” he said, with acid dripping from his voice. “I’ve killed admins, admins close to Giovanni, I’ve been shot and tortured to a point that would have killed you, so you might think that you’re scary but I doubt that you’ve ever even met a normal fully grown dragon type. And if you’ve never met one of those I doubt that you want to see what I can do, because you just might wet that diaper you’re wearing. So if I were you I’d get the hell out of here”

The grunt pulled out his whip, his only weapon besides whatever Pokémon he had, and tried to speak again. His voice, though, was much less confident and his eyes were frightened. “This ought to shut y” he was cut off again, this time by Rose smacking him in the head and stealing his whip. “Go raticate, get my whip back!” The rocket, slightly delirious and frightened was amazed he’d actually gotten a sentence out.

Rose looked at the rat Pokémon, “you look like a snack, I suggest that you go back into your pokéball before you get seriously injured.”
She used scary face, it turned her eyes blood red, her fangs elongated and started dripping a blood-like substance, she started smoking out of her nostrils, and then she let loose a deep growl. The rats’ eyes got huge and he transported himself back into his pokéball. Rose laughed.

The bell rang again, Rose put the whip in the rockets hand and pushed him out the door, he looked like he wanted to cry. Rose sent a tiny flame after him as he stumbled away.

“Do you think that he’ll tell an admin?” Rose asked, not really concerned.

“Nah, he’s a newbie, he won’t tell, his pride won’t let him, and he’s to stupid.” Star smiled. “He probably thinks he’ll get a promotion if he takes one of us down, he wouldn’t, he probably won’t ever be a higher level than he is now. He isn’t even actually the rank he said he was, I’m pretty sure he’s just an underling”

“So, do you think that will work on most of them? She asked, mostly to herself. Then she thought of another question.

Oh, umm have you actually killed admins, or been tortured? Because that voice you used could have sent a herd of charging Tauros in the opposite direction.” Rose asked. Star laughed, “No, I actually haven’t killed anything before, I’ve never been able to do anything worse than accidentally break an Eevees leg. I suppose I'm going to have to at least mortally wound some of the humans if we’re going to get out of here though.” He moved the dust with his feet again. “I can be pretty damn scary when I want to, but most of it’s show. I prefer just getting out of the situation before things get out of hand.

“So you’ve never killed anything…?” Rose trailed off, killing wasn’t hard, she’d killed for food before. Sinking your claws into something as it struggled for it’s last breath was easy, simple, natural. It was pure instinct to kill when you were hungry, it always will be, but what about being chased, Defence? Could you kill if you had to, could you kill for your own life, could you kill for the life of another? The simple answer is yes, you could, but think about it, long and hard about it, before you make that decision, because the real answer could be no.

“Giovanni we have reports on the group of morphs from rout thirty-two, near Violet City, many of them died, about twenty out of seventy were apprehended. There was one of much interest, a Charizard, her flame was out when she was found, but it had re-lit itself when the grunt who found her was coming back that way.” Said the scientist.

“Good, now what about the Flygon?” Giovanni inquired.

“The Flygon was apprehended along with nine other morphs, We did as you said and paired him up this time, he’s shown no signs of even trying to escape. Coincidentally we paired him with that Charizard I just told you about.” Giovanni turned his chair around and looked out the window.

“I received status on their strengths yesterday, that Charizard is strong, she may be of use to us… That will be all for now Thomas, I have business to attend to.” The scientist left, leaving Giovanni with his thoughts.

Rose took down her opponent in just a few minuets, a nidorino, and began “Act one scene two” of their plan, which was still an utterly pathetic, but they still hadn’t thought of anything.

“Hey, rocket” she smiled, it was the same one as yesterday, the bitch. “You guys are afraid of us aren't you?” the rocket opted not to answer. “I mean if I were you (she shuddered at the thought) I’d be scared too, having to fight some “monster” every day, wouldn’t you?” she watched the admin prepare to leave. “Although, in our peoples eyes you guys are monsters” the rocket started walking out of the plexiglass door. “So how does it feel, fighting a person who could kill you, our people know what it’s like, do you?”

The admin stopped. “You ARE NOT people, you are not someone, you are an it, a freak.” Yes! She’d gotten a reaction out of her, which was more than she’d hoped for.

“That’s a little harsh, coming from the same kind of monster that created us, don’t you think?” Rose said with a light, slightly cocky tone. The rocket stared at her; fingered one of the pokeballs at her belt then turned and walked away quickly, tripping on her way out. Rose snickered, then the boy came in and placed food on the floor.

This time it was some sort of purple colored cereal, she looked closer at it, soon realizing soon that it was poke-chow. Rose shrugged and took a bite, “I am half Pokémon after all,” she said to herself. “Maybe I’ll like it.” She did NOT like it, it was completely disgusting. She looked around; many of the morphs were pretty ok eating it, mostly dragon types, including Star.

She noticed a few morphs more today. A Grovyle morph who had just been beaten by a normal Charmeleon, Rose looked away quickly, not wishing for another outburst resulting in the loss of another speaker, instead she placed her attention on a Luxray morph who was neatly finishing up a battle with Hitmonchan.

She watched intently as the morph shot an electric bolt at his opponent, knocking it out. The rocket tried to recall the Pokémon but the morph stepped in front of the bright red beam. He seemed to be speaking to the rocket, which just backed into the wall. The hitmonchan started standing up and suddenly, just as it’d gotten to it’s feet, the morph turned, electricity jumping up and down it’s arms, and slashed it’s throat. The effect was as if the Hitmonchan had an electric collar on hi that was choking it. Shudders ran through its body as it attempted to block the blow, but it was dead before it could even get its arms past its chest. The morph walked out of the room coolly, before the rocket, as he’d lived there his whole life.

Rose turned away, deciding to focus on the gross food. She was horrified; they were the good guys, weren't they? The rules of battle said that it was illegal to kill a trainers Pokémon, didn’t they? Rose shook her head and regained her focus; she was here to stop the rockets, to kill them. “That doesn’t mean it’s right to kill their Pokémon, they’re just following orders, don’t know any better” she said to herself.

“But what if I had to?” she wondered, forgetting completely about killing the Fearow. “ That Luxray didn’t have to” she said, confusing herself. Rose sighed and ate the rest of the poke-chow; she had been absentmindedly eating it while she watched the Hitmonchan get killed and it was almost gone now. The bell rang and the doors opened, time to go.

“What’s wrong?” asked Star “oh and what was that face for when they gave you the poke-chow, I know that we’re part human but most of us morphed with dragon types seem to like that stuff?” Rose looked at him, “well first I'm not a dragon type, I'm fire and flying.” She growled. “And second, I just saw a morph kill a trained Pokémon, killed by one of us, a morph. He just killed it, no warning, nothing, just dead, as if it were the one who’d caused this whole mess.”

“He should’ve gone after the rocket not the Pokémon, the Pokémon was just doing what it was told to.” Rose started shaking, the rooms temperature rising again.

“Woah now, calm down, did the morph happen to be a Luxray?” this caught Roses attention quickly, the room cooled down considerably, Star noticed that she seemed to calm down right away when he mentioned something she was interested in.

“You know him?” she asked.

“No, but I see him all the time, he almost always kills the Pokémon he’s faced against.” He said.

“Sound’s like someone we need to get on good terms with, don’t want him coming after me.” Mumbled Rose.

“We can’t get on any terms with any of the other morphs.” Said Star, “not unless this base sustains an enormous amount of damage…” they both smiled at the thought.

“How did “Act two scene two” of our rather pathetic plan go for you?” he asked.

“Perfect,” said Rose, “the rockets are so easy to beat I was done in just a few minuets.” They continued talking until the light in the hall began to fade, the dark cells gray walls casting eerie shadows.

The legendaries sat in a circle; the leader of the meeting was Rayquaza this time. “Do you know the matter of this meeting?” his rough voice said.

“It is the morphs again, am I correct?” asked a feminine voice belonging Latias.

“Grrrrate, what is wrong with them now?” asked an irritated Groudon, having been woken from his sleep.

Entei growled, “what business do we have with them, they seem to be taking care of themselves fine.”

“Why are we here, this Is the fifth meeting this month!” grumbled Azelf, sitting next to Uxie and Mesprit, it was hard to tell but Uxie seemed to be asleep.

“Why can I never be left in peace, I know this has something to do with Giovanni and team rocket, or I wouldn’t be here.” Said MewTwo calmly, though thoroughly irritated. He was one of the few legends who’d ever had experience with the group and he only ever seemed to be called to meetings when they were discussing the team, or Ash Ketchum. Of course he was the only one who’d ever really kept any sort of contact with him, so they usually only called him when there was some sort of earth threatening emergency.

“Would you all please be quiet, I did not call you here because I wanted to, this is on Giratinas orders,” said Rayquaza, wishing he could be asleep in some giant broken down tower right now, but he knew he had to do this.

The legends immediately stopped complaining. “The matter of this is not focused on all of the morphs this time, this time it is focused on just those few, remember what you told us Celebi?” He said.

“You said that we wouldn’t interfere in that matter, what is to happen is to happen, unless Arceus directly informs us to change something, you know that.” Said Celebi, hoping that they really were changing something. It always got so boring just watching. “Besides, the future isn’t set in stone, even things that I’ve seen for sure can change!”

“I know this very well, but sometimes things must change, this is what we have come here to discuss. In this matter I’m on Giratinas side, we can’t just let this happen, and I’m not going to just sit patently while it does.” Said Rayquaza, he knew that discussing this subject was as fragile as glass, but even Giratina knew that this was wrong, and that made the world even more fragile than the discussion.
Chapter 4
Day 3 in rocket camp

Rose shot straight up and hit her head on the ceiling, her breathing quick and shallow, she had been dreaming about home. She shook her head “I have no home, not anymore, the only place I have now is this stupid cell” she grumbled silently to herself. Her breathing calmed. She remembered her dream vividly.

She was a charmander, making a feather crown, she put it on her head and tied feathers to her arms and ran in circles, flapping them. She ran into their house, not really much of a house, more like a hut, but still her home. “Mommy, Daddy, lookie, now I can fly like you.” Her high little kid voice sang.

Her father and mother laughed, and then her father picked her up, put her on his back, ran outside, and flew into the air. “There, now you can really fly.” He said, laughing, as he rose into the air.

Then everything changed; she became a charizard, tearing into the back of a Fearows neck. She let it fall, and then shot flames at the inside of a helicopter marked with an R. She was electrocuted and fell to the ground.
Then she was in a battle, the rocket suddenly turned into Star and laughed evilly, sending out a giant Gyarados with a wave of water.

Rose shuddered, she wished her father was here, not this, “I just want to go home, or something like it.”

She got down from the bunk-bead and stretched. Star looked at her; “you were going nuts last night, were you having a nightmare?” He yawned.

“Yes, I was” she told him her dream, leaving out the part where he was the rocket. “Wow, I bet that dream had something to do with you missing home huh?” he asked a little regret in his voice.

“Yes, I miss home, a lot. I can’t go there ever again though, I killed there. Besides, no one would be there.” She looked down sadly.

“Make all of us morphs you’re new home, even if you don’t have a place to live at least you have people around you who care about you, that’s what a home really is, isn’t it?” Star smiled and looked at her.

“Star, you’re really wise, no waaay to wise, and what only nineteen? I think you must have some Alakazam in you.” She said, with a laugh.

“Well, you’re way to strong, and only what eighteen? You must have some Machamp in you.” Star laughed a little too.

“Want to hear a terrible joke?” asked Rose.

“Err, okay, but does it have to be terrible?” Rose laughed at his response.

“Yes, it does.” She answered, and then told the joke.
“What goes peck peck peck BOOM!” she asked
“Do I really want to know?”
“Yes, you do: A Torchic in a field full of VoltAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRGGGGG!!”

Rose’s high pitched scream carried her down to the floor, as electricity traveled through her body. The Rocket, who they hadn’t heard come in, had used a thunder gun on her. Then the rocket looked at Star, saw his angered face, smirked, and sent more electricity surging through Rose, making her scream again. Rose was able to keep consciousness only long enough to watch Star slash the surprised rockets throat.

She was floating in and out of conciseness, hearing Star talk to her. “Oh God… please stay alive…” she heard his broken sentences.
“Stupid rocket, you….. use electricity…. fire/flying type…”
“C’mon, you’re the only friend I’ve ever had…”
“NO! STAY AWAY FROM HER, GO AWAY. AAAAAHHHHHRRRRGGGGHH” she heard an explosion. “AAAAHHHHRRRRGGGH…. She completely blacked out then, everything going silent.

“Is she waking up?” she heard a voice say.

“Stay away from her” she heard Star’s voice growl. Then she slowly sat up, slightly dizzy, and looked around.

“Star….Star, I'm awake, who’re you talking to?” He looked at her then looked at the rockets through the Plexiglass window, nine feet above his standing height.

He walked over to her “Lay back down, don’t hurt yourself.” He said quietly.

“I’m fine, it’s ok” she said. “No, it’s not, you probably can’t feel it, and I didn’t even know it was possible, but you’re burnt really bad.” She looked at him; he was shaking, bruised, and covered in blood. They were in a silver and white room that was completely windowless and looked door less except for the window high above them…

“Star…what happened?” she asked. “You’ve been out for two days, lay back down.” He said again “Please.” She lay back down, then asked again, with more force “Star, what happened.”

Star paused “I killed four of them.” He said quietly, “they were hurting you, and I killed them, two level three grunts and two admins. The only reason you’re still in the same room as me is because Giovanni told them, directly, to keep me with you.”

She looked at him; “I wonder why that is?” she questioned.

He frowned then laughed; the laugh sent shivers down her spine with the faint note of hysteria in it. “It’s probably part of their plan to keep me from escaping.” His voice was on the edge of cracking. “And honestly, it’s working, if you weren’t here I would have escaped again, maybe not though, I was getting sick of this little game anyway.” His voice cracked and he started to sob. “DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE BEEN IN THIS HELL? PLAYING THIS STUPID LITTLE GAME OF TAG!” He suddenly yelled out. “I’ve been playing for fourteen years” he whispered. “If you weren’t here I would have probably committed suicide by now, if you hadn’t called me you’re friend.” He said, tears streaming down his face. “Rose, you are the only friend I’ve ever had, ever, my whole life, I’ve been running for too long, I never stayed in the same area long enough to make a friend.” They sat in silence for the rest of the day; the only sound was their breathing.


Suddenly there was a crack in the wall, a light shone dimly, the door to the room opened, and a shadow walked in. “Who are you?” a curt but rough voice said, as the door snapped shut.

Star stood up and walked over to the figure that had entered. “My name is With the Wind and Among the Stars, just call me Star, I’m a Flygon morph.” He said, a little bit of anger in his voice.

“The other one?” the figure asked. “Rose and Fang, call her Rose, a Charizard morph, my best and only friend,… unless you mean no harm.” Star answered, growling a little on the last part.

The figure laughed, an unused and broken one “I mean no harm to morphs, but the Pokémon who serve the rockets have gotten on my nerves more than once, and I wouldn’t say I was a friend. My name is Bolt Thunder Fang, call me Bolt, I'm a Luxray Morph. What the hell could you have done to piss off the rockets bad enough that they put you in here? I kill their Pokémon all the time, but you don’t look like you could bring yourself to eat a pidgey.”

Star glared at him, then Rose spoke up “ he doesn’t kill, not unless he’s protecting someone he cares about.” She said. “He killed four rockets, two at level three, and two admins. I, was shot with a thunder gun, it almost killed me.” She said nervously. “I'm only here because there were orders from Giovanni….” She looked at the electric Pokémorph standing twelve feet in front of her.

Star walked back over to Rose and sat next to her. The morph looked at Star “Aaahhhh, still getting over the shock of first kill.” He looked at Rose, “You’re a fire/flying, easily brought down by electricity.” He looked up then and shot a thunderbolt at the ceiling.

Star jumped and snarled at Bolt getting ready to attack. “Cool it, I was just turning on the light.” He pointed to a bare wire that connected to six different light bulbs, they flickered on in a matter of seconds. Now that the room was lit Rose could see much easier.

There were two bunk beds, she was leaning on one, two doors that blended almost completely into the wall, “a bathroom and a hall door” she guessed, and a poke-proof locked cabinet sat in one corner. Other than that it was metal surfaced with a white ceiling, “great, I'm locked in a giant room that conducts electricity, with an electric Pokémorph.” She muttered to herself.

Star looked at her and smiled, “don’t worry about it, I'm a ground type, I'm not effected, I’d conduct any electricity shot anywhere but in the air anyway.” He said, aiming his comment at the electric pokemorph.

Bolt laughed, “Don’t worry, I can control myself better than that.” He thought for a moment. “Hey, what made that rocket shoot you anyway?” he asked.

Rose grimaced, “apparently it’s illegal to tell a joke.” She said, her clawed fist digging into the palms of her hands. Bolt looked at her and smirked, “wow, you’re basically in the prison from hell and you found some way to say something funny? The legends must have plans for you two.” He said.

“I wish they didn’t, I wish I could have stayed safe, at home. But the rockets will find everyone eventually, won’t they?” she said darkly.

Bolt looked at Star, who was sitting with his head in his hands, “Well, if the legends don’t have plans for you guys, Giovanni sure does.”

Star nearly knocked Bolt out with the force he suddenly pinned him to the floor with. “What. Are. His. Plans? Star said slowly.

“Cool it, did you know that some rockets are actually attached to their Pokémon?” he said smugly.

“WHAT. ARE. HIS. PLANS? He repeated forcefully.

“Alright, just get off me!” Star moved. “A couple of the admins, were……convinced, to tell me about you, Rose, after I saw that horrified look on you’re face when I killed that Hitmonchan, you had finished you’re battle before me, that almost never happens, except for him.” He nodded towards Star “Apparently Giovanni noticed that you’re strength levels were way too high, especially ‘cause you took out an admins level eighty aerodactyl in four moves.” He looked at Roses astonished face and smirked, then he turned to Star.

“You’re way way to smart, even though you don’t use it everyone can tell, he thought you’d be a useful tactician. Now he just enjoys you’re little game of tag, he wondered if you would try to escape if you had a friend.” He looked at Rose. “Meaning no harm, but I'm surprised that you’re still alive…I suppose that little outburst Star had is the only reason you are, Giovanni was planning to kill you so the game could continue.”

Star growled, it wasn’t annoyed, like usual. This time it was purely threatening. He walked away from Bolt and lay down on the bottom bunk of the bed on the left; the one Rose was leaning on. “Can’t they hear us, up there?” Rose asked, looking at the Plexiglass window.

Bolt looked at her and gave a low growling chuckle. “No, not after I killed this side of communication system, I would be in a much stronger containment area if they could.” He said smugly. “But we can still hear them.” He smirked, “ya know, I didn’t know it was possible for a fire type to get burnt, I bet you can’t feel it”

Rose looked at him, growled, and then climbed to the top bunk of the bed she’d been leaning on. “At least there’s more room in here, and light, and these beds are more comfortable.” She mumbled. “Maybe rockets have more respect for people who’ve killed some of them.” She thought, then she fell asleep, her nightmares were waiting.
She’d always wanted to be like the grown-ups, Rose doubted that she’d be so quick to complain about being “to little to do anything” again.
I think that a semicolon would be better here, instead of a comma.
They were all led into a facility then the pairs were thrown into cells after having the handcuffs removed. A voice came on an intercom “Hello, I trust that you are all comfortable with your accommodations? Fwahahaha” Rose looked at the speaker, with a lost expression on her face. “Well that was odd, they usually just tell the guards to whip us if we do anything suspicious, or stupid. I guess that the rocket who runs the intercom finally lost it.” The flygon morph laughed bitterly. “ My name is With the Wind and among the Stars, please just call me Star, I hate it when people have to use an entire breath just to say someones name.” Rose looked at him in confusion. “Okay, you can stop staring at me like I’m sewing my wings together”
Okay, this paragraph has some issues. At the end of a sentence, you need a period- you lack some sometimes after dialogue.
The "Well that was odd" sentence sounds a bit weird. I think it should be "Well, that was odd!" It should be in another paragraph; when a new person speaks, their dialogue goes to a new paragraph, and there are some general formatting issues here. Ditto for when Star talks. You have some spacing issues with quotation marks here as well.
You had the same punctuation problem at the end of the paragraph. You also referred to Star as the flygon morph. Flygon should probably be capitalized; if not, keep capitalization consistent! This is a good story, but at times it has some issues with how it flows.

Star laughed, “Yeah, it’s easy to escape but it’s hard to hide from the rockets, despite what morons they are. This is probably the…. Fourth time I’ve been here, yeah there’s the day count over there, see” he pointed,
there were lines that had been roughly scratched onto the wall showing how many days he’d stayed each time, the longest was a month, that was his 1st visit.
You have some recurring problems with speech and punctuation. It does sound like real-life dialogue, which is good, but it jumbles into annoying run-ons.
This part could do with some changes, like this:
"Yeah, it’s easy to escape, but hard to hide from the rockets, despite what morons they are. This is probably the…. fourth time I’ve been here. Yeah, there’s the day count over there, see?” he pointed, to the lines that had been roughly scratched onto the wall showing how many days he’d stayed each time. The longest, a month, was presumably his first visit.
That's better.
By the 3rd visit he’d escaped within a week. “It’s about the thirtieth time I’ve been captured though. The truck doesn’t usually get very far with me.”
There are more punctuation errors here- seems to be punctuation error territory. You've got a good story, but careful grammar checking is key. I also don't think this is very realistic- thirty times? Why the heck haven't they identified him and zeroed in? I don't care what morons they are; they'd recognize him by now, and shape up. The truck seemed pretty formidable when Rose was on it- cages and bars, no one even daring to struggle (though this may have been attributed to some of them being young, shocked, wounded, or a combination). Does it become useless whenever Star sets foot in it, an effect which is apparently only canceled out when Rose is nearby? I suppose since he is such a good (almost to unrealistic extents) escape artist, getting away just comes easy, but please tell me how the heck he manages to scramble away, and why he didn't do so this particular time.
Also, after captured, there should be a comma.
In the next paragraph, you suffer from the same punctuation issues.
Psychopath is also misused as well as misspelled. I don't think 'psycho' or psychopath really sums up Star's reckless intentions.
These aren't the only issues, but I don't really feel like pointing out the same errors repeatedly in this story.
I'm sorry to sound harsh, honestly. I really think this story has potential and is pretty nice, but it needs polishing. I like how the story has a lot of action and some determined characters.
Chapter 5
Day six in rocket camp

Rose was walking down a hallway, she recognized it, she was walking towards the fight room. Star and Bolt were next to her; there weren’t any rockets around, just them. She wondered why they weren’t escaping, but decided to keep walking. They walked into the room, the walls had been removed, there were marks on the floor where they had been. There were about eighty morphs standing behind the only wall left, each ones eyes following them solemnly, as if they had been sentenced to death. There were rockets too, smirking, their evil grins, she wanted to kill them. Their eyes followed them too; theirs had laughter in them.

A dark shadow stood across from them, an unknown voice asked a question. “What is your name, morph?” It asked, it was not mocking, just inquiring.

She stepped forward, “my name is Riz-ar-Rard, for human speech that translates to Rose-and-Fang, I have fought, and I will never stand down, this is my fight.” She didn’t decide to say those words, they just came.

“Rose-and-Fang…” he repeated the name slowly, then looked at star. “You are…?”

Star stepped forward to stand next to Rose on her right side. “I am With the Wind and Among the Stars, where Rose stands I stand, my greatest friend.”

The shadow laughed, “yes, the Flygon morph, are we tired of tag?” Star growled, his fangs bared.

The shadow laughed again, then turned to Bolt. “Your name?”

Bolt stepped forward to stand on Roses left side. “I am Bolt Thunder Fang, I run with my friends.”

Then the room went dark and she was by herself. Floating in silence, the only light, her tail. A voice sounded, calm but powerful. “Your life, choose its path carefully, the directions you can go… be careful...” Then it faded; she stood at a crossroads, the signs unreadable.

Rose woke up hyperventilating, Goosebumps up her arms and back, sweat running in her eyes. She didn’t know why she was so frightened; the dream hadn’t even been that scary. She took a deep breath and jumped down from her bunk, walking to the door she suspected was a restroom, not noticing as Star had his own dreams.

He was escaping from the rockets, flying towards the woods as fast as possible. The trees flashed by, he had escaped the rockets. He knew that a clan of morphs lived here, knew that they would help. He would lie low there for a few days, then set out again, staying on the run, he had to run, there wouldn’t ever be another choice for him. He landed at the entrance to the Pokémorph city, this clan had the most morphs he had ever heard of, being in one place at one time other than at a rocket base. He walked in, asking for the leader while the two morphs standing sentry argued about what to do, which wasn’t much.

He was directed to a large hollowed out tree. He started to explain his situation to the Alakazam morph that lived there. He listened patiently and had few questions or comments while Star told his story.

A Charmeleon morph ran in just before he’d finished his story. “GUMAR!! There are humans with helicopters marked with the letter R nearing the village, what should we do?” she said urgently.

“Go tell the others to prepare for a fight, quickly.” The fire morph left, running, calling out names. The Alakazam morph looked at Star angrily, “YOU LED THEM HERE!?”

Star’s eyes widened, then he said in a whispered voice “No, no no no.” he shut his eyes, covering them with his hands and digging his claws into his scalp, little dots of blood stained his hair. “I thought I lost them, I’m so sorry.” The leader glared at him then walked out.

Star was suddenly in the middle of the battlefield, he watched people die, Pokémon die, morphs die, he shuddered, it was his entire fault, he’d led them there, families dead, separated, rockets dead, fire burned the forest, their home, everything was bleeding fiery red.

There was blood everywhere, being drunk by the ground and flowing in rivers from bodies. Rockets walked through the massacre, searching for survivors no doubt. One spotted him, sent out a Golbat, telling it to use mean-look. Star ignored the attack, started walking towards the truck they were loading, there was no point in running, he’d escape as soon as they locked him up anyways. “All my fault, I murdered them, all my fault.” He said to himself as he took his place in one of the cages in the half filled truck.

The dream changed and he looked down, there was blood everywhere, again. Four humans in shirts marked with R’s lay there, their throats slashed open, blood spilling out of wounds in their sides and caking their black shirts to the floor, the smell was nauseatingly cloying and sweet. He picked Rose up, surprisingly light for a Charizard morph, and carried her, he walked to the advanced holding area, he knew this place better than anyone else, he knew where everything was. Rockets followed behind him stunned, not knowing what he would do next. “I killed them, it’s all my fault, I'm a murderer, I killed them all, and it’s my fault.” Suddenly he felt a shaking.

Rose walked over to Star, he was tossing and turning, muttering something about murder, she shook him awake. He opened his eyes, and then sat up. He put his head in his hands after barely glancing at her. “All my fault, all my fault, murderer, all my fault, I killed them, all my fault.” He kept saying, sounding like he was choking on the words.

“Star, Staaraar, can you here me, are you ok?”

He didn’t look up, “all my fault, their blood, all my fault, my claws, so many.” he groaned. “All my fault, all my fault.” He looked sick.

BAM! Rose smacked him, “WITH THE WIND AND AMONG THE STARS! WAKE UP!” he jumped then he looked up taking deep breaths of air.

“I’m sorry.” He said looking at her with blank eyes.

“Well, I think that we’re all awake now, I’ve been here for Three years, and this is the first time anything but that damned bell has woken me, if I’d slept.” Said a voice from behind Rose.

She jumped, then glared at Bolt. “I suppose that you think you’re funny don’t you?” she growled at him.

“No, I really don’t, what’s wrong with you’re friend?” Bolt asked, his tone as close to concern as he could get it.

Star looked at him, “I'm fine, go away.” He said quickly, irritated that the Luxray morph had even asked.

“Star, what’s wrong, you are not fine.” Rose demanded, worry deep in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t want to talk about it right now, I’ll tell you when I can, though you’ll probably hate me afterwards.”

Rose shook her head at him, “Don’t be stupid, and don’t be angry at yourself for killing those rockets, it’s not your fault.”

Star took a deep breath. “It is my fault though, it all is. I promise I’ll tell you about it later.”

Rose stood up and stretched “ok, should we continue to Act three scene one of our pathetic plan?” she asked him, figuring that it’d be pointless to try prying the answers out of him.

“Ha” Bolt snickered, “what are you doing, shooting a movie?” he laughed.

“Actually, this probably wouldn’t make a bad movie, but no.” Star stated.

Bolt looked at him, and then said mockingly, “So, was part of you’re plan to massacre four rockets and land in an advanced cell?” Star stiffened, the only part of him moving was his chest as he breathed.

“If you Ever, Ever make a comment like that again I swear to you that I will personally rip out your guts out through a hole in your throat, then stuff you with metal shavings, while you are still alive, do you understand?” Rose said this with dark menace, the heat in the room growing.

Bolt could hardly speak, he just nodded then muttered one word spitefully, “Leader.”

Rose glared at him, “what is that supposed to mean?”

“You’ve never seen a pack of Pokémon have you?” he asked, smirking.

“You mean like a group, with an alpha and such, right?” she was interested now, the room cooled down.

“Yes, when I said “leader” it meant that you are the alpha. You’re considerably stronger than I am, even though I have the element of electricity on my side. You could most likely beat me in a match where we didn’t use moves, and I really don’t wanna fight someone who’s on the same side as me, or else I’d probably fight for the position right now, so, you win.” Then he added in an undertone “And you just threatened to stuff me with metal shavings and God knows there’s enough metal in this room for that to happen.”

Rose looked at Star, “well, I suppose that we’re a pack now, whatever the heak that means.” She laughed.

Star chuckled a bit, then he sighed. “Ya know, this is the closest thing to a family I’ve ever had, in a long time. It’s nice to know that someone cares…”

Rose looked at him then smiled. “Don’t be stupid, every morph in this facility cares about you, even if they don’t know you, remember what you told me?” He looked at her blankly, she rolled her eyes “You said, ‘Make all of us morphs you’re new home, even if you don’t have a place to live at least you have people around you who care about you, that’s what a home really is, isn’t it?’ you know I'm right.”

Star looked at her and smiled, then he grinned, then he laughed, “I suppose I can’t deny something I said,” then he frowned, “ya know, this is why we’re here in the first place right?” they both laughed.

“I don’t get it.” Mumbled Bolt, shaking his head. “Why’d they have to give me psychos for roommates?”

The bell rang, Rose looked at Bolt, “Follow our lead, and don’t attack anyone.” He rolled his eyes.

Two rockets with thunder guns and at least three Pokémon each walked in. you could tell that they were admins the way they carried themselves, they also had an air of importance, and a look of stupidity. “Hello, what are your names?” Rose politely asked.

“Why?” grunted one of the rockets, making both of them sound like idiots.

“Well, you two are probably some of the strongest rockets here so it’s only natural that you would come and guard the cell with the most dangerous morphs, and if you’re guarding us that means that you think your Pokémon can defeat us. So if I'm faced in a battle with one of you it seems that if I loose it won’t matter weather or not I know your names, and I’ll be able to congratulate you properly before you kill me.” She said this very fast, the rockets made an attempt to look as if they understood what she’d just said but ended up just looking confused.

“Why don’t I start, not that you care what my name is anyway, my name is Rose, this is Star.” She said in a demeaning tone as she pointed to him. “And this is Bolt.” The rockets just stare at like she’s lost her mind, then the bell rings. The first rocket walked out, the second stayed for just a few seconds, staring at her, and then she left quickly.

“Huh, well that was indescribably weird, what was that for?” asked Bolt, “I'm glad you told me not to attack anyone though, one of them was gunna shoot you, I think.”

“Well thanks for not attacking them because they were only thinking about shooting me, although, if he had shot me…” she trailed off for a moment. “Anyway, that was just to confuse the crap out of them, if we can effectively start them thinking about something they do poorly in their battles, when one of us wins a battle too easily we give the rocket more to think, or just be pissed off about.” She paused for a moment, “I think we want them to think we’re trying to escape, or that we’re insane, which is probably winning.”

Bolt looked at her, then at Star. “Ok, well if you want the humans to think we’re nuts that’s fine, but I suggest you wear these.” He threw Rose a pair of leather gloves he pulled out from under his bed. “If you get shot again they might help, you can cut the fingers off, makes it easier to use moves like Slash.”

He held up an almost paw like hand, on it was a glove, the same kind, with the fingers cut off. He threw Star a pair, “I know that electricity doesn’t effect you, but it never hurts to have extra protection.”

Stars claws glowed with a purple light, then he quickly cut the fingers off the gloves. Rose heated her claws with her tail, then sliced through the leather as if it were paper. “At the village we worked with leather a lot, though I’m not sure where we got it. Mom taught me that.”

Rose looked down sadly for a moment, then looked up as Star asked a question. “How can you wear leather without it affecting your attacks?”

Bolt almost laughed at this. “I used to have to wear leather or every time something touched me I’d electrocute it, I can control electricity better now though, so it‘s just a habit.” He said just as the bell rang, and they were escorted to the fight room.

Rose and Star were led into a larger room, instead of one field this was the size of two, you could see where the glass had been removed. Bolt was lead into a room next to them, this one was normal size, but you could see scorch marks on the glass and… blood stains, in the floor. It was apparently Bolts personal fight room.

They didn’t have much time to look at their surroundings, soon the two rockets from earlier walked in. “My name is Joe.” The man smiled evilly.

Then the girl spoke. “My name is Kaylee.” She smirked.

Then Joe spoke again, “we’re going to beat you. This is a double battle field, if one of you looses, you both die.” He explained as he threw out a poke ball.

Rose snarled at him. “GO! Rampardos!” he yelled. The girl, Kaylee, threw her pokeball silently, “DEL! Delcatty!” the Pokémon purred as it appeared out of its pokeball. Rose and Star braced themselves for attack.

“THUNDER!” yelled the man, the Rampardos roared then started charging electricity.

“Delcatty, use Double Edge.” Said Kaylee calmly.

“DEL!” it nodded then ran full force straight at Star.

“Shit! Rose, in the air!” Star spread his wings then jumped, Rose did the same, she had just barely gotten into the air when the Rampardos let a massive bolt of electricity loose straight at her. Star flapped his wings, sand materializing out of nowhere, and shot it straight at the attacking Pokémon, jumping between the electricity and Rose.

“HEAD SMASH!” yelled Joe.

“Delcatty, IRON TAIL!”

Rose shot a Flame-thrower at the advancing rock type then, as the Delcatty jumped to hit her she slammed her tail against its.

“ASSIST!” the normal types eyes glowed.

“DRAGON RAGE!!” Rampardos roared then shot purple fire at Star, hitting him straight in the chest.

“STAR!” Rose yelled.

“Rose, LOOK OUT! BEHIND YOU!!” She turned in time to see the Delcatty open her mouth and shoot a hundred gallons of water at her. Instantly Roses instincts took over. She dove then spun just underneath the water, inches from the ground, her wings barely brushing against the water and shot a flame-thrower at the Pokémons forelegs, not thinking first, not thinking at all.

“ZEN HEADBUTT!” the man shouted.

Rose saw a flash of light come from Star just as she rammed her head into the Delcattys chest. The cat-like Pokémon screamed as it flew backwards.

Rose landed, “THUNDER!!!” screamed the male rocket. Rose shot a flame-thrower at Rampardos before it could attack. Then she slammed the Delcatty with her tail as the female rocket called out an attack.

Rose couldn’t hear anything, see, or feel anything, she was numb, she just attacked. Fury raged through her, she could do anything, she was wild, and she wanted to KILL. She felt her fangs, running her tong along the razor sharp bones. Her claws were deadly weapons, waiting for blood to run through her fingers.

Star got up from the attack then flew into the air, he slammed into the floor, shattering the tile, sending shock-waves at the now defending Pokémon.

The cat fainted and was soon called back into it’s pokeball. “Thank you Delcatty, you did well, I know that was hard.” Kaylee whispered to it, out of notice from the other rocket.

The Rampardos shook itself and stood up. Rose charged at it, slamming it into the Plexiglass, cracking it, and again, sending shards flying. Then she placed her claws up to the fainted Pokémons neck, she was going to kill it, she wanted its blood on her claws, to feel its heart stop, she could feel it‘s pulse, she felt her claws, digging into it‘s leather hard flesh.……

“ROSE!! STOP IT!!!” yelled a voice. Stars voice. She felt something click, “It’s not the Pokémons fault.” she gasped. She dropped the rock type to the ground, it suddenly felt like it weighed hundreds of pounds.

The rocket called it back to its Pokéball, and ran out shouting something, Rose didn’t hear, she was numb, “the glass?” she mumbled. Star nodded. Her gaze drifted; over the shards, some of them crimson, and up to the wall where a hole had been smashed into the wall. “The blood too?” he nodded again. “oh.”

Kaylee stood there for a moment, staring at Rose, then walked out swiftly.

Rose looked into the cell on her right, the side she hadn’t cracked. Bolt was there, looking at Star disapprovingly, as if he‘d done something wrong; Rose wondered what. She looked at the cell to her left again, the cracks spider-webbing quickly from the point of impact. A Scyther morphs battle had stopped, she was faced with a rockets Gligar. They were staring at her, she looked around, many morphs, rockets, and Pokémon were staring at her.

Star walked over to her; “You cracked the glass.” he murmured, as if she didn’t know who’d done it. Rose took a deep breath then sat down. A boy opened the door and slid two dishes into the room; they stopped where Star had ruined the floor.

Rose ate absentmindedly; she didn’t pay attention to what it was, or how it tasted, she didn’t move, afraid of herself.

“Why did you stop her?” Demanded Bolt once they were back in the cell. “Because she didn’t want to kill it, she didn’t make a conscious choice to, I don’t believe she ever would either.” Star said defensively.

“If the rockets have one less Pokémon to battle with it just gets us one step closer to defeating them.” Argued Bolt.

“It’s not the Pokémons fault it has to fallow the orders its trainer gives it. They are innocent.” Star growled at him.

“I’m going to bed.” Rose said quietly.
She did not sleep well, Bolt and Stars argument continued for most of the night. Eventually star climbed into the bed under hers. Rose had nightmares, mostly of crossroads and blank signs. Sometimes she was killing the Fearow again; sometimes she had her claws against the Rampardos neck, feeling the skin split as she pressed harder.


“MewTwo, you broke the rules.” Said Mew quietly, sadly, the other legendaries nodded.

“I'm sorry about her dream, it needed to be done.” MewTwo said calmly.

“I know, but you still broke the rules, there has to be a punishment, no matter how much we agree with you.” Mew said, authority in his voice.

“Yes, I’ve already accepted that, what is the punishment?” he said calmly.

“That’s the problem, punishing you is almost impossible, you’ve been through so much hell that there’s pretty much nothing we can do to you, the only thing we can do is banish you from the board concerning the morphs.” Mew spoke sadly, this was as much MewTwos war as it was the morphs.

“You know that doing that will just make me break more rules, this is my fight too, and I‘m not going to stop just because you said so. You should know that by now.” MewTwo laughed.

Mew smiled “I think we just found our loop-hole, although it will end with at least two of us being banished from the realm of the legends forever, or dead.”

Rayquaza sighed. “Do what you have to, but remember, it is their choice, we can only hope to steer them in the right direction.” MewTwo nodded, then teleported out of the realm.


“Giovanni, the Charizard Morph cracked the glass, she’s stronger than we thought, should we change anything?” Thomas asked.

“No, fix the glass, don’t change anything.” Thomas walked out of the room, he realized that his creations needed to be destroyed, they were too strong. He walked into his lab, the same lab his father had used when the first, the real, Giovanni had been in charge.

The same lab where the blueprints for cloning had been developed, now the same lab where he had created the morphs. “Both defiant, both destructive, both a harm to the human race.” He thought to himself. “If the morphs are discovered, they will surely be the fall of us, they’re too different. Some are able to be captured, like Pokémon, others are not, they are stronger than humans, sometimes smarter too.” He sighed to himself. “What have I done?” he sat down. “They are alive, they are living and thinking, they have souls, I created them, I‘ve loved them and cared for them.” He put his head in his hands. “What have I done!?” He yelled the sound of his voice, his turmoil, reverberating off the walls.
Normally I write "cliff hangers", but reading them makes me angry. Anyways, this story is pretty entertaining, although you may need to work on capitalization and spelling. he correct spelling for "Mewtwo" has no capital "T" in it. Still, please keep it up Char. At least I know where you got your username now. (Perhaps I'll write a similar story.)
Thanks Eeveelution, i'll work on that, sometimes i forget about capitalization. And keep working on that story of yours, it's good.

Okay, this is a HUGE time jump, and i know those are irritating but i wasn't going to write four or more chapters of my chericters developing a routene. Other than that it should be fine, so enjoy!!

Chapter Six
Four weeks and four days in rocket camp

Nothing out of the ordinary had happened in twenty-six days, no new morphs had come, no freak outs because of the nightmares they had, pretty much the only thing new was that they only had to go to the fight room about four times a week. Oh, and all the rockets were afraid of her, she guessed that’s why they only went to the fight room every other day.

She, Star, and Bolt worked out plans to freak out the rockets, they mostly worked, but it was getting boring, messing with the same rockets every day. Everything was routine now. Wake up from nightmare or just plain twisted dream, mess with rockets ‘til they wanted to shoot you, go to fight room or discuss plans on how to eventually start a war that would either kill them all or destroy the team rocket, spar, develop new tactics for battle, eat gross food that was either overcooked or was cereal, stay up for three hours and argue, sleep, have nightmare about someone dying…repeat.

For a while that’s how it was, then she woke up to voices, coming from the Plexiglass window at least twelve feet above the floor.

“Hey, Mike, Why do you think they’re still alive?”

“I don’t know, Joe, what do you think?” She lay very still, this could be important.

“I don’t know, maybe Giovanni likes them, but that Charizard,” he spat the word “was gunna kill my Rampardos before the Flygon morph told her not to.” Rose cringed; she hated herself for loosing control like that.

“I'm surprised that the Luxray hasn’t killed her yet though.” Said the voice belonging to Mike. “So, what do you think, I know that putting a spy in there could be risky, especially if it got caught.” Roses muscles tightened, she quickly relaxed, hoping that the rockets didn’t notice.

“It might work, the morphs who singed up for it are smarter than most, stronger too, although I don‘t see why they‘d want too, other than it buys them some time.”

She heard Star groan. “Star, don’t move, pretend you’re still asleep.” She whispered. She heard him roll over.

It was silent for a few minuets. “That was close, I thought he woke up. I don’t know if we should go on strength here, those two are stronger than most morphs.” Rose noticed how whiney Joe’s voice was. “ I wish we could hear them, it’s irritating that they won’t fix the speaker so we can.”

Rose heard Star suppress a laugh. Joe sighed. “Ya know, that Charizard looks oddly familiar.” Her arms grew goosebumps.

“It’s odd that the Flygon escaped at the same time we went to find that clan, he just made it that much easier, how did you know about them anyway?” asked Mike. Rose heard Star stiffen.

“About four years ago, about two years after I started training, I got lost in those woods. The morphs let me stay there for a couple days. I asked them if I could have a battle, a Charmeleon morph accepted. Dragonite, when she was a Dragonair, didn’t want to battle a freak, and now I agree with her, the morphs are dangerous, that Charmeleon would’ve probably killed her, I wonder if they’re the same?” It was the one named Joe.

Roses head was buzzing, she couldn’t concentrate on what they were saying. “They might be, anyway, what should we do with the whole spy thing?”

Rose took a deep breath, calming herself. “Yeah we should ha… ones awake.”

Rose heard Bolts footsteps. “RAR!!”

Rose jumped, “WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM!!” she yelled at him.

He was laughing. “Sorry, I needed a good laugh, did I wake you?”

she glared at him. “No, next time you wake up you might wanna listen for a while though, they’re gunna put a spy in here, I think.” She jumped down from the bed, her mind still buzzing. “Star?”

He turned his head towards her. “I’m sorry Rose.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” she sighed with irritation.

“Yes it is, you could’ve escaped if I hadn’t shown them the way!”

She shook her head. “We would’ve been captured eventually anyway, and even if it would’ve given us time it wouldn’t have been much.”

Star looked down. “I hate myself.” He mumbled.

“Star, don’t be stupid, did you hear the rest of what they said?” she asked sharply. He looked up. “Something about battling a Charmeleon morph in that place when he was a kid, right?”

Rose smirked, “Maybe it is the legends, you can never know.”

Star looked at her, slightly confused, then it sunk in. “It’s not my fault?” he sounded stunned.

“Finally! No, it’s not your fault, DUH! If the rockets were looking for us then there was nothing we could’ve done in the first place!” Rose was relieved, “Poor Star” she thought “He’s been blaming himself for all those deaths ever since the village was attacked.” A fire started in her eyes. “I'm going to see if you can request battles.” She said confidently as she looked up at the window.

Bolt yawned. “Not that your conversation has been extremely informative.” He said sarcastically. “But what the hell is going on?!” Star looked over at him then explained his situation to him. Then Rose told him about the trainer with the Dragonair. “So you were suicidal because you thought you killed over a hundred people, and you want a rematch with that Joe what’s his person so you can tell his stupid Pokémon to shut the hell up…right?”

Rose smirked “That sounds about right to me.”

Bolt shook his head. “You two are nuts, am I allowed to kill the rockets Pokémon today?” Rose sighed, she and Bolt had come to an impasse, a way he could mess with the rockets, that he was happy with. The plan was that sometimes he killed their Pokémon and sometimes he didn’t, there was no pattern, it was just a random tossup, the flip of a coin.

Rose wasn’t happy with the arrangements but it was better than having someone innocent die every day. “No, and if you think we’re nuts look at yourself, you’re asking someone if it’s O.K. to kill people!”

Bolt growled at her “Technically they’re not people.”

Star sighed, they had been going at each others throats on this issue for weeks. “Can you talk to them?” he said calmly.

“Yes” Bolt growled.

“And we can understand them when they speak, can’t we.” His voice still calm.

Bolt growled again “Yes, but they can’t talk to humans, we’re part human, so we’re people, and they are not.”

Star shook his head. “For being part Pokémon you’re pretty freaking racial, Pokémon have a strong bond with humans, they have souls, they think and learn, so they are people.” Star was getting angrier and louder.


Star was yelling too now. “MAYBE IT’S JUST YOU WHO DOESN’T HAVE A SOUL!!” He screamed.

Both were suddenly attacking each other, Bolt uselessly sent out a bolt electricity, Star bit his shoulder. Rose pulled them apart after a few seconds, she was appalled by the fact that they were so easily able to attack each other. She glared at them both, then spoke loud and clear. “YOU TWO NEED TO STOP.” She spoke every word with clarity, pausing between each one.

“You’re acting like children, now I'm not sure weather or not we have souls but you can bet my tail flame that if I hear another word on the subject I’ll make sure you find out the answer to that question!” she spoke quietly. “Do you understand?” both Star and Bolt looked shocked, then nodded.

“Good, the bell is going to ring in a minute so I suggest that you get ready.” They didn’t have much of a plan to mess with the rockets today, but what happened shocked them; instead of confusing a rocket she confused them.

The bell rang and Rose walked directly in front of the door then sat down about eight feet away from it. Then a rocket walked in by herself. Rose raised an eyebrow at her. “No one else is with you?”

The rocket laughed. “Nope, just me and my Pokémon.”

Rose glared at her. “So which is it, did you decide to commit suicide or are you just stupidly brave?” she snapped.

The rocket laughed again, it was light laugh, one that had a ring of kindness to it. “No, I'm not committing suicide, and I honestly don’t think you would kill an ally, would you?”

All Three looked up in surprise. “You know, the rockets aren't the only ones who have spies, and I know you overheard that conversation those two had up there, they’re rather stupid, those two. I don’t blame them though, it’s the only place to talk in private, and every one else’s been afraid to go up there since you almost broke through eight inches of plexiglass.”

Rose stood up and walked over to her. “How did you convince them to let you in here by yourself?”

She smiled. “The grunt I was with is scared to death of you guys, so I ditched him and came alone, I can’t believe you cracked that glass, not even a level forty Steelex could crack that stuff.” She was clearly over-impressed.

“If you haven’t noticed, Rose is a little more than level forty.” Said Star confidentially. “Who are you?”

She smiled, again. “You don’t remember me from your double battle?”

Bolt laughed “Neither of them try to remember anything about it, all cause Rose was gunna kill a Rampardos.” Star glared at him, he smirked.

“I’ve never seen a morph loose control like that before, do you have any clue what triggered it?” asked Kaylee.

Rose glared warily at her, “No, I'm not sure what triggered it, and I still don’t trust you, but I have a request.”

Kaylee frowned. “What is it?”

Rose smiled, and that odd fire entered her eyes again. “I want a rematch with Joe, tell him to bring his Dragonite, tell him I’m the same one.”

The bell rang; Kaylee looked at her for a moment, “ I‘ll see what I can do,” and left.

Star looked at Rose, slightly alarmed. She saw his glance. “Don’t worry, I'm just out to prove that I'm “of mews creation” as the Dragonite so kindly put it.”

Star shook his head, “I know this will probably make you mad, and I'm not worried that you’ll make the conscious choice to kill it, but what if you loose control again?” Star was right, to a certain extent it did make her mad, but she knew he was right, what if she did loose control again? It was the same Rocket too.

Bolt rolled his eyes, “so what if she looses control, it’ll” Rose cut him off.

“Bolt, I know this may be hard for you to understand,” her voice was calm but they could hear the menace behind it. “But most people don’t enjoy killing, they usually try to avoid snapping someones neck, so I would appreciate it if you would stop being such a homicidal freak.”

“Fine, I‘m sorry“. He growled.

“Star, I haven’t lost control like that before in my life, and it‘s been forever since it happened, I’m pretty sure I can handle it, and if I can’t, well, we’ll see.

Rose and Star sat and talked about a plan they’d been working on for the last week until the bell rang.

Bolt was still muttering about Pokémon, but at least it was to himself.

Rose walked into one of the cells; Star and bolt took the ones on either side of her. Joe walked in, “well, this is odd, I don’t think a morph has ever specifically asked to battle a certain person before.”

Rose growled “Send your Dragonite out.”

He smirked. “Or a certain Pokémon, won’t she be pleased that the freak from that colony of morphs wants to have a real battle. GO, DRAGONITE! Look who’s here.”

The battle started abruptly, without the rocket giving any command, his Dragonite launched into the air. “Well now, aren’t you a fine sight, aren’t you that Charmeleon morph from a while back?”

Rose smirked, then dodged a slam then shot flames at her. “At least you remember me, what changed your mind about battling ‘freaks’?” Rose shot straight at her only to turn and slam her own tail in Dragonites face.

“I decided that ridding the world of them was better than leaving them alone.” Then the Pokémon flew and slammed its wing in Rose’s face only to be shredded by sharp teeth.

“Battling is a thing of honor, at least I thought. Maybe Dragonite aren‘t as heroic and honorable as all the old stories say after all.” Rose taunted as the Pokémon unsteadily landed.

“On the ground, freak, we will do this proper.” Rose landed. “Riiight, because fighting for a member of some twisted evil team that’ll kill you when he’s had his fun is proper, right?” she ran at her, fist outstretched and blazing, she hit her mark.

Dragonite was prepared and slammed an aqua tail into Rose as her fist made contact with her chest. “Nothing about you is proper, and Joeseph cares more about me than anyone on earth! Pokémon should only fallow orders from humans unless they are wild. They shouldn't be able to be the human too.”

They both paused for a moment, to catch their breath. “You work for the rockets, that’s not proper, they kill Pokémon for fun, are you having fun,” then knowing it would anger her added. “Sister?”

It worked, she snarled then used outrage, sending a wall of fire at Rose. “I am not your sister!!”

Rose braced herself and took the hit, then jumped from the flames and, with purple fire around her claws slashed Dragonites other wing. “Yes we are, we can both use moves, can’t we?” she dodged a thunder punch. “Both of us know how to fly, both of us have a distinct hate for one another, both of us evolve, learn new moves.” She shot a flame-thrower towards her opponent. “We can talk to each other, we’re both battling without instruction, I’d say we have more in common than you know.” Then she paused for a minuet, Dragonite building up energy. “And we both have mews DNA.” She finally added.

Dragonite shot a hyper beam at her, Rose almost dodged it, but it hit her shoulder just as she retaliated with another flame-thrower. “We are not sisters, you are not a part of mew, you’re just another experiment gone wrong!”

Rose roared then made a tornado of flames, spinning her tail. “THEN I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL SISTER, I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL!!” she shouted over the noise. The flames engulfed Dragonite just as she sent a twister of purple fire at Rose. The bell had rung, but they still fought.

They both panted, the attacks taking most of their energy. Then ran at each other, both engulfed in the purple fire of a dragon rage. “You’re strong” panted Rose.

“Likewise, for a Morph.” said Dragonair, also panting, as they slammed into each other. Then Dragonair shot a hyper beam. Rose sent out a roar of flames. The two attacks met, and exploded.

Then the dust cleared. “If you’re going to kill me, like you tried to kill Ramparados, make it quick.” Dragonite panted, barely standing.

Rose shook her head; “I’m not a killer, that was an accident.” Rose was panting too, but her eyes had fire in them.

Dragonite looked up. “Yeah, and so were the ruins of Alph.” She rolled her eyes.

Rose shook her head again. “I’m not sure what happened, I only remember after Star called my name.”

Dragonite growled, “Well, he’s still in the hospital, and you still cracked his skull.” Rose was mortified, she almost threw up. “I cracked his skull?” she swallowed hard, to get rid of the bile rising in her throat.

“Yes, you cracked a Ramparados skull, which is almost impossible, if I might add.” They both almost fell over, but then regained their posture.

“Tell him I'm sorry, I doubt he’ll believe me, but tell him anyway.” Rose locked onto Dragonites eyes.

“I’ll tell him, and next time we meet we’re fighting to the death, weather you like it or not.”

Rose was saddened. “Do you really hate us that much?”

Dragonite shook her head. “No, but I’d rather die in a battle with you than die for the rockets, I think you’re right, there’s no honor in battling for the rockets, and I have none left, not if I finish this.”

Rose nodded. “Fine then, next time we meet, one of us is going to hell.”

Dragonite smiled. “Next time we meet, I’ll send you there.” Then she fainted and Joe called her back to her Pokéball.

He stoked the top of it then reattached it to his belt, then looked at Rose. “You made a deal with her.” It wasn’t a question, he knew.

“Yes, next time we meet, it’s a fight to the death, I'm sorry.”

He laughed. “Don’t apologize, it was her choice, I may not agree with her, but it’s her decision.., how she dies.” Rose was confused, he saw it in her eyes. “I’ve never have any say in what she does, that’s why she battled without command, she’s my very best friend and I let her do what she wants.”

Rose smiled. “I suppose some rockets do see their Pokémon as more than tools, but you’re still evil, and we will defeat you.”

He started walking away. “Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything else, that’s the way it’s always been.”

Rose looked around and noticed that she was the only one left in the fight room, except Star, he was waiting for her. She pulled open the glass door and walked over to him, they started walking back to the room. “Sooo, a fight to the death huh?”

Rose looked over at him. “Yep, not any time soon though, maybe not even here.”

Star looked at her utterly perplexed. “Why?”

Rose thought for a moment. “I’m not sure, but it needed to be done.”

He shook his head then smiled. “She honestly looked like it’d be an honor to be killed by you, I wonder what she was thinking.”

Rose shrugged. “Who knows, we might die here before we ever find out.”

Star paused, then looked at her. “We are not dying here, and soon no one else will have to either either, we’re escaping soon, then we’ll find the champion, and team rocket will fall for the last and final time.” Rose felt energy radiating off him, his eyes shone.

She knew the plan, the problem was that she wasn’t sure if it would work, “it’d be so much easier if…. WAIT!” she thought. “Kaylee, she’s a spy, maybe…” She and Star were almost to the advanced cell, she told him her plan. “I’m still not sure if we can trust her, but we’ll probably fail without her, and we’ve got nothing to loose if she double crosses us.”

Star looked at her, his eyebrow raised. “Except possibly our lives.”

Rose laughed. “And how much are those worth if we’re stuck in this hell hole, we’ll tell Bolt and in the morning we’ll see if we can trust a rocket.”

She and Star walked in the room. Bolt threw two pairs of clothes at her, black outfits marked with R’s… “Where did you get these!?” she said in alarm. “Oh please, I didn’t kill them, I just knocked them out and stuffed them in a closet somewhere.” He rolled his eyes.

“And you couldn’t raid the locker rooms you told us about why…?” she questioned.

“Hmmm, I'm not sure…umm, this was more fun…?” it was Roses turn to roll her eyes.

“What happens when they tell their boss?” Bolt laughed, “I didn’t let them see me, DUH, an easy feat when you can see through walls.”

Rose and Stars eyes grew huge. “YOU CAN SEE THROUGH WALLS!!” they yelled angrily at him.

“It would’ve been nice of you to mention that while we were planning our escape.” Star growled at him.

“Sorry, I sort of forgot, I can’t see through the walls in here, there’s a layer of mirrors behind the plexiglass and a layer of steel on top of that. There’s been no reason to use it in the fight room, since you can see through the walls already, why, does it change the plan?”

Star walked over to him. “It changes the plan, but not much. Besides we’ve decided to see if that Kaylee person really is an ally, if she isn’t then we’ll have to run for it, and being able to see rockets on the other side of a wall might help.” He explained the new parts of the plan to Bolt, who agreed grudgingly, not keen on the idea of recruiting help from a human.

Rose climbed up to her bed, “soon, maybe even in less than a week, we’ll be out of this hellhole forever.” She said. Then she thought to herself: “I feel sorry for Star, he’s been fighting for this all by himself for years. And all the times he’s been here… I’ve only been here for a month and it feels like forever.” She curled up on her side, being careful to make sure her tail didn’t set the bed on fire, and went to sleep.


“What’s your plan.” MewTwo thought to himself. He’d been hiding deep in a little known cave for a few days now, he knew that if he exposed himself in any way shape or form, or was found, team rocket would be there in less than three minuets. He also knew that they still had files on him from twenty years ago when Giovanni found him and the other clones in purity lake. And he knew that Giovanni had been replaced by his apprentice and was sure that he wouldn’t hesitate to come after the Pokémon his senior had been chasing for years.

MewTwo thought back to when a boy had so selflessly ran between him and Mew, nearly killing himself, and when that same child had saved him at Purity Lake. “I wonder where that child is now.” He said to himself. “Maybe he could help me again, just this once.” MewTwo sighed, he knew that he would help the morphs at all costs, so they wouldn’t make the same mistakes he had. He stood up and stretched, then shut his eyes and began searching for Mews mind. He quickly located it and sent him a message. “I'm going to find the boy, you know the one.” He didn’t wait for Mew to answer as he teleported out of the cave.


Thomas sat on a bench outside the building, thinking about his fathers’ history, he knew it well. He remembered being told by his mother about it when he was ten, remembered how she cried even then about their first child, Amber, who had died. He had only become a rocket to undo what his father had done, instead he’d made things worse, improving the already existing morphs blueprints, the experiments that his father had been working on before his daughter died.

He thought sadly about his first success, he had been able to combine human and Pokémon DNA to create a Meowth morph, it had been docile but had a very strong will and soon escaped. He remembered bribing a traveling circus to get him back. He watched the morph grow while he created others, after about ten years he’d made about thirty morphs. They grew at about the same rate as Pokémon did; he’d worked on slowing their growth rate so that as they grew into adults they would evolve, sometimes one would evolve early under harsh circumstances though. He’d worked to figure this out for hours, and gotten nowhere. He’d hoped to one day fix his fathers mistakes, and now he’d made his own.

Very interesting plot, very detailed... I think people can't post here because of the "helpful replies" rule, personally.
Thanks eeveelution, i like your entusiam. You posted that when i only had three more pages to edit, so good timing.

Err, whops. I didn't mean you couldn't post unless you had something helpful, i just like helpful crit.
Okay, I added a *few chericters.
And yes, Ash does get involved, but only for a few chapters.


Chapter Seven
Four weeks five days in rocket camp time to escape, or die trying.

Ash walked down the street, he sighed, people were still, even after ten years, trying to copy him. Ever since he’d become a master everyone had challenged him to a battle, kids, adults, even their grandparents! You name it; he’d probably battled it. It was getting so annoying he’d actually resorted to dying his hair, Blond. He hated it but almost no one recognized him, and since it seemed that everyone had a Pikachu following them now, that wasn’t a problem either. Every one out of ten people had a fake Pokémon HQ league championship cap, so everyone thought he was just another impersonator. His mother had had to move, and Ash was never stationary for long.

He’d decided to actually go to a Pokémon HQ meeting, he usually made an excuse so he didn’t have to go, he hated drawing attention to himself. And going to one of those meetings was the biggest way that he could, cause everyone attending was announced, on TV, and every human on earth would suddenly dye their hair blond, and he’d have to change his appearance again, maybe something with sunglasses this time. What the meetings were actually about wasn’t announced, but reporters were always pushing for information.

He’d only decided to attend the meeting because Gary had needed the data for his research, Ash still had a rivalry with him but he’d lost at rock paper scissors, so it was his turn. And the only reason he was doing it was as a favor to the late Prof. Oak. Ash sighed. “He won’t challenge me to a battle but he’ll play rock paper scissors, and he cheated.” Garys Alakazam had helped, in a game of rock paper scissors, over the phone, which is really really pathetic. But Gary hated attending meetings almost as much as Ash did. “At least the subject isn’t just D.N.A, I heard that there’d be some stuff on team rocket…” He sighed.

“Pi, pi pika chaa!” warned pikachu, his ears twitching. “Thanks buddy.” Ash whispered as a kid about ten walked along, chatting to his clearly brand new starter, a Squirtle. “Darn, I was almost out of the forest.” Ash muttered under his breath.

“Hey mister!”

Ash looked up. “Yes?”

The kid and his Squirtle ran over. “Do you have any clue how to get out of here, I’ve been lost for three days, and my Bellsprout, I think she’s really sick!” he said all of this really fast, and Ash had to ask him to repeat himself.

“Send out your Bellsprout, I may be able to help.” The kid nodded. “Flower, come out.” He said, holding up a pokeball. A red light flashed and a very sick looking Bellsprout materialized in front of Ash.

“Hmm, she looks pretty bad, this ought to help for now, but I suggest that you get to a Pokécenter right away.” Ash said as he pulled a bottle of Full Heal and a Potion out of his pack, spraying them on the Pokémon.

“I would’ve by now but I can’t find the exit to this place. Where are you going?” Ash smiled. “I was just leaving the forest, I was headed to Viridian City. I’ll show you the way out, come on.” He stood up and Pikachu climbed onto his shoulder.

The kid moaned “I just came from there, but I suppose it’s better to get to a Pokécenter as fast as possible.” Ash led the kid along, soon coming to a sign. “Viridian City \/ Viridian Forest /\.” It said. Soon they found a road, they walked quickly to get to the City before sunset. “So what’s your name?” asked the kid.

“My name’s Shawn, yours?” Ash had been using this name for a while now, if he said his real name in a Pokécenter or store he had to make a daring escape towards the exit before people cornered him. He soon learned this after being attacked several times and decided that using a fake name was the best line of defense. All of the Nurse Joys were good at keeping his secret though.

“My name’s Jimmy, and my Squirtles name is Aquos.” They could see the city now, the Pokécenters red roof visible. “So why are you headed to Viridian?” asked Jimmy. “You’re probably going to get the news on the meeting first hand, aren't you?”

Ash laughed. “Yeah, something like that.”

Jimmy frowned. “Ya know, a lot of people said that Ash Ketchum’s gonna be there. I don’t really get it, his Pokémon are really strong and stuff, but I mean it’s been ten years since he became a master. I honestly think people would’ve calmed down a bit by now.” Jimmy looked over at Ash, clearly aiming his words at his appearance.

Ash laughed “Finally someone who agrees with me!” Pikachu shook his head “Chaa!”


Jimmy looked at him skeptically. “There’s no way that you’re Ash.”

Ash sighed and took out his pokedex and flipped it open, then pressed the trainer button. He hated it when people didn’t believe him, and he figured that since this kid was sick of people freaking out about him it wouldn’t be much of a problem. “This pokedex is property of Ash Ketchum, home town, Pallet.” It said electronically.

“Well… now I'm not really sure how to react.” Jimmy looked confused.

Ash laughed. “Aren't you gunna freak out?”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t really much care who you are, but I do have a couple questions.” They were in town now, nearing the Pokécenter.

“I’ll tell ya what, I'm not suppose to be at the HQ until tomorrow, you go get your Bellsprout to Nurse Joy and I’ll meet you in the centers motel.”

Jimmy nodded. “Alright, I hope she’s ok…” He and Ash walked in the sliding doors.

“Don’t worry, Nurse Joy will know what to do. Right Pikachu?” pikachu nodded “Pi-pikachu!” they walked up to the counter.

“Hello, how may I help you?” asked Nurse Joy. “Hello, please take care of my Bellsprout, I think she’s really sick.” Said Jimmy nervously.

Nurse Joy took the Pokéball and set it in a small machine, looking at the reading with a troubled expression, then handed it to Chansey. “Please take her to the emergency room, you know what to do, I‘ll be there in a minuite.” The Pokémon nodded and left. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Ash nodded, “Do you have a place we can stay the night?”

Nurse Joy handed him a key. “Room twelve, like always.”

“So, what’s your first question?” Ash asked, hoping to calm Jimmy down. They were sitting across from each other on the beds, the motel window looked out towards the HQ.

Jimmy kept looking out it and wringing his hands. “I can’t remember what I was gonna ask, I hope Flower’s ok.”

Ash looked over at him; he could understand why he was worried. “I’m sure that she’ll be fine, Nurse Joy always knows what to do. If you don’t mind, can I ask you some questions?”

Jimmy looked up at him. “Yeah I guess.” then went back to staring out the window.

Ash smiled. “What are your goals as a trainer?”

Jimmy looked up surprised. “I’m not sure, I was gunna battle at the gyms, eventually. I honestly just want to go places, see things, and make friends. I want to learn new things, lots of new things… What are some of the things you’ve seen Ash. OH! And why did you lie about your name?” he was suddenly excited.

Ash laughed. “I would’ve thought that’d be obvious, as for things I’ve seen, you’ll have to be more specific.” They continued talking for about an hour, then decided to get some sleep.


Rose woke up, she hopped down from the top bunk, Star and Bolt were waiting for her. “Ready to try plan A?”

She grimaced, “if plan A fails we probably won’t be able to work out plan B.” Star sighed and shook his head, then the bell rang. Soon after Kaylee walked in, alone again, as they’d been hoping. “Alright, we’ve decided to trust you, we have a plan to escape today. Oh, and if you betray us we’ll kill you, okay?” said Rose.

Kaylee looked a little shocked, but soon regained her composition. “Well that was fast, so what’s the plan?” she asked.

“Well, we really have three. The first is that we have you escort us out of here, pretending to take us somewhere, freeing morphs, if anyone gets suspicious tell them we’ve been sentenced to death, and if they prod more we run like hell, breaking out as many morphs as possible. The second is that I have bolt shock the crap out of me, and we pretend to take me to the hospital, dragging him along so he doesn’t destroy anything else. I use this hyper potion, which I really really don’t wanna know where you got it Bolt. Then we dress like rockets, and free as many morphs as possible before we’re noticed. The third plan is that we raise all hell, set the base on fire, and as soon as everyone’s free we run like hell.” Rose finished.

“Isn’t there a plan that doesn’t involve getting caught and running like hell?” she asked.

They all laughed. “No, there isn’t.” Star managed to say.

“Well then I suppose I’ll have to ride my Altaria out of here.”

Bolt looked back and fourth from Rose to Star. “HEY!! How the heak am I suppose to get out of here, I can’t fly!!?” they laughed.

“Don’t worry, if Kaylee knows how to fly the cargo plane that brought me here no one will have to, well, technically we’ll be flying, but no one will be outside.” Star was excited, Rose could feel it, it was radiating off him.

“We’re gunna do this when the rockets are supposedly weakest, after the others leave the fight room. It’ll be much easier once we’ve freed some of the other morphs. So, Kaylee, can you fly a plane?” Rose questioned.

“Of course!” Kaylee laughed. “The Fiore Rangers would only send their best for a matter this important, I’m surprised that the Pokémon league is just now getting involved, apparently they didn’t realize how huge this issue is.”

Star yawned, “Well, if I’d waited for the league I’d be dead, I’m pretty sure that they have a few rockets slowing their progress though. So, which plan should we use?”

Kaylee listened as the bell excusing the rockets from the morphs rooms rang, suddenly the intercom came on. It spewed out a few jumbled words then there was a series of curses and thunks before it clicked off. “I honestly don’t think setting the base on fire is a good idea, there are, well… there are things here that…” she just shook her head.

“The rockets have conducted experiments that can’t leave, that’d die, haven’t they?” Bolt whispered sadly.

Kaylee nodded. “The first plan isn’t bad, but I’m not authorized to take you guys anywhere, so the RG would know right away.” Rose looked at her. “RG? What’s that?”

Bolt snorted. “RG stands for rocket guard, they have the strongest issue Pokémon, and are licensed to kill if they feel the need, they’re basically evil security guards. They’re usually I battle in the fight room.”

Star looked over at Kaylee. “Speaking of the fight rooms, how many morphs are left?” She thought for a moment. “There’s about one-hundred-thirty here, they moved some morphs to other bases, in the main Kanto base there’s around seventy, in the Hoenn base there’s around a hundred right now, but they’re planning on moving some of them. They don’t have a permanent Sinnoh base yet.” She paused for a moment. “I think we should use plan two, it’s the most believable, especially since Bolt’s a loose cannon.”

He looked at her murderously. “I’ll give you a loose cannon.” He growled, “I’ve got more control than these two, you want loose cannon look at her…” he muttered.

Rose glared at him, if looks could kill, he would’ve been mincemeat. “I’m gunna pretend you didn’t say that, if using this plan is our best shot then we should go for it.”

Kaylee nodded. “Bolt, I meant that the rockets think you’re the most likely, no offense, to kill you’re cellmates here. I honestly don’t think you’re stupid enough.”

He laughed. “I think I’m starting to like you, so when do I get to freak out and try to ‘kill’ everyone?”

“I told the others that I’ll take cell duty for the whole day, so anytime is fine. But I think that Rose decided that we were gunna do this after everyone’s back from the fight room. So all we have to do now is wait.” She said as the bell for the fight room rang.


Mewtwo scanned the city, the war between the morphs and rockets was going to destroy everything if he didn’t figure out how to stop it. He knew Ash couldn’t stop it by himself, not like he’d stopped him and the clones. But he hoped he’d help, or at least inspire him. He knew it wasn’t Arceus choice to have this war, but someone had to do something, or the rockets would win. It’d been about eighteen years since that first fight.

MewTwo sighed; Ash clearly wasn’t in Jubilife City. Well, that covered Sinnoh and Hoenn, now he’d search Kanto and Johto. If Ash wasn’t there he’d decided to search Fiore and Almia region and the Orange Islands… He jumped then looked up in surprise as the giant TV suddenly shouted Ash’s name. “The final member of the Pokémon league attending meeting will be Ash Ketchum, tomorrow at eleven. Remember to watch Jubilife TV for live footage!!”

It then showed a picture of him. MewTwo almost fell over, “He dyed his hair……? Blond!” He almost laughed, except that he saw most of the crowd below suddenly stop and start muttering, he hadn’t noticed, but at least one out of every ten people had dyed their hair black, and had Pokémon League hats on. MewTwo shook his head as he flew off towards Viridian City. He would shadow Ash until he could talk to him personally. He hoped it wasn’t too late to stop this war, if he couldn’t… he didn’t even want to think about it.


The bell rang. Rose looked up. “Star, Bolt… Kaylee, you ready?” Bolt smirked, Rose could tell that he was gunna clearly enjoy this. Star looked worried. She knew he hated this, if the positions were switched she would too. He’d switch places if he could, but the unfortunate fact is that he was a ground type.

“Lets do this!” Kaylee said excitedly. She ran into the hall and slammed the door as she shouted something like “Run for your lives!” the door poped back open, so everyone could watch. Rose got a good look at the other morphs in the hall, she hoped some would escape before they could be caged up.

“GAAHHHH! I HATE THIS!! FREAKIN GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CELL!!!” Bolt screamed. Then he shot electricity at Rose, she’d forgotten how much it hurt, and screamed as she felt it coarse through her body. Then she fell over, paralyzed. She watched Star smack Bolt with his tail, and punched him in the face; his palms were bleeding.

Bolt fell over, pretending to have been knocked out. Kaylee ran in with two other rockets, one handcuffed the “unconscious” Bolt, and the other helped pick him up. She felt herself being lifted by Star and Kaylee. They ran through the hall, Rose heard Star mutter. “Get the hell out of here while the rockets are still confused.” Then all hell broke loose.

“SCREW THE UNIFORMS!!” she heard bolt yell then someone sprayed her with the hyper potion. She jumped up as soon as it started to take affect and noticed Bolt was out of his handcuffs.

“GREAT JOB ON FALLOWING THE PLAN.” She yelled sarcastically as she kicked one of the rockets in the gut. “BOLT! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!”

He nodded as he took out a door. “MORPHS!! FALLOW ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!”

Rose spotted Star, two rockets had stun guns on him. He laughed and spun, slamming one in the gut with his tail, he slammed his foot into the others head. Bolt ran out towards the airplane hanger, followed by Kaylee. The two rockets that’d been with her had communicators out, Rose listened while slamming a door open. “These are Rangers Jenny and Jacob, of Sinnoh base three, the mission has been completed, we’re on to phase two.” They said simultaneously. The rockets began to retreat, four more broke off from the group and started for the hanger. “Orange Rangers, on the double!” one of them shouted. Rose and Star ran towards the hanger, they’d managed to lock about thirty rockets in cells, most of the others were knocked out, Some were dead… Rose saw some morphs among them.

They were on the plane, all of the morphs fit; Kaylee had put it on autopilot for a while. “All rangers report!” she commanded.

“Orange Island Rangers, squad number four, base two, ranks eight and nine, Rangers Jessie, Becky, Mike and Rick, Reporting for duty!”

Kaylee nodded, then turned to the other two rangers. “Sinnoh snow Rangers Jenny and Jacob, squad number six, ranks seven and eight, base seven. We were instructed to get the morphs to Sinnoh, just outside Snowpoint City. Hail base is inside Dark woods, there‘s a huge clearing where you can land the plane.”

Kaylee cleared her throat. “Good, I’m Ranger Kaylee, a Ringtown base one ranger, Rank ten, for this mission I went solo. We’re on phase two of morph mission one, we’ll land in hail base at twelve-hundred tomorrow, everyone get some sleep.” Rose looked at all of the morphs, most of them had semiconsciously separated into groups, some were talking quietly, there were about twenty that sat alone.

She walked over to Star and sat next to him on the cargo holds floor. Bolt was talking to an Espeon morph; they walked over to Rose and Star after a few minuets. “This is Cella, she wants to join us, she’s been tortured by the rockets. Apparently they’re looking for an independent club run by her cousin. Cella has no clue what they were talking about but she knows that she needs to find him before they do.”

She nodded, then sat down. “Before you object I’m at least level sixty, I’ve taken out dark types at least ten levels higher than me, I’m seventeen, so I’m old enough to take care of myself, and I promise that I’ll keep up.”

Star looked at her. “Well, I wasn’t going to object, I’ve seen you battle, you’re good. The choice is really Roses though, she’s the leader.”

She looked nervously over at Rose. “I don’t object, but you’re gunna have to show me that you can do this, show me what you can do, tomorrow, right now we should get some sleep.”

Cella smiled, “Alright!! Tomorrow then!” They all decided to get some sleep then, the plane floor surprisingly more comfortable than the beds at rocket camp.


“The Lost Club meeting is now in order, has everyone been accounted for?” the thirty-or-so ten to sixteen year-olds answered.

“ALL ACCOUNTED FOR!” The fourteen year-old Pikachu morph standing on the stage scanned the crowd. He couldn’t believe that no one had given him away yet.

He also couldn't believe that this club had actually grown. “Is there any news on the others?” a bunch of hands raised.

“Yes, Trisha?” a girl about twelve stood up, he’d recognized her as one of the RAs, or a Ranger Apprentice.

“Tyler, I heard that Hail base was receiving rangers from a rank nine mission, I’m pretty sure that it’s about some morphs. But I’m not sure it’s your family.” He nodded, Tylers family had been captured by team rocket two years ago, he’d gone fishing with his cousin and when they’d come back no one was there. Cella had been captured later, he’d managed to get away, and he hated himself for it. He’d wandered through the woods for a while and ran into Fortree City. The gym leader, an eighteen year old girl named Alexis found him and helped him. He’d been working to find his family ever since.

He’d formed a club; it mostly consisted of teenagers from broken families, or orphans who’d never had anyone else to look up to. Many of the kids joined because they hated team rocket; usually the reason for this hate was because they’d had family members and Pokémon tortured and/or killed by them. Most were just looking for a place to fit in and have a place where others would listen to them, where there was someone to look up to, or some sort of family to belong to, and a leader. Even though Tyler had found a family with the kids who’d joined his club he still missed his parents, his uncle, his cousins, and sisters… There were a few members who were RAs. They made his search much easier. But it was still hard. He’d gotten as much information on the rockets as possible, it still wasn’t enough, and even the old stories didn’t help.


MewTwo flew over Goldenrod City, nearing his destination. A second later he felt a presence next to him. “Hello Mew.” The pink kitten-like Pokémon was soon next to him.

“Hello Mewtwo, you found him?” he nodded.

“Apparently he’s been called to a meeting at the Pokémon HQ. I’m planning on talking to him as soon as possible.” Mew laughed. “What’s so funny?” MewTwo asked.

“Every time you’ve seen him before you’ve been trying to avoid humans. I just find it sort of ironic that you’d go looking for one.” MewTwo half smiled, Mew was right, it was sort of ironic.

They were nearing Silver Cave now. They flew on in silence for a while until they were just outside of Viridian City. “Let’s just hope that there’s some hope.” Mewtwo sighed as Mew teleported.

Pikachus ears twitched, then suddenly his eyes popped open. He got up and stretched, looking out the window, then suddenly a small pink form flew across the brightening sky. Pikachu looked over at Ash, then over to Jimmy, who was sitting at the end of his bed. “Hey Pikachu.” He said in a tired voice. Ash rolled over and fell off the bed. “HEY! GAAAHH!” Jimmy laughed. Pikachu looked out the window just in time to see a flash of purple cross the sky.


Thomas sat in front of his laptop, he looked over the records of the morphs, he stopped at one of the Charizards. Thomas looked over the file.

Pokemon: Charizard
Type: Fire
Gender: Female
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 180 LBS
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale orange
Hair: Dark Brown
Current area: (unknown)
Evolution status: Fully evolved
Status: Hunted. Presumed Dangerous. Traveling or stagnant with two or more Morphs.
Name: Rose and Fang

At the end of the profile was a new mark, it was labeled, Name: Rose and Fang. Thomas stared at this for a long time, he’d just added it yesterday. Then he snapped the computer shut and slid it into his bag. He slid the pack containing all of his clothes and anything else he could take with him onto his back. He snapped his Pokéball belt on; he hadn’t worn it in a long time, it was a little tight.

Thomas then looked over at the photograph of Mewtwo. He broke the frame and put the picture in his pocket, with his resources he could’ve found the Pokémon easily, but he didn’t want the other rockets involved in this. He sighed, they’d find out soon enough, he wasn’t specifically betraying them, but he figured that meeting with a legendary Pokémon and not trying to capture or kill it would be the same in the others eyes.

Thomas left his office and stepped into the elevator across the hall. “Floor ten?” the rocket grunt inside asked. Thomas shook his head. “No, ground floor, I’ve been assigned an important mission, on foot.” The elevator dinged at each floor, the doors finally opened and Thomas made his way towards the glass sliding doors. He felt a breeze as they opened into the cool night air.
Chapter Eight
What Next?

Rose opened her eyes, jumped up, and immediately took a defensive position, then she remembered where she was and sat back down. She took a deep breath and looked around her; almost everyone was still asleep. Someone was up, looking out the window. “Cella?” Rose asked.

The figure at the window answered without turning around. “Hello, Rose did I wake you?”

She shook her head. “No, why are you up?”

Cella turned around. “I don’t usually need much sleep, and I was thinking.”

Rose walked over to her; they both looked out the window, the clear sky rushing by, just turning red with the rising sun. “About what?”

Cella looked thoughtful. “I was just thinking about that old story, you know the one about the Pokémon named MewTwo? I was thinking about how he was created, you know? My grandma wasn’t created to differently. Did you ever wonder why team rocket made us, I mean seriously, it seems like we were made just to be destroyed.”

Rose looked at her, abandoning the view the sunrise out the window they sat down. “My mom told me that we were somehow connected to that story, but no one could ever figure out how… It seems like forever ago, when I was taken.” Rose looked over at Star, then back at Cella. It had only been about a month, but it felt like years.

“Yeah, it does. My cousin and me were best friends. We always had each others back, he’s like a brother to me. I really hope I can find him.”

Rose nodded “Don’t worry, we’ll find him.” they sat for a moment.

“Hey, Rose? How am I supposed to show you what I can do, once the plane lands?”

Rose looked at her, slightly confused. “We’re going to have a battle.”

Cella looked stunned. “A battle? Why?” now she seemed scared.

“Haven’t you ever had a battle outside of that base, like for fun or something?”

Cella shook her head. “No, I’ve never battled before this… why?”

Rose was surprised. “How’d you get to level seventy then?”

Cella thought for a moment. “I’m not sure. The only thing I did where I lived that could possibly help me level up was go fishing with my cousin, and we didn’t even battle them. I’d catch the fish, and he’d electrocute them. Every now and then we‘d have to battle a Gyarados or Carvanha, but he usually did most of the work.”

Rose smiled. “Maybe you’re just strong, I guess.” They examined the room; they weren’t the only ones up now. Some of the morphs were talking quietly among themselves; she spotted Star, still asleep, but where was Bolt?

Cella heard quiet footsteps behind her. “Bolt? I wouldn’t stand that close to Roses tail if I were you.” She growled.

“Darn it! How’d you know it was me? Do you have eyes in the back of your head?”

Cella laughed. “I couldn’t see you, but I could hear your footsteps, and smell you. Even for a morph my senses are higher than normal, you could’ve been a mile away and I would’ve known where you were.”

He rolled his eyes “Great, I guess anything ever scaring you in out of the question. I’m gonna wake up Star.” He ran over to Star, got really close to his face and yelled “WAKE UP!!” before Rose could stop him.

As a result, he was punched in the face, which resulted in a bloody nose. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!” Star shouted. “WE JUST GOT OUT OF THAT FREAKING HELLHOLE, AND YOU THINK IT’S A GOOD IDEA TO SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!?”

Cella was on the floor of the plane, laughing her head off. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. “Does anyone here know heal-bell?” she began to giggle again. “Or better yet, is anyone here morphed with a Chansey? I think he broke Bolts nose.” One of the Orange Rangers sent out a Blissey as Cella completely lost it.

“Umm, your name’s Bolt, right?” He asked. Bolt nodded, blood was beginning to seep through his fingers. The pink Pokémon told him to lean his head back while she ran to the front of the plane to get the first aid kit.

“Ro, roo hash a Brissy ruh? Dits fretty rar id it?” he mumbled through his fingers.

The Ranger laughed. “Yep, she’s been my best friend ever since we met, I was nine. I’d just moved to the Orange Islands with my father, she was a Happiny. I was walking on the beach looking for tide pools when I noticed a little pink form. I walked over to investigate; there she was, hiding behind some rocks. I ran home and grabbed a towel; I wrapped her in it and took her home. We’ve been together ever since.”

The Blissey came back with the planes meager medical supplies and began examining Bolts nose. “Me and Rick have been together for almost before I can remember!” she said happily in the language of Pokémon. “You’re nose will be fine, but I suggest that you refrain from startling people who are sleeping.”

Bolt growled. “Speaking of which, Star? Sorry about that.” He laughed “I think you need to relax a little, how about a battle to calm some nerves?”

Star looked around. “Sure, but how about after the plane lands. Hey!! I know!! Why don’t we have a double battle? Rose and Cella verses you and I, that way she can show us how strong she is and we can all cool off!”

Rose shrugged “sounds good to me. Cella?”

She nodded “sure, sounds fun. Hey, speaking of landing, how long until we’re at the base?”

Rick looked at his watch. “about three hours.” His Blissey looked around the room and began fussing over everyone and started insisting that they all form a line so that she could give them a check up.


“DAMMIT! Where. Is. Thomas?” shouted Giovanni. A grunt was escorted into the room.

“Umm s s sir? He said that he was on a mission. One appointed by you sir.” The young man stuttered, he’d never actually seen Giovanni, and seeing his boss angry was at the top of his “never wanted to do” list.

Suddenly another rocket stumbled into the office, her uniform had holes in it, her arms slashed up. “Giovanni!! The morphs from Johto base 2 have escaped!! We we…” she feinted.

Giovanni called some rockets to get the feinted one to the hospital. Then he picked up his phone; he had business to attend to, and a traitor to find.


Thomas stood in the forest, just out of sight from the giant crowd standing outside of the Pokémon league, this was his best shot, if he could get inside he could completely expose team rocket. Since he was basically betraying them anyway he figured that he might as well do it thoroughly. Unfortunately, there was little chance of him getting inside, and the chance there was had him ending up in jail if he failed, that didn’t matter anyway, as soon as he told the league how he’d gotten the info he’d be rotting away there anyway.

He took a deep breath and sent out his Skarmory. He stretched his green razor sharp wings, his bronze body glimmered in the sunlight. “SKARRRRMM SKAR!!” it screeched.

“Thomas smiled “Hello old friend, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” he hopped onto the Pokémons back and they flew to the back of the HQ. Any self-respecting rocket knew about the secret entrance in the back of the building, there was just one problem, the password had been changed so frequently in the past two months that no one but those attending the meeting knew it. He’d almost given up, then his ticket in showed up. Unfortunately, that ticket was one of team rockets worst enemies. Thomas had no clue what to do; unfortunately, if he didn’t say something soon he’d be fried scientist on a stick, or probably worse.


Pikachu, sitting on Ashes shoulder, and Jimmy walked out of the room. “Lets grab some breakfast, I’m starving!!” said Ash as his stomach grumbled.

Jimmy walked up to nurse Joy. “Is Flower okay?” he asked urgently.

Nurse Joy handed him a pokeball “yes, she should be fine now. But take it easy on her, she’s still weak.”

Jimmy nodded “of course, thank you so much!” He ran over to the breakfast bar and grabbed a bagel, then he grabbed some Pokémon food for Aquos and Flower. He sat at one of the tables and sent his Pokémon out.

“Hey, are you guys hungry?” the Pokémon nodded, Jimmy took out two small bowls from his pack and put the food in them, then he gave it to his Pokémon. Ash sat down next to him.

No sooner had they started eating though, than the TV across the room blared out news about the HQ meeting, and Ashes name, and picture. “LOOK, HE’S OVER THERE!!” shouted a trainer.

“And now it’s time to go, come on, I suggest you fallow me if you don’t want to get trampled” said Ash as he pulled Jimmy out of his chair.

“Aquos, Flower! Return!” he said while holding out two pokeballs.

They ran outside “Charizard! We need a lift!” Ash called as he threw a pokeball into the air. Ash hopped on the flying Pokémons back and suddenly Jimmy felt himself being lifted into the air by a pair of arms.

They were soon high up in the air, far away from the mob who’d been at the pokécenter. “So, umm, are we gunna land any time soon?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah, just a couple of minuets. I’m going to take the back entrance into the HQ. The only way you can get there is by flight. Unfortunately you can only enter, so I have to leave through the front entrance.” They spotted the building.

“So, why did you take me with you?”

Ash thought for a minute. “I honestly have no clue.” They landed and quickly noticed that they weren’t alone. “Who are you?”

Pikachu hopped down from Charizard and growled. “Chuuuuuuuu” electricity crackled in his cheeks. Ash hopped down from his Pokémons back and repeated the question.

“My name is Thomas. I have vital information about team rocket.” He said calmly, even though his nerves were tearing him apart.

“It looks like you work for team rocket to me, especially since there’s a bright red R on your shoulder.” Said Jimmy.

“Okay then, let me rephrase. I USED to work for team rocket, but now I’m trying to find a way to completely expose and stop them.” Pikachus cheeks started to crackle with even more electricity. “And it’s not really my fault that they stole all of my clothes in the middle of the night and decorated them.”

Ash looked at him skeptically. “What kind of information?” he asked.

“Most anything you could possibly want, and everything on the Pokémorphs.” Said Thomas. “I was the head scientist.”

Pikachu was still crackling with electricity, but looked a little calmer. Jimmy was completely confused. “Pokémorphs? What are you talking about?” he asked.

Thomas looked over at him. “Basically what you get when human and Pokémon DNA is mixed. There’s a few other things, but that’s the basis of it.”

Ash held up Charizards pokeball. “Return.” He said. The red beam pulled him back into the pokeball. “I believe that you just bought your ticket into this building, and I you’d better answer all questions asked with the truth.” Ash pressed the buttons on the keypad. “6-3-3-0-4-0-5-1-9-6” he murmured under his breath as he punched in the code.

“A ten digit code? That’s a bit much don’t you think?” Asked Jimmy as the door clicked open. “You and me both. I hope they have food at the meeting, I’m starving!” Pikachu hopped up onto Ashes shoulder as they walked into the building.


MewTwo stood in a tree, the wind blew and ruffled his fur slightly. He watched as Ash, the child, and the rocket walked into the building. Something was very familiar about the rocket, something unsettlingly familiar. He suddenly felt a presence next to him. “Hello Mew, I found him, unfortunately he’s traveling with some kid, so I haven’t had a chance to speak with him yet.”

The tiny pink Pokémon created a pink bubble and sat on it. “I have some bad news.”

MewTwo turned his head and looked at him. “Yes?” he questioned. “The war, it is unavoidable, but there is also good news.”

MewTwo sighed. “The good news?”

Mew popped the bubble. “The good news is that complete destruction is avoidable, but we have to figure out how, I have a good idea, but it’ll be difficult.” He said, his long thin tail twisting in the air. “That’s not exactly helpful, but we might be able to figure out how to stop it if Celebi could give us any information, and if we can find him.”

MewTwo looked over at the small pink cat who used to be his rival, that seemed like forever ago. It seemed odd that MewTwo, who had been so bent on destroying the world before, even though that was years ago, was now working so hard to save it.


The meeting had just begun when the three people walked in. “So good of you to join us Ash, who are the two people accompanying you?” asked Drake, the dragon master. His hair was beginning to change to a gleaming silver.

“Sorry I’m late, this is Jimmy, he’s a beginning trainer, and this is Thomas, he has info on the Pokémorphs, a LOT of info on the Pokémorphs. Hey, is there any food around here, I’m starving!”

Richie pushed a bowl of fruit across the table. “Hey Ash, long time no see, how’s it goin?” he asked.

“Hey Richie! I’m alright, how’s the Gym? Hey! Wait a minute, where’s Sparky?”

Richie frowned grimly, “That’s why I’m here, he disappeared two weeks ago. I think it was team rocket.” Pikachu hopped down from Ashes shoulder onto the table and sniffed Richie’s jacket.

“Sparky is missing?” he thought to himself. “It had to have been team rocket, but where would they take him? Could it have been…no, no one’s seen them[/B/ for years. ”

One of the people at the meeting cleared their throat. “I believe that we should be getting onto business, Ash? You said that this man has information on the Pokémorphs? What kind of information?” Asked Brandon, one of the frontier brains.

Thomas stepped forward. “Almost anything you could possibly want to know. I also have information on the other activities of team rocket.”

A Pokémon ranger stood up from his chair and walked over to him. Ash recognized him as ranger Jackie. “Jackie!? What brings you all the way out here?” he asked.

“Hello Ash, what brings me here is the morphs. One of my teammates is bringing a cargo plane full of them to one of the Sinnoh bases. And this is the man who created them.”


The plane landed on a field of snow, there were twelve rangers waiting to meet them. “Welcome to Hail base, please fallow me.” Said a woman. She led them into the building and showed them around, there were about eighty rooms. Many of the morphs were nervous as they were shown where to sleep, but soon realized that they were free to move about as they pleased. There weren’t enough rooms for everyone to have their own so some of them decided that they’d like to sleep outside or share a room with some of their friends and families. Rose, Star, Bolt, and Cella were led to a larger room that had four beds on request like some of the others had.

“Well, this is a nice change, everything’s clean and neat, and we’re allowed to go outside or eat whenever we want to!” Celebrated Cella.

“YEAH!” Bolt punched the air. “I can finally touch snow and battle wild Pokémon, I can see trees and earth and rocks!!” He was crackling with excitement.

“Umm, haven’t you ever seen a tree before? Or a rock? They’re kinda everywhere.” Asked Star.

“NO! if you’d been in the same place for seventeen years you wouldent’ve either.” He growled.

“You’ve been with the rockets your whole life?” asked Rose.

Bolt flopped down onto one of the beds. “Yeah, I was the last morph they created. Which means no outdoors or fresh air, the only plants I ever saw were potted.”

Star looked at him shocked. “So you’ve had no contact with the outside world for seventeen years!? No social life at all!” he sat down on one of the beds. “And I thought my life was hell, at least I know what it’s like outside.” He muttered.

Cella yawned, grabbed some of the blankets off of her bed and made a nest in the corner. “I evolved while almost getting eaten by a Gyarados, if that counts for anything.” She offered.

Rose looked at them all, then got irritated. “ALRIGHT!!” she said loudly, making them jump. “I don’t know the whole of what all of you’ve been through, but I’m sick of your moping already. So tomorrow I’m going to get up, eat breakfast, and start over!” she stretched her hands behind her head. “I’m going to begin the day like I belong in this world, weather or not you choose to! Tomorrow I’m hopefully going to have a battle with some very close friends of mine, then I’m going to find a map of Sinnoh, and figure out where the hell I’m supposed to go from here!”

They looked at her, then Star smiled. “You’re right, we have no right to complain about what’s happened before, this is right now!”

Cella purred “I should be trying to find Tyler instead of just sitting around!”

Bolt yawned. “Hmmm, well, It’s worth a shot.”

Rose was pleased. “Good! Now I’m starving, we should find some food.” They laughed as they left the room.


Tyler sat in one of the chairs in his secret base. The one they’d been using for meetings. He’d heard that an entire base of morphs had escaped, and that Cella had been there. Thing were going well, unfortunately some rockets had found the base during a meeting. Unfortunate for the rockets.

Four of them were tied up and chained to one of the walls. Tyler took a deep breath and walked over to them, and removed a gag from one of their mouths. The rocket glared at him, clearly holding back tears. He was no older than Tyler was, maybe a few months younger. The others were still asleep, one looked dead. Tyler shook his head back and forth, then sat down in front of him. “This isn’t right, it’s just plain wrong. How is it possible for the two of us, the same age, still considered children, to be killing each other?”

The young rocket hung his head and mumbled something. “What?” asked Tyler.

“I know it’s wrong, it’s horrible and cruel and violent. But we’re so much the same. I’ve been thinking about it, a lot actually, you know what I think?”

Tyler shook his head. “What do you think?” The boy smiled. “I think that we were both torn from our families, I think that we both became part of a group so that we’d feel that we had a family again. I think that we’ve both been forced into a war that neither of want a part of, I think we both miss our parents and families. And I think that I’m dreaming.” The boy frowned.

“You think that you’re dreaming? Why?” asked Tyler.

“I think I’m dreaming because I’m having a conversation with someone who just tied me up.”

Tyler shook his head. “You’re not dreaming. And you know why you’re tied up. I honestly don’t want to fight, I could untie you, but I don’t trust you.”

The boy smirked. “Yeah, I figured it was something like that. This is odd, but even though we’re supposed to be enemies, I don’t hate you.”

Tyler laughed. “How could we possibly hate each other? We don’t even have a clue what the other is like!” He said.

“Good point, why don’t we start now, my name’s Michal.” Tyler grinned.

“I’m Tyler, nice to meet you, Michal.” He untied him and shook his hand.
Okay, the reason that this starts out in bold is because it's a little off from the main story. It's Bolts story, what happened before he met Rose and Star. So this chapter is really in two parts. The first part os over when you see this:

Chapter Nine
Day one of freedom

Bolt lay awake; he listened to his friends’ snores. Tomorrow it was time to stop living in the past, he wasn’t sure if he could do that. He would’ve joined his friends and slept by now, but he didn’t need to. It would just hurt him anyway. He’d had the same dream every night he’d slept for the past three years, it didn’t seem to matter weather or not he slept, he always had that unpleasant memory to hold onto, he couldn’t let it go.

He felt his eyelids close, he could’ve stopped it, but he didn’t want to. It was his last memory of her. The good and the bad couldn’t be separated; they were too closely intertwined. He felt it as he sank into unconsciousness, then the dream happened. The exact same, like someone had made a movie of the beginning of hell.


Bolt was fourteen, he’d just evolved into a Luxio, he finished tying on his boots and walked down the hall to Thomas lab. He knew that he’d been created in one of the giant tubes that were along the wall, but he didn’t care, it was still his birthday. Inside he met Tilla Fire Paw. Today was her birthday too, but they weren't related. They’d been born on the same day, and they lived in the same facility, but they weren't brother and sister.

Thomas walked in fifteen minutes later, in his hands he had four brightly wrapped boxes. “Alright!! Presents!!” Tilla shouted, her excitement and surprise shown by how the fire on her back and head flared up. Bolt smiled, his best friend had just evolved too, from a Cyndaquil morph into a Quilava. Her body seemed thinner, and her brown and tan fur seemed to shine more than usual. His heart picked up speed, his usual reaction when he saw her.

He walked over to the table the gifts had been placed on, picked up a box and shook it. His smile got wider as he guessed what was inside. “NO WAY!! You really got me a skateboard!?” he tore the paper off and examined the box, then he sliced it open with his claws. He placed the board on the floor and was about to skate across the room.

“Hey now! No skateboards in the lab, we can try it out in the lounge later, okay?” Thomas said.

“Alright, later then.” He ran back over to Tilla. “What did you get Tilla!?”

She beamed and held up a giant book, on the cover it had colorful pictures of food and said recipes. “I can’t wait, I’m going to cook everything, I’m gunna make spaghetti, and smoothies, and shish kabobs, and everything!!” That was Tillas specialty, cooking. She’d loved making food for others to enjoy. She didn’t have a single bone in her body that could’ve harmed anyone, and Bolt loved her.

He wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t. He was afraid that if she didn’t love him it would ruin their friendship. “Lets open our other presents!” he shouted, crackling with electricity.

“Hey now! Be careful! Don’t shock me!”

Bolt laughed “Don’t worry! You know I’m careful!” The truth was that he was more than careful, the truth was that he’d been practicing controlling his electricity ever since he’d met Tilla. Every day he’d shot at targets, he was so accurate now that he could hit a square inch target from Twenty feet away, at least. He could control it so well now that he could make sparks dance around her and she wouldn’t get hit by even one of them, but he‘d never be as stupid as to try it.

Hers was a set of kitchen utensils, knifes, pots, pans, spoons, bowls, and many other items were displayed on the large box. Tilla looked like she was going to explode with joy. Bolt opened his small box, inside of it was a note that said, “Look in your room.” He looked up questioningly, then raced Tilla to his room. Inside there were several plants, it was almost like a forest. Bolt had loved plants, but he hadn’t ever actually seen one outside of pictures before.

Neither had Tilla, they both walked around the small jungle for about half an hour. “I’m hungry, I wonder if there are any fruit trees?” Tillas stomach grumbled.

“Come over here!” shouted Bolt, She ran over, there was a small group of trees with fruit on them.

“Wow, wanna eat some?” Bolt smiled. “DEFINATALLY!!” he threw her an oran berry and grabbed one himself.

“I wonder if I could use some of these in cooking, what do you think ThunderBolts?” She was the only one allowed to call him that, ever. If anyone but Tilla ever did call him that they were pretty much electrocuted-dead.

Bolts eyes began to water as he bit into a large red somewhat spiky berry. He swallowed hard and looked around frantically. “Just don’t EVER use those!!! GAH! I need a glass of water!”

Tilla laughed and threw a nomel berry at him. “Here, spicy foods are neutralized by citrus foods, that should help.”

He stuffed the fruit into his mouth and immediately felt better, he took a deep breath. “Wow, how do you know these things?”

She laughed again, the sound the sweetest music, and grabbed a dark blue berry next to her. “I learned most of them while cooking, and the reason I knew that you should eat that one was because they’re kept in the fridge. I have no clue what this one is though.” She took a bite of it then grinned at Bolt.

He instantly started laughing. She frowned “What’s so funny?”

He grabbed one of the berries and took a bite, then grinned at her. “Your mouth turned black!!” They both were rolling on the floor with laughter, Bolt stopped and watched her, her dark brown hair in complete disarray, his heart was beating faster than ever, he wanted to kiss her, to hold her in his arms and feel her soft fur under his fingers.

Suddenly Bolt felt himself being moved. It felt weird, like he was floating, and being pulled. It was like his body had suddenly become formless. He looked around, searching urgently for Tilla. He struggled against the pulling, he tore at the invisible trap, he screamed out. “TILLA! WHERE ARE YOU!!!”


Bolt watched in his dream as the rockets captured them in Release balls. It had been horrible, being in it and having no clue where he was, or where she was. He watched a man in a suit and tie walk up to the two rockets. “Good, I was worried that the balls wouldn’t work, but it looks like they do have enough Pokémon in them.”

The door in the room slammed open and Thomas ran in. “NO! Giovanni!! “I THOUGHT WE HAD AN AGREEMENT!!” he screamed.

“Not anymore, you haven’t made any progress on the Articuno morph, there isn’t even a single shred of spliced DNA, let alone the whole morph. And last night it escaped, so we’re taking them, oh, and happy birthday, Thomas, so sad that this had to happen on all three of yours.” The group walked out of the room, leaving Thomas behind.

“NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOO!!!” he slammed his fist into the wall with each no, it began to bleed, he knocked several plants in the room over, the pots smashing. Thomas leaned against the wall and slid down it, he grabbed his face in his hands, tears and blood mixing together.


Bolt slammed against the invisible wall several times, he shot electricity at it, he tore at it with his claws until his hands were bloody. He knew he was moving, he had no concept of time or where he was but he knew he was moving. “Are you done yet? You’re starting to give me a headache.”

Bolt looked to his right and saw a Furret staring at him. “Who are you, and what are you?” he asked, his voice hoarse from screaming.

“I was going to ask the same, I’m a Furret, just call me Furret, everyone else does. Now who, and what are you?”

Bolt heard another voice to his left. “Hey Furret, is it a Newbie?” the voice sounded amused. A Quilava suddenly came into view.

Bolt looked at the oddly colored Pokémon that looked creepily like his best friend. “You’re a Quilava!?”

The Pokémon smirked “you catch on quick, what’s you’re name, and what Pokémon are you?” Bolt shook his head “I’m only part Pokémon, Luxio. my name’s Bolt, I’m a Pokémorph. Oh, and what’s wrong with you’re color?”

The greenish black Pokémon turned in a circle, trying to get a look at his fur. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, my color’s the same as it was this morning!” he growled.

“But my friend is a Quilava morph and she’s brown!”

The Pokémon looked thoughtful for a moment then shook his head. “You’re friend was probably a shiny Pokémon, or Pokémorph or whatever. And if it was possible to break out of that pokeball you’re in you would’ve by now, so stop fighting. You aren’t going to stay in that for very long anyway, that wasn’t the mission. They’re going to leave you locked in a room somewhere, that’s what they do to all of the morphs.” Bolt shook his head, he had no clue what the hell was going on. He was suddenly exhausted, his eyes drooped and he fell asleep.

This part of the dream was always weird for Bolt, watching himself sleep. It was strange to see how weak he looked, lying on his side, his breath coming in slowly. He was suddenly aware that he didn’t have to stay watching himself. He smacked his head, he would watch her as long as he could. He wasn’t sure if he was walking or floating, but he knew he was moving. He was suddenly out in the hall, watching the two rockets that’d captured them, then he went to Tillas pokeball. The sphere was a burnt orange color, on the top there were three lines parallel to each other, they were black, the bottom was white, with a black stripe coming from the button and ending at the hinge. Bolt had never really gotten a good look at the release balls, it was a pokeball specifically designed to always capture the Pokémon, like a master ball. Instead of capturing the Pokémon forever though, the person with it could only release the Pokémon after catching it, useless unless you didn‘t actually want to keep the pokemon. They were sometimes used by rangers who didn’t have time to use a capture styler in certain situations.

Bolt went inside the ball, he looked at her, her soft brown fur moving lightly as she slept, her soft breathing making it shimmer, he sat next to her, not really there, and ran his fingers through her hair. The worst part of a dream, that you can’t truely touch anything. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. “No” he wiped it away, he would not cry, he never cried, ever.

Celebi flew through dark woods, the forest just outside of the ranger base where Bolt and the others slept. He felt the pull of time, like a magnet. He shook his head, there shouldn’t have been a warp there. Celebi flew towards the pull, and sighed with frustration as he neared a building. “I hate it when humans try to mess with time, they don’t understand the consequences, the pain.” He opened the window and immediately felt another Pokémon, the one that dark woods were named for. “Darkrai? Why are you here?”

He slowly turned and looked at him. “I sensed a dream, an odd one, like a nightmare with hope, it‘s very interesting.” Celebi quickly sensed another Pokémon, a light shimmered and Cresselia appeared.

“Darkrai! What are you doing to this… this? Is that a Pokémon or a person?”

Celebi sighed. “Hello Cresselia, this is the topic of the last twenty-eight meetings we’ve missed. They’re called Pokémorphs, why are you here?”

She looked at Darkrai glaringly. “I was on my way to one of the meetings, finally, when I felt him nearby, so I decided to make sure the dream was alright. What are you doing here?”

A cold breeze flew through the window, Celebi quickly shut it. “I felt some sort of time warp, it was really weird, as if it was and wasn’t real at the same time. And Cresselia, you know he doesn’t do that on purpose!”

Cresselia turned toward Celebi, “says you!”

Darkrai shook his head, he closely examined Bolt. “Celebi, he’s dreaming about the past, but is in the past. I’ve never experienced this sort of thing before. It’s like his past and present are sharing the same place.” Darkrai looked concerned. “The only reason I even really sensed this is because the dream is apparently unpleasant, but he knows he’s dreaming. So, why doesn’t he wake up? It‘s not because I‘m here, he knows how to wake up, but is enduring this anyway.”

Cresselia shook her head. “how don’t you know that the dream wasn’t caused by you? It seems suspicious to me!”

Darkrai turned to her. “I’m sorry that you don’t believe me, but I think you should have a good look at this, it’s nothing any of my abilities are able to create.”

Celebi suddenly jumped. “Hurry up if you’re going to do it, something just changed!” The shadow Pokémon nodded, then a light flashed and they were inside the dream. “Do not do anything, just watch.” Darkrai warned.

Bolt knew what was coming next, he and Tilla were released into the same room he’d been in for the past three years. Bolt watched as she cried, watched as he places an arm around her trembling form and held her close. He hated this part, it hurt so bad to see her cry. It felt like someone was stabbing him in the heart over and over again.

The room blurred, the dream was moving forward, it stopped at the fight room. The glass in the room at that time was only four inches thick, most of the Pokémorphs in the room didn’t bother trying to escape, there were even a few who looked like they enjoyed the battles. Bolt felt a presence other than himself in the dream, but he couldn’t place it. It didn’t matter anyway, the only thing they’d see is the broken, horrible, bloody past of someone who’d never be able to forget it.

His fight began, he had no clue what he was doing, but the Pokémon attacked him so he attacked back. It was as simple as that. It was a large bird Pokémon, it had steel blue eyes, and every now and then it would cry out, “Pipiiiigggoo” but weirdly enough He’d understood every word it’d said. The Pokémon feinted with a few electric shocks.

Then he scanned the room for her. Bolt hated this part, but it was the last look he’d get at her, until he dreamed again. He scanned the room, both of him did. Then she was spotted, she had a deep cut on her side. The Croconaw she was faced against shot a vortex of water at her. Bolt pounded on the glass and shouted at her to fight. Tears were forming in his eyes, he pounded harder, yelled louder. Her sodden form couldn’t move, she was breathing hard. He screamed and shattered the first wall of glass, he ran towards her, the Pokémon about to kill her looked up at his advancing form. He slammed into the wall, smashing it completely, shattered glass showered down on the everything.

Bolts fist made contact with the crocodile-like Pokémons head, he felt it fracture, felt it’s and his own blood cover his fist, but didn’t care. He knelt down beside her, she wasn’t moving. She was limp, her soft brown fur soaked and bloody. He held her body to himself, it hurt like someone had just taken a razorblade to his soul. “No..NOOO oh god no. oh god no Tilla, Tilla Tilla Tilla. Tilla……. Don’t be dead. Please, I love you.” It was the first and time he’d ever said it to her. To anyone.

He felt his form shift, There was a soft light, he couldn’t move, then it stopped. His head was pounding but he didn’t care, all he could do was hold her. Then they tore her limp form from his arms, and he feinted.

There was no point to the dream to Bolt after that, but it would just be stupid to wake up because it was so close to over, like stopping a movie at the end. He was in the cell, he couldn’t move, so in shock. From the evolution, from what the rockets do, from the horror of what he’d seen. From her death. Her death, her death, her death, her death. She’s dead. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. It kept playing over and over again in his head, like some twisted broken record.

Then someone walked into the room. “Bolt? God, I’m so sorry.” It was Thomas.

He looked angrily at him, “Why did you make us?”

Thomas looked shocked. “What?”

Bolt growled. “She’s dead, because of the rockets, because of what you are. WHY THE HELL AM I HERE! WHAT DID WE DO! What did she do? I hate you. Go away, get away. I hate you, I hate what you are. You’re no better than any of the others. Go. Ay. Way. Get the hell out.” He screamed, he even tore off a piece of the bed and threw it at him. That was the last time Bolt had ever seen Thomas. That was the last time he’d ever cried. Ever.

The three legendaries watched the dream, and they saw something Bolt had never noticed. They saw her, in his blood soaked arms as he evolved, murmer so quietly that it was no wonder Bolt had never heard it. “Me too.”

Cresselia was crying, she knew that nothing Darkrai could do would ever create something like this, sure the nightmares he created were horrid, but the things that happened in this one were just pure evil.

They left the dream, Darkrai was shocked. “They’re so, so, they’re so human! Did you watch that? The way he protected her? I didn’t know that anything could be so strong, so overpowering! But he’s in so much pain.”

Celebi had his eyes shut. “No wonder he hates the rockets so much more than the others. Each one has a reason, but the fury, the deep resentment. And he doesn’t even know that she lived. Cresselia? Is there a way to stop him from having this dream again?”

She shook her head. “No, There is, but he has to be willing to let go. When we were inside the dream he wasn’t trying to get rid of it, it seemed like he welcomed it. I don’t know why anyone would ever want to dream something so horrible though!”

Darkrai sighed. “He doesn’t see it as completely horrible, it’s the only way he can hold on to the memory of someone whom he deeply loved. It’s a bittersweet memory, a perfect bittersweet dream of the past, and it is killing him, in the most literal sense.” Cella stirred in the corner.

“Let’s go, before we’re seen.” Said Celebi as he opened the window. They left silently, Darkrai melted with the shadows, Celebi silently flew off, and Cresselia followed the soft moonbeams into the night.


Cella stood at the window, she’d been there for about two hours, and the sun was beginning to rise. Then she heard Bolt stir and looked at him.

He opened his eyes. “Hey Cella, why are you up so early?”

She smiled. “I always get up really early, I don’t really ever need much sleep. Why are you up?”

Bolt shook his head. “I would never sleep, I don’t need any really. It’s just out of habit that I do.” He half lied.

The sun was about halfway up. “So you just get up every morning and watch the sunrise?”

She took a deep breath. “I just seem to be drawn to it, I’m pretty sure it has a lot to do with me being an Espeon morph, but still……..” She paused. “So, you don’t ever actually need any sleep? Then why do you bother? You said it was out of habit, but why sleep when you could be doing so many other things?”

Bolt sat on his bed. “I suppose I like to dream.” Bolt was glad that he didn’t have to say why as they heard a yawn from the bed above Bolts.

“Thank God, finally a good morning. It’s good to wake up with friends around…” Star jumped down from the bunk. “So, what should we eat for breakfast?” he yawned again.

“I don’t know, why don’t we wait for Rose to get up?” asked Cella.

“Good idea, so why are you up so early?”

Bolt laughed quietly. “You’re up a little early yourself. I don’t ever need sleep, I just like to.” He said.

Cella smiled. “I get up every morning and watch the sunrise. Why are you up?”

Star stretched his wings, the air in the room was cool, but not cold, it felt good as he took a deep breath. “Out of habit, I’ve spent most of my life running from the rockets, so getting up early and moving quick was a necessity.”

The sun was just above the trees when Rose woke up. “Good morning, wow, everyone is up already?” she mumbled. “Did any of you actually sleep?” They all laughed as she got off the top bunk.

They walked out into the hall and took a left, towards the main part of the ranger base. They walked out into a large room where some people were talking on phones, checking things on laptops, and sipping coffee. There were morphs talking to rangers, some of them even had coffee themselves. There was a wide window that showed the scenery outside. The sun had fully risen now, and the snow was sparkling. The trees outside were covered in frost, the green needles glittering like tiny emeralds. Icicles were hanging from the roof, they looked like crystal stalactites.

Suddenly one of the rangers pagers went off, she jumped up and checked it, then ran out the door and threw a pokeball into the air. A Rapidash burst out of the pokeball in a hurricane of flowers, which were set on fire, then disappeared. The girl hopped on its back and raced into the forest just to the left of the base, several other rangers did the same, sending their Pokémon out, and suddenly the whole base was buzzing. The part of the forest the rangers had run to seemed darker, and slightly more ominous than the rest of the woods around it.

“What just happened?” Rose asked one of the rangers.

He turned to her and smiled. “Don’t worry, we sent some rangers on patrol and they must be having some trouble in Dark Woods. It happens all the time, it’s usually poachers or some anti dark type wackos.”

Cella looked out towards the forest, “So why would anyone want to kill dark types anyway, they’re just Pokémon, I mean, I‘m a psychic type and I‘m not really fond of them, but still…”

The ranger shook his head. “It’s the unfortunate label. Many people see dark type Pokémon as evil or as demons. It’s just because they don’t understand them. I’m a fan of dark types though, and I have to go.” The ranger threw out a pokeball and a Tyranitar popped out accompanied with a cloud of blue stars.

“What’s with the wired effects when the Pokémon pop out of their pokeballs?” Asked Bolt to no one in particular.

“Those are seals, they add an effect when you release the Pokémon out of their pokeballs. Most trainers use them for fun, but they’re almost mandatory if they want to win a contest.” Replied Star, he was examining the base, it looked as if he was making plans for the fastest escape, and he seemed jumpy.

“Star? Relax, I think we’re safe for now, why don’t we find something to eat?” Rose said calmly. She’d noticed how wound he was, he relaxed a little when they went to grab some food. It was set up in a bar, there were some plates at one end, following the plates was a small buffet of food. Star looked at them and smiled “Just like in most Pokécenters.” and laughed.

He picked up a plate and walked along the bar, he used the tongs or spoons in the bowls of food to get some. Rose, Bolt, and Cella followed in suit. There were some plastic forks and spoons that they grabbed, Star grabbed a cup and pressed a button after placing it under a machine. Then they grabbed a table.


Thomas sat in the small cell that officer Jenny had put him in. He’d explained everything to the League, every detail of what they wanted to know and what he’d needed to say, then he’d left. There were officers waiting for him at the side entrance. This entrance was for trainers to enter only, so there wasn’t anyone there except for a sullen looking man in a suit, he was at a desk marked ‘certification’ There was a machine and a poster there too. The poster had a picture of all the badges, which you had to have eight of in order to participate in any of the league finals. He’d shouted at Thomas when he was leaving, but didn’t really care enough to try and stop him, what did it matter if someone was going out[/B] without any badges anyway?

He still had his two Pokémon at least; he released Skarmory and Misdreavus. “Hey guys, I guess that I did the right thing, but this really sucks.” The Pokémon agreed; Misdreavus sat in his lap, Skarmory folded his wings and lay down next to him. Thomas ran his fingers along his smooth bronze-colored back. “I miss those two, do you remember them? You met them a few times.” he asked his Pokémon. They looked questioningly at him.

“Drrrreeaa?” asked Misdreavus, her voice confused. “You remember Bolt and Tilla, right? I hope that they’re doing okay. I can’t believe I was so stupid as to believe that jerk. It’s been three years, and I can‘t believe that I didn‘t leave sooner.”

One of the officers came into the room where his cell was. “So, you have some Pokémon? We’re going to have to take them, you know that right?”

Thomas sighed, his Pokémon shook their heads and growled. “Calm down guys, do you honestly want to spend ten years, or more, in here with me? There’s nothing to do or see. Skarmory, there’s no place to fly or stretch your wings. Misdreavus, I know that you like places like this, but tell me honestly, would you be happy if you didn’t ever get to see another Pokémon?” The Pokémon sat firmly at his side, they were talking, trying to defend Thomas even though the officer couldn’t understand them, Thomas couldn‘t get them to go into their Pokéballs.

“I’m not going anywhere without Thomas! Even if I have to stay here for the rest of my life! I don’t care about flying, he’s been my best friend for the past twenty years!” It was Skarmory, even though neither of the humans could understand Pokéspeak they understood exactly what he was saying.

“If you think I care about any other Pokémon besides Skarmory you don’t know as much about me as you thought. I’m not leaving you, and there are other Pokémon here. But that’s beside the point. You saved my life and I’m not letting you waste yours!” Growled Misdreavus, her small form trembling. The two humans stared at her. Then the officer walked over to the door.

“I don’t think they want to leave, they seem to be friends with him and he can‘t get them inside their Pokéballs, if the Pokémon don’t want to leave there’s nothing I can do to take them away.”

One of the shadows behind the door spoke then. “Have him recall his Pokémon, we’d like to speak to him.” Thomas heard the voice and was finally able to recall the Pokémon to their Pokéballs. Drake, Ash, Pikachu, and Jimmy walked trough the door, the officer left, seeing no reason for he himself to be there when one of the elite four and, well, ASH KETCHUM had just walked in.

“You can let your Pokémon out now.” Said Drake. “The police don’t like it when people have Pokémon while they’re in jail, but unless the Pokémon shows serious signs of neglect or are extremely violent there’s nothing they can do about it.” Thomas released the Pokémon, they were glad to see that they were still with their friend.

Misdreavus curiously floated over to Pikachu, she nudged him and the two started to play together, she would float around him, and he’d jump through her insubstantial form.

“So what exactly are you doing here anyway?” Thomas asked while watching the two Pokémon play.

“We’re letting you out, it’s not exactly like you’re going to run back to team rocket, and you’re no use to us just sitting here rotting away.” Said Drake.

Jimmy looked at Thomas Skarmory. “Wow, I’ve never seen a Skarmory that looks like that! It’s amazing where’d you find it!?” Thomas smiled, His Pokémon crowed and strutted with pride.

“I found him at Stark Mountain in the Sinnoh region, I was doing research on the habits of Pokémon around there. I was watching some eggs hatch in a nest, he was one of them. Well, the mom came around several hours later and threw a fit when she saw him. She thought he was a different Pokémon so she pushed him out of the nest. I had no clue what else to do so I threw a pokeball at him while he was falling, I mean what else was their to do? He couldn’t fly, he would’ve died.”

The Pokémon sat down loyally next to Thomas, his head held high. “Wow, that’s a little cliché.” Stated Drake, as he took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the jail cell door. Thomas stood up and walked out of the cell.

“So what exactly am I going to do now?” He asked. Ash handed him his laptop.

“I honestly want to know why you’d pick now to betray team rocket instead of before, when they took those two.”

Thomas shook his head. “I suppose you had to go through my laptop. I don’t know why I waited this long. But I can tell you exactly what happened that day, every detail.”


“So what are contests, you mentioned them earlier.” Asked Cella.

Star took a bite of toast and swallowed, then answered the question. “It’s where trainers show off what their Pokémon can do, I’m not really sure completely how it works, but it’s supposed to be fun, and cool.” They sat and ate for a few minuets; the food was considerably better than anything they’d gotten at the rocket base was. They followed Star to dump the plates when they were done eating.

The four walked outside, the snow was soft as it fell, it sizzled and evaporated before it could even touch Roses tail. “So, where’s a good place to battle?” Rose mumbled to herself, then she noticed a large clear area that seemed perfect.

“Well, are you three ready?” Rose was full of energy, the fresh air and space was exciting after having spent more or less a month in that place, she thought about how much more excited everyone else who’d been there longer was.

“I’m ready to WIN!” shouted Bolt.

“Not if I beat you first!” laughed Cella. Star smiled and nodded. Rose and Star were across from each other, while Bolt and Cella were facing one another. They didn’t notice but there were a few people watching them.

The battle started, Rose shot into the air and shot a flame-thrower straight down into the snow, melting it so that the dirt underneath showed. Star shot up too, a hurricane of snow followed his wings on the way up. Bolt crouched, his tail standing on end, electricity crackling up his arms and through his hair. Cella smiled, she shot off a quick attack at Bolt, he waited patently and as soon as she was close shot a Thunderbolt at her. She shot off to the left, the electricity followed her, something she hadn’t expected. She turned and shot a swift at the electricity, it hit the stars, sending it back at Bolt. He waited patently then as soon as the stars were right in front of him he kicked them, shattering each in a burst of electricity. Suddenly he fell backwards as a Psybeam hit him, the rest of the stars shattering against him.

Rose sent a flame-thrower at Star, which he dodged, he spun in the air, and his tail flew at Rose. His tail was met with a blow from hers. There were even more humans and morphs watching now, a few of them ran to get others.

Cella used psychic to hold Bolt in place but it didn’t work for long, he tore out of the attack and charged at her, then swerved and made a cage of electricity dance around them. Cella used psychic to break the cage and sent sparks dancing all over the field.

Rose and Star circled in the air for a few seconds then Rose charged at him, her wings outstretched. Star grabbed one and spun her around so they were facing each other. He locked onto her eyes almost immediately, they had playful sparks dancing in them, and his heart beat faster, had her eyes always been that amazing shade of emerald?

Then he dove straight down, the air and snow rushing past his face, he swerved and suddenly she was right next to him. “Just try and keep up!!” she yelled into the freezing air.

“Ha! I won’t even have to try!” He shot straight up and swerved to the right. Rose was suddenly right in front of him, he accidentally ran into her. He backed up and they stood in the air face to face.

Bolt ran at Cella, his fist charged with electricity, it hit square in the stomach. Cella grabbed his fist and flipped him over. “I didn’t see that coming!” He jumped up and span, hitting her with an iron tail. She grabbed his tail and used Bite on it.

“I bet you didn’t see that coming either!” Cella laughed as bolt shook the attack off.

“How’d you learn Bite? Psychic types can’t learn Dark type moves!” he looked at her, she shook with laughter.

“Well, think about it, Espeons evolve from Eevees. If I learned that while I was an Eevee Morph, wouldn’t It make sense that I’d know it now?”

Bolt shook his head. “I suppose so, but I suggest you watch out for this!” Electricity crackled up Bolts back and arms, he smiled and crouched. Suddenly the field was covered in fireworks of electricity, sparks crackled and popped in the snow.

Rose quickly spun to dodge the blue lightning that had just filled the field, Star landed right in the middle of it, but when it cleared he was no where to be seen.

Now almost the entire base was watching, they followed each movement of the friends. Every now and then they would cheer as someone landed a spectacular hit. Right now they were holding their breath, some of them wondered where he’d gone, and others had to bite their tongues so that they didn’t ruin the surprise.

Cella spun and kicked snow up at Bolt, he laughed and ran at her, his fist had sparks coming out of it. The attack hit but Cella retaliated with psychic. It pushed him back a bit but not enough, he ran straight at her and grabbed her arm in his mouth, using crunch. Cella took a deep breath. “I think that’s enough for me, I don’t want to overdo it now do I?” She laughed shakily, then walked over to the edge of the field; she turned and sat under one of the trees.

Rose landed just behind Bolt as Cella sat down, she set off a flame-thrower right at him as he turned around, while Star suddenly appeared seemingly out of thin air and slammed her with a dirt covered tail. Rose turned and slammed a burning fist into him, while Bolt walked over to sit next to Cella. “I think we’d better let those two finish up, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’m ever doing that again, they play rough.” He murmured to Cella, she nodded.

The crowd seemed to have slowly changed from humans and morphs to mostly humans. There were several other battled going on, Two Scyther Morphs seemed to dance with their lightening speed while the blades on their arms slashed air and sliced snowflakes in half. A Gligar Morph was battling a rangers Persian, while a Larvitar Morph was facing off with a Skorupi Morph. There were several other battles going on, everyone was having fun, they could battle freely and have fun.

Rose and Star were in the air, each attack expertly placed. Most of them were dodged, every now and then one would hit though. Both Morphs were out of breath, their movements became a dance, each making moves that would be taken or dodged, both retaliating with equally matched moves, sometimes a small explosion would happen, blocking them from view.

“You can’t win!” Star teased.

“Wanna bet? Ha! There’s no way I’m loosing now!” They flew at each other only to stop facing each other again.

Star looked into her eyes, they had a steady fire burning in them, something that said ‘I’m not gonna give in and you’d better not either.”

His heart started up double time, suddenly he shot past her and then rocketed towards the ground. He landed and grabbed a handful of snow. He hurled it at her “HEY! Now you’re gonna get it!” She swooped down and grabbed an armful of snow, soon both were covered in white slush, and Cella and Bolt had joined back in. Snow was flying everywhere, and all battles were quickly forgotten.

Suddenly Rose tackled Star, they somersaulted through the snow, suddenly Rose was pinning him down. She looked deep into his soft gray eyes, suddenly she felt something, like her heart was trying to break out of her chest. “I think we’d better go inside.” She breathed, getting off him.


Tyler was standing at the meeting, Mike was now wearing a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt, he now looked much more like a normal teenage boy. The other two team rocket members were glaring at them. Alexis raised her hand. “Yes Alexis?” he called.

She stood up and walked over to the boy. “I know you trust him, but he was a rocket, how do you know he won’t just walk out of here in the middle of the night?”

Tyler shook his head. “We don’t know that, I don’t even know if the information he gave me is real, but that’s part of what this group is, isn’t it? He’s an orphan just like us and he was pulled into something he didn’t really want to be a part of. Each one of you knows what it’s like to have to search for a group to belong to. Well, he found one he thought he belonged to. And he was lucky enough to find another group, us, where he isn’t threatened and frightened every day.”

Everyone seemed to agree, one of the ranger apprentices stood up. “Our base just received news on the morphs, Tyler, your cousin, She’s there.”

Tyler suddenly burst into a huge smile. “Is anyone else there! What about mom, or my uncle?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t know, but we heard news about her. What do you want to do?”

Tyler took a deep breath. He thought for a minute. “How much does it cost to sail?”
You know, I've been wondering about the Charmander morph Melanie. How is she?

Also, still some misspellings. "Patently" is supposed to be "Patiently", "Loosing" is supposed to be "Losing", etc. Still, pretty good plot, so continue it.
She won't show up again until somewhere around chapters thirteen to fifteen, but she's okay, as okay as one can be inside one of those places. She was transported with a group of morphs to a different base because the one she was origionally at was getting crowded. (Absolutely no spoilers there, just the reason she hasn't shown up.)

Thanks, I tried to make sure to get all of the mispellings, but they seem to always find a way to slip through.
Chapter Ten
Day two of freedom, entering Dark Forest

Giovanni sat at his desk, he was pleased with who’d come up to the challenge. “Sheridan, I want you to find him and kill him. And anyone else who’s with him.” The figure nodded and walked out the door.

The rocket standing by the firm oak doors shuddered as he went by. “Giovanni, are you sure what he told you is true? It seems extremely unlikely that any of them would do this unless they’ve been trained by us.”

Giovanni turned in his chair, so that he faced the large window behind his desk that took up about a fourth of the room. He ran his fingers through his red hair as though he was frustrated, then turned and faced the rocket. “If I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have hired him. Go inform that group of morphs, that the hospital seems to keep as pets, that he won’t be joining them, for a while.”

The rocket bowed, “yes sir.” Then he walked out, shutting the heavy door as quietly as he could. Giovanni turned back to the window and watched as one of his sleek black helicopters carried the seemingly unlikely assassin off towards Sinnoh region. The destruction of that base would soon be the biggest mistake that flying humanoid freak had ever made, and he would pay, with his worthless life, the game was over.


Rose, Bolt, Cella, and Star were sitting at one of the tables near a window, leaning over a map. “The only way seems to take us through dark forest and around Lake Acucity.” Star said quietly.

It was about Five in the morning, and the sun was just beginning to rise above the ominous trees of Dark Forest. “I don’t have a problem with going through the forest, I have a problem with being attacked in it.” Cella glared at the trees that seemed to only get darker as the sun got higher. “I’m not sure if you know this, but dark type pokemon don’t exactly agree with psychic type pokemon.” She glared at the trees again.

“We are all aware of that, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s the only way to go if we’re going to avoid humans as much as possible!” Rose said with a sigh, “there’s no avoiding it so stop complaining, we’re wasting time anyway. If we want to be gone tomorrow we need to start packing.”

Bolt yawned, his mouth opening wide so that his sharp white fangs gleamed, a couple sparks skipped off them and went out before reaching the table. “Okay, I’ll start packing, cause I really have no clue how the hell to read a map and you guys are getting on my nerves. I’m sure that the rangers will let us take some non perishable food items and two or three pots for whatever reason we might need them.” he then stood up and stretched as he walked over to one of the random rangers eating an early breakfast in the in the room.

The three at the table discussed the map for another minute. “alright, so how about we take this path when we get to mount cor..” Star started, but stopped them moment Rose opened her mouth.

“Lets not worry about the mountain until later, we already have at least a week long journey ahead of us, and that’s if we ran the whole way. We’ll have plenty of time to map it out while we’re on the go.” Rose said, while her eyes traced the route they’d drawn out on the map.

“I agree, we need to start packing, as was stressed by Rose before, and if we don’t leave tomorrow we’ll never get out of here. I’ll look for the essentials, flashlights, those little foil thermal blanket things, first aid kits, and such. Why don’t you two find sleeping bags, backpacks, and we’ll probably need a couple changes of clothes, these are pretty worn out and I don’t think they’ll be warm enough.” Cella said, making a list of items on a notebook that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

“I think they have a store here, it shouldn’t be that hard to find things we need.” Star said as he stood up, stretching his wings. “Come on Rose, let’s ask where we can find what we need.”

They walked up to the same ranger Bolt had, he had serious dark brown eyes. “Is there anywhere we can go to find supplies like sleeping bags and clothes?” Star asked.

“Sure, we have a free market. You don’t have to pay for anything, it has all of the necessary items for going on long trips or journeys. There’s also some canned foods and such.” He said all of this and smiled at the two standing there. “If there’s anything we don’t have that you need try asking one of the other rangers if they could run to the poke mart in Snowpoint for you.”

He went back to eating as Rose thanked him. She called Cella over and they went in the same direction Bolt had. The store was well stocked and they quickly found everything they needed and ran into Bolt. “We should try on some of these clothes to see if they fit.” said Star holding up a pair of jeans.

“I’ll ask one of the rangers if they have some dressing rooms.” He said and walked over to one standing by the clothing racks, she nodded and pointed. The four walked in the direction she’d pointed.

“we’re going to have to cut holes in all of these if were going to try them on.” Stated Rose as they were nearing a set of doors.

“I know” said Star, holding up the jeans again, “but I think everything should fit, if Cella guessed your sizes right.”

“Well, she is a Psychic type, I’ll give her that.” murmured Bolt.

They had stopped by the doors, they each went into separate rooms and began trying on the clothes.

Rose came out last, having struggled with getting her tail through the dark blue pair of jeans she was wearing without burning them. “How do I look?” she asked. She had a deep green sweater on that matched her eyes almost perfectly.

Cella, wearing dark blue sweatshirt and matching pants laughed, “You look great, green suits you!”

Rose laughed too, “you said it would!”

Star examined her, the deep color that made her eyes stand out like glittering emeralds was amazing, green more than suited her. “You look wonderful Rose, Cella was right about all of our sizes.”

“Thanks!” she said, smiling. “You all look good too!” Mostly aiming the comment at Star, who was wearing a light grey T-shirt under an orange jacket. The jeans he was wearing were just a shade lighter than Roses.

Bolt wasn’t paying attention to anything they said in his yellow shirt and red jacket, he had on a pair of dark blue sweatpants. “We should get going as soon as we’re packed.” he sighed.

“Let’s go find backpacks, then we can find some thermal sleeping bags and a couple tents. The rest of the room should be used for food and we each should have a flashlight, even though I always have a light.” Said Rose, scanning the store for something that would indicate camping supplies.

“You need a cot.” said Star.


“Well, I don’t think we want to burn down the forest.” He smiled.

“Right, forgot about that for a minute.” They began walking around and soon ran into the camping section. “This one looks nice.” Said Rose, picking out a large dark blue bag, it had a red flame pattern on it.

“I suppose you’re drawn to your own element.” laughed Cella, picking up one that was dark purple. “These are pretty good sized, the label says they can each hold thirty pounds.”

Bolt grabbed one, it was tan and red. Star looked through them quickly, then grabbed one with a dragon on it. He smiled “Each drawn to their own element.”

The sleeping bags, cots, and tents fallowed the backpacks, Rose grabbed one of the cots and placed it into her bag. They decided that there should only be two tents, one for the boys and one for the girls so they could save room in the back packs. Each picked out a sleeping bag that seemed to match their bags.

“I suppose that’s about it, we need some decent footwear and coats, then we can find some food.” Said Star as he finished stuffing a tent into his pack.

The four went back to the clothing, searching for boots, Bolt looked ready to strangle himself with the sleeves of a hideous pink sweater. “How much longer are we going to have to stay inside?”

“You can go ask one of the rangers what Pokemon we’re most likely to run into in the woods, after you have a coat and some boots.” Said Rose, rolling her eyes at him. “The rest of us will find food, but don‘t complain if we didn‘t get anything you like.”

There weren’t many choices in coats and even fewer in boots, they‘d been picked through. There were four colors to choose from in the coats, red, blue, the same disturbing pink as the sweater, and white.

“Well, I suppose I’ll take a white one, since I’m continually on fire and will be easy to spot.” Said Rose, slowly inching away from the intimidating pink color.

Bolt grabbed one of the blue ones, and Cella picked up red. “It’s not really my color, but I’m not wearing the pink.”

Star laughed. “I’m not taking pink either, I think I’ll take my chances getting lost in white.” He pulled the second to last one off the rack.

For boots the only choice was black, the ugly pink didn’t even count anymore. Whoever decided to order it was obviously insane.


Tyler stood on the docks at Lillycove, thankful that it was raining and few people were out. Three people stood behind him, a boy at about seventeen, and two girls at the age fifteen. The boy and one of the girls were Ranger apprentices, the fourth of their party had lost her father and mother to team rocket, and had run away from the orphanage. She’d recently been living in an abandoned secret base until Tylers club had found her.

“There’s someone over there, loading a boat.” She whispered to the group. They looked to where her finger was pointing, there was a good sized boat being loaded to go across the sea. The person loading it disappeared inside.

“You three go first, I’ll keep an eye out for anyone.” Said Tyler, scanning the areas around the ships.

The three sprinted and made it to the ship with out any trouble, it was going well. Tyler took a deep breath and took a silent step forward.

“Those wouldn’t be your friends sneaking onto my boat, now would they?” A menacing voice rumbled behind him, suddenly Tyler felt a strong hand grip him and pull him out into the open. He sent electric shocks and punches at the dark tall figure holding him.

“OUCH! Damn it Tyler! You sure as hell aren’t that pipsqueak of a Pichu you were five years ago! So much for giving you a scare, you could have killed me!” The voice boomed as the pair of hands dropped him.

Tyler rolled over and scrabbled away from the tall figure, he stared up at him as his three friends came running down the gangplank of the ship. “Vincent?”

The figure laughed again, shaking off the wet hood covering his face. “Who the hell else would be stupid enough to stand outside in THIS!” The Floatzel Morph shouted, laughing loudly again as the three humans stood staring between the two morphs.

“I suppose you got that boat you wanted, you’ll have to tell me the story, how’s Kelly?” Said Tyler a little shaken. He stood up, still a good eighteen inches shorter than Vincent.

“She’s good, but you’ll have to tell me what you’re doing with humans first! And where you learned to fight like that, you might be able to teach me a few things!” He laughed again and herded the four teenagers towards his boat.

“You should know, you taught me most of it.” Laughed Tyler. “I just got stronger, and faster.” The four reached the boat, and made their way towards the captains quarters.

“I suppose I did, but you four, what were the chances that tiny Tyler, who couldn’t even throw a proper punch, is leading a troupe of little stowaways, and of all things, onto MY boat! It’s either fate or the fact that I’ve been away for far too long, so tell me what’s going on at the village that you’d decide to run away with a troupe of humans and go out to sea?” they were standing outside the door, a faint humming could be heard behind it.

“Why don’t we all tell you, because half the story belongs to humans now, and I’m sure Kelly is eager to know what happened too, unfortunately the news is grim.” Tylers eyes were sad, the rain pattered on the deck, slowly picking up tempo.

“I’m sure the news can wait then.” Tyler was surprised, but nodded anyway, there would be time enough for unpleasantries. “See, I find hard news is easier to take in the sun, and I’ve far far better news to share.”

He pushed the door open and stepped inside the cabin, wrapping his soaked arms around a Lucario Morph and kissed her. Grinning widely, and turning towards the four people that’d just walked inside. “Tyler, why don’t you introduce your friends to us!” He laughed, Kelly gave him a warning glance.

“Be quieter, you don’t want to wake up all of Lillycove!” She scolded.

“Hi Kelly, these are my friends, Ben and Jess are Ranger apprentices, and this is Anna.” he said, pointing out each with their names. “You look good, how’s life on the sea treating you?”

She smiled and laughed, it was light and happy. “Fine, great actually, did Vincent tell you?” Her eyes were sparkling.

“Well, you’d better say before you explode hun!” Laughed Vincent.

She rolled her eyes and pulled Tyler along, warning him to be quiet. They went through another door into a smaller room, everyone else crowding in behind them. “Isn’t she Beautiful?” whispered Kelly as Tyler noticed a crib in one of the corners of the room.

“You had a child” He murmured as he walked towards it, he peered into the little crib, seeing a tiny Rioluish shape, eyes closed, but the colors weren’t right, instead of the typical blue she was yellow, her fur sparkled slightly as she yawned, her little fingers curling around her tail.


Thomas sat in the restaurant, quickly going through files and erasing everything he could out of team rockets main files, making sure to completely erase all of his research on DNA. The only information left on it would be on his laptop, protected so strongly that it would take days for anyone but him to get inside. He looked around, making sure no one was watching him, you could never be too sure. There was a woman who’d pulled out a phone and was eyeing him suspiciously, and keeping her voice low.

He quickly left the building and met Ash, Jimmy, and Drake just inside the woods. “There’s no way for anyone but me to reach the files now, unless they want to spend a couple of days working at it, and that’s if I don’t catch them.”

“Good.” Said Drake, staring at the laptop. “You’re free to go where you want, but I’d suggest that you change your appearance and lie low. Never let that computer out of your sight.”

Thomas smiled a little. “I’m thinking of going to Fortree in Hoenn, there’s supposed to be a sort of club near there that team rocket was trying to destroy, I think I’ll help them set up some alarm systems and cameras if they don’t already have some.” He said, staring into the trees. “If they already have some then I’m not sure what I’ll do, probably see what they’re doing and try to help.” He didn’t mention that he would be searching for Mewtwo on the way, not because of Ashes involvement with him, that probably would have helped him find him, but because he knew that what he wanted to ask of the Pokemon wasn’t something he wanted anyone else to know.

“Fortree’s a long way away though, and your Skarmory can’t carry you all that way, how are you going to get there?” Asked Jimmy.

“Find a boat I suppose, I’ll probably have to get a ride on a boat that‘s privately owned, too many people on anything else. Maybe I’ll stow away on a cargo ship.” Thomas thought back to the files he’d ripped from team rockets main computer. There was something troubling him. What they’d told him about Bolt and Tilla wasn’t matching up, hadn’t they told him that they were both still in the same base? Then why was her file, actually there were three, hidden under several large rocks of files, and had their own passwords? One of them said she was in the same place as Bolt, one said she was Dead, and the other said that she was in the hospital where they kept morphs who had suffered severe injuries.

“I’d better get going, before the police show up, or someone from team rocket, there was a woman in the diner…” He explained. All three people nodded. Thomas sent out his Skarmory and they flew away.

“Good luck!” Shouted Jimmy as he watched the Pokemon carry Thomas into the distance. Suddenly he saw a flash of purple cross the sky.


Mewtwo sat in a tree just out of sight of the four people standing below. He was uncomfortable being this close to humans, but he knew there wasn’t anything to fear. He quickly scanned their minds.
The boy was thinking about the scientists Skarmory, it was apparently a shiny Pokemon.
The dragon tamer was questioning his own sanity at letting the scientist go free, and was trying to figure out why he hadn’t changed his mind.
Ash was wondering where he should go next, and thinking about the morphs. He was quickly making up his mind that he should go somewhere where he could find some, and learn about them.
The scientist was thinking about him.

Mewtwo almost fell off the branch he was on, then examined the scientists mind further, to make sure he hadn’t seen him. He was shocked at what he discovered. Not only did this man know about him but he was looking for him and………. No, that couldn’t be right. The crazy man who’d created him had had a daughter, not a son. Mewtwo quickly alerted Mew who appeared silently after a few minutes.

“Hello Mewtwo, you seem…… Stressed?”

“No, see the scientist there? He knows all about me. He knows far more that even Ash does, about my DNA makeup even. He’s looking for me and I think it’s important that I get to speak to him.” Mewtwo watched as he sent out a Skarmory.

“Go then, I’ll keep tabs on Ash, until you get back. What we have to ask of him can wait. Celebi and Darkrai gave us some news about a change the other day, and it’ll buy us some time.”

“What changed?”

“Something between the Charizard and Flygon. And there was a change in the Luxray too, but Celebi couldn’t pinpoint it. That Luxray Morph though, you should have heard the tale Darkrai had to tell….. but that can wait. Go quickly, fallow him.”

Mewtwo shot off into the air after the scientist, Thomas. “He will be alone soon enough, and he can ask me what he wants. As soon as he’s answered some of my questions.”

Mew stared after Mewtwo. “There is far more in work here than even Arceus could control, this is the work of something far greater. And I have a feeling that the destinies of many, far more than what we originally anticipated, are slowly being intertwined into something that none of us even have the smallest say in.” He thought. “And the world will be changed because of it.”


Rose, Star, Bolt, and Cella Stood in the middle of the base. “We’d better get going, did everyone get what they needed?” Rose asked quietly.

“I think we have everything we need, it’s a good thing that we’re leaving in the spring, this would be a nightmare if we’d gotten here any earlier.” Said Star, glancing at the dagger-like ice sickles.

The other two nodded, and all four started for the door. Suddenly a voice called and they turned around.

“Wait!” It was Kaylee, she was carrying something. She stopped in front of them. “I wanted to say good luck, and I have something to give you.”

“You don’t have to…” Rose started to say something but was cut off.

“No, I don’t, but I’m going to anyway. If you plan on going across Sinnoh you’re going to need to go through at least one town, and you probably want to avoid sticking out as much as possible. And if you need to buy something you’re going to need money and identification. So I made these. They won’t help if you’re arrested but if you want to buy something you should be able to get away with using them.” She handed them each a small card that had fake names and pictures of each respective morph on them.

“There are some people in this world who pose as Pokemon and, disgustingly enough, never take the costumes off. So you should be fine if you don’t use moves, or move your tails when in a town. But if you go in as a group you’re more likely to be noticed than if only one or two of you go. Also, here’s some money, I know it’s not much but trust me, you’ll need it.” She shoved wallets into each of their hands and walked away before any of them could object.

“That was… nice.” Bolt said, staring after her back.

“Yeah, it was. It was actually a lot more than necessary. I almost feel bad.” Said Star, shoving the little card into his wallet and putting it into his backpack. The other three watched him, then did the same, it made sense.

“It won’t go to waste though, I’m sure that four days after we’re on the road there’ll be something we forgot.” said Cella. “And when we get to a warmer region we’ll probably need cooler clothes.”

Rose nodded, then began walking to the door again. “Lets get going before it get’s dark, I have a feeling that we won’t be able to see for much longer and I want to get as far as possible before we have to make camp.”

Dark woods was well, dark. The light was sucked right out of Roses tail, and seeing anything was difficult. The Pokemon were always present, on the edge of shadows, eyes shining through the trees. “I don’t have a good feeling about this place.” Said Cella, not saying what the others were thinking. They all had a bad feeling, and they all felt like it would be better to turn back and take the path, but none of them said it.

“It’s just the woods, don’t worry. We’ll be in them for two days then we’ll be able to relax.” Said Star. He turned his head slowly to make sure the eyes stayed where they belonged. It had been steadily getting darker for the past hour.

“We should stop, before we can’t see anything, I think it’s getting late and I don’t think we want to be out in the open at night. The next place that seems good for camping, we’re setting up tents.” Said Rose.

“Sounds good to me, but I don’t know how so set one up.” Said bolt, glaring at the trees. “I can’t see through anything here, it’s like a there’s a huge blanket over my head when I try. Like being in that room again, except I could see around the room, this is, like being muffled, blindfolded.”

“I can set up a tent, sometimes me and Tyler would invite some of the other kids from our village would go camping by the river, there were a few humans from Fortree that would join us when they found out we were there. It was great, we’d send a Taillow to one of the kids and then they’d send the message around until we had enough people for a huge campout, sometimes we ran out of food!” She recalled happily. “It was just us kids, there were never any adults, there were always new stories to tell when we lit the fire at night, and the old ones were great too. Me and Tyler always had the best ones though, we’d always tell the legends.” She was going to keep talking but noticed that everyone was watching her. “What’s up?”

“You went camping with humans?” Asked Bolt, with accusation in his eyes.

“Yes, not all humans are evil Bolt, just the ones you lived with.”

“You don’t know anything about who I lived with.” he growled under his breath, glaring at her.

“Unless you mean to enlighten us about your past why don’t we start setting up camp.” Suggested Rose, watching them carefully. “Bolt, do you know how to set up a tent?”

“No.” He stood quietly, his eyes flashed gold for a minute. “Still can’t see anything.” He mumbled quietly.

“Star, you?”

“Of course, you don’t spend your life running through woods hiding from humans without knowing how to set up a tent.” He chuckled a little.

“Well, Cella has already told us that she can set up tents. So why don’t me and Bolt go find some fire wood, and you two set up the tents.” Rose began to shrug her backpack off her shoulders.

“Okay. Bolt, leave your bag here so that we have both tents. Both of you be careful, don’t go out to far.” Said Star, he looked worriedly at Rose but quickly turned his head away. Cella muffled a giggle.

“Don’t worry.” Rose smiled, then went away from the small clearing they’d found, Bolt fallowed.

They began picking up sticks, they were black and dead, some of them looked like broken claws. “I wonder why these woods are so dead.” Said Rose, looking at the trees.

“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll find out someday.” Said Bolt in a dead voice, his eyes were far away.

“Are you okay Bolt?”

“What makes you ask that?” He asked, keeping his eyes down, scanning the ground for more wood, even though he had a good armful.

“Because since we’ve escaped that base you’ve been, well, I don’t really know how to put it, but you seem depressed, and last night when you were sleeping you were so restless you woke us all up, you screamed once.”

“oh. sorry.” He kept his eyes to the ground still, he wasn’t even pretending to be looking at something anymore, he was just avoiding Roses gaze.

“Bolt, look at me. What is wrong?”

He sighed and straightened up, he made sure she got a good look at his eyes. “Nothing‘s wrong, you’re wasting your breath.” He said it evenly, but his eyes said that everything was wrong, there was an aura of pain around him that even Rose could feel.

“Are you sure, really?”

“Drop it. Lets get back to the campsite, before Star decides to come looking for us.”

Rose was frustrated, but let it go. “Yeah, I don’t want him getting lost because we didn‘t come back fast enough.”

They made their way back to camp, both the tents were set up and there was a circle of stones between them. “We’re back!” Rose called.

Star shoved his head out of a tent. “Hey, we got everything set up, sleeping bags and all, these tents are a lot bigger that they looked.”

Cella crawled out of the other one and jogged over. “Great! I just finished setting up that cot, and Star made a fire pit!” She pointed to the circle of stones.

“Great, I’ll get started on a fire, Bolt, could you get out some food? I think most of it’s in your bag.” Rose walked over to the pit and began setting up sticks.

“Sure.” Bolt went over to the tent the Star was half out of.

The fire was soon burning bright and hot, Rose was watching the flames and playing with them. The dark was still present, the light hadn’t chased it away, it seemed like the darkness was trying to smother it.

Star was sitting next to Rose, watching as she ran her fingers through the flames. He had an urge to stop her, but didn’t. Fire couldn’t hurt her.

“So, before you started running from the rockets what were you doing?” asked Cella as she chewed on a granola bar.

“I lived in a desert, there was this clan of morphs who took me in. I was pretty much an orphan, my mother died when I was young.
Pokemon in the desert aren’t so nice, my mom, her name was Katharina, was killed trying to protect me and my sister, my sisters name was Silent leaf, I just called her Lee, we escaped, mom didn’t. My father blamed us, he became wild and beat my sister, she ran away, she was lucky, she could fly. I don’t know why she didn’t take me with her though.

So he turned to me, he deluded himself into believing that it was my fault. He ignored me, and when he didn’t ignore me he attacked me.
I was three.
And for years I believed him, for years I believed that it truly was my fault, that if I hadn’t been born mom and dad and Lee would have been happy.
So I left. I was five.
I was hoping that a wild Pokemon would find me and kill me, that they would slowly tear me apart and leave me bleeding in the sand. I ran, I just went trudging through the sand and fought off sandstorms, I didn’t rest, eat, or drink for days. Soon I became dehydrated, and collapsed in the sand, I lay there, just wanting it to end.

Then Gem, a Rhydon morph, found me. I don’t remember much about it, but she took me to that clan, helped me get better, took care of my bruises and cuts……………….”

He stopped, staring off into the dark trees, while everyone stared at him. “Oh God. Star? I’m so sorry, God I’m so sorry.” Rose whispered, tears in her eyes, she watched him.

He turned towards her. “It’s okay, I’m just used to it. My life has been a complete hell since I was born, why should it stop now?”

Bolt took a deep breath and stood up. “You should get some sleep, I’ll take the watch for the night.”

Cella turned to him, “the whole night? You can’t stay up all night.”

“I’ve stayed up for a month before, without even sleeping for an hour. It’s been that way since I was fourteen, don’t worry about it.”

“You must need sleep sometimes, you slept at the base.” Said Star.

“I don’t need sleep, I just like to sometimes. If you knew how many nights I’ve just stayed awake thinking, practicing moves…” he shook his head.

“Fine, you can have the watch for the night I suppose. Just make sure the fire doesn’t go completely out.” Rose stood up and walked over to one of the tents, Cella fallowed her, they both said goodnight.

Star looked at Bolt. “You don’t need sleep.” It wasn’t a question, just a statement.

“No, not since I was fourteen, and now that I know I keep you guys up I‘ll just stay awake.” Bolt swished his tail through the cold air. There wasn’t any snow on the ground, but it was still cold out.

“Aahhh. Well, goodnight then, if anything happens wake us up.” Star went over to his tent and climbed inside.

Bolt watched the fire for a minute, then began scanning the forest, the eyes were back, staring through the trees. Every now and then he could hear a sound, like the snap of a twig, or something sniffing the ground. Bolt just sat where he was, his eyes were the most threatening of them all.


I seem to have a talent for torturing my male chericters don't I? :sweatdrop:
I believe that this is, at twenty two pages, the longest chapter i have written for Rose&Fang. Enjoy!

Chapter Eleven
Day three of freedom

Thomas looked up at the passing sky, he had been lucky. He took a deep breath and watched the waves. The captain of the ship he was on had agreed to take him across the sea, the trip would probably be short, the ship was a passenger ship, private owned by some guy the captain hadn‘t actually ever seen. Thomas was paying him 2000 poke a day, but he didn’t mind, all of the genetic research he’d done and sold had earned him a small fortune. Not like that mattered, what did money matter? Sure you could buy things, sure you could influence people. Money didn’t matter to Thomas, things he really wanted you couldn’t really buy, and he’d blown his chance at a family. His son hated him, and he wasn’t allowed see him. Thomas didn’t even know if he was alive.

Thomas was thinking about Bolt. “He would have loved this.” He murmured to himself, staring at the sea. And it was impossible to not think of Tilla when he was thinking of Bolt. He remembered the pure adoration he had seen in Bolts eyes the moment he’d set eyes on her. It was like they’d been made for each other, of course she’d been born, so any question of that was out. He chucked at this.

He thought about her being shiny. None of the morphs that had been created had been shiny, none of the morphs he had on record were shiny either, except for her. It was possible that there were others out there, but he hadn’t seen any.

Thomas smiled, then frowned, and clenched his fists. He could feel his nails digging into his palms, but didn’t care. It was his fault. It was his fault that Bolt and Tilla were in that horrible place, or places. Rockets were usually thorough when causing as much pain as possible. They had probably been separated, and then told that the other was dead, he knew how that would kill Bolt, how it would crush Tilla. Thomas nodded to himself once. As soon as he was done in Hoenn he had to find his son. And then find Tilla.

Thomas turned and went below deck, he turned into what he thought was his room, but immediately realized his mistake. Especially since humans didn’t have long yellow striped tails, or strange little horns coming from their hair. The morph turned quickly, baring her teeth. “Well shit!” She growled. And humans definitely couldn’t shoot off sparks.


Mew floated silently over the two humans, the one named Ash, a human the small pink Pokemon knew. And one named Jimmy. The child chatted happily to Ash and the Squirtle walking beside him. Pikachu was sitting on Ashes shoulder, watching Mew. Ash had dyed his hair again, it was an annoyingly bright blue color, he looked ridiculous. Especially since he was wearing sunglasses, in the woods.

“Mewtwo, can you hear me?” The cat thought along the link between his and Mewtwos conciseness.

“Yes, I know where he is and where he’s heading. It shouldn’t be too long before I can talk to him. I’ve been scanning his mind some, but I haven’t learned anything new that I could tell you right now, most of it can wait until you can get to one of the meetings.” Mewtwo said this quickly, going over what he’d learned in the clearing.

“Be careful, if he is his son, and he knows as much about you as you say then you could have a problem.”

“Like what? Worst case scenario I have to erase his memory, like I did with Ash the first time.”

“You can’t erase his whole memory, even Uxie can’t do that without leaving them as an empty shell. From what I viewed in his mind he’s known about you for far longer than what you could erase without doing any harm.”

“Then we’ll see.” Mewtwo cut the connection, and continued swimming silently beneath the water. He quickly rose above the water, he could taste salt as he opened his eyes and took a deep breath, looking out towards the boat. “We’ll see.”


Cella opened her eyes, it was lighter in the tent, but the light was dim. It took her a moment to realize where she was. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then looked over at Rose, her tail was twitching slightly where the end hung off the cot. She didn’t look very comfortable, her wings were spread out, hanging off the cot, her tail was laying over her legs so that it couldn’t fall off and set the tent on fire. “Better let her sleep as long as possible, she couldn’t have gotten a good nights sleep, laying like that.” She murmured. Cella climbed out of her sleeping bag and pulled the tent flaps apart, a burst of cold air hit her as she stepped outside.

“Good morning, you know it’s only about three, right?” Said Bolt, looking at the small compass watch hanging from his backpack. “You only slept for five hours.”

“You didn’t sleep at all. Why are you so worried about me?” She stretched and sat down, looking at the trees. It seemed more like evening than morning. “How could something stay thins dark all the time.” She growled to herself.

“I don’t know, Maybe there’s a legend about it somewhere. In Canalave there’s supposed to be a library, you could look for a book about it there before we leave I suppose. I was looking at the map while keeping watch, each city is very interesting, in Vielstone there’s this giant tower, and in Floaroma town there’s a Flower shop.” Bolt pointed out the location of the library.

“I wish the sun could rise in this place, it’s making me itchy.” said Cella, shifting on the ground, not paying much attention to the map. “You know any attacks that could light this place up, just for a few minutes?”

“No, sorry. You could wake up Rose, but if this fire hasn’t made it any lighter then I doubt anything she could do would either.” Bolt said, pointing to the flames, they still looked like they were being smothered.

“The rangers said that they had a lot of problems with poaching in this place? How could anyone stand to stay here for more than a day, let alone long enough to kill something.” Cella shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. “There isn’t even snow here. How the heak is that possible? There was snow everywhere before we came in here.” She complained.

He kept staring into the trees, as if there were something he was trying to see. “They set traps. I was talking to one of the rangers earlier, she said that people make pits, set up nets, and set ursa traps. Then they come back later and if the Pokemon isn’t dead they just wait. Humans are horrible, aren’t they? Just because they don’t understand something they have to go and kill it. I’ve seen pelts, where I lived before, there were hunters who would find rare Pokemon and kill them so they could make a profit off of their hides.” He stopped, no need to tell her about the Luxray and Eevee furs. That’d just give her nightmares.

Bolt scanned the area again. “Those stupid eyes are back.” He growled, staring at the shining pinpoints of light. “They’ve been here on and off all night.”

Cella looked around at the eyes, “I wonder why. We haven’t exactly done anything but sleep and talk.”

“Maybe they find us interesting.” Bolt said simply. “I doubt that they’ve ever seen something like us before.”

They sat in silence for about thirty minuets, both staring at the creepy eyes. Then they watched as they began to disappear again, pair by pair, until they were all gone.

“It’s been like that all night?” Asked Cella, still staring into the trees.

“Yeah, now that they’re gone I’m going to find some firewood, we’re running low.” Bolt gestured towards what used to be a pile of wood. “Now that you’re awake I can go get some, just enough for a the few hours until Star and Rose wake up.”

He stood up and stretched, carefully sniffing the air. “I won’t go far, if I’m not back in fifteen minutes wake up Rose and Star.” He disappeared into the woods before Cella could say anything, she grabbed the watch attached to Bolts backpack. “Okay, if he’s not back by 4:28, wake up Rose and Star.” she mumbled. “What the hell are they going to do, get lost in the woods too?”

“Who’s getting lost?” Said Star as he unzipped the tent.

Cella jumped, then turned around. “Did we wake you? Sorry. Bolt went to get some firewood.”

“No, you didn’t wake me, I actually hardly slept at all last night, I think I might have slept for two hours, I just finally gave up. He went to get some by himself? He’d better be careful then, these woods aren’t exactly the safest place.”

“Tell me about it. I have no idea what he was thinking.”

“Well, Rose wasn’t up, and neither was I, and we were running out of wood for the fire. If I were him I probably would have done the same thing, he can easily protect himself, and no offense, but if you went out to the woods to get fire wood by yourself and were attacked by dark types, you probably wouldn’t fare so well. He can more easily fend off dark types, because he isn’t as vulnerable to them. Not wanting to wake up anyone, and not wanting to leave the camp unprotected, he chose to go by himself so that someone was there to wake us up if we were attacked.”

Cella just shook her head at him. “No offense taken. Did anyone ever tell you that you think about things way too much?”

“Yes, often.”

The answer surprised Cella and they sat in silence for a few minutes when Bolt suddenly came into view. “Yippie, now there are huge mobs of Murkrow Everywhere. I hope Rose wakes up soon so that we can get out of here.” he threw two pieces of wood on the fire, then sat down across from Cella.

“As soon as Rose wakes up we’ll get going.” Stated Star, glancing at her tent. “I wonder why she sleeps so long.”

Cella laughed quietly. “She grew up in a village, like I did. Most morphs in villages go to bed late, and get up to match. She didn’t spend enough time in the base to fully adapt to the times the rockets set, so while you two have been getting up early and running for most of your lives, she’s been sleeping in late and playing checkers.”

“Right, because checker boards are so readily available in villages. The three we did have were stolen, and I never really liked the game much.” Roses head was sticking out of the tent flaps. “Besides, in the morning there were other things to worry about, like food.” She grinned, then stepped outside.

“How long have you been awake?” Asked Cella, turning her head to look at her.

“Something about Star over thinking things.” She grinned, sitting on the ground next to Cella. “I suppose we should start packing up, these woods give me the creeps too.”

“Yeah, the faster we get out of here the better.” Cella was already inside the tent, packing things up.

“Did she actually move?” Asked Bolt, staring at the spot she used to be in.

“I don’t know. Apparently she’s extremely eager to get out of here.” Said Star, looking between the tent and the same spot Bolt was. “Why don’t we work on getting the other tent down?”


Thomas took a deep breath while staring into the eyes of the morph, she was growling, and in a rather comical fashion, had every hair on her head and body, that he could see, sticking straight up with static. If it wasn’t for the fact that she could be dangerous and probably kill him if she wanted, he would have laughed. Instead he opted for a quiet “Hello,” Then continued, “I didn’t mean to disturb you, I must have wondered into the wrong room.”

This threw her off guard, and she stared at Thomas, confused. “So the fact that I have a tail and am shooting off electricity doesn’t have any effect on you, or are you just blind?”

“I’d rather be blind than know that the fact you can’t be around other people is my fault.” He whispered under his breath. “I’ve spent a lot of time around morphs, I didn’t expect to run into on this boat.”

“Rocket?” The Electabuzz morph growled.

“Used to be, ran away, I was important so I couldn‘t just quit like the grunts can. I have an interesting story to tell if you don’t kill me, although I probably deserve to be killed, painfully.” He said very quickly, not quite comprehending the words coming out of his mouth. His brain, at this point, had shut down and was letting his body do whatever it wanted.

She loosened her stance and walked a few steps closer. “How many did you kill before you realized that we were actually people, and not just vicious animals?” She hissed angrily, she considered just killing him, but dismissed the thought, no need to upset Vincent by killing a passenger on one of his boats, especially when she was getting passage to Hoenn for free.

“I never killed anyone.” He said sadly, looking away from her. “It’s never been a question to me that morphs are people. The ones I know are far more human than most humans I know.” He smiled a little, but then let his face fall. “Everything that’s happened to them, to you, is my fault.”

“How is that possible, it’s not like you created us.” She was beginning to feel sorry for him when she saw him wince. He had a look on his face that gave an impression that he had just been stabbed in the stomach.

“It’s far more like that than I would like. It‘s too late to change it now though.” He looked out the window, then realized that he was still standing in the doorway, with the door wide open. He turned slightly and shut it, then slid down it and stared blankly around the room.

The morph just stared at him. It had been silent for exactly ninety seconds when she opened her mouth. “Why the hell are you here? You’re probably one of the richest people on earth, you had unlimited recourses at your hands working for the rockets. What on earth would make you want to run from it, what did they do to you?”

This wasn’t what he had expected, anger, spite, trying to kill him… these were things he expected and would have preferred. Instead he was being questioned, calmly. He answered her question emotionlessly, the days events were not going as planned. He made a mental note to always double check his room number from now on, his brain was still on standby though. “They took my son. That is what they did to me. The reason I am here, on this boat right now, is because I’m looking for a Pikachu morph named Tyler. In Fortree city there’s supposed to be some sort of club he runs for the purpose of finding his family and getting revenge on team Rocket, I want to help them.” He didn’t see the point of avoiding the question, it wasn’t like he had anything to hide from this morph, who would she tell?

“ I suppose it is your fault then. You had a son? What was his name?”

“Why do you even care?”

“I have no-”

Their conversation was interrupted by a high pitched voice. “Ashley! Who are you talking to?” A small child ran into the room, then stopped suddenly. “Ashley… Who’s that, he’s a human! He’s sitting on the floor, did you hurt him? Was he going to hurt us? Does he work for the bad guys… Ashley?” she was standing behind the Electabuzz morph now, looking up at her.

“I’m sorry, I should leave.” He stood up quickly, then noticed something. The girl was human, fully human, she didn’t even look related to the morph she was standing next to. Thomas stared at her, not meaning to, but just out of shock. His brain chose then to turn itself back on.

“This is my adopted daughter, Sam, her parents are gone. They were working on a protection system for our home, it failed and we were forced to flee.”

“Oh.” What else was he going to say? ‘I’m sorry I ruined both of your lives by making one of you half Pokemon?’ Yeah, that didn’t work.

He watched as the morph picked up the girl. “You should probably find your room now.”

“Yes, I should. I’m sorry, this wasn’t right.” All the morph did was nod as he opened the door and slid out.

“He didn’t act like people usually do.” Sam Commented. “What were you talking about?”

“He told me that he was trying to help a group of people in Fortree city, where we’re going.” Said Ashley, moving her hair out of her face.

“We should let him come with, if we’re going to the same place! It would be fun!” Sam giggled, and suddenly Ashley was very glad that she didn’t know who that man actually was.

“No, he’s not taking the same rout as us.” She didn’t want Sam anywhere near him. She set her down. “I’m going to check for mail on the computer.”

“Okay, can I go play with Furret on the deck?” She asked, holding out a Pokéball.

“Sure, but be careful, I’ll meet you up there in a few minutes okay?” Sam nodded then ran out the door. Ashley went over to her bed and pulled out a laptop. It had belonged to Sams parents, she had taken it when she knew they wouldn’t come back. She clicked the little button shaped like an e and it brought her to the only page she ever used, her e-mail. She typed in the address she wanted and began to type, the message wasn’t long.

To whom it may concern: (AKA, everyone)

There is a man on the boat I’m traveling on. He says that he used to be part of Team Rocket, he says that he’s the one who finished the blueprints for the creation of Pokémorphs. He says that his wish is to help you. This sounds suspicious to me, but he has proper motif, or at least he says. I know that we haven’t personally met, but I believe that my input on this matter is important, because as crazy as it sounds, and even though I don’t trust him any farther than I could spit, I believe his story.

There is potential danger in letting this human anywhere near the base, because even if he is telling the truth he is most likely being tracked. His story is that Team Rocket stole his son, something I easily believe, but it is not the whole story. If there is anything you want me to do, send me a message with direct instructions. Remember, I have Sam with me and I can’t do anything that would have anymore negative affects on her.


She hit the ‘send’ button and stood up. She could hear Sam up on the deck, giggling. Ashley stood up and stretched, putting on a hooded sweatshirt and hiding her tail, she made her way up to the main deck.


The computer beeped on as a tiny box with the words You have mail! Click to read your message from: EletricAshley

Andrew stared at the screen and nearly spewed coffee into it as he read the message. Tyler had left him in charge of all the communication, but he had no idea how to reply to something this critical. He stood up and walked over to one of the people asleep on the floor of the base. There were about fifty of them now, and the base had already been expanded twice. But there was still plenty of room for everyone, a small kitchen, and a laundry room, which were necessary for this amount of people. Andrew sighed as he looked around the base. It wasn’t just a base to these people, it was home, Andrew was one of the few people who was actually considered an adult, by the standards of the Pokemon league. If he had to, he could take complete responsibility for all of them, at least the orphans. The runaways would get him charged for kidnapping, and the morphs would probably get him in trouble for something. His parents had been killed by team rocket when he was fifteen, because he stopped a minor operation that the league hadn’t gotten to.

“Hey, wake up!” He whispered to the sleeping boy.

“Whaissit?” He mumbled, his eyes still half shut.

“I need to barrow your Styler.”

“Go ahead, ’sin my coat.” he mumbled and promptly fell back asleep.

Andrew dug through the pockets of the coat laying next to him, he felt the Styler under his hand and pulled it out. He went over to the computer and copied the message into it’s messaging system. He quickly sent it, hoping that Tyler would get it soon.


The sun gleamed off of Tylers fur as he stood in the crows nest, sticking his tongue out at Vincent, who was standing on the deck, rolling his eyes. “Really Tyler, the fact that you granddad was an Aipom morph is getting annoying, come down here a minute.”

“Why! I’m having so much fun zapping Wingull!” he laughed.

“So I can beat you in a battle, little mouse!” He called, grinning mischievously.

“Ha! Fine, you’re on, I’ll win this time!” Tyler was down on the deck in a matter of seconds, electricity crackling up and down his back.

“Are you two sure?” said Kelly, watching as she held Jenna. “Because if one of you gets hurt…”

“Relax, it’s all for fun!” Said Tyler, grinning.

Vincent chose then to jump Tyler, and missed. “Holy! Where’d he go?”

“UP!” yelled Tyler, landing on Vincents back, releasing a quick jolt paralyzing electricity. He was off of him in an instant, halfway across the deck. Stars materialized out of no where as Vincent shot them, three of them hit Tyler before he flipped around and smashed the rest into glitter with his tail. Suddenly Vincend found he couldn’t move as a surge of electricity shot through his body.

“Whoa kid, you did learn a lot!” Vincent used quick attack, and landed a punch in Tylers stomach, which was met with a thunderbolt as Tyler grabbed Vincents arm. Tyler pulled him forward and rammed his head into Vincents stomach, but Vincent was quick and kicked Tylers feet out from under him. “But not enough!”

Tyler used quick attack to get out from under him, then turned to face him as he was suddenly knocked down by a jet of water. He used this to his advantage and shot electricity through it, straight into Vincent. He spun on the deck, then, on all fours, used quick attack, ramming his shoulder into him, and sending them both into the water.

A voice called down to them from the deck as they laughed and splashed each other. “Tyler, there’s a message for you from Andrew, get up here now. It’s urgent.”

“Darn it. Sorry Vince, I’ll beat you later, this is important.” Said Tyler, looking at him apologetically.

“That’s okay, kid.” He said. Then he yelled up to the deck. “There should be a rope latter somewhere, throw it down.”

“Andrew is in charge of communications for the club, there isn’t usually much he doesn’t know. I hope everything is okay.” The latter splashed down into the water, and Tyler climbed up after Vincent. On the deck he took the Styler from the ranger, and had to read the first four sentences eight times. “What the… Okay. This is bad, really, really bad.”

He read though the rest of the message carefully, twice. “Who is it?” He heard Vincent ask.

“It’s a girl, electabuzz morph, that we’ve been communicating with for a while now. She just gave us information that could save all of our lives, and I hate what I have to ask her to do.” He urgently started typing out a message on the small keypad.

He turned to look at Vincent for a moment. “And no, she’s not a girlfriend. She’s eight years older than me.” Then he returned to tapping out his message.

“How did he know that was where I was going?” He asked to no one in particular.

“Hon, you’re a little predictable, and he knows you almost as good as I do.” Laughed Kelly. “What do you have to ask her to do?” She turned to Tyler.

“I’m going to ask her to trail this guy, or just plain travel with him. She has Sam, her adopted daughter, with her, so I can’t ask her to capture him. Normally I would have her hold him captive and search him for any electronic equipment, then give him an electric shock to kill anything that might be under his skin. Then I’d send someone out to meet them once they got to land, but right now, I can’t.” He sent the message to Andrew, and gave the Styler back.

“Why exactly? I understand about the kid,” Said Vincent, glancing at Jenna. “but it couldn’t be hard to isolate this guy.”

“Sam. Samantha has been traumatized, she watched her parents get murdered. All she has left of them is a Furret and a laptop. If she were to see Ashley doing something like that, what do you think would happen?”

“Wow. Tyler, when did you grow up?” Vincent had never seen Tyler act so serious before, and suddenly the fourteen-year-old looked forty.

Kelly was paying more attention to what he had said. “Tyler, is her name Ashley?”

“Yes, do you know her?”

“She’s on one of our boats. We’re giving her free passage to Hoenn so that she can get help with Sam. If we had known about your club, we would have contacted you and asked someone to meet her in Slateport. Who is this guy that you want her to fallow?”

“He was part of team rocket. He finished the blueprints on the basic DNA structure for the morphs and redid something to do with the way our brains work.” Tylers ear began to twitch.

“How do you know this?” Kelly asked. Vincent was just shocked that something like that had actually come out of Tylers mouth.

“We’ve interrogated two members of team rocket. As soon as we got his name we researched him and managed to get into several of the main data files of the team, it took a while, but you‘d be surprised at how smart some of those kids are. His name is Thomas, he recently disappeared from one of the major bases in Johto. They were tracking him through his laptop, but the signal disappeared from Kanto and reappeared in Sinnoh. Since we just got this news from Ashley, I’m guessing that he rewired it and set up a signal so that he couldn’t be accurately tracked.” Tyler was watching over the ocean carefully. “We can’t be sure though, they probably have a chip in him, like they did you, Vince.”

“Yeah. That was a pain in the butt to get out. Good thing they didn’t get it in properly.” Vincent twitched his three tails. “It sounds like this guy is for real though, if he moved the signal he knew about, and he didn’t do anything Ashley or Sam, I think he might be a really powerful ally if he really means to help you.”

“I know. He could probably help us get into the Rocket base near us and get everyone out. And if he knew how to replace the signal on his computer he could probably make The Home untraceable.” Tyler began to imagine the possibilities in his head, but quickly shut them down. This wasn’t something to daydream about.

“WHAT!?” Shouted Kelly, staring at Tyler as if he’s suddenly turned purple and grown wings.

“The Rocket base near us, if we can get help from him we can get all the morphs out.” Tyler immediately winced under her gaze.

“No. There is no way you are going to lead a bunch of kids to their deaths. What are you thinking?” She growled, suddenly Jenna woke up. She didn’t move, she just opened her eyes. The little morph looked around sleepily for a few seconds, then fell back asleep.

“I didn’t think up this one, this plan is all Andrews fault. I would rather wait a couple of years and gather resources. Of course, if we do get Thomas then we’ll have two former members of the team, not to mention a good amount of their information. One of our members is pretty sure that she knows how to shut down all of the electricity in the base and knows how to get us in.” Tyler had his ears folded back, he was thinking.

“There’s no way that you’re all going to be able to get in and out of there unscathed! What if you get killed? How many of them have decided to DIE for this!?” Kelly said, making an effort to keep her voice even.

“Kelly. Most of our members come from families that have been destroyed by team rocket. Most of them have made it very clear that they will do anything to see them destroyed. I can’t make their decisions for them.” Tyler was looking her straight in the eyes. “No, I don’t want to see any of them die. No, I don’t want to kill anyone, but it’s too late to change that.”

“You’ve..” Vincent started.

“I suppose that it’s about time to tell you what happened to our home, to me and Cella. And yes, I have. Several of these kids have, not because we wanted to, because there was no other way out. Trust me, I pretty much lost it after… I’ll just tell you the story.”

“Children shouldn’t have to be exposed to this kind of thing.” Kelly was rocking Jenna.

“No, they shouldn’t, but they have been, and it isn’t going to change until we do something about it.” Tyler started walking across the deck. “I’m going to grab something to drink, I’ll be back to tell you in a minute.”

“Vince.” Kelly stared at him.

“Yeah, I know. How does something like this happen?”

“I don’t know how, but I do know one thing.”


“He’s older than you were at that age.”

“I know. I know that. Kel, I think we should help him with this in any way possible.” Vincent stared out at the ocean.



“We’re going to.”


Rose stretched her wings as they walked through the forest. The flame on her tail was the only light they could get. “I think we should fly up and see how much further we have to go before we get out of here.” She suggested to Star.

“Can’t. The branches are pretty much a wall, it’d be impossible to get anywhere without tearing up our wings.” Star looked up at the branches. They had stopped momentarily to get something to eat out of the backpacks.

“There’s more than one way to get through the tops of trees.” Said Cella, and before anyone could say anything she was halfway up one of them. “I can see light, hold on a minute!” She called down.

“Did anyone see go up that?” Asked Rose, staring at the slightly scarred bark on one of the trees.

“I did, I didn’t know it was possible for someone to move that fast. I’d bet she’s part Aipom.” Sid Bolt, staring at the branches above them.

A few minutes later she was back on the ground. “It’s not far, we’re almost out of this place, in about twenty minutes of steady walking we should be in normal forest.”

“Great, lets get moving.” said Bolt, shouldering his pack.

“About five minuites more and we reach a large clearing.” Said Cella as she did the same as Bolt.

“Rose and Star fallowed behind Cella and Bolt, dry sticks crunching beneath their boots as they walked through the barely visible trees. “I’m glad we’re going to be out of here soon.” Rose said as she swung her tail back and forth.

“Yeah, me too. I keep getting the feeling that something is fallowing us.” Star twisted his head around, but there wasn’t anything visible through the trees.

They walked in silence for ten minuites, the groups mood began to improve as they began to see light through the trees. “I can see light!” Said bolt excitedly. He quickened his pace.

“Bolt, stay with the group, I have a really bad feeling, something isn’t right.” Said Cella. Her ears began to twitch and every hair on her tail was standing straight.

Bolt turned and came back, Rose could feel the static coming off his body. “Yeah, me too. Something is definitely wrong here.”

“Lets get out of here, quick, stay together.” Rose began to walk forward, “stay in a single file line.” She kept her eyes forward and kept a steady pace towards the light. Cella winced as a stick snapped under her boot. The darkness began to fade, and snow and leaves were beginning to show up on the ground. Suddenly they stopped, all staring at the same spot on the ground, Cella turned away after a minute. The small clearing was covered in blood.

“Oh my God.” Whispered Star. He crouched down to examine the body more closely. The scarlet blood surrounding it was still fresh, he could see deep gashes in it’s chest and stomach, he quickly shut his eyes, he could see the mans organs. The flesh was peeled back from his chest and there was a deep hole in his head. Star stood up and took two steps back.

“It’s a rocket.” Said Bolt. He pointed to the remains of what it had been wearing, on the shredded black outfit you could still make out something that vaguely resembled an R. “Skinner, we’ll probably find a bunch of pelts nearby.” Bolt said this without emotion, he looked down at the body as if it had never been alive in the first place.

“Skinner?” Rose questioned, twitching her wings. She looked back down at the mutilated body, and realized that the wounds had been inflicted by a Pokemon, she felt sick.

“A skinner, they’re hunters. They track down Pokemon who have rare and valuable pelts, kill them, then sell the furs illegally. It’s a dangerous job and several end up like this guy here.” Bolt motioned to the body, the stepped around it to where Cella had moved so that she could avoid looking at it.

“I think… I’m going to be sick.” She said, staring at a place in the trees a few feet from her. She placed one hand over her mouth and placed her other on her stomach. There were several pelts hanging on the branches of trees, below several of them small wisps of smoke were still making their way up from dying fires.

“This guy was good, too bad for him, he either didn’t set up enough traps around camp or the Pokemon that killed him was smarter than average.” Bolt scanned the area. “And bigger than something he’d normally kill, judging by the fact that he lost.”

At that point Cella, noticing an Eevee pelt, promptly threw up at Bolts feet. She took a few deep breaths before she passed out.

“We should get out of here, now.” Rose walked over to Cella. “Bolt, help me carry her, Star, erase our tracks. We don’t want to be associated with this at all, we’ll go back about half a mile, then we‘ll go around this.” Rose removed Cellas backpack and handed it to Star. “Right now she’s dead weight and having that on could hurt her, can you carry it?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” he hooked the straps of the pack around one of his wings. “This is sick, I’m glad he can’t kill Pokemon anymore, but this is disgusting.” Star glanced at the body again.

“Killing team rocket members is fine in my book, but it looks like this guy was deliberately mutilated. Kinda looks like whatever did this was trying to skin him.” Bolt said as he helped Rose pick up Cella.

“I don’t care, lets get moving.” Said Rose as she and Bolt stepped around the body.

“I’ll fallow in a second, using a light sandstorm should clear this up.” He removed both backpacks and spread his wings out.

“Okay, be quick, and be careful.” Rose and Bolt were already out of the small clearing before he started. A few minutes later Star joined them, he had some leaves in his hair. None of them said a word until the forest began to get dark again.

Rose stopped and looked around for a few seconds. “We should be fine now, I’ll get out the map, if we’re lucky that clearing will be on it. We can avoid any other known clearings until we get to Lake Acuity. I don’t want to run into something like that again, it’s disturbing and could get us into trouble.” They set Cella down on the forest floor. “We should stay here until she wakes up.”

Star dropped the backpacks and began digging in his for the map. “I doubt that we’d run into something like that again, but I suppose it doesn’t hurt to check.” He finally pulled the folded piece of paper out of one of the side pockets. “Here, we shouldn’t be too far from the lake right now, I’d guess about two to three miles from it.”

She opened the map and scanned the area. “Here it is.” She put a claw on a tiny dot of open space. “There don’t seem to be any others like it, we should be fine.” Rose took a deep breath and let it out. She shut her eyes for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Star asked, watching her.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just a little shaken. I’ve seen people killed, I’ve seen their bodies, but that guy, he was tortured, purposefully mutilated. Whatever did that, they did it on purpose.”

“Pokemon like revenge. My guess is that the guy killed a Pokemon that was important to another, maybe a mate or a child, and they cane after him.” Bolt said, staring through the trees, he carefully avoided looking at them. “I know that I wouldn’t hesitate, if something like that happened to me, to kill the one who did it.”

“Yes, but to destroy the body like that, it would have been easier to just slash the throat, even if the situation was like that.” Said Star. He was looking intently at Bolt, watching his every movement. He seemed uncomfortable.

“Do you think that whatever did that would have been able to reason, would have been able to just think of slashing his throat? If you had just had someone you loved taken from you, and murdered, I doubt that you would be able to reason over your instincts.” Bolt knelt down beside Cella and checked her pulse.

“Yes, but the body was deliberately cut that way. There was no way that anything could have just attacked and killed, then left the body like that. The Pokemon that did that, it did it on purpose, it planned it out. They were trying to take his skin off.” Rose put the map back inside the backpack, then stood up.

“Odd. Most would be okay with just the revenge of the murder, but to try and do the exact same things that were done…” Star just shook his head. “We shouldn’t talk about it anymore. We didn’t do it, we didn’t witness anything. We just saw the body, and should move on.” He picked up his pack.

Cella was beginning to wake up, she opened her eyes for a second, then shut them again. “We’re out of there, right?”

“Yes,” Said Star, “we went back about half a mile, we’re going to go around it.”

“Good.” She opened her eyes, and took a deep breath. She sat up. “I’m sorry I feinted, I always feint after I throw up.”

“That’s strange, do you know why?” Star asked.

“Nope, just always have.” She stood up, and stretched. “Where is my bag?”

“Here.” Rose picked it up off the ground and handed it to her.

“Thanks, which direction are we going?” Cella pulled it onto her back.

“We’re going to go west for a little bit, then turn south again.” Rose stretched her wings out for a second, then closed them again. “As soon as we get out to lake Acuity I’m going to fly a little, my wings feel cramped.”

“Sounds like a good idea, but we’d better make sure there isn’t anyone out there first.” Stars own wings remained folded against his back.

Rose nodded, then began walking west. “Maybe at night then, people aren’t out as much at that time.”


Suddenly a figure landed in the clearing that they had just been in, enjoying the air during the day. He didn’t care who saw him, his goal was to find them, not keep the rockets secrets. “They’ve been here.” He smiled, then nudged the dead rocket with his foot. “Looks like they did some damage too, of course, he must be traveling with others. He wouldn’t ever do anything like this, but the other two he was last seen with, they’ve been known to be violent.” He said, going over the facts that he had been given about them in his head. “If my guess is right, they’re heading for the mountains. I’ll bide my time until they’re more vulnerable.” he stretched his wings out and took a deep breath, then he began walking through the woods, checking for any signs. “Very good Star, very good, but you forgot about scent, but I suppose that you don’t think anyone would be searching for you in this place. As soon as you get to the mountain, you’re mine, there‘ll only be one way out this time.”


“We should be there in a little bit!” Said Cella, standing in a pine tree, twitching her tail. Her spirits had risen so much that she felt the need to be in the same place they were.

Bolt rolled his eyes. “So how much Aipom do you have in you? Or is it Monferno?”

“My grandfather was an Aipom morph, one of the first morphs out there. Of course, it could just be the fact that when you live near Fortree city learning to climb trees in unavoidable.” She climbed down and began walking in the direction of the lake.

“Well, that explains a lot.” Said Star with a laugh. He could see on Bolts face that he hadn’t expected an answer. “Well that was mature.” He said as Bolt stuck his tongue out at him.

“It’s not my job to be mature right now, actually, I’m pretty sure that in a few minutes my job is going to have something to do with zapping Goldeen and frying Gyarados.” He smiled, letting little bolts of electricity off.

Star rolled his eyes as they broke through the trees, and there was the lake. He stopped walking, and stared out at it, there was some ice around the edges and a light snow was beginning to fall.

Rose stood there next to him, staring out at the still clear water, she could see Pokemon swimming under the surface. “Wow. I’ve never really thought about the three lakes of Sinnoh, but if they’re all as beautiful as this… I can understand why we heard about them even in our Johto village.”

Bolt spotted Cella and walked over to her, he glanced back at Rose and Star. “It’s just a lake.”

“It is a lake, yeah, but did you know that there’s supposed to be a legendary Pokemon in there? Like the red Gyarados in The Lake of Rage, except rarer.” She smiled and sat down in the thin layer of snow by the bank and tapped the thin ice with her finger.

“The Lake of Rage Gyarados was really just a shiny, I thought. Team rocket was behind that, they sent out a signal that was forcing Pokemon to evolve.” he pulled off his pack and sat down further back where the snow was thicker.

“Yeah, but it’s fun to believe in legends, and you have to admit, one hasn’t been seen since. And how would you know about that signal, it happened about twenty years ago.”

“I told you that I’ve lived my whole life, up until now, in rocket bases, right? You learn a lot of their history in situations like that.” he turned his gaze to the water, a light breeze blew ripples through it as Rose and Star walked up to them.

“We should set up camp back in the woods a little ways, and stay here until tomorrow. It will be dark soon and the route that we’ll have to take is notorious for bad snowstorms, something we don’t want to get caught in.” Said Star, taking off his pack and stretching his wings, he smiled up at the sky.

“And don’t forget that Rose wants to fly some!” Giggled Cella, she began to laugh.

“Whats so funny?” Asked Bolt, staring at her.

She stopped laughing and just shook her head. “Nothing, just something I picked up on, psychic stuff.”

“Okay, whatever.” Bolt rolled his eyes.

“Come on, we should set up camp.” Said Rose, walking towards the woods. “Since it won’t be dark for a while, Cella, why don’t you teach me how to set up a tent?”

“You really want to ask Star.” She whispered under her breath, then she shouted “SURE!” and ran up to Rose. “It’s easy, especially with good light.”

Bolt and Star walked behind them a ways. “Do you have any idea what she was laughing about?” Asked Bolt, staring at her back.

“Absolutely none.” He felt like he was lying as he stared at Rose, watching the flame on her tail dance.
Well, no wonder it took you so long to write! It's really good, and I'm just guessing... That figure searching for Star is his dad.

Still a few spelling and grammar errors, though. If you end a sentence in quotation marks with a period, you have to make the next sentence, well, a new sentence. For example, '"You can't be serious." she said' should have a comma (,) after "serious". If there's a period (.), you have to replace "she said" with a new sentence. '"You can't be serious," she said.', or '"You can't be serious." She shot a look at him, and continued on.' (Don't ask me why, it's just a rule.) Change some spelling that spell check won't pick up, since it only checks the spelling, and not the meaning. For example, "fallow" and "latter" are supposed to be "follow" and "ladder". Just keep remembering that.
Well, this one is almost as long as the last one. And you can expect quite a lot from it. And just for the record, yes, Sheridan is completely delusional and insane.


Chapter Twelve
Day four of freedom

“Fish and biscuits.” Sighed the girl sitting across from Tyler. She poked the food with her fork, then looked up at him. “Again.”

He rolled his eyes, then sighed, chewing a mouthful of his own. “Look Clair, just eat it. I know that you’re not used to it, but we don’t exactly have the most extensive menu here.”

“I don’t like fish.” She scooted it across her plate.

“You haven’t ever gone without food, have you? See, here’s the deal. You eat when you can, or you go hungry. If you don’t like it, tough. Eat it anyway, hold your nose and choke it down if you have to, because keeping your stomach full is important.” He took another bite of fish and after swallowing, continued. “Besides, it’s the best breakfast I’ve had in a while, you have no idea how long it’s been since I had ocean fish.”

She just stared at him, then, after poking it a few more times, took a bite. She sighed, then looked down at the fish. “You know Tyler, I freaking hate it when you make sense.”

“MORNING!” Shouted Vincent as he walked into the room.

“Be quiet!” Hissed Kelly as she put some more fish in the oven. “Jenna is going to wake up again if you keep that up.” She glared at him, one of her fangs showing.

“Sorry.” He whispered, then grinned. “You know, every time I see you, you get more beautiful.” He wrapped his arm around her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“Well, I’ve officially lost my appetite, I’m going to train my Bayleef up on deck.” Clair pushed her chair out and stomped up the stairs.

“What’s on her nerves?” Asked Vincent, watching her.

“She got seasick, and doesn’t like fish.” Growled Tyler, rolling his eyes at her retreating form.

“How could she not like fish?” Vincent stared at the plate on the table.

“Beats me, she said that she was a good traveler, but apparently she knows absolutely nothing about traveling on the sea. So much for bringing people who know what they’re doing.” he sighed, then stood up. “The other two got done a while ago, with the rest of the crew, they insisted on being taught everything possible about boats.”

Vincent laughed. “Everything? Good thing that they’re going to be here for a while!”

“There’s more fish, if you want it.” Said Kelly, smiling as she walked over to Vincent.

“No thanks Kelly, I’m going to go hang out in the rigging for a while.” He walked up the stairs, then turned around. “Do you mind if I barrow the spyglass?”

“No, go ahead.” Vincent began chewing a mouthful of fish.

“Thanks.” Tyler ran up the rest of the stairs and disappeared.

“Those two have been driving me insane all morning, I swear, if I hear that girl say that she doesn’t like fish one more time I’m going to shove one down her throat.” Kelly looked like she wanted to pull her ears off, this was more evident as her fingers began to twitch.

“You should get some sleep this afternoon, you were up most of the night with Jenna and I’m sure you’re tired. I’ll take care of those two and I’ll make sure that Jenna gets her bath.” Vincent stood up and wrapped his arms around her again, this time kissing her on the lips. “Relax and get some sleep.”

“Okay, are you sure?” Kelly leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Of course, you need more sleep, don’t worry about a thing, I’m sure that the crew will be fine without something to eat every hour, you worry about us all to much.” Vincent let her go and smiled at her. “I promise it’ll be okay.”


“So, are you going to join her?” Cella watched as Rose flapped her wings, cutting the air and sending ripples across the lake.

Star shook his head. “No, if I fly right now my wings will freeze.”

“Her wings aren’t frozen.” She chided. “You’re just making excuses.”

“Her body temperature is at least five degrees higher than mine, her wings wouldn’t freeze unless she were flying in a snowstorm. Mine is not. Mine is closer to the temperature of a humans, maybe lower.” He unfolded them for a second, then quickly snapped them against his back again, as if this proved his point.

“Whatever. I’m going to go bug Bolt.” She stood up off the cot, they had moved it outside so that they didn’t have to sit on the ground. The tents were packed, and they were ready to leave as soon as Bolt came back.

“Please don’t, you’ve already feinted once on this trip, we don’t need him knocking you out.” Star stared out at the little island in the center of the lake.

“If he doesn’t come back soon I’m going to chance it.” She said, sitting back down.

“You never had much patience, did you?” He sighed.

“No.” She turned around to look at the trees, but quickly turned around to look at the lake.

Rose landed in front of them a second later. “It looks like someone is living in that cave, there’s a couple cots set up and a place for fires, we should probably leave whoever it is alone.”

“Sounds good to me, no need to upset some poor hermit or something. They’re probably just trying to live in peace.” Star moved over on the cot to make room for Rose.

“You stink, we should build a raft and go out there and find out who it is, I bet that they’re wanted criminals or something!” Cella jumped up and Rose quickly filled the spot.

“No, if it is a wanted criminal they don’t need any trouble from us, and what would we do? It’s not exactly like the police are an option, I’d like to see the looks on their faces if we tried to tell them anything.” Rose smiled. “They’d probably have a heart attack!” She laughed.

Star smiled, then turned to look at her, she was facing Cella and he looked at the smooth curve of her jawbone, the way some of her hair lay across it, the dark brown against her skin. She turned to look at him, and her eyes instantly dominated his attention. He stared at them, like he was seeing them for the first time, each thin line of color, tiny emeralds planted in the color of evergreens. “Star?”

He blinked quickly. “Yeah, what?”

“Bolt has been gone for a long time.” She turned to look at the woods, then spread her wings out.

“I know. I wonder what he’s doing. I don’t want to disturb him, but he’s been gone for at least an hour.” He stood up.

“You said that we shouldn’t go looking for him!” Growled Cella.

“No, I said that you shouldn’t go bug him. I’m immune to electricity, I’ll go see what he’s doing.” He stood up and hurried off into the woods.

“Darn it!” Cella stomped a foot and growled. “He should have stayed here!”

“What?” Asked Rose, turning to look at her.

“Nothing, I just mean that we should have all gone together, if he gets lost in there, he doesn’t have the map.” She said, pointing at his backpack. She sighed and walked over to the bank, then crouched down and ran the water through her fingers.

“He won’t get lost, if he has to look for him further than where our camp was then he’ll come and get us.” She stretched her wings, then shut them again.

“Bolt?” Star called as he searched for the Luxray Morph. “Where the heak could he have gone?” He asked himself as he looked around the clearing.

“Sorry!” Star looked up and saw Bolt, sitting in one of the trees. “Wanted to climb a tree.”

“Did you get stuck?” Laughed Star, flapping his wings slightly.

“No,” he growled, baring his fangs.

“Then what’s been taking so long, you’ve been gone for at least an hour.” Star smirked, at the look on Bolts face, he looked as if he’d been caught doing something wrong.

“I must have been daydreaming, sorry.” He climbed down slowly, sinking his claws into the bark of the tree. He wasn’t lying entirely, he had wanted to climb a tree, and he was dreaming during the day. He smiled and began walking towards the lake.

They reached the lake to find Cella chewing idly on another granola bar, and Rose messing with the flame on her tail.

“Hey, daydreamers back. Apparently climbing trees can take you to different worlds.” Star laughed as Bolt rolled his eyes.

“I wish it could, then we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in right now. Come on, we should go.” He pulled on his backpack and began walking through the snow.


Thomas tapped on his keyboared, responding to an e-mail from Giovanni.

“There is no way in hell I’m coming back.” He muttered as he pressed the send button. He knew that Giovanni was waiting for the message and that he would get a reply soon, probably only reading the first three sentences first. He suddenly heard a tap at his door. He immediately shut his laptop and turned off the lamp on the small desk. Thomas took a deep breath and walked over to the door and looked through the peep-hole.

“Open the stupid door, I’ve already been all over the rest of the ship looking for your sorry ass, so I know that you’re in there.” Ashley had her hands on her hips and was glaring at the door. “I’m going to count to three, then I’m going to wake up every damn person in this hallway and tell them who you are.” She began counting.

“Relax! I have to get the latch undone and turn off the security system!” He began to struggle with the lock.

“How the hell did you get a security system?” She growled.

“Really? Did you listen to what I said yesterday? If I created your blueprints I can set up a temporary alarm system. Now give me a few seconds, this stupid thing is touchy.” He pressed a combination on the small keypad, then unplugged two if the wires. He sighed and pulled open the door.

Ashley stomped in and shook her head, she was soaking wet. She glared at him, then pulled the chair out from the desk and sat down. “Right, I’m not happy about this, and both of us are going to have to freakin deal with it.”

Thomas sat down on the bed and stared at her, confused. “Look, I have no idea what you’re talking about and it’s six in the morning, so could you please tell me what you mean and why you’re soaking wet?”

“How about we start with soaking wet? I told you I looked all over the ship for you, well, since this is unpleasant, I decided to draw it out for as long as possible. We just missed a huge storm, but it’s raining pretty hard.” She smirked, then swung her tail around to get some of the water off.

“Right, and what is so unpleasant about talking to me that you would stand in the rain for extended periods of time just to avoid it?” He was beginning to get annoyed, he glared at the dripping wet morph who was slowly soaking the ugly red carpet in his room.

“The fact that I have to travel with you, whether I like it or not. Oh, and there’s the fact that I have to find a nice strong magnet and make sure you don’t have a chip, that wasn’t in the instructions, but I’m sure Andrew and Tyler would appreciate it if I checked. I could just run a light static over your body, but it might mess with the chip and that could kill you.” She just sat there, with an arrogant smile on her face.

He nodded, realizing what she was talking about, and feeling a little bad about going through her e-mail. “Fine by me, I’d prefer not to die though, so why don’t I just get a magnet out of my bag. If we find one I can throw it in the ocean, I was going to look for one after I got some sleep, make it look like I committed suicide. The team has already found out about me rerouting the signal in my laptop, Giovanni’s been so stupid to inform me, so I’m going to send him a lovely suicide note. I have enough reason, and since they’ve taken Bolt I’ve tried repeated times. Of course, it’ll be a huge surprise to him when I join you and your friends in getting Tilla and the rest of the morphs out of that hellhole in Hoenn.” He smiled at the surprised look on her face, then laughed as she grew angry.

“So should I just kill you know or would you prefer it if I waited until they could find your rotting corpse.” She snarled at him.

He rolled his eyes and figured that as long as she was threatening to kill him he could afford to be reckless. “Yeah, and what if Sam wakes up and sees you? That sure as hell wouldn’t set well. I’m positive that you could lie your way out, but she’d never see you the same way again. Many of the morphs from that attack are still alive, four of them escaped with a group of others from one of the bases in Johto.”

“How the hell!” She let electricity run up and down her arms and let out a deep ferel snarl from her chest.

“I read through your e-mail. After my lovely bout of stupidity I decided that it would be a good idea to go through all the laptops on the ship and take a quick look through any file that had been used in the past two months. I went through your mail, then I sent a virus to a rocket I found. He’s on vacation, but that’s not my problem. After that I went through my mail.” He watched her. He knew that he was either going to end up dead or alive at her hand, and he was surprised to find that he didn‘t really care.

“Who the hell is Tilla, and I want to go through all of your personal files.” She growled, she sent some sparks off that landed on the carpet.

“Tilla is, Bolts friend. Bolt and Tilla practally grew up together, they were born, well, Bolt wasn’t really born in the proper sense of the word, but their birthdays are on the same day. Mine is too, which is honestly creepy, but getting back to Tilla, I want to find her, then my son, and see what happens after that. I know she’s in that base because I examined her files until I had practically pulled them apart.” he smiled for a couple of seconds, then frowned at the celing.

“Wait a second, your son was a morph?” She began twitching her tail and had her claws extended.

He shrugged. “The DNA has to come form somewhere, he’s the only one related to me at all though.”

“Why the hell would you do something like that? You knew that he would end up like everyone else! And you did it to your SON! No wonder you want to die you stupid ass.” She snarled, staring daggars at him.

“Do you want me dead or alive? I know what I did, I was younger, stupider, when I made him. I still love him though, and every day I wake up and can’t know that he’s safe or alive, how the hell do you think that makes me feel? I wake up every morning sick to my stomach, especially since he left that base, I can’t even keep tabs on him anymore. All the ones that escaped from that place, they had simple chips. I just disabled them with my laptop, Bolt never had one though, so I couldn’t even switch the signal to only transmit on my computer. They operate under simple sound functions, if I have a chip I can disable it with one noise, kill myself with another, one sound actually wipes memory if they placed the thing properly.” He stared at his computer, then turned back to her.

She looked interested and after she didn’t respond for a minuite he went on. “They don’t know about the kill and memory functions, I added those for my own purposes, like what happened to Tillas father. Those are only for extremes. There’s a pitch that every living organism makes when it is in so much pain that if it lives after the incident it will never be able to live properly. I installed it because the morphs would be killed anyway, and this would just do it quickly without pain or fear.” He stared down at his feet, then looked up to see Ashley glaring at him.

“So you put these things in them so that they could be tracked? And what if they lived in the wild, and didn’t want to die even after using that pitch? You’re playing a game I don’t like.” She leaned back in her chair, and flexed her claws.

“I disabled all of the chips in morphs that are free, once a chip has been shut down you can only turn it back on from the outside, sounds don’t have any affects on it. You could play the pitch for hours and it wouldn’t do anything. The reason I haven’t done this to mine is so that I can play dead for a while. The chips aren’t affected by the elements, so I figured that throwing it in the ocean is a good idea.” He smiled, and watched as she fidgeted with her tail.

“What happened to Tillas Father?” She asked, turning to look at the computer. “Did you just kill him?”

“No, he used to belong to a community of other morphs, humans started getting involved, like with yours, and he and Tillas mother were captured. He was tortured, they were trying to find the rest, and he died, I‘d disabled his but they, aren‘t the best at Pokemon biology. I disabled the chip in her mothers, never got to learn her name, and she died giving birth to Tilla.” Thomas looked out the small window behind his bed, he was standing, pacing now.

“Who took care of her?” Ashley had moved the chair over to the desk and had his computer open.

“I have three e-mail adresses, you can find them and the passwords under file one, it’s easy to find, just type in ‘default four’ for the password, it should let you right in. One of the nurses took care of Tilla until she was ten, then she left. No one would take care of her, so I did until she was forteen. Not really a big deal, they each had their own room, Bolt loved her with his life you know, you could tell by how he looked at her, he practally worshiped her.” Thomas walked over and watched as she wont through the files on his first adress. Mostly stuff to his mom, a few letters to people he’d met while doing field work, innocent enough. She moved on to the second one, where she paused and read through more of the messages.

“You designed the release balls for Silph?” She turned around on the chair.

“Yeah, for the ranger union actually, Silph just developed them, I also upgraded the Pokenav for Devon, and sold Silph blueprints for an improved item minimizer.” He took the mouse for a second and popped open a couple of files, showing her the blueprints, then went back to the mail.

“So, I’m guessing that the rockets didn’t know about this?” She went back to clicking through his information.

“Hell no, if they knew that I could do anything but biology and the most basic electronics they would have killed me by now. No, they want me alive, which is why I want to play dead. I already have two other identities set up, forging a trainers license shouldn’t be hard.” he watched as she went to the third one, half holding his breath.

“Dear lord, did you actually send this to them!?” She was reading through the most recent message.

Thomas laughed. “Probably a bad move on my part, but yes, I did. I figured that as long as I was stealing all of their files and sending an irritating virus to them, I may as well add insult to injury, although I think the virus is probably already doing that.”

“I don’t even want to know, you‘re forty something right? What the hell did you do to your life… Actually, don’t answer that. Right, so I don’t think that there will be any issue with you betraying us or anything, kinda sounds to me like you’ve gone completely against them.” She went to another file, and couldn’t get into it. “What’s with this one?”

“None whatsoever, when we get to the base I’m going to make it completely invisible, and set up a camera system if they let me.” He smiled, then reached over and typed in a separate password for the file. “This one is different, I haven’t let anyone see this ever, mostly because I would be killed. I started it two years ago.”

Ashley stared as a website opened on the screen. “You run this?”

“Yeah, for two years. It’s by invite only, anyone registered as a rocket can’t get in, no matter what, just me. I’ve just started communications with several morphs, and helped some set up security systems, at least the ones with computers.” The page was dark blue, white text was shown under a bar with the word ‘news’ across it.

“So you made this to advertise a war on team rocket?” She clicked on another page.

“No. It’s more like a place where people can post their stories, anything to do with a war wasn’t my idea, it was mostly Andrew who started that.” He sat back down on the bed while she went through the pages.

“How to identify rocket activity? Wow, you weren’t joking around, so when are you going to tell your human members about us Morphs?” She skimmed through the section.

“Most of them know already, and are probably part of Tylers club, I recently made a section on it if you’d like to read it. I also have a section on how most of the bases function and how to get in, and what you can expect to find if you run an attack on one. Andrews idea, I just sent him the information, he wrote the article. I think the kids really got it out for revenge, I don‘t want anyone to get hurt, but a lot of others are very open to his ideas.” he was laying down now.

“It’s probably the same guy that works in communication at the base. I can’t right now, Sam is waking up and I have to go. You get that chip out of you and throw it in the ocean or whatever, we should be in the port around four today, I’ll meet you there.” She stood up and walked over to the door.

Thomas was digging though his bag on the floor. “Sure, we’re docking in Slateport, so I’ll meet you at the lighthouse. Make sure you tell Sam that I’m going to be there. And don’t worry, I won’t touch any of your mail anymore.”

Ashley nodded as she walked out the door. She walked into her room, shut the door, and quickly laid down on her bed. “Right, I completely believe him now. It’s stupid to, but I do. Who couldn’t after that, and then that website, I’m sure it’s the same Andrew, I should tell him, but I think I’ll just wait and see how it plays out.” she yawned and shut her eyes.


“Great! Now finish it off with thunderbolt Pikachu!” Ash smiled as Pikachu let loose a bolt of electricity that sent the Aggron they were faced against crashing to the ground.

The Pokemon trainer recalled it and glared at Ash. “You know, all I ever run into these days is Ketchum wannabes.”

Ash shrugged. “Sorry?”

“Whatever, I’ve got to go heal Aggron.” The kid ran off towards Pewter city, the direction they were going.

“Wow. He was tough.” Jimmy was sitting on the grass at the edge of the road.

“Yeah, that was fun. My Pokemon don’t get a workout like that every day. He took out Charizard too.” He released the fire type and gave him a revive and sprayed him with a hyper potion. He growled and puffed smoke, glaring at the place where the trainer had been.

Mew floated above them, watching as Ash healed the Pokemon. He smiled to himself, remembering how he used to always be over excited and how Charizard would set him on fire. He let his mind run along the link between his and Mewtwos minds. “Anything new?”

“Some morph called Ashley, Thomas is checking for some sort of tracking device. The group he’s looking for, they’re going to break into a team rocket base that’s near Fortree and get everyone without a uniform out. The Boat docks in Slateport at four. I’ll speak to him later tonight, then I’ll be back.” Mewtwo sat in the cargo hold, he’d gotten tired of swimming and figured that if anyone came down there he could just teleport out.

“Alright, that can’t be good, you have to get back as soon as possible, you’re the only one who can give those memories back, and explain to him what’s going on. Make sure you get to speak to him today, then get back, we can’t let it happen.” Mew floated quietly through the trees, watching as Ash scratched Pikachus head.

“I know. Has Arceus figured it out yet?” Mewtwo poked through one of the boxes, then sighed as he placed the lid back on the package, it was just a bunch of Pokéballs.

“Yeah, but he seems pretty content to just let us do what we want right now. To be honest I don’t think he likes or cares about the morphs much.” Mew said, landing in a tree for a second.

“He doesn’t like or care about me much either, we’re freaks remember, we’re not natural. The only reason I think he puts up with anything I do is because everyone else backs me up.” Mewtwo opened another box and sighed, toothbrushes.

“Maybe. Of course, you do belong with the rest of us, weather he likes it or not.” Mew hummed a tune quietly to himself.

“Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mewtwo cut the connection and went through more boxes. “Who the heak has ever needed a ten pound bag of confetti?” he muttered as he placed the lid back on a box. “Really?”


“This is insane!” Shouted Rose as she pushed against the wind. “We are not stopping until we get out of this mess!”

“I second that!” Yelled Cella, getting a mouthful of snow.

“Where did Star go!” Bolt looked around, all he could see was white. They were connected by ropes, as soon as they had left the lake they had run into roaring winds and flying snow.

“I’m over here! I can see Roses tail!” He was off to her left somewhere.

“How!?” Yelled Cella, scanning the area.

“Has anyone but me noticed that it’s on fire!?” He yelled back. Everything sounded muffled, he just kept his eyes focused on the small glowing light a couple of feet to his left.

“Sorry!” Cella yelled. She stopped for a second and was nearly blown over by the wind, suddenly she caught sight of a feint glow a few feet to her right. She quickly walked over to it.

“Right, this isn’t getting us anywhere. If you can see my flame get over here!” Rose blew a flamethrower into the air and got a puff of steam in return, it was quickly blown away as she felt something grab her wing.

“Gotcha! I swear, we’ve been out here for at least two hours, and I don’t even know what direction we’re going!” Cella Shook her head to get some of the snow off and only managed to get some in her ear.

“I’m right behind you, don’t swing your tail. I never thought I would be glad to have fuzzy ears, of course, I never though I would be stuck in a snowstorm, so there you go.” Bolt moved to his left a little, he could see Cella now too, and stayed where he was.

Rose jumped a little as she felt something grab her hand. “Star?”

“Yeah, it’s me! We’re going to have to find someplace to stop, I don’t want to, but this isn’t going to let up! I think it’s gotten worse and the route is too long, there’s no way we’ll be out of here before night!” he stared down at her hand in his, it was so much warmer than his own. His heart skipped a beat as she twined their fingers together.

“How would we tell!? With all this snow it could be midnight for all we know! Hey, that rhymed!” Cella pointed up at the sky, a motion that no one saw because of the flying snow.

“Lets just keep walking, if we find something we can stop, but I’d rather not! I really just want to get out of here as soon as possible!” Rose began walking, the rest of the group moved with her. She held tight to Stars hand, hoping that she didn’t have to let go soon.


“GET DOWN!” Vincent yelled, holding onto Jenna, as a bolt of electricity came dangerously close to the boat.

“I’M STUCK!” Tyler shouted down from the netting, thunder rumbled straight overhead. The storm had hit without warning, dark clouds rolling in suddenly as if a hand had suddenly been placed over the sun. Tyler tried to pull his foot out again, twisting his ankle and failing for the third time, he began to chew on the rope.

“Hold Jenna, I’m going to go and get him!” He placed her in Clairs arms, she was the closest person, and began to climb. Clair just stood there and looked lost.

“Vince, no!” Kelly Screamed, she was helping tie down a sail, she stared wide eyed as her mate climbed up, he was soaked and there was lightening out.

CRACK! The lightening finally hit the main mast, it shuddered and split straight in two, the wood splintered and cracked, as it fell it burst into flame, the net and Tyler came down. Tyler heard a quieter more muffled crack as he landed on the deck, he screamed as pain shot up his leg, the net landing on top of him.

“Tyler! Are you okay!” Clair ran over, holding Jenna, she moved her to one arm and tried to pull the net off. She swore and pulled a knife out of her pocket and flipped out the blade.

“NO! God, I think it’s broken, my ankle is BROKEN!” He screamed as a wave ran over the deck, moving his foot. His head spun, the boat moved and his ankle was twisted by another wave. He screamed, his head was pounding, his ankle felt like it was on fire, like someone was ripping it off, he screamed again, and blacked out, the wind howling in his ears.


“I think I just ran into something!” Shouted Bolt, he reached up and felt the large wall that had come out of nowhere.

“What is it?” Cella asked, she walked over to where he was standing and saw something solid and white appear inches away from her nose, she barely stopped in time to avoid it.

Star walked straight into it, Rose with him. “It’s a wall. A WHITE wall, in the middle of a freakin snowstorm!” He yelled, aggravated.

Rose was being more logical. “Why don’t we try going around it? There were houses on the map, and I honestly don’t care if anyone lives here, this stupid storm has been getting worse and worse by the minuite.” She began to feel her way around, and soon found another side. A few minutes later they were inside.

“Oh thank goodness, a fireplace, and wood!” Star said as he looked around the small house.

Rose quickly bent down and pulled off her boots, releasing his hand. “I’ll start a fire in a minute.” She smiled at the small house, without the wind it was warmer.

“Great, I guess that it’s just your typical house, not bad.” Said Cella as she wandered around, there were only five rooms if you counted the living room/kitchen. “Bathroom, a bedroom, computers….. Hey! Come in here, there’s loads of food!” She called.

Rose joined the other two in fallowing her call, and soon found herself in a room overstocked with cans of ravioli and boxes of cerial. She turned around and saw something taped to the door. “There’s a note.” She pointed it out to the others.

“ ‘To all travelers’ Well, we fit that category. ‘You may use anything here, please just make sure to leave everything as you saw it before entering, and do not download anything on the computers. Take your trash with you, or burn it, and make sure that all fires are out when leaving. Take no more than you need though, keep in mind that others will be coming this way and may need a place to stay when the snowstorms get bad. From a friend.’ Whoever owns this house is extremely considerate.” Star read through the note again, then nodded. He was slightly suspicious of this friend.

“Look at this, someone must have started something a while ago.” Bolt was looking inside of a large empty can, there were envelopes inside.

“A lot of them have names and dates on them, look.” Cella picked up one of them. “Erik Hendricks, January third, two-thousand… something, I can‘t read the rest of the date.” She read the front of the envelope. “That means that no one has been out here for a while. Look at these, some of them are from even earlier. Who just buys a random house and leaves it open to travelers?” She asked as she went through the envelopes.

“This one is open, I’m going to read it.” Bolt pulled out one of the envelopes and pulled out the letter before anyone could stop him. “Relax, it’s meant to be read, says so in the first line.” He scanned the paper.

“What does it say?” Rose asked, watching him.

“For all to read. Dear friend, I found this place by chance, and am extremely grateful, I have been wandering around outside for hours. I stayed here for a week, waiting for the snowstorms to subside, and left with a new outlook on life. I believe that if more people in this world could trust others as blindly as you have, it would be a better place. I have included money for what I used, and I have given a list of what I used so that you can purchase more when you need to. To all who have read this, if you would like to write a thank you note, while I was returning from Snowpoint I dropped off three boxes of envelopes and some paper, they’re behind the cereal, along with a box of pens. I know that not everyone who stops here is going to be honest, but I hope that they at least know that they should be thankful. From a grateful traveler.” Bolt looked up, and shook his head. “This was written ten years ago.” He folded the paper back up and placed it into the yellowing envelope.

“Yeah, but whoever owns this place has been back, none of this is past it’s expiration date.” Star had been going through the food.

“Then why haven’t they read the letters?” Rose asked, going through the sealed envelopes.

“He hasn’t been back, someone else is stocking this place, or he doesn’t like thank yous.” Cella grabbed a can off the shelf. “Either way, why don’t we start a fire and eat something, I’m starving.”


Sheridan watched them, from behind a window, on the one side of the house that blocked the wind. “You are soft.” He laughed, knowing that nothing could hear him over the wind. “You make some friends and you forget how to watch your back.”

He dug his claws into the windowpane, growling as he watched a morph he hadn’t been told about begin to make one of those little camp popcorns over the Charizard Morphs tail. He pressed harder into the wood, splintering it, as they all laughed. “I’ll have to get you alone then, that will be the easiest way. Maybe tonight, when they’re all asleep, I’ll kill you quick, quiet, and they’ll find you laying in a puddle of your own blood.”


Thomas poked at the embers of the fire with a stick, causing tiny sparks to fly into the air. He was sitting on a log outside a tent, his sleeping bag was laying on the ground a couple of feet away. When they had arrived in Slateport he’d gone and bought and a sleeping bag for himself, the tent belonged to Ashley and Sam. They had walked along route one-hundred-ten for a while until Sam was tired and Ashley couldn’t carry her anymore, she wouldn’t let him touch her. He stiffened as he heard a rustle, this was a clearing that had been used by trainers often, the logs and fire pit made that obvious, but right now was the off season for travelers in Hoenn, right now Kanto and Johto were the hotspots. “Hello?”

Mewtwo watched Thomas, staring at the sparks he sent flying. He knew that if he was going to talk to him, he had to do it now. He took a deep breath and took a step forward, he winced as a branch brushed against him and the man in the clearing called out. Mewtwo carefully stepped out into the small clearing, and locked eyes on the man sitting there. “You know me.”

Thomas was barely able to spit out a “yes.” He stared in shock at the Pokemon that was standing in front of him, one that he’d thought he’d have to search for for months before he’d even get a trail.

“You were looking for me.” Mewtwo said, watching Thomas. He could feel what was going through his head right now, mostly shock, excitement, one that surprised him and Thomas was jealousy. Mewtwo walked over to a log across from the fire, and sat down. “So, camp counselor, creator of morphs, and son of the crazy guy that made me.”

Thomas blinked a couple of times, ran a hand through his graying hair, then laughed. “I’m not fit to counsel a Pichu. I was looking for you, looks like you found me.”

“Yes. I thought that it would be interesting for both of us, you know more about me than any other human, and you created the morphs in quite a similar way to how I was.” Mewtwo was still carefully keeping tabs on Thomas feelings, and found that slight pang of jealousy again.

“What do you want? Your blueprints? It’s not like they really exist anymore.” Thomas was slightly confused, and still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that he was having a conversation with this Pokemon.

Mewtwo shook his head. “What I want, what a question. I don’t honestly know. You were the one looking for me.” He truly didn’t know anymore, he knew that there wasn’t anything that Thomas couldn’t tell him that he hadn’t seen in the quick scan of his thoughts and memories. His need to find and talk to the human in front of him suddenly seemed like an extremely useless and unnecessary waste of time.


Star sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, staring out at the mass of white. He was in the room that had a couple of computers in it, they looked like the kind of old PCs that Pokécenters used to have, other than the computers there was a window, a few chairs, and that was it. He stood up off of the floor and walked out into the living room with a sigh, as long as he couldn’t sleep he could at least go talk to Bolt. He was awake in the room where they had found the food, he’d said that as long as he wasn’t going to sleep he would write a letter. Star yawned and walked over to the window that was over the kitchen sink, the only thing that separated the living room and kitchen was a table that they had dragged closer to the fire. He stretched his wings, then sighed. “I get to sleep in a house for once, and I don’t get an ounce of sleep.”

“Hey Star, me neither.” Rose said from her cot, she’d insisted on using it and staying in the living room by the fire. She was sitting on it, her elbows on her knees and her hands on either side of her face, he fingers strung through her hair.

“Hey, I was going to talk to Bolt, since he said he’d be awake. Why can’t you sleep?” He walked over and stood behind the cot, watching her. She was flicking her tail back and forth and staring at the fire.

“Bolt is the only one asleep, Cella came in here a minute ago growling about people and emotions, then she looked at me for a few seconds and stalked off. Bolt is asleep with four pieces of paper stuffed into an envelope, apparently writing puts him to sleep, or he’s just being irritating.” She sighed and removed her fingers from her hair. She turned and looked up at him.

“Mind if I sit down, since Bolt ditched reality and Cella doesn’t sound very sociable.” He motioned to the cot.

Rose nodded and moved over, letting her tail swing down, automatically turning it up so that it didn’t set the floor on fire. “Go ahead, it’s not like I’m sleeping on it.”

He sat down and sighed, staring into the dying embers. “So why can’t you sleep?”

“I think all of everything caught up with me, now that it’s had time to. My parents are dead Star, and I’ve killed people. I’ve been ripped away from my home, thrown into what is basically a prison, electrocuted for telling a joke, and escaped in a plane. I didn’t even know what a plane was, and I still don’t really have any clue. I’m inside a house. I hadn’t even seen a house before except once, and we flew over it, in the plane. When did the world get so freaking messed up?” She leaned against him, and just stared at the glowing embers. She wondered if he was okay with her there, and shut her eyes, just thinking about him.

Star instinctively wrapped an arm around her shoulders, just above her wings, and was surprised at how natural it was, then worried that she would be uncomfortable with it. He turned his head slightly to look at her, and she had her eyes closed. He ran his hand through her hair, then let it rest between her wings. “I don’t know, and it’s going to take a lot to fix it.”


Sheridan watched from outside as Star wrapped his arm around the Charizard morph, keeping low so that he wouldn’t be noticed unless someone looked directly at him. He just glared with pure hate at this movement of affection, his wings went rigid and he began to ruin the siding by sinking his claws into it, dragging them through the white painted metal. He ground his teeth at him, this child who had taken everything from him.

“Fine, I’ll wait.” He growled, a new plan forming in his head. “I’ll wait, and then, then I will kill her, and you will watch. Then, I will hurt you, and leave you bleeding.” Sheridan smiled, removing his claws from the siding, and walking around the house. He moved into the woods just a few feet away, they were shelter enough from the wind. He pulled off his pack, it was small, he didn’t need much, and he unzipped it. Inside he found what he would need, it was small, but accurate. The black metal shone for a second, then disappeared back into the bag. “I will leave him bleeding.”
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