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In Progress Rose&Fang

Right, sorry this took so long. I don't really have an excuse for it taking more than three months to write, so i'm just going to end that there. I was going to make this chapter longer, but after i started writing the last part i ended up with way more pages than i whould have, so i cut it in half. So Chapter Fourteen souldn't take me as long to write, and if it does you can chase me with torches and pitchforks.

Chapter Thirteen
Day five of freedom, More Freaking Trees


The Pokemon who’s name had just been said jumped slightly. He quickly turned around and saw Celebi. “What are you doing here?” He couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“I need you, something in the forest.” Celebi said this fast, and seemed edgy.

“I can’t go now! I’m trailing Ash until Mewtwo gets back and he’s leaving now.” Mew wondered what it could be, there had never been an issue that Celebi couldn’t handle himself. When there was he never asked for help, usually getting himself hurt.

“We won’t be gone that long, he’ll still be in the city for… a while.” Celebi began to fly off.

“Fine, relax. I’m coming.” Mew left the branch of the tree he was sitting on, fallowing Celebi into the forest. “What’s the emergency?”

“Just fallow me.” Celebi disappeared behind a tree, Mew had to work to keep up.

“You’d better not be joking around here, Mewtwo is coming back today and we can’t waste anymore time chasing people, everything is starting to align how we want it. If we don‘t get more help soon we‘ll be out of luck.” Mew was a little irritated, and Celebi seemed nervous.

Suddenly the time travel Pokemon stopped and turned to Mew, there was dread and sadness in it‘s eyes. “You’re going to hate me.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Mew was confused, and had every right to be under the circumstances.

“You’ll find out in a minute, by now it’s too late to stop it, even if you teleport.” Celebi had a look on his face like he wanted to throw up, which wasn’t far from the truth.

“What-” Suddenly Mew heard the crack of a gun. His fur stood on end, and he looked at Celebi in shock. Mew was afraid that he already know the answer, but he asked anyway. “Celebi… Who got shot?”

Celebi shook his head, his small body going limp. “You’re more important, we couldn’t let you-” Mew was already gone before Celebi had gotten through the fifth word.

Mew stared at the scene before him, there was a man, standing over the body, a body with ridiculous blue hair and wearing sunglasses, a body with a hysterical Pikachu pawing at it. There was blood trickling out of a hole in his head.

“It is not something that we can control. The humans are not our responsibility.” Mew hung his head and let his tail drop, using only enough energy to keep himself afloat. The voice entering his mind belonged to Arceus.

“You let our only chance… go, he was our last hope.” Mew said.

“We need you, the morphs are not our problem. It will be sorted out by itself.” Arceus growled.

“They are our problem!” Mew yelled, rightening himself. In their minds he did the equivalent of looking Arceus straight in the eye. “If we do not intervene they will kill themselves! They will all end up dead! They are our problem, they are part Pokemon, and Pokemon are who we’re here to protect!”

Arceus stared down at the little pink cat. “It will be sorted out by itself, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Talk to Mewtwo, then stop trying to change things that we cannot control.” At that he cut the conversation, and left Mew alone.

Mew watched as a crowd of people gathered around Ash. Someone picked up his pokedex and the man who had done the shooting was nowhere to be seen. Soon cameras and news people would be there, and police would be keeping the cameras and people away. Mew contacted Mewtwo, and just let the picture in front of him go across.

“It will sort itself out. I know.” Mewtwo sent a conversation almost identical to the one Mew had just had to him.

Mewtwo was currently sitting in a small cave he had found at the edge of some beach. He sighed and dropped the connection. There was nothing to say. He stared out at the ocean for a few minutes, watching the water, not moving. Suddenly he stood up and jumped into the air and set off towards Kanto. His hope had died, in more than one way.


Thomas let his fingers fly across the keyboard on his laptop, it was raining outside and the café they were in was dark, thunder rumbled from overhead. There was a television buzzing quietly in the corner with some irritated woman standing in the rain that had been falling for the past hour.

“How long are you going to be?” Growled Ashley, tapping her fingertips on the table.

“Relax, no one around here is going to see you as long as you keep your hood up. Why don’t you get something to eat, just order whatever you want.” He stared at the file in front of him, scanning it carefully. He couldn’t let any of the information go unnoticed.

“I’m not hungry.” She glared at the computer in front of her.

“That’s a lie. Wake Sam up so that she can eat something too, really, get whatever you want. We aren’t going anywhere until this clears up, I can’t afford to get this wet, and walking around in the rain will just get us sick.” he opened another page and began to type quickly.

“The rain doesn’t get you sick, it’s just annoying and wet.” She placed a hand on the child laying in the booth next to her.

He peered over his laptop at her, sighing. “Not the rain specifically, but you would be cold and wet. When you are cold you’re system works harder to keep you warm, leaving you more open to getting sick. How do you think so many people catch ammonia?”

She stared at him for a second, grinding her teeth. “Just shut up.”

“Happily, I’m trying to find out where my son could have possibly gone and how to rewire the main computer system in that base that you want to get into.” He opened the blueprints for the building, then continued hacking into it’s computers. “I think it’s going to involve getting directly into their system, their may be an outlet I can hook into outside though.”

She let out a low growl, then picked up one of the menus sitting on the edge of the table. She scanned it for a second, then nudged Sam gently. “Wake up.”

She blinked a couple of times and yawned, then she caught sight of her surroundings. “Are we there?”

“No, we’re in a restaurant, it’s raining outside. Do you want anything to eat?” Ashley pointed to the menu.

“Yes!” Sam grabbed it and opened it up. It looked giant in her tiny hands.

“Thomas said we could order whatever we wanted.” she glanced up at the computer he was sitting behind again, wishing that he would even wince at the fact that he had said this. He didn’t even blink, still scanning his files.


The dark face of the mountain loomed above them, the sun making the snow covering it shine. “We are not climbing over that.” Cella objected.

“Why not?” Asked Bolt, looking it. He could see places where thin roads led up the mountain, it would be easy enough to climb if they could find one.

“Because I’m great at trees, but if you want me on a giant slushy rock you are definitely going to have a hard time getting me there.” She growled, folding her ears back.

“Then we’ll just go without you.” He said, as he leaned against one of the trees that lined the small snowy clearing. He glanced through the trees, watching a murkrow. He was pretty sure that it had been fallowing them for a while now.

“We are not leaving without anyone. And the giant slushy rock will probably be covered in humans, so we aren’t going to climb on it anyway.” Said Star. He yawned and stretched out his wings, looking up at the sky, it was still covered in a layer of clouds, but the snow had stopped.

“We’ll probably have to do a little climbing at some point, the woods around the mountain aren’t on this map, except something that says there’s supposed to be trails. I think if we can find one of those we should take it, if it’s not on a map fewer travelers will be on them.” Rose said, scanning the area as if one of the trails would be hidden by the snow covered trees.

“So, west or east?” asked Bolt, looking at the map in her hands, pulling it down a little so he could see.

“Bolt, it won’t do you any good to read that upside down, but I think we should head west, towards Canalave.” Cella pointed at the city on the map, tapping it.

“So a busy city that leaves us at a dead end if we can’t get onto a boat? I hate to break it to you, but these identity cards aren’t exactly going to keep people from figuring us out if we have to spend time on a boat with them.” Bolt said, watching as Cella rolled her eyes the entire time.

“I have to say that he has a point, but I think that you have an idea, care to share with us?” Star said to her as he took a look at the map from behind Rose, subconsciously placing one hand on her shoulder.

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t. Bolt, have you ever heard of a morph named Vincent?” She turned to him, irritated when he didn’t show any surprise.

“Yeah, was captured, escaped, and is now untouchable. Runs that boat company thing…” he immediately shut his mouth. Knowing the story was one thing, pokemorph escape stories were circulated throughout the rocket bases all the time, but knowing what happened after they escaped wasn’t so popular, unless they were dead.

Cella smiled slightly, but didn’t point out that he knew more than he should, knew more than her. She had just been running on hope that he’d actually gotten a transportation business off the ground. “Exactly, he’s untouchable, and so are his boats for some reason. Tyler and I used to listen to him talk about sailing on the ocean all the time, after he was captured by the rockets he escaped, and got some chip out of his arm that the rockets had been putting in him when he got out. If we can find one of his boats, we’ll get passage for free, and we‘ll be able to remain out of sight from most of the other passengers.”

Bolts eyes got a little wider, and his breath caught in his throat, “What did you say about a chip!” He choked out.

“There was a chip, in Vincent, he got it out because he figured that it was a tracking device.” She was beginning to get worried, the look on Bolts face was equivalent to someone who had just been told that they were going to die, or worse.

“Oh god this is not good. Bad, bad bad bad….” He took off his backpack and began digging through it.

“Bolt, what’s wrong?” Rose watched as he dug furiously through the pockets until he found a small first aid kit.

“THE CHIPS! Oh God, they use the chips as tracking devices, I forgot about them, I don’t have one, but you guys might. This is bad, bad bad bad bad!” He sat on the ground and dug his fingers into the snow, crushing it into the mold of his hands.

“Bolt, it would be much more helpful if you would take a deep breath and explain this to us. They use chips as tracking devices?” Star said, rolling up the map and sticking it one of the packs. He hadn’t seen Bolt this freaked out before.

“Right. Team rocket developed small chips, like computer chips, that are immune to Pokemon moves. The only ways to shut them off without taking them out is by either having strong electric currents from an outside source run thorugh the exact spot where it’s at, or by using a high frequency sound wave to shut them down. These chips are tracking devices, if they aren’t shut off, we’re going to be found. They probably don’t care too much about us now, but they’re going to kill us eventually if we can’t keep a few steps ahead of them.” He’d returned to his normal cold manner, saying this as if he were commenting on the weather.

“That would explain a lot. How do we figure out if they’re in us?” Star questioned, watching as bolt went through the first aid kit.

“The electromagnitism in the chips is strong enough that it could be found with a magnet, or running a soft current through someones body until you can find the place that the electricity is attracted to. Finding the chip with the current, if it’s a light one, won’t do anything, but if you try to shut it down it’s possible to receive major nerve damage to the area it’s implanted, and if the current runs through the wrong areas of your body it could kill you.” He suddenly stopped rifleing through the kit, shut it, and shoved it back in the bag.

“Bolt, I know that you’ve been in that base your whole life, but I don’t think that kind of knowledge would normally be given to any morph.” Rose watched as Bolt suddenly froze, his body stiffening and his face going stone blank again.

“No, it isn’t. Nor is it any of your business.” He took a deep breath and zipped up his backpack, placing it on his shoulders. “There’s a path about four feet in.”

“He’s hiding something.” Hissed Cella quietly.

“Cella, he may be hiding something, but unless it could harm us we have no buissness knowing what it is.” Star walked through the trees, pushing aside branches.

“Rose?” Cella turned towards her.

“It looks like whatever he’s hiding hurts him. He never mentions how he grew up in that place. He doesn’t want to talk about it anymore than you want to talk about being tortured.” Rose sighed as Cella winced, picking up her pack.

“You’re right. It’s stupid of me to pry, but you heard him that night, and now he won’t sleep at all until he thinks we’re all asleep. He says he doesn’t need it. I can tell he doesn’t physically, but it’s like he gets something out of it, more than just rest.” She began walking with Rose down the path that was, just like Bolt had said, about four feet into the woods.

“I think you’re just reading too much into it. He’s probably still paranoid from living in that place for so long. If I were him I wouldn’t have slept either. I wonder why that is though, that he doesn’t need sleep. It’s a bit odd.” Rose watched the trail ahead, keeping an eye on two males in front of them.

“Probably a disorder of some kind.” Cella stated flatly.

“You lost me.” Rose flared out her wings for a second, then snapped them shut back onto her back again.

“Sleep disorder. There’s probably something wrong with his brain that has shut down his need for sleep, just not his ability to do it.”

“First bolt is talking about some weird kind of chip, now you’re talking about disorders. Why don’t we move on to a normal subject and let the things that I don’t understand wait until a better time.” They were catching up to Bolt and Star.

“She has a good point. Talking about science stuff is past me. You and Bolt can probably have fun talking about that though.” Star turned around, walking backwards.

“Or not. Ask me how to get a tracking device out, I’ll give you a detailed explanation on how. Talk to me about brains, and I’m asleep, most likely on purpose.” Bolt didn’t seem thrilled with the idea.

“So how long is this path supposed to be anyway?” Cella questioned, choosing geography as a better subject.

“I have no clue, just that fallowing the paths should take us out to Eterna. It probably cuts off some of the time it would take if we were crossing the mountain. Bolt, can you see far enough to judge how long this path is?” Rose looked at the back of his head, one of his ears seemed to twitch in slight irritation.

“Trees trees and more trees, a couple rocks and utterly terrified Pokemon. People don’t come this way often, it’s rare to see anything but the native Pokemon out here I’m sure. So we’re terrifying anything smaller than us, and anything larger feels it safer to keep out of our way.” He turned his head slowly as he said all of this, his eyes flashing yellow.

“That’s a little creepy.” Stated Cella, then she laughed as Bolt missed a slight turn and slammed into a tree.

“It has it’s drawbacks, I never exactly got to play around with this ability.” He growled, rubbing his forehead.

“So everything is staying off the path just because we’re here? You’d think they’d want to know more about us.” Rose looked around at the trees, wondering how many pairs of eyes watched their progression through the forest.

“They would rather leave us alone until they’ve made sure we’re not a threat, or trainers. Most of the Pokemon out here I’m sure are strong, and if they ganged up on us we’d probably be in trouble, but they aren’t sure. It’s best to just leave them alone as long as they do the same for us.” Star was still walking backwards, somehow managing to stay on the path.

“That’s annoying.” Cella stared at him, his feet keeping a beat even though he couldn’t see where he was going.

“You’re full of complaints today, what’s got you? It’s like you just need something to be creepy or irritating.” Rose turned to Cella, then watched Star. She had to admit to herself, it was slightly irritating, but she quickly lost her train of thought.

Cella sighed. “I don’t know. Sorry guys,” She shook her head, making her ears flap a little. “I just feel nervous I guess.”

Star turned around, walking normally, looking up through the trees. “It looks like the sun’s come out finally. Maybe we‘ll actually get out of these woods in time to enjoy it.”

Bolt looked up, and smiled. “Maybe. I’ll tell you guys if I see a clearing.” He stared into the forest, that Murkrow was definitely fallowing them.


“Leah to Home, I’ve spotted three travelers leaving The Rainy Café, sending data now.” She stared down at the three, she was positive it was them, but she had to keep cover until it was confirmed with the Home.

“Home to Leah, this is Andrew, image confirmed, it’s them. You may proceed. Be careful though, that’s Thomas down there, and we don’t know what to expect.” Leah nodded to herself, then began decent. She quickly landed a bit in front of the group and began walking towards them. She stopped a few feet ahead and waited while they approached.

“Hello!” She called and waved as they stopped a few feet away. She ran up to them.

“Who are you?” Ashley growled as she crouched, ready to attack.

“Oh relax would you? I was sent from home, Andrew you know? He figured that it would be a good idea to send a guide so you didn’t get lost in the woods.” She smiled, whipping her tail and sending a slight breeze over their heads.

“Oh. Thank you then.” Ashley relaxed, then smiled.

Sam tugged on Ashley’s shirt, staring up at her. “Ashley, who’s that?” She pointed to Leah.

“She’s going to show us where to go, so we can get to that place I told you about. Why don’t you ask her her name?” Ashley crouched down and picked her up.

“What’s your name Flygon girl?” Sam asked.

“I’m Leah, and you must be Sam. Nice to meet you all.” She looked at all three, pausing for a moment on Thomas face. He was supposed to be the bad guy, part of team rocket. He didn’t look like she’d expected.

“So how’d you end up with Tylers group?” Asked Thomas. Ashley gave him a glare that basically told him to shut the hell up.

“Why would you want to know?” She asked, slightly uncomfortable. He was way to relaxed.

“Ashley’s been ignoring me since I made her get lunch.” He shrugged.

Leah turned to Ashley “Are you sure he’s the guy who created our blueprints?”

“Unfortunately yes. He wants to help with the Rocket base project that you guys are working on.” They began walking down the path.

“Help us or kill us?” She glared at him.

“Help. Believe it or not, I don’t hate you guys, and it wouldn’t make sense for me to.” He rolled his eyes at her glare.

“Why wouldn’t it? All of the other rockets want us dead.” Leah said.

“It wouldn’t make sense because I spent a good portion of my life figuring out how to make your blueprints, and getting them to work. When you spend that much time on something it’s hard to hate it.” He stretched his arms above his head.

“The way said that was pretty much creepy. And what about everyone else wanting us dead, you used to work for them.” She stared at him. Why was he so relaxed about everything she’d said?

“Yes. And now I don’t. You do the math.” He raised his eyebrows at her.

“Not that this hasn’t been enlightening at all, but we have travelers at twelve-o-clock.” Said Ashley, pointing with her free arm.

“That’s alright, we need to turn right here anyway.” She grabbed Ashleys and Thomas arms and led them into the woods.

“That was close.” Muttered Thomas under his breath as the two people walked by.

“Only for us, no one would have paid any attention to you.” Glared Leah.

“Really, would you stop trying to be mean to me? It’s annoying and uncalled for. Those two work for team rocket as scouts and theives, I would have been in as much trouble as the rest of you.”

“I doubt it. Team Rocket wants you alive, not us.” Ashley said, a slight smile on her face.

“I don’t believe that this is really a proper conversation for the company we’re in.” Said Thomas, seeing that Sam was watching them.

“Look, a combee!” Leah pointed to it, floating over one of the branches above them. “You don’t see many around here, there’s probably a hive nearby.”

“Or it’s on it’s own.” Thomas said.

“Why would it be alone?” Sam stared up at the bug Pokemon.

“It’s a female, female Combee evolve into Vespiquen, so it was most likely kicked out of the hive before it could evolve. There can only be one Vespiquen in a hive.”

The Pokemon flew in closer, its wings buzzing, then disappeared behind a tree.

“Mom had one of those,” Sam stared at the place wehre the bug Pokemon had gone, tears welled up in her eyes. “I miss Mommy and Daddy.” The tears welled over and began to slide down her face, she shook slightly as she tried to hold in her sobs.

Ashley bent down and wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay, shhh, let it out, it’s okay.”

Sam wrapped her arms around Ashleys neck and burried her face in her shoulder. “It’s not okay! They’re gone and they’re not going to come back! No one can bring them back, I miss Mommy… I miss Daddy. I want Mommy and Daddy back…” She sobbed into her shoulder as Ashley picked her up, slightly rocking her side to side, stroking her hair.

Leah motioned for them to continue and they walked in silence until sam was asleep. Ashley watched the other two as they walked, noticing that Thomas kept running his fingers through his hair and looking at Sam, then he would turn away and clench his fists. Finally she got fed up with it. “Thomas, what the hell is your problem? You’ve been fidgety since we saw that stupid Bug Pokemon!”

Leah turned to them. “He’s probably planning how to kill us all without involving Sam.”

Thomas glared at her, a hateful look on his face. “If you really have to know, I’m extremely conflicted, and before you start making all kinds of ridiculous statements that I’m a traitor, you may want to hear why.”

He continued to glare at Leah. “Fine, I won’t go on about how I knew you were a traitor and admitting confliction proves it until you’re done with your petty explanation.”

“Good. I’m conflicted because I feel like Sams parents death is my fault.” He looked at her, and sighed.

“So you sent the-” Leah started.

“Would you be quiet for more than twenty seconds? I didn’t send that attack. I knew it was happening, but I couldn’t do anything about it, or I would have. I didn’t even know that humans were involved.” Thomas shook his head, grinding his teeth.

“Okay, you can continue, whatever.” Leah sighed, glaring at him.

“I feel like it’s my fault because I created Morphs. I feel like if I hadn’t created them, then her parents wouldn’t have died. She would be happy and carefree, playing with them and their Pokemon, waiting until she was old enough to be a trainer.” He ran his fingers through his hair again, shutting his eyes for a second.

“So what’s wrong with that? If you hadn’t created us, she would be.” Ashley stroked Sams hair again.

“It’s wrong because thinking about you not existing is like killing you, it’s like wondering how the world would be if no Fire type Pokemon existed. Except it’s worse.”

“How is it worse? If we didn’t exist, none of this mess would have happened in the first place. No one would have died for our sake, and since we wouldn’t exist, we wouldn’t have ever been in pain. What‘s wrong with that?”

Leah stared at Ashley as if she’d turned into a toaster. “I think you’re both insane.”

He ignored Leahs comment. “It’s wrong because you’re alive, you think, you talk, you’re born and die. The only difference between my species and yours is the fact that you look different and most of you can use moves. It’s wrong because you’re people.”

“We aren’t human though. That’s why we’re a threat, and you’re not. We’re almost there, I’ll radio Andrew.” Leah flipped open the Devon Scope, and quickly dialed a number.

“It’s starting to get dark, we should find a place to camp.” Bolt said, looking up at the sky. They had been walking along a dirt path for a while now, the woods had been replaced by bushes and thorns that had choked out anything that could have grown there. They could see the side of the mountains rise next to them, creating shadows as the sun began to sink.

“There isn’t any place around here, there’s too many thorns, our tents would get torn.” Cella unnecessarily pointed out.

“There has to be somewhere, if other people have taken these trails they would have needed to camp too, we’re close to Eterna, but not close enough.” Star said, rolling up the map for the sixth time.

“We might have to turn around and go back until we find something. What do you guys think?” Bolt asked, he hadn’t seen any areas that looked good for camping though, not for miles.

“I don’t know, the last thing we saw that would be good was miles back. If we go back it will be dark before we get there, if we keep moving forward we still have a chance to find a good place.” Rose said, looking at the sinking sun.

“We should keep going, I think there’s something ahead.” Cella said, she smiled.

They walked for a few more minutes, until Cella told them to stop. “Look, there’s a path that goes up here.”

“Why should we take it, what if we just end up getting lost in the mountains?” Bolt growled.

“Relax, if we don’t find the place after ten minutes, the we’ll go back.” She said, already walking.


Sheridan crouched behind the rocks above the campsite they’d set up, the little psychic brat had been right, there was a flat outcropping of rock that was perfect for camping. Impossible to see from below too, so he’d have no problems taking them out. “It’s perfect, they have no way to defend themselves, except moves.”

He smiled as they sat down on the ground around a small fire that they’d gotten started. They wouldn’t know what hit them. Suddenly a Murkrow landed on a rock next to him. “Ahhh, hello Rox, what did you find out?”

“More of the same, the Luxray morph can see through things, but is a bit clumsey with it. Your son has gotten extremely relaxed around his new friends though.” She cackled at this. Her master looked pleased.

“Good, that’s great. I can’t have you flying around the whole time I’m doing this though, so return. And stop calling him my son.” He held up the red and white sphere, which quickly absorbed the Pokemon.

“Now I just have to wait.”


Thomas looked around, the room they were in was large, with several computers and other machines hooked to extension cords. There was even a clothes dryer. “Yeah, it’d be better if we had a Rotom.” Andrew said, half a frown on his face.

“It’s fine, how did you get all of this set up without anyone noticing? The electricity has to come from somewhere.” Thomas was impressed.

“We have a few generators, but mostly it’s our own efforts, we do have a few things hooked up to the Gym in Fortree, like the computers, but other than that we make our own power.” He was pleased with the impressed look on Thomas face, even if he still wasn’t completely convinced of his aliance.

“That’s impressive, how do you make that work?” He was glad to talk about anything but the suspecion that several members had for him.

“Ten humans at a time ride stationary bikes that we managed to rig, and we have two Morphs and two Pokemon who can use electric moves send a steady current of electricity through all three secret bases. At night we turn everything off, and we don‘t use electricity to cook very often. Once a week we charge the generators to full power.”

“So you get exercise and power. If the rest of the world could cooperate like this, electric bills wouldn’t be an issue. How do you get enough food though?” Just keep the topic on them.

“Hunting and gathering mostly. Every human here over eighteen has a job in Fortree or Lillycove, there are a few who work in Mauville, and send money via Pokemon when they can. We worry more about clothes and sleeping arrangements than food here. That’s why we had to make two more bases, too many morphs, too many people.” Andrew sat down at one of the computers.

“Oh.” Thomas couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“We don’t mind, but it was getting crowded, and we had to make an estimate on how many morphs we’re going to add tomorrow. We keep getting people because of this one website too. The webmaster is a genius, he helped me get the basic blueprints for rocket bases, and there’s all sorts of things on morphs. I even got permission from Tyler to give him a section on this place. You can see if you want, you‘d probably just hack it if we said no anyway.”

“You all have such a low opinion of me. I’ve already seen the site anyway, your plan is stupid and dangerous, but I have a friend I need to get out of there.” He knew he was being reckless again.

“How could you possibly know about this site? No one from team rocket can get in, weather they’ve quit or not. It says so.”

“Yes, and only someone from team rocket would know how to block all of it’s members. I had a hell of a time making that work you know.” He smiled, looking at Andrew. All he wanted to do was get Tilla out, to get her and Bolt back together he hoped that he could just get that across.

“Why the hell are you messing with me? If you made this stupid site then why wouldn’t you just tell everyone here? Instead of being held under suspecion?” Andrew stared him in the eyes, this website was what had made them, kept them alive, helped them gain money.

“I don’t want people to like me, they don’t even have to respect me, I just want to get Tilla out of that rocket base, then go find my son. Most of the members are bent on hating me, and I understand that, so If you want to keep using that website, you can’t tell anyone. Ashley is the only other person here who knows that I made it. So can I help with that raid or not?” He was aware that he probably could have said that better, but let it go.

“Fine, you can come, whatever. Fly ahead on your Skarmory and cause a distraction. Find whoever you’re looking for, just keep us a secret.” He knew that it didn’t matter what he said, Thomas would go anyway.

“Thanks, after I find her I’m going to leave though. Giovanni cares too much about finding me, and I don’t want to put anyone here in any more danger than I have to.”

“What about her? If you find her what are you going to do?”

“She can come with me or stay if she likes, I don’t mind either way. What would be the point of getting her out if she still didn‘t have any free will?”

“That’s a good point. It’s going to be lights out in an hour, if I were you I’d get set up, you can sleep in the empty base or in your tent, either way, watch yourself. We might just be kids, but a lot of us have a lot of hate, and good reason for it.” Andrew nodded, then watched as Thomas left the base.

“I hope he finds his friend, then gets the hell out of here before he gets himself killed. Any way he dies will be justice in the eyes of half the people here.”
Well. I'm pretty much right in the middle of the middle now. Which means that the next few chapters are probably going to end with cliffhangers, sorry. I really tried to make it so they ended properly, but it's not happening unless i write a sixty page chapter, which would not work. Since chapter thirteen i've written 46 pages, two chapters, and i'm still going. the entire story, written in times new roman at fourteen point font, is 220 pages. TWO HUNDRED PAGES!! ^_^ Here's chapter Fourteen, and right after, fifteen.

Chapter Fourteen

Rose sat on the cot, staring at the wall of the tent. Cella had fallen asleep a long time ago. She sighed as the shadows danced because of her flame. Wind howled against the tent, beating against the rock face that they had tied the tents to. She turned around, facing toward Stars and Bolts tent, wondering if they were asleep.

Star stuck his head out of the flap, looking around. “Just wind, no snow or anything.”

Bolt sat cross legged on his sleeping bag, his ear twitching in irritation. “Why do you have that open? We’ve spent enough nights cold, leave that shut.”

“I’m going outside for a while, I need to just go think or something. I won’t go far.” He slid out of the tent, and zipped it shut before Bolt could reply. The wind felt good against his face, he kept his wings folded tight against hip body. The darkness washed over him like a blanket, besides the winds it was actually almost peaceful.

He walked to the edge of the cliff, then turned to face towards the wall of rock their tents were tied to. The wind slammed against his back as he looked up at it, then he spread his wings and let the wind carry him. Each flap of his wings let out a new note as the air rushed against them.

Rose jumped slightly as she listened to the howling wind, hearing a strange sound jump in with the rushing air. She looked down at Cella, still sleeping, then stood and opened the flap to their tent. She folded her wings tight against her body and went outside, quietly zipping up their tent. She looked around, listening for the music again.

She heard another note, slightly high pitched, and she looked up at the rock face, seeing a flash of green disappear behind it. “Star.”

The wind batted against her wings as she opened them, they immediately caught in the wind, lifting her off the ground, straight towards the wall of rock. She angled straight up, clearing the wall and soaring over it, riding the wind. She hardly had to flap at all, the wind acted as a cushion under her wings, carrying her. She looked up at the sky, stars covered each inch, she angled left, then noticed an outcrop of rock fifty feet ahead.

Rose noticed Star standing there, his wings and tail were prominent in the light from the stars and moon. She slowed down, slightly bracing against the wind and angled downwards. The wind all but cut off as she slid past the rock face. She straightened them and went into a glide, letting her wings catch air so that she didn’t go too fast.

She stepped onto the platform and shut her wings, smiling as he turned to her. “Nice landing.”

“Thanks. A lot of it was just instinctive. I‘m pretty good at flying for not having done it much.” She watched him, noticing a slight frown on his face.

“I can go if you want, I just couldn’t sleep.”

“No, no, please don’t go. You’re fine, how did you know I was out here?” He watched as a stray breeze sent some of her hair across her face. He wondered if it had even been possible for him not to want her around.

“You’re wings sing, sort of. I heard it and went outside, I didn’t know that they could do that.” At his voice her heart began to beat faster, and her blood rushed through her ears. It was nice to be out there alone.

He moved his hand brushed the hair out of her face, his heart suddenly sped up. He could feel every movement of the air around him. “It’s the way they’re shaped, my wings cut the wind, yours flow with it.”

Rose stared as he brushed her hair out of her face, then stared into his eyes. “Yeah, I guess. Without all of the clouds you can really see the stars. It’s beautiful out here.”

“Yes you are.” He whispered, sliding his hand to her back, pressing slightly. Rose leaned in closed and wrapped her arms around his neck, his lips brushed against hers. The blood rushed in Stars ears as they kissed, his heart pounding against his ribcage. Rose pressed up against him, shutting her eyes as she breathed in his scent. The night wrapped around them like a blanket, until it was torn away by the feeling of cold metal against Roses neck.

Suddenly Star felt Rose tense, her body went rigid, her breath caught in her throat, she let her arms fall from around his neck. Star kept his eyes shut, every thought going through his head was terrified, what was wrong? Was it him?

“Star.” He heard Rose breathe, fear in her voice, her mouth still just centimeters from his. He heard a loud click, and opened his eyes.

“Hello.” Sheridan said, he smirked at Stars shocked expression.

Star stared at him, it was almost a mirror image, except for a thin scar that crossed Sheridan’s face, cutting from the top of his forehead down to the edge of his jaw. Then he noticed the gun. “What do you want?”

Star ground his teeth, glaring at the Morph in front of him. He took a deep breath, then slid his hand into Roses.

“It’s my job, I’ve been hired to kill you. Actually, I wasn’t really hired, I took the job on purpose. It was a great chance to find you, I recognized the name immediately.” He was enjoying this, seeing the anger in Stars eyes.

He grinned, suddenly realizing that he was tearing everything apart, just when Star had felt like everything was coming together, he got to destroy it.

“Then move the damn gun to my head, and stay away from her.” Star released her hand, breathing hard, anger coursing through his body. He couldn’t risk getting her shot, he couldn’t let her die. He spread his wings, and clenched his fists, digging his claws into his hands.

“Hmm.” Sheridan brought his free hand up to his head, tapping his temple a couple times, looking mockingly thoughtful. “I don’t know…”

Then he flashed his teeth and shoved Rose away from Star, throwing her to the ground. “Fine then, since I’ve made up my mind and I’m going to kill you all, you can go first.” He still wanted to kill the girl first though, that would hurt him most.

“I think you’re just a freaking psycho.” Rose growled, her eyes flashing with fire.

Sheridan turned to her, glaring. “Why would you say that?” He asked, keeping the gun on Star. He knew that as long as he kept the gun on one of them neither would move.

“You’re Stars dad, I’m guessing. You look almost exactly like him, of course, he’s lacking in the evil psychopath department. You have problems.” She was sitting up, her wings spread carefully to make it look like she’d been hurt. It wasn’t hard, her back hurt like hell.

“Rose, are you okay?” Star watched her, concern in his eyes.

Sheridan turned back to him. “You’re little girlfriend’s just stalling, so she doesn’t get you shot as soon. I think it’s cute. Useless, but cute, cause you know what love is worth in the end? It’s worth nothing, because in the end we all end up dead and in hell, alone. You think you’ve been living a fuc-”

Rose slammed her fist into his head, snarling. Her flame lit up the whole area, burning the air. Sheridan’s finger slammed down the trigger of the gun.

The shot rang out, Rose screamed as the bullet flew. Star had braced himself as soon as he’d seen Rose getting up. And winced as the bullet sliced through his wing. He grabbed Sheridan’s hand, twisting his wrist until he dropped the gun. “Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. MY LIFE!” he kneed him in the stomach.

Star forced all of his weight into throwing himself and Sheridan off the cliff. “Rose! Get back to the camp!”

She watched for a second as they freefell, then grabbed the gun and launched herself into the air, wincing as the wind slammed into her wings. She turned and landed on the rock wall, unable to fly. The wind had picked up even more. She looked down at the camp, knowing that it wasn’t going to be a smooth landing.

Star spread his wings, pushing off of Sheridan and slicing through the air, his wings shrieked a high pitch, dust began to pick up off the ground. The wind shredded against his wings.

Sheridan shot up over the ledge, heading straight towards Star. He stretched out his claws, slashing at Stars face. Star dodged this and kicked him away again, he spun and sent wind whiping at Sheridans face. Sheridan snarled, and rushed towards Star, shoving them both out over the camp.

“What did I do to you!?” Star shouted, digging his claws into Sheridans chest as he tried to shove him away again. He held tighter and spun them around, adding force to the wind and slamming Star into the rock face.

Rose twisted in the air, watching. She needed to get down and get the other two. She folded her wings halfway, quickening her fall. The wind suddenly forced one of her wings open, sending her crashing into a tent.

Bolt quickly wriggled out of the flattened tent, glaring at Rose. “What the hell was that for!”

Rose shook her head and pointed up at the battle, Sheridan had just slammed Star into the rock again, Star slammed his fist into his nose. He suddenly released Star, who fell for a second, then grabbed Sheridans leg, digging in his claws.

“I think we should start packing then. Why don’t you go wake up Cella?” Bolt ducked back into the ruined tent and dragged out the two sleeping bags and backpacks as Rose ran over to the other tent.

“CELLA!” She opened the flap and stepped into the tent, beginning to roll up her sleeping bag. “Get up! We have to move NOW!”

Cella jolted awake, staring at her. “Why, What happened?”

“Just start rolling up your bag, we have to get everything out of here now!” Rose shoved her sleeping bag into her backpack, then began to fold up the cot.

Cella went over and helped her get it into its case, then began to roll up her own sleeping bag. “Did Star and Bolt get everything in their tent put away?”

“Bolt’s working on it, Star is a bit preoccupied at the moment.” She grabbed her backpack and threw it on. “We have to take down the tent too.”

Sheridan twisted in the air, Stars added weight knocking him off balance. “Let GO DAMNIT!” He screeched, trying to slash at stars hands.

“NO!” Stars arms were burning, he could barely hold on, he couldn’t fly. That last slam into the rock face had dislocated his right wing, right now it was as useless as a rock, dead weight. A gust of wind sent Sheridan into the wall of rock, he folded his wings instinctively, trying to minimize damage to them.

Star shot out his left wing uselessly, barely slowing their fall, sending them spiraling through the air. “OPEN YOUR WINGS YOU IDIOT!” Star let go for a second, then grabbed onto Sheridan’s shoulders, his right wing slid uselessly through the air, being battered by the wind.

“SHUT UP!” Sheridan forced his wings open into the wind, which sent them both back into the wall, his head slammed against a rock, knocking him out.

They crashed to the ground.

Rose jumped up from pulling down the tent, Bolt grabbed her arm. “LET ME GO DAMNIT!” She snarled at him, reaching up to rip his arm off hers.

“NO! They’re already down anyway. You would have just hurt yourself and him. It was a short fall, it wouldn’t have killed him.” He put his hands on he shoulders. “You need to relax, now. You will help me finish putting up the tent, Cella will go and check on them.”

“BUT! Star…” She knew he was right, she needed to calm down. She pulled away from him and turned back to the tent, tears forming in her eyes. She wanted to tear at the fabric.

“Cella, we need you to go and check on those two.” Bolt called to her as she began walking to the other side of the tent.

“Who the hell is the other guy?”

“Doesn’t matter, they’re both hurt, and the other guy is unconscious. Go make sure that Stars condition isn’t critical, and figure out what you can about the other guy.” He turned around and walked to the tent, helping Rose pull the rest of the poles out.

Cella ran over to the two laying on the ground, Star was laying on his back, breathing hard. His right wing was crumpled half under his body, his other was folded tight, pinned next to his body. “Okay, I know that you aren’t okay, so what’s broken?” Cella asked, crouching next to him.

“Dislocated wing, I may have broken a couple bones in it, I think some of my ribs are dislocated or broken, maybe both. Where’s Rose?” He kept his eyes shut, his voice cracked slightly when he mentioned Rose.

“Bolt held her back, is there anything else wrong?” She could tell he was in shock, no one was that calm after breaking that many bones.

“Sprained or broken ankle, broke my hand I’m pretty sure. I lost some blood, I think, maybe not too much. I dunno.” He opened his eyes and looked at her for a second, then shut them again. “Rose needs to find the Pokécenter in Eterna, have her take the map. Sheridan hit his head pretty hard, he shouldn’t be much trouble. Asshole, shut his wings, coulda killed us both, probably wouldn’t have cared as long as he took me out with him.” Cella looked over to Sheridan, who’s name she’d just learned.

“Who is he?”

“I dunno what to call him, enemy, father, whatever. He was going to kill Rose. I shoulda left you guys after the plane, I was pushing my luck trying to stay with her.”

Cella stood up, then smiled at him, noticing that he singled out Rose. “Just don’t fall asleep, I’ll be back in a second.” She walked over to Sheridan, who looked as good as dead. His leg looked pretty much snapped in half, and he had a nasty cut on the side of his head.

She crouched down and got an inch away from his ear. “I doubt you can hear me, and it’s a shame, because what I want to tell you is important.” She paused for a moment, as if waiting for a response. “See, if you ever make any kind of threat to my friends again, I will personally hunt you down, and make sure you don’t live to keep your promise.” She growled at the unmoving figure, then stood and turned around.

“That was dark.” Bolt was standing behind her.

Cella jumped, then snarled at him. “Shut up. I don’t know what the hell YOU went through, but he loves her, and he hasn’t had anyone, ever. Even you in that damned hellhole had to have had someone that cared about you, and he never really has.” She hissed.

“He lived with a bunch of other morphs in a desert, he had a couple people for a while.” Bolt said matter of factly, the fur along his arms rose slightly.

Cella sighed. “I’m not one to get into peoples personal lives, but I’m a psychic type, and I can’t control that. Before he really got to know anyone, they were attacked. He never trusted anyone, not until now. So YOU can say what you like, I’m dark, whatever, but until you’ve known what it’s like to loose everything because of one random chance happening, just shut the hell up.” She stomped over to Star.

“And what the hell makes you think I didn’t?” He growled behind her, electricity burning up and down his arms. “You don’t know anything about me, and have no right to make assumptions. Maybe my loss wasn’t chance, maybe it was planned out, down to the last damned detail, maybe I have to watch it over and over again, maybe I don’t want it to stop, maybe I hate every minute of it. Maybe I love every last second I remember of it, but you sure as hell, will not ever know what happened, and I, sure as hell, am not letting you in.” He bared his teeth, glaring at her with more anger than he’d ever shone to any of them. His arms trembled, and he walked back to Rose, past her, and pounded his fists into the rock wall.

“Emotional night for everyone. You need to tell Rose to fly, the winds died down.” Star said this, glancing up at Cella.

“Yeah, Pokécenter, right.” Cella felt like a jerk, Bolt hadn’t deserved any of what she’d said.

She walked over to Rose, sighing.

“Is Star okay? What’s wrong with him?” She was trying to be calm.

“Um, under the basic definition of okay, not really. He’s alive though, but I don’t think he can move…” She realized that she wasn’t helping, at all. “Right. We need you to go to the Pokécenter in Eterna, you can have the map.”

Rose stiffened. “I can’t, leave. What if something really happens, what if what’s-his-face wakes up?”

Cella shook her head. “You’re the only one who can go, you’re faster flying than any of us running, and even if Sheridan wakes up, he’s got a badly broken leg. He’s not going anywhere or doing anything.”

“But what will the Pokécenter do anyway? What if I can’t find it?” Now she was just stalling.

“Look, I’ll mark this spot on the map, the Pokécenter should be near the center of the city, you can’t miss it, it’s huge and has a bright red roof. You talk to the Nurse behind the counter, and you might have to break in.” Cella went over to the backpacks and pulled out the map, for the moment ignoring Roses frustrated look.

“So you expect me to fly there, and then just randomly break in the door or something?” She growled slightly.

“Yes, and if the nurse starts freaking out, tell her that your friend is hurt and you have to get him help immediately.” She folded up the map after marking on it with a pen she’d gotten out of the bag.

“And how will that help?” At that point Cella realized that Rose hadn’t ever been to a city that had a Pokécenter in the first place, and stared at her for a few seconds in shock.

“Um… Okay, Nurse Joy, ALL of them, can’t resist helping Pokemon, or people really. You say someone is hurt and in need of immediate attention, they’ll help first and ask questions later, usually coupled with a scolding about being more careful.” She shoved the map into Roses hand.

“And I don’t suggest trying to break the door, go through a window. Those doors are like, tornado proof.”

“Right, so if the door doesn’t open, I break in a window. Fun. And what about other people?” She didn’t want to go alone.

“Look damnit, it’s like, two freaking o clock in the damn morning. If anyone is awake, they aren’t going to be concerned with a flying half human Charizard and if they are they’re going to think they’re stoned out of their mind, so get the hell out of here and get Star some god damn help already!” She practically screamed.

Rose started slightly, then something clicked in her head, and she jumped into the air, spreading her wings and speeding off south west. “Star. Oh god, I spent all that time, I have to get help for Star…”

Cella sighed as rose took off. Bolt walked over to her. “She okay?”

“I don’t know. I think so, she’s scared about going there alone, I think. It‘s probably mostly shock.” She watched her disappear.


“Hey, I’m sorry I yelled at you like that, it wasn’t my place, and I was frustrated. I really feel like an ass actually.” She went and sat next to Star, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Bolt sat next to her. “You know, thanks, for saying sorry. I shouldn’t have been watching you like that. I just miss…” He sighed, frustrated. Balling up his hands, being careful to keep his claws from cutting through his skin.

“It’s okay. Or not, I wouldn’t know, but either way, no one is pressing you for information right now. You don’t have to tell any of us anything, it’s your life, not ours.” She glanced at Star, who still had his eyes shut.

“Star, you awake?” She asked.

“It hurts. I want it to stop.” He pressed his eyes shut tighter, and gritted his teeth. “I want to go to sleep, so the pain goes away. Sleep always makes it go away.” He whimpered slightly, trying not to move.

“Let me take a look, does he have any head wounds?” Bolt went over to Star, carefully examining him.

“I didn’t hit my head, Sheridan did, hurt himself trying to kill us.” Star tried to take a deep breath and winced.

“You can sleep, we’ll wake you up when Rose gets back.” Bolt said.

“I love her. She’s my best friend, it’s like I’ve known her my whole life.” He smiled, which Bolt thought was slightly creepy under the circumstances.

“Yeah, it’s like we’ve all been together forever. Bolt, would you go see if there’s pain killers in the first aid kit?” She asked.

“Yeah, I saw some earlier, I’ll get four, and some water.” He just grabbed the pack, and dragged it over. “We can’t give him more, I don’t remember why, but it would be bad. As it is, the nurse won’t be able to give him any painkillers if we give him these. Your call.” He unscrewed the top of a bottle of water.

“Star?” She asked, he didn’t move, his breathing seemed regular. “I think he’s asleep. I wonder what happened to them.” She shut her eyes, then opened them again.

“I don’t know, but it’s not really warm out here, and we can’t move them, but we need to keep them warm. If you could get some wood for a fire, I’ll get them covered with the sleeping bags.”

Cella grimaced. “Do we really have to help HIM?” She pointed at Sheridan.

“Yeah, well, I might not be human, not completely anyway, and I know I’m cold, and I’ve killed people. But, HE, is hurt, and I don’t care who it is, you don’t just leave someone to suffer. It’s not right.”

“Yeah. I guess.” Cella walked off to find some firewood.

Bolt sighed, and shook his head slightly. “I hope Rose is okay. If she gets hurt Star’ll freak. The last thing we want is him running off because he wants US to be safe.”

Rose spotted the glowing lights of the city, and almost turned around. “No one will be out. I just need to find the Pokécenter, for Star.” She took a deep breath and flew on.

Looking down as she flew over, she saw the lights lining the streets. “That’s creepy. Why keep the street lit when no one is out?” She mutteret to herself. She stretched her wings out again, then shoved them down, giving her another burst of speed. She spotted the building with the red roof, all of it’s lights out. She landed in front of the glass doors, touching them with her fingertips.

“Okay, the door won’t open, maybe there’s an open window.” She flew up the three story building, beginning to think that she might have to break one if she couldn’t find an open one as she got to the end of the second side. Then she spotted it, the window was only open a few inches, but that was enough for her to push it the rest of the way open. She stuck her head in, being careful to be quiet, she observed the room. There was a young woman asleep in the bed, a backpack and Pokéballs resting nearby. Rose took a deep breath, then flew away from the window for a second, thinking.

“Okay.” She took another deep breath. “I have to be quiet.” She looked at the window again, then quickly flew towards it, deciding to go feet first, she slid her legs into the opening, and carefully pulled her wings shut tight against her back. Rose gripped the bottom of the windowsill, carefully edging further in. She kept her eyes on the sleeping girl, fear creeping through her. Rose wasn’t sure what to make of her, was she a friend, or another from team rocket? What would she do to her if she woke up?

Rose soon found herself standing upright in the room, it looked pretty normal, although it could have toned down on the pink a little more. She tried to quietly make her way past, almost making it when suddenly a Pokemon sprang out in front of her.

Rose screamed. The human shot out of bed, yelling something, and the Pokemon shot a jet of water at her, then began slashing at her with it’s scythes. Rose barely dodged the second attack, then forcefully tackled the Pokemon onto the floor, making an effort to get past it. “Mud shot at it’s feet!” She heard the human shout, suddenly she found herself slipping, she fell and hit the floor. “Use Brine.”

Rose gagged as a wave of salt water came out of nowhere, getting in her mouth and nose, then more water rained down sharply from above, pounding her body, she gasped in pain. Suddenly she heard a crash. Rose curled up, arms protecting her tail, shins brought up to protect her face. She kept her wings folded tightly. “What is the meaning of this!” She heard a shrill voice shout. “It’s three in the morning and you think it’s a good idea to wake…” It stopped, Rose heard a gasp, and curled into her ball tighter, she tried to control her breathing.

“Sorry nurse joy, this… I don’t know, it looks like some sort of deformed Charizard, but my Kubotops saw it and attacked it, then it screamed and woke me up and I couldn’t think of anything else to do. It was sneaking around my room.” The young woman said defensively, slight fear in her voice.

“Whatever it is, it’s more scared of us right now I think.” Rose heard the new human come closer, her tread soggy because of the soaked floor. “She looks pretty beat up. She certainly needs some new clothes.” Rose took a few deep breaths, finally gaining control of her breathing. The girl had said Nurse Joy, that’s who she needed. Rose carefully sat up.

The woman had a kind face, and bright pink hair. The pajamas that she was wearing were also pink, with little white flowers on them. Rose almost laughed, except Joy looked so freaked out. “My name is Rose and Fang,” she looked at the two humans, whose eyes seemed to be bugging out of their sockets. “Call me Rose.”

The nurse nodded, then took a deep breath. “If you’d come with me then, I think we’ll be able to figure out a few things, what you’re doing here, for instance.” She walked out of the room. Rose stared at the girl, then at the Nurse, and walked out the door too. The girl followed after. “What are you?” She asked, the fear that had previously been in her eyes replaced by curiosity. Rose edged away from her, and walked closer to the nurse. She was still a little disturbed by the attack that this girl had ordered on her.

The nurse glared at her slightly. “Now that’s no way to answer a question. You should answer properly.” Humans are weird.

“Sorry. I’m half Pokemon, half human. A morph, what we’ve been called by Team rocket and most other humans.” She stayed up by the nurse, but said it loud enough that the girl could hear.

“Jenny, I think we’d better wait until we’re downstairs before we ask more questions.” Joy had somehow guessed that she was going to ask more.

“There’s not time, I need you, that’s why I came. Star is hurt, he’s hurt really bad. We need someone to help, I had to come because flying is faster than running.” They could talk later, but right now she wasn’t going to wait for them to dig through all of the information she had.

Nurse Joy suddenly stopped, then turned around. “Where is he?” Rose pulled the map out of the pocket of her pants.

“We’re around this area, Cella marked where she thought we were.”

“How many of you are there?” Joy immediately pulled out a cell phone.

“Including me, right now there’s five. Two are badly wounded, and we have supplies.” She wasn’t sure how much she should be telling this human, but she felt comfortable around her. She knew what she was doing.

Joy dialed the police station. Rose heard a stream of cussing out of the object that she held. “Jenny, I know it’s three in the morning, we have an emergency, I need a helecopter that can hold three passengers, two human stretchers, and basic storing.”

Jenny glared at her phone, then was slightly shocked as Joy made this request. “We don’t have any that can hold more than two passenger and a pilot that hold more than one stretcher. One of those will have to do.”

“Fine, just get it here immediately.” Joy snapped the cell shut. “We’re heading up to the roof, we’ll have to make an extra trip for one of your friends.”

Rose had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.


Cella tried to clean out the wounds on Sheridan’s unbroken leg, wiping it with a wet strip of Bolts shirt, they‘d cut off most of his pants so that they could at least get him cleaned up a little. The unconscious morph twitched slightly, but didn’t open his eyes. Suddenly Cella heard a strange thumping sound, like someone hitting someone else with a pillow, except faster and steady. She walked over to Bolt, who was keeping an eye on Star. “What is that?”

Bolt gave her a look of confusion. “What?”

“That noise, it sounds like something’s being beat to death with pillows.” She said, listening as it got louder.

“It’s just a helicopter, it’s weird tha…” He suddenly smiled, then laughed. “SHE GOT A HELICOPTER!” He began laughing again.

Cella and bolt watched as the navy blue machine landed in the center of the outcropping of rock, small enough to fit, but large enough to carry people, and it looked like it could carry a lot more than it was holding. The door opened after the blades had stopped and Joy jumped out, fallowed by a slightly pale looking Rose. Bolt and Cella stood in front of Star.

Rose ran over to Star. “Is he doing okay?”

Bolt nodded, as Nurse joy calmly walked over. She was completely freaked out. “You must be the others she was traveling with, what about the fifth?”

“He’s not with us, but he’s really hurt, his leg is snapped in half, and we think he might have cracked his skull. He’s still unconscious, we couldn’t wake him. Star, here, had a dislocated wing, and we think about half of his bones are broken. You have to help him fast, because his bones should only take a few days to heal, like a normal Flygon. We don’t think Sheridan is that lucky, his leg probably won’t ever make a full recovery.” Bolt used a slightly urgent, but calm tone. Nurse Joy was surprised, he sounded almost like a doctor.

She sent out six Pokemon. Each of them had an egg shaped body, and were pink. They held eggs in pouches. Two of them were bigger, and had ruffled parts around there middle. “Go and get the two stretchers, we’re going to need to take them to the ER.” The Pokemon all ran off, chanting.

“This is much worse than I thought it would be. What exactly happened here, I need to know everything.” She said sternly, putting her hands on her hips, then she knelt beside Star. Rose was afraid to touch him.

“Everything would take us a lot longer than what we have, let’s just start with tonight. Rose has to tell most of it, she was there and we weren’t.” Cella wanted to know where they had been together and what they had been doing.

Rose sighed, then began, telling them everything while the Chancey and Blissey carefully loaded the two Flygon Morphs onto the stretchers. Nurse Joy was doing things and hooking things up to the two, but she didn’t pay attention. The only thing she left out was the kiss. That had nothing to do with Stars current condition. Cella glared at her, knowing that she held something back.

Nurse Joy nodded at Roses explanation as the egg shaped Pokemon took Star and Sheridan to the helicopter. She followed, talking to them.

“So what did you cut out of that little explanation?” Cella growled slightly. She already knew, but it would be easier if she just said it.

Heat rose in Roses face, even in the dark they could both see her blush. “Not right now, we need to get back to the Pokécenter.” She walked after Nurse Joy.

“You really have a thing for prying into other peoples business don’t you?” Bolt asked, walking a few feet behind Rose. Cella pouted and walked next to him.

“You know, I already know that something significant happened between them, and I’m pretty sure what, but you have no idea how obnoxious it is to know that without knowing for sure.” She suddenly realized how stupid that sounded. “Never mind.”

“Just because he kissed her doesn’t mean that the whole world has to know. It’s taken them long enough.”

Cella stopped in her tracks, glaring at him. “But you don’t know for sure.”

“Yes I do, her body language says it all, then there’s the fact that she left that out. Who follows someone out onto a cliff and then just talks about the weather?” Bolt smirked at her.

“O come on, I’m just trying to have some fun here.” She growled quietly, sticking her tongue out at him.

Nurse Joy jumped out of the helicopter. “I don’t know what we’re going to do here, there’s only two passenger seats.”

“If you have a latter I’ll just hang onto it.” Bolt said bluntly.

“No! what if you fall off?” Nurse Joy looked slightly horrified at the idea.

“Yes, because a scientific mutation who’s been battling other Pokemon for three years and avoiding murder can’t hold onto a swinging ladder for a few minutes.” He said, thinking about the rope ladder in the gym that he trained in before… Climbing it wasn’t his forte, but he could hold on for a while.

“There’s no need to be rude.” She said sternly.

Bolt rolled his eyes. “After tonight none of us are staying behind.” He growled. It was final.


Tyler laughed at himself. Water. He must have died in the water, and was now somewhere else. He wondered if he’d gone to heaven or hell, or if he’d even gone at all. Maybe he was a ghost. Tyler laughed quietly out loud, it sounded hoarse. He took a deep breath, then sighed. He didn’t feel good, he felt hungry and thirsty, his ankle hurt. “Huh.” He wasn’t dead then, unless he was in hell, then his ankle would probably hurt.

He took another deep breathe through his nose, smelling several things at once, he shot up, opened his eyes, and screamed “Pancakes!”

He heard something clatter on the floor, then he saw Clair glaring at him. “Damn.”

“What? She asked, picking up the flipper, turning back to the small stove.

“You’re here, so I’m obviously not in heaven, which means that I’m either in hell or still alive.” She grabbed an apple off the counter and chucked it at him, it hit him in the stomach, and rolled to the floor.

“You want these stupid pancakes or not?” She growled, glaring at him.

Tyler looked down at his stomach, which growled loudly. “Yes?”

He looked around, and realized that he was in a house. A small one, but still a house. “Where are we?”

“Three Island.” Claire said dryly.

“Which is…?” He prompted warily. If it was a recognized island that meant people, and people meant team Rocket.

“South of Kanto and Johto, East of Hoenn, West of Sinnoh. Pretty much, we’re out in the middle of nowhere, we have no clue where anyone else is, and we’ve been half adopted by a random stranger. He’s a pretty okay person though, he knows what to feed Jenna at least.” She began putting the pancakes on a plate.

Tyler was nervous, but Claire seemed to know what she was doing. At least they seemed to be safe, for now. Suddenly he realized something. “Jenna is with us?”

“Yeah, Mr. Kloric took her to the beaches around Bond Bridge, he’s gathering Krabby in nets. They’re going to be dinner. I was having a hard time getting her to calm down, he‘s got a real talent with babies.” She said, opening the fridge and pulling out the butter.

He stared at her. “And he isn’t freaked out by us or anything? And how is he going to keep an eye on her and chase them at the same time? What about other people? How long have I been unconscious?” He was worried about Jenna, if she got hurt, Vincent and Kelly would have his hide. They were probably worried enough, if they were even together.

“Relax. He…” She suddenly looked embarrassed.

“What!?” Tyler demanded.

“He put a leash on her…” She said, going back to the food. She put three on the plate and covered them in syrup and butter.

Tyler wasn’t sure if he was amused or angry at this. He settled for hungry when his stomach growled loudly.

“Here,” she handed the plate to him. “you’ve been out for about a day. The leash was necessary, and won‘t hurt her. It actually looked cute, and it will keep her safe.”

Tyler hardly heard this as he practically inhaled the pancakes. He looked up at her. “Wuf rout uter fweeble?”

She made a disgusted face at him. “Ew. Tyler, swallow.” She sighed.

“What about other people?”

“No one else lives here anymore apparently. There was a fire that took out half the population, and because some whirlpools appeared ships don’t come here anymore. Only small boats can get around them, so he has contact with the other islands, but other than that it’s pretty cut off. Even the Nurse Joy and shopkeeper left, because there wasn’t anyone coming except for one or two trainers every now and again. Other people aren’t going to be a problem.” By the time she’d finished saying this he’d finished off the pancakes.

“Weird. He sounds okay, I wonder why he chose to live out here by himself.” He didn’t look thoughtful, he was staring at the rest of the pancakes.

“I don’t know, but it’s convenient for us. Especially with your broken ankle. He did his best to take care of that, and he called a doctor to come over and take a look anyway.” She smirked, and took the plate from him, filling it up with more pancakes.

“I thought you said that no one else was around here!” He half shouted.

“We’re in the Sevii Islands, there’s seven known islands and a bunch of ruins. There’s people around, just not many people come here. And don’t go trying to say you’re fine either, that thing is badly broken, and you’re just going to have to deal with it. All of your little cuts and bruises from the shipwreck have mostly faded, but just because you heal twice as fast as a human doesn’t mean that you can go about without medical attention.”

“Yeah, thanks mom. If it’s broken so badly then why doesn’t it hurt that bad?”

“Mr. Kloric has been feeding you pain killers by the handful. I’m surprised that you didn’t die of a drug overdose.” She said bluntly.

“So… how bad is it exactly?” Asked Tyler. He knew that it had broken badly from the netting and the fall, but when that happened he hadn’t exactly been in a situation to evaluate his own injuries.

“Well, we know that it’s bad. We don’t know as much as we’d like though. We think that you may have strained it too, but since it’s impossible for it to be moved, we don’t know. It’s black and blue and all sorts of nasty colors though.”

Tyler heard a door open, and saw a man walk into the room, he had Jenna in one arm, a basket of Krabby in the other. “Well, looks like you’re wide awake. Good.” He set the basket in the sink, the metal mesh unable to be cut by the pokemons claws.

Tyler looked over the man, he had on a simple outfit of jeans and a red shirt. He looked around fifty, with graying hair and happy looking brown eyes. Tyler was instantly suspicious of him. “So you’re Mr. Kloric.” He tried to keep the supecion out of his voice.

“Yeah, and you’re Tyler, the annoying Pikachu kid. Clair hasn’t stopped telling me how annoying you are since I found you.” He smiled.

“She’s not so bad at being a pest herself.” Tyler said dryly, glancing at her. “She makes good pancakes though.” He figured that if he ever wanted to eat again he had to be nice to her to some degree.

“Well, Jenna here has been quite the extraordinary and most unannoying of you all today. This whole Hybrid Morph thing is amazing.”

Tyler rolled his eyes. “So, I take it you aren’t even the least freaked out by us.”

“Not a bit, I doubt that I’m any more afraid of you than the teenagers in that club Clair told me about.”

Tyler decided that being nice was overrated, and glared at her until she turned red and went into another room. You don’t tell anyone unless you know for a fact that they’re on your side. “You haven’t seen any moves yet.” He said dryly, turning his attention back to the man. “That even freaks out the young ones. Even if they can get used to how we look, when we use moves it’s scary, unnatural.” He remembered camping with Cella. She seemed so far away, had they really shown off in front of the other children, using their Pokemon moves? It was like a different lifetime.

“Fine then, show me.” he was still holding Jenna.

“Okay, but I need something to focus the electricity on if you don’t want your whole house fried.” He smirked. His moves had gotten pretty powerful. He remembered suddenly that he shouldn’t get cocky though, even the simplest thing can go wrong. For some reason this thought made him nervous.

“Sure, how about the radio,” he pointed to it, sitting on the table next to Tyler. “it hasn’t worked in years.”

“Alright, here goes nothing, literally. I’m going to touch it so I don’t miss.” He touched the metal antenna sticking out, and quickly began charging electricity. He smirked again, making sure that he could show off his power a little, he figured just sending sparks off around his fist would be enough.

He let the electricity flow through his body, making sure to release it in his fist, and suddenly it stopped. He felt it slightly at first, then something that he hadn’t felt since he’d evolved. The pain screamed up his body, then back down again, focusing on one point. He yelled, and went to grab at his ankle, Mr. Kloric shoved him back. Tyler pushed against him, bit his arm and tried to shock him, which sent more pain into his body. He finally stopped when he saw the gun. Tyler lay there, panting, tears sprung up in his eyes.

“God kid, you’re a Pikachu, right?” Tyler kept his focus on the weapon strapped to the mans waist. He had a gun. Only bad guys had guns, team rocket had guns. This guy couldn’t be from team rocket, he’d be dead. Unless… He let the thought disappear as he passed out again. The return to the dark, to no thought, was irresistible.


Bolt sighed as Nurse Joy shoved Cella out of the room, aiming for him next. He didn’t want to leave, he knew that he could handle anything she did, and that he probably knew more about Stars biology than she did. He also knew that they weren’t getting Rose out of there, and if something happened, they’d need him to help.

“You have to leave, no one is allowed in while we’re working on them.” Nurse Joy said, hands on her hips. Bolt almost laughed at the sternness of her voice.

“I promise that I mean no disrespect, but you’re going to have to fight Rose to get her out of here, and what you’re working with is structurally more human than Pokemon.” Nurse Joy thought he sounded very disrespectful.

“All the nurses in Pokemon health care have to also have a degree in human health care and biology. In several towns there aren’t hospitals, so we have to take care of people until we can fly them out to a city that has one. We are fortunate to have one, but I don’t think it would be wise to take them there.” She glared at him, about a foot taller than she was, he glared right back down at her. Neither was backing down.

“I can help you.” He said, folding his arms across his chest.

She looked surprised for barely a second. “How could you help me then.” She expected the typical answer that kids give when their Pokemon are hurt. That they know it better than anyone, they can help with tools.

“I know a lot about Morph biology, Star isn’t just Flygon. Rose isn’t just Charizard, Me, Cella, we aren’t just Luxray or Espeon. Star has Aerodactyl and Gligar in him I‘m positive, but it’s not enough to affect his moves, it is enough to affect his biology. His bones are partially hollow, but refined because of the rock type. Any drugs you give him will burn off quickly, because his metabolism is very high, and his bones heal faster than a Gligars, you’ll have to rebrake the ones in his wings for sure.” Joy was slightly shocked, but then nodded.

“Fine then, under only one condition will I allow you to stay.” Bolt knew he wouldn’t like it, and Joy knew it wasn’t information he was likely to give up easily.

“You want to know how I know so much.”

Joy nodded, her pink hair bouncing slightly. Bolt smiled, then shook his head. “I can’t. Not now. If you need help with him, or Rose, I’ll be waiting with Cella.” He turned and walked out the door. Nurse Joy turned in the other direction, to wash up before going into the Emergency Room. She was going to have to surgically realign some of the bones. She hated having to rebrake things, it was always hard on the patient.

Bolt walked into the waiting room, and walked up to the counter. There was another nurse standing there, she was younger though, an intern. “Depending on how long she’s in there, she’s going to need a lot of morphine. Stars metabolism and current body heat will burn through it faster than a normal humans. Up it to the amount you’d give a fire type for four hours, or just give him forty milligrams. He’ll have a temperature that would kill a human, that’s because his body is working extra hard to heal it quickly. It’s just like with several types of Pokemon, except his body heat has increased by fifteen percent, instead of staying normal. His original body temperature is Ninety-nine point O.” He walked away as the young nurse behind the counter grabbed a bottle of morphine and ran into the back. She was slightly freaked out, and hoped that her senior wouldn’t chastise her for listening to the Morph.

“How did you know all of that!?” Cella stared at him, question and slight accusation in her eyes.

“All of the dragon type morphs excpet Altaria have a core temperature of ninety-nine.” He knew that she wouldn’t accept just that. She wanted to know how, why, he knew all of that. It wasn’t something he could give up easily.

“How, though, how could you have possibly known that, at all, ever? No normal morph, no morph at all, would ever know something like that.” She kept staring at him.

He looked at her, running his fingers through his black hair, he did it twice before he realized how much he looked… He stopped suddenly. He didn’t want to be anything like him… He realized that he’d failed that, that when he’d uttered the first thing about biology to them, he’d failed it.

And he knew that he couldn’t keep it from his friends anymore. He jumped slightly as he thought the word.

It was wrong, Rose and Cella, he knew about their past, how they got captured, he knew about Star, and that Giovanni was disturbingly interested in him. He knew about Stars father. No one knew anything about him, except that he didn’t want to talk about his past.


Cella took in a sharp breath, then released it suddenly, as she realized what he’d said. “What?” She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

“I’ll tell you, and I’ll tell Rose and Star. I’ll tell all of Eterna and the lint under the couch if you want me to. Not now though. I can’t tell it more than once, so everyone has to be here.” the muscles in his back tensed, he let his tail twitch back and fourth. He would tell them, and what they did about it was their own business.

They sat there for about an hour, Cella went into the main lobby, and flipped the TV to the News channel after a creepily helpful Happiny showed her how to work the remote. Bolt stayed put, he’d gotten a few pieces of paper and a pen from under the ER admittance desk. There was a table in the corner with a phone and a dish of peppermints on it. He sat there, writing.

It was long, and he needed to write it all down. He needed to make sure it was real, he needed to let his father know. He finished, and looked at the computer in front of him.

He turned it on, the light buzz as the screen flashed on making him flinch slightly. “Hello! How-”

Bolt cut the obnoxious electronic voice off. “Email, thunderbolt405 at pokemail.net.”

He was surprised when it actually came up, his email address. It had been forever, he hadn’t even bothered to check it at that house. He looked in disgust at the amount of spam that had collected, and a couple of role-plays he’d been involved in had told him that his account had been terminated. He laughed quietly. He inserted the three pages into a slot at the bottom of the computer. “Upload pages, create file. Letter.”

The machine whirred so quietly he was sure that he was the only one who could hear it. Suddenly it beeped, and the file appeared in front of him. “Open file.” The file opened, and the pieces of paper were ejected from the computer. He picked them up, then looked at the open file. Inside there was a copy of his letter, exactly as it showed on the paper, and one that had been ‘typed’. The ‘typed’ one was neater, and easier to read, but Bolt ignored the computers request to delete his handwritten copies.

He clicked on an address in his contacts box, his fathers. It had always been a joke of theirs, that he had to send him an email, just so that he would come eat dinner sometimes. “Upload file, Letter, into mail, place in current draft.”

The computer did what he asked, the file soon appeared as a small button with the word ‘LETTER’ on it. Bolt then quickly typed out a short message. “I wrote everything in the letter. Everything. Everything that no one knows. And as much as I hate to admit it at times, because I don’t know who you are anymore, I am your son.” He looked at it. It wasn’t’ great, it wasn’t an apology, or an acceptance of one, it was just acceptance. He sent it.

“So you have a father.” Bolt snarled and shoved himself backward, out of the chair, and he took a swipe at the startled young woman standing behind him, he almost hit her too. He had barely realized that it was the other joy, the young one, his claws were still out, his breathing shallow and his body posed to strike.

“I’m sorry. You’re needed in surgery, I was supposed to find you and help you scrub up.” She was strangely calm.

Bolt relaxed, then turned back to the computer. “Power off, thank you.” he turned to Joy.

“You shouldn’t have seen that. I’ll scrub up, what does she need help with?” Joy began dragging him to a back room.

“She can’t fix everything alone, and I don’t have enough experience for something for this, I can’t take the blood yet. Rose was given a tranquilizer and we put her in the room next to his. I’m supposed to be helping her right now. The other one is being taken care of by our Pokemon. She hates to admit it, but Tory can’t get some of the bones set alone.”

Bolt smiled. “So you all do have real names!” he laughed slightly.

When Bolt got in there was already a Blissey helping, and joy had blood on her plastic gloves. “If you do one thing wrong, I will kick you out in a heart beat.”

Bolt nodded. “I haven’t messed up before.” He worked quietly, and helped set bones. Joy was amazed at how fast Star healed, the skin knitted together so quickly she could watch it. The bones weren’t so fast, although several of them had already knitted together enough that they had to be broken again anyway. She was also amazed at how well Bolt worked. He didn’t say a word, and didn’t flinch when they had to break most of the bones in stars wing after relocating it. She had also noticed his comment. He hadn’t messed up before, which meant that he’d done this before, or something like it. It made her nervous. From what she’d heard from Rose and Cella, they’d been kidnapped by, and escaped from, Team Rocket, and were looking for somewhere to go. She knew that they wouldn’t tell her where they were going, for good reason, but they hadn’t included Bolt in the kidnapped equation. She wondered exactly how much they knew about him.

Yeah. I'm kind of a jerk to my characters...
Okay. here's chapter fifteen. Make sure you read chapter fourteen, or you'll have no idea what's going on. I just uploaded fourteen and this one at about the same time, because i leave fourteen at a wierd spot. (at least i think...)
Chapter Fifteen
One week of freedom

Rose took a deep breath, and winced. Her back hurt. She heard footsteps, and a light humming. Her head was fuzzy, where was she? She opened her eyes and shut them again as fast as they’d opened. There was a bright light above her. She blinked a few more times, then turned her head. “Geeze, would someone turn that out?” She growled.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you were awake!” A girl dressed in pink and white scrubs walked over to her, flipping a light switch as she went by. The light over her face immediately went out.

Roses head cleared as she looked around the room, it was bare white, square, and smelled funny. Sharp almost, too clean. She realized what had happened a second later, and almost jumped out of the bed, except the hand of the nurse firmly pressed her back into the pillows. “He’s fine. They just put him into recovery and he’ll be waking up in a while. Right now you need to relax.”

Rose sighed, and took another deep breath, and winced again, the pain had doubled. She looked at the nurse. “One of your ribs was cracked, and several of them are badly bruised. Your whole body is black and blue. Don’t breathe too deeply for a while, and I wouldn’t suggest moving your wings. If you want you can get up though, there’s nothing wrong with your legs except for a couple bruises.”

“Thanks.” Said Rose, her throat felt like cotton. “Can I get some water?” Joy nodded, and walked out of the room, a Happiny walked in, all smiles as she stared up at Rose. Rose smiled back, and slowly stood up, stretching. She carefully moved her arms, then stretched her shoulders slightly. “Ow.”

“Hi! You aren’t a Pokemon, I know, but you aren’t human! You’re different, like your friends! I bet……” Rose was in no mood to entertain the little Pokemon.

“Yeah.” She walked across the room, she felt stiff, although she couldn’t have been asleep for more than a few hours. A few seconds later she realize that something was wrong, and it only took a few more to figure it out. All of her clothes were gone, and instead she was wearing a papery sort of shift that went down to her knees. There was a hole in the back for her tail, she assumed. She looked down at her feet, strange little booties covered them too. She had an urge to rip them off.

“OH! Here comes back Nurse Joy!!” The little pink annoyance squeaked. She hadn’t shut up once for the few minutes that she’d been there.

The young woman walked in with a plastic cup that had a lid and straw. For some reason this made Rose feel like a ten-year-old. The intern handed it to her and she drank it anyway. “Thanks. Can I at least have my pants back, though? This isn’t exactly comfortable.”

She shook her head. “They’re really torn up, and I don’t think they would sit well on your bruises. I can get you a pair of sweatpants though, and a light t-shirt. Your friends are out in the lobby, if you want to be with them. We also got you and your friends four rooms.”

“That sounds fine. Could you come and get me though, once he wakes up?” She asked, tiredly as she was led out of the room. Rose looked at the girl, she looked about eighteen, maybe younger, her hair was straight down her back, with none of the typical Joy styling.

“Of course. Remember to be careful though, his bones will take a while to heal, even with the rate he’s healing at. That friend of your, Bolt, he’s amazing. Tory talks about him like he fell out of the sky and saved the world.” Rose stared at her, confused. What could have Bolt possibly done to get that kind of attention from the grumpy nurse?

“What did he do?”

“I’m not sure, but apparently he knows how to fix bones. And he knows a lot about anatomy and all of the things that most doctors or Joys do. It’s like he went to medical school for eight years, which isn’t even possible.” Rose thought about this. Had Bolt really helped Star?

She was led into a room, it was smallish, but the Charizard morph could immediately tell it was the young woman’s bedroom. She opened a drawer in the dresser, rifling through it. “You don’t have to-”

“I hardly wear any of this stuff anymore, I’ve got some yellow sweatpants and a green shirt that I think will fit you. We have to wear pink for our uniforms, and even off duty we have to wear pink so that people can tell if we’re a nurse in an emergency. No more yellow sweatpants for me.” She laughed, and handed rose the pair, then she opened the drawer underneath the one she’d pulled the pants out of, and handed her a green slightly faded shirt to her off the top.

Rose looked at the shirt, and laughed. “Wings of a Charizard?”

Joy blushed, and looked down extremely embarrassed. She mumbled something rose couldn’t hear.

“What? It’s okay, it’s fitting, at least.” Rose was highly amused with the shirt.

“It was a band… I was in, during school. I’m decent on the keyboard. I dyed my hair green and orange, and we always had a burning trashcan. We had the shirts made, but we never really got anywhere. It was just a phase.” She seemed disappointed that it had been ’just a phase.’

Rose had gotten lost in half of what she’d said. What the heak was a band? “It’s fitting. Don‘t worry about it, besides, it‘ll match my wings at least.”

“Thanks. There’s a bathroom over there. You can change in there, if you need help with your wings, just ask.” She pointed to a door. Rose followed her directions.

The bathroom was small, but had all of the necessities. There was a full length mirror on the door, a sink with a couple cabinets underneath, a toilet and a shower. Above the sink there was another small mirror. Rose took a deep breath and took off the shift, turning her back towards the full length mirror, she turned her head, then spread out her wings carefully. She sucked in a quick gasp of air. Up her back there were several dark spots of purple, they spread up her wings, and stopped around the middle of them. “I’m not flying for a while.”

She picked up the shirt, and was surprised to find holes already in the back. She looked at in confusion for a while, then just put it on. She carefully guided her wings through the holes, making sure that they didn’t get beat up anymore than they already were. It hadn’t hurt that bad last night. A lot had happened since then, she supposed, and bruises always hurt the worst after you know they’re there.

The sweatpants were a little big, and she had to be really careful not to set them on fire as she put them on after slicing a hole in the back for her tail. She pulled her hair out form under the shirt, and sighed.

A few minutes later she came out of the bathroom, and found the intern waiting for her. “Is there anything I can call you besides Joy, it seems creepy to call all of you that…”

The intern laughed. “You can call me Rheia, but not in front of Tory, the other Joy. She’s a bit to strict about it I think, I mean, it’s easier for all of us to have the same name, but it’s annoying.”

Rose nodded. “So, Rheia, I think I’d like to be with Cella and Bolt right now. Where are they?” Rose felt almost rude saying it, because it didn’t seem right to just take someone’s clothes, then run off to someone else.

Rheia laughed. “Sure, they’re in the lobby. And I promise that as soon as we can, you’ll get to see Star.”

This made Rose blush as they walked out of the room and down a hall. She hadn’t said anything to Bolt or Cella, but she guessed that it was easy enough to tell, she just hadn’t known it.

As soon as she got out into the lobby, she saw them both sitting on the pink circular couch, that took up the left half of the room. They both had controllers and were practically shouting at each other. It looked so weird after spending so much time outside that she wasn’t sure what to do until Cella saw her. “ROSE!”

She jumped up, throwing her controller and getting a perfect hit on Bolts head, and ran over.

Rose had to stop her. “Don’t hug me. I’m kinda beat up.”

“Oh.” Cella looked her up and down, suddenly glaring at her. “These pants need some kind of decoration. Who ever heard of pants besides jeans that were just one color? Maybe a Butterfree…”

Rose could feel the embarrassment of the nurse like it was sitting on top of her. “Cella, they’re fine. Besides, I like yellow.” She actually wasn’t really sure how she felt about the color, but at that moment she decided that yellow was okay anyways.

Bolt laughed at her shirt. “Wings of a Charizard? Sounds like that random band that tried to break into a rocket facility, never figured out what happened to them.”

“Mike got shot in the shoulder and we had to take him to the emergency room. After that it fell apart.” Rheia said dryly.

Bolt grabbed his face in his hand and looked like he wanted to beat a wall in with his head. “Is there anyone on the planet who hasn’t been hurt by team rocket?”

“We were asking for it. Seriously, we ran inside the building and started playing ‘It’s the end of the world as we know it.’ No one even believed that it had happened.” She almost laughed, except for the look on Bolts face. “Sorry.”

It wasn’t he who spoke though. “So you obviously didn’t live your life in a prison cell.” Rose wasn’t sure completely how to react to that. Then there was the fact that bolt was wearing white scrubs with tiny pink flowerd around the edges. “Nice scrubs.”

“The scrubs and my life prior to them is a very long story, and I’m not going to tell it until Star is able to hear it too. Until then, you can either play video games and watch the news, or sit and be suspicious of me for the next few hours.” Bolt seemed extremely light hearted about it for some reason.

“Wow. It’s like I fall asleep for a few hours and everyone decides it’s opposite day.” She walked over to the couch and sat down.

Bolt laughed, which made her jump, then began teaching her how to play some weird game involving a plastic guitar. A few minutes later she realized what it was, Bolt was now in his element. Electronics and hospitals. For some reason this caused her to keep nervously looking back at him, which made her miss half of the notes in the song.


Thomas nearly jumped out of his skin as his laptop made a loud “BEEP!” He had been asleep, and was sure that by the time the alarm had woken him up it would be lighter out. The sky was still filled with stars, which were amazing to see out of the window of the tree house. In the city you couldn’t see anything like this. His computer screamed at him again, then the noise began to get more frequent. Thomas suddenly realized that it wasn’t the alarm… Not the one he’d set to wake him up. He practically crushed the machine running to it. He hadn’t dared to hope for two years…

He opened his mail, and stared at the inbox. There was one message. He was hesitant to click on it, as if it would disappear when he tried to look at it, as if it were just a ghost, an illusion. He took a deep breath and opened the message. He read through the few lines that had been typed, then immediately downloaded the file. He began to read as tears started to run down his face.

An hour later Thomas had written a reply, and set his computer to hibernate. It was only supposed to come back on if he got another message.


Bolt suddenly sat up. “Hey, I’m going to check my mail, I’ll be back.” He walked into the waiting room, where he’d been on the computer.

Rose stared at him, lost. “Mail? What is he talking about.”

Cella shook her head and told her not to worry about it, and taught her for the third time how to make her character in a new game fly.

Bolt logged on, shut up the annoying voice, and called his dad through the computer. If Thomas had anything electronic, he’d find a way to speak through it. Bolt wondered if he could pick up a cell phone in the city, they probably didn’t have enough money though. He suddenly realized how stupid that thought was. Team Rocket could track phones, and he’s have to give a name and address… “Geeze, I spend one day in a city and I already want a cell phone. I must be stupider than I thought.”

“Or just really bored. Where are you… and why are you wearing scrubs?” Bolt stared at Thomas. Thomas stared at Bolt.

“I’m sorry.”

They both said it at the same time.

Thomas was the first to speak again. “For what? It’s not like you ruined your own life. It’s not like you and Tilla did anything wrong. So, what’s with the scrubs?”

Bolt winced at her name. It should feel more awkward, talking after three years, after not even knowing weather the other was alive. “Remember how I made you let me study biology when I was eight?”

Thomas nodded. “yeah…”

“And how the other rockets went behind your back and let me work on those people when I was twelve and thirteen…?”

“So you’re working in a hospital? How did that happen?”

Bolt laughed. “Right now I’m in a Pokécenter, I’m traveling with three other morphs, one of which just had several bones in his body broken. The Joy here needed help fixing them.”

Thomas sighed, shaking his head. Three years was a lot. He wasn’t going to even ask how it had happened. He though it would be harder than this. Suddenly he remembered Tilla. He had to tell him, and he knew it would tear him up. He decided to wait. “Why aren’t you angrier with me?”

Bolt thought for a while. “It wasn’t your fault. This is probably going to sound weird. I’ve had the same dream for three years now, every time I sleep. Weird thing is that I don’t need any anymore, but either way, I saw you. There was no way you could have possibly done that to us. Who I’m mad at is Giovanni.” He realized it as soon as he said it. Giovanni had been the one to tear them apart.

“You know who Giovanni is?”

“Same dream every night for the past three years.” He said dryly. “Every time I decide to sleep I see how much pain he put you through, and I see him. I’ve learned a lot about him from just that little image.”

Thomas was suddenly in over observant mode. He pulled apart a few of the things Bolt had said and began analyzing them. “You said ‘decide to sleep’…”

Bolt rolled his eyes. That look was so familiar it was almost scary. “Yeah, well, after spending two weeks awake at one point I figured out that I wasn’t tired. At all. Not my brain, not my body. It took me another day to figure out how to fall asleep, and there we go. I sleep when I want. I haven’t slept for about three days this week.”

Thomas was utterly fascinated, but he shook it off. “Look Bolt, there’s something I have to tell you, and I need you to believe me. Because in a few hours I might end up dead.”

This startled him, but he didn’t show it. What was Thomas going to tell him. And why would he end up dead? “Okay. I’ll listen.”

“Okay. Bolt, in about two hours, I’m going to break into a team rocket base with a bunch of teenagers. And rescue everyone there.” Bolt knew this wasn’t everything he wanted to tell him, but he found it so funny he had to laugh. He knew Thomas was being serious, but it just sounded too funny.

Thomas smiled, and waited until he was done laughing. That had been what he wanted to do. “Bolt. We’re going to rescue everyone there. Including Tilla.”

Bolt began choking on air. He stared in disbelief at Thomas face on the screen. He didn’t know how to react, his mind completely shut down.

“Oh shit. Bolt? Are you okay? Okay, okay that was a stupid question. God I’m such a terrible father. I still act like a kid.” Thomas watched Bolt.

Finally it completely clicked, and Bolt began to laugh at his own stupidity, it reached the point of hysteria, and suddenly he burst into sobs. Of course she wasn’t dead. The rockets weren’t that stupid, they wouldn’t have let him know if she’d survived. He finally calmed down enough to talk. “No. Telling me that was important. I miss her.”

“Yeah. Right now I’m in Fortree. I was going to go to my house in Dewford after this, and help from the outside. I’m not exactly good at running screaming into buildings and knocking people out.” He said.

Bolt laughed a little again, his thoughts on Tilla. Every single heartbeat was like a tiny reminder to him now. Til-la, Til-la, Til-la. “Hey, you’ve never done it before, you never know… When you find her,” he couldn’t say if, if meant there was a chance she wouldn‘t be there. He couldn‘t let himself say it. “tell her I’m alive, somehow make sure that…” He didn’t know. Let her know that He loves her? That wasn’t exactly something you had your dad tell the girl you love.

“I know. I’ll see if you two can talk on the computer.”

Thomas looked at the time. He had to go soon. He looked at Bolt. “It shouldn’t be this easy. To talk again.”

“Yeah. Dad. I miss you, I think.” Bolt was still slightly confused. It was like he’d just been given a huge overload of information. ‘he knows I love her…’ he wondered how long he’d known.

“Look, I have to go in a little bit. I know that you can’t have much money on you, so I’ll send a credit card. Only use it for emergencies, wherever you are, Team Rocket is looking for you. I’m Positive. You’re going to need stuff though, food, clothes. Use it for that.” Thomas slid the card into a slot on his computer. He sent it to bolt, the energy it took to send used up about half of what he had left. It materialized in a slot in the computer that Bolt was using, and slid out.

“THANK YOU!” The computer screeched. It made Bolt jump.

Thomas looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Pokécenter computer. I’m pretty sure that Tory the Nurse Joy would kill me if I messed with it.”

Thomas nodded. “I have to go now, and I promise I’ll find a way for you to see her.”

“Thank you.” Neither wanted to turn off the screen. Finally Thomas shut his computer, and it powered down. Bolt finally pressed the power off button. And grabbed the small piece of plastic. It wasn’t something that should have been given to him because he was hiding from murderers and needed food. It didn’t feel right. He smiled and stuck it in his wallet anyway, which hadn’t left his person since he got it.


Rose was led down the hallway, Cella following. Rheia stopped at a the door to the recovery room. “Just Rose, for now.”

Rose went in and sat down in a plastic chair next to the bed. She stroked the top of his hand. Star Smiled. “How do you feel?” He asked.

“Like crap, but you got hurt way worse than I did. How do you feel?”

He laughed, but stopped, tears coming to his eyes. “Like crap. Four of my ribs are broken apparently.”

Rose stared at him. Then she leaned over and kissed him. “Feel any better?” She murmured, noticing how hot her was. “you’re running a temperature…”

“Marginally. I’m not sure why I’m so hot though.” He smiled, then realized that Rose said she’d gotten hurt. He groaned, scrunching his eyes shut.

“What? Do you need me to get Joy…?” She asked.

“No. You said you got hurt…” He looked at her, searching to a cast or something. “How bad?”

“It’s nothing compared to you.” The last thing she wanted was him worrying about her injuries.

“Just tell me, or I promise that I’ll think it’s a lot worse than it actually is.” He said it almost teasingly.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes, then turned around and spread out her wings carefully. No way was she showing him anymore than that.

Rose heard a sharp intake of breath, then he gently stroked her wing. “I shouldn’t have gone out there.”

“Yes, because letting him in camp would have made this any better.” She growled. “If you say one more word about anything being your fault for the rest of your life…”

“What?” He asked, as she turned back around, sitting in the chair.

“I just realized that it wouldn’t be much of a punishment. Never mind.”

“Now I’m going to complain and blame myself until you tell me.”

“No you’re not.”


“Because if I ever hear you say anything bad about yourself again I’m going to cut you off and keep talking until you forget what you were saying in the first place.” She growled, then laughed. It wasn’t her original plan, but it would work.

“Fine. Although you can’t deny that it was stupid of me-”

“What did I say? Now I have to babble on and on about no particular subject until I’ve got you brainwashed into thinking your perfect.”

Star laughed. “That’ll take a while.”

Tory the Nurse Joy walked in, holding a glass of water and leading Cella and Bolt. Rheia came in a few soeonds later, followed by the happiny who couldn’t shut up.

“Hey. Guess I’m a mess… Bolt, why are you wearing scrubs? With pink on them?” Bolt sighed. Why had that been the first thing everyone had said to him?

“Long story. You up to it?”

Star looked at him in confusion. “A long story about why you’re wearing scrubs? Did a Pokemon decide that your shirt looked like a good snack?”

“Ha ha. No. I’m wearing scrubs because Tory,” he pointed to the older Joy, “needed help, and Rheia couldn’t take the blood and was treating Rose. Right now you’re in the Recovery Room, and your bones should be fully healed in about four days. You should be able to walk in two. Sheridan wasn’t so lucky, he’s in a coma and his leg probably won’t ever be the same again.”

Stars mouth was slightly agape. “So, I take it that you meant the story behind the fact that you can say all of that like it’s the most normal thing in the world for you to know.”

Tory just shook her head. “Most people are a lot more out of it after waking up.”

Star almost laughed. “Yeah, okay. Most people aren’t half humans who could stab themselves in the arm and It’d be healed before there was muscle damage. It’s not very surprising that it didn’t take me very long to recover from being drugged.”

Tory began to wonder if sarcasm and bluntness were just part of a morphs basic DNA makeup. As if it had been programmed into every single one of them.

“No, sarcasm and bluntness is what you get when you spend most of your time hiding from people who are trying to kill you.” Cella stated in a disturbingly happy and pleasant tone of voice.

Everyone stared at her for a second. She realized that no one had said anything. “Sorry. Someone was thinking too loud.”

“I don’t know weather I should be frightened or fascinated.” Rheia said.

“Usually it’s both.” Bolt said, a slight smirk on his face.

“Bolt’s opted to tell us his story!!” Cella randomly exploded. She looked like she wanted to bounce around the room.

“Yay? Can he tell us over coffee or does it have to be now?” Cella looked a little disappointed.

“Cella, I think you like being in other peoples business just a little too much. Besides, the world won‘t end if we don‘t know everything about everyone in the next five minutes.” Rose said.

Rheia waved her arm to get Cellas attention. “I know it’s not my business, but how does that work? The whole Psychic thing, do you hear people all of the time, and can you control things with your mind or…” She let it trail off.

“Everyone’s attention is all over the place today. I think I’m going to agree with Star here, who wants coffee?” the other three stared at him like he had suggested jumping into a pit of lava.

“We don’t have the money for that!” Star said, glaring at him. What was he thinking?

“Then there’s the fact that rockets are everywhere! And I don’t think humans would be exactly thrilled with you walking around in scrubs while your ears and tail stick out for everyone to look at!” Cella practically shouted. Bolt waited patiently.

“Or we cold fill out an order online and have it brought to the Pokécenter, and one of the lovely nurses here or a Pokemon could pick it up?” He suggested.

“I’m not picking up the bill for coffee.” Said Tory dryly.

“I’ll take care of the cost.” Bolt snapped, he was getting impatient.

“How are you going to take care of it? We can’t pay for coffee! We don’t have the money to waste.” If Cella had been any louder it would have popped Bolts eardrums.

Bolt smiled. He hadn’t been able to think of a better way to bring it up, and he figured coffee was cheap enough it wouldn’t be too big of a problem. He knew that Thomas wouldn’t have given him one that had his real name and address on it, it was probably the one he used to order useless knicknacks that team rocket hadn’t known about. Like the time he ordered half of a brain… Bolt shook his head, making his ears flap comically. He pulled out his wallet, and then slid out the card. “I have a magic piece of plastic.”

Tory grabbed it and glared at him. “There’s no way you could have gotten this, who’d you take it from?”

Rheia glared at the older woman. She opened her mouth to speak, but Bolt cut her off. “I didn’t steal it from anyone, my father just sent it to me.”

“How did your father get a credit card?” Star asked calmly. Rose was digging her claws into the palms of her hands, she didn’t like this. Whatever that card was, it was human, and human things aren’t usually safe. Not any of the ones she’d seen. Everything humans made could hurt or kill people.

Cellas attention was entirely on the little piece of plastic. She started murmuring about shopping and clothes and something called a food court.

Bolt stayed perfectly still for a few seconds, listening to Cella mumble as if in a trance, listening to Roses breathing, which was controlled, but shallow. He looked at Star. If anyone in that room could still possibly trust him after this, it was him. “He’s human.”


That human stood outside of a rocket base, unviewed by the camera system he’d just rewired so that what it showed was a flashing green screen, and he’d somehow managed to give this a screaming recording of ‘I know a song that gets on everybody’s nerves.’ Computers are amazing. To say the least, the people keeping guard were pissed. A bunch of people ran outside, and he pretty much looked like the rest of the startled scientists going into work. He slid into the building with them, and ran into an elevator, much to their constant surprise. One of them managed to slide in with him before the doors shut with a ding. Apparently his messing with the cameras had also affected the motion sensors in the elevator. Thomas placed his hand on Mysterious Pokéball.

“Long time no see Thomas.” The woman said.

Thomas relaxed a little, but didn’t move his hand. “Candice. Yeah, what have you been up to lately?” Candice had bright red hair, and a handful of freckles across her nose. Her face was round and she had an air of calm about her that didn’t seem penetrable. Thomas hadn’t seen her in forever.

“Thomas, you just rewired a camera and now none of the buttons on the elevator will work. I think you need to tell ME what you’ve been up to.”

“How about I don’t and you say I did?” Trusting people wasn’t at the top of his list.

“You’re just as immature as always, you stupid fool. I know what you’re looking for. Tilla is on the third floor, which this elevator will stop on unless it doesn’t stop. Then we’re in some serious trouble. I can’t believe that you gave her to those assholes. She ended up here really badly beat up, and she couldn’t even use moves! I can’t believe that you would-”

“Candice. If I had given them up, I wouldn’t be here. I would have committed suicide a long time ago. I’m trying to make some things right, and bringing Bolt and Tilla together will at least help. I know how badly it hurt Bolt, and every day for the past three years I’ve felt like shit for it. I knew Tilla can’t use moves, when she was born we did a scan on her, and there was a slight problem in her brain, she’ll never be able to attack with moves.” He released his Pokéball, and the elevator dinged. He knew he wouldn’t run into trouble from Candice.

“Did you know that she can’t evolve?” She asked as they quickly walked out of the quickly closing doors.

“No, her evolution shouldn’t be a problem. Her evolution status was that of a mix between level and age, like the created morphs. It was a trait I hadn’t expected to see in ones that had been born though. She should evolve around seventeen or eighteen. Right now she‘s seventeen…” He tapped his fingers against his leg as they walked. Everything had been too easy lately. It was weird. He didn’t like it.

“She’s around level forty-five, or fifty, and she’s seventeen. None of the tests that have been done on her even show any sort of trace of evolution, although she’s been maturing at the human rate properly. It’s like the energy that’s saved up for it has been sapped out of her.”

“And once the energy has left the Pokemon a second time, or morph, in this case, they cannot collect it again to evolve again. No Pokemon to date has evolved more than twice, nor, do we think, ever will. The Pokemon who haven’t evolved or only evolve once are cases where the part that collects the energy is shut down or hasn’t been completely unlocked. Something happened where this energy left her without sending her through evolution. I didn’t know that was possible. Maybe-” He’d been spouting this off like a textbook on tape.

“Ah hem. I know you’d like to babble on about this all day, but in about thirty seconds we’ll have met Tilla, and in about thirty minutes all of your little friends are going to come screaming out of the woods. So less talking and more walking please.” She glared at him.

Thomas picked up the pace, and became mistrustful of Candice again. If she’d known about the attack, then it was possible that others did too. He slid his hand back onto the Pokéball. Candice liked fire types, Misdreavus was the best defense he had. Just like she’d said, about thirty seconds later, they were standing in front of a set of double doors with an extremely plain looking label that said KITCHEN, in block letters. Thomas almost laughed. He hadn’t expected that they would let her keep cooking. He almost asked, when Candice told him. “You haven’t had the previous chefs cooking. Everyone is going to come after you just to get her back, although I don’t know what her reaction to this will be. She won’t believe anyone that he’s still alive.”

Thomas stopped her from opening the door, resting his hand on top of hers. “Why are you helping me? You’ve always been loyal to Team Rocket, and there’s nothing stopping you from turning me in or just killing me.”

“Thomas.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I haven’t been loyal to team rocket since Tilla got here. I’ve been waiting for you.” She pushed open the door.

Tilla hummed lightly as she cut up the carrots, the snap of the knife against the glass cutting board was comforting. Snap. Snap. Snap. She picked up the pace. Snap snap snap snap snap. Faster. Snapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnap. Soon she was done with the orange vegetables, and she poured them into a pot of water, and turned on the burner to high. The door opened. “Vegetable soup tonight. Someone needs to go shopping tomorrow, we’re out of eggs and milk again, and we need more garlic. I have a whole list of other things too. Tomorrow if no one goes we’re going to be eating cardboard.” She went to the sink, and began washing the cutting board and knife.

“Hi Tilla, you’re not going to be staying here much longer.” Candice said.

“Great. Every time I get used to a kitchen they move me again. At least you’ll be following me. It’s nice that at least one person can stick with me. It’s bad enough that they won’t let me use a knife for the first week. None of them have any idea how to mince garlic, I swear-” She turned around and dropped the cutting board, most of it cracked and broke into eight large pieces, while the rest of it shattered and pebbles of glass skittered out across the linoleum.

Tilla stared at him. Shock spreading through her body. She hadn’t expected to ever see him again. The fire on her head and back immediately shot out, the tank top and tan khaki pants she was wearing barely missed by the flames. She gritted her teeth, holding back tears, the sight of him ripped open wounds she’d though had been better sealed, although they hadn’t healed. The breath shot out of her as if she’d been punched in the stomach. Candice ran over and wrapped her arms around her, as she began to sob. Thomas just stood there, unsure of what to do. He felt useless.

“I don’t know what to say.” He mumbled.

Tilla heard him, and was finally able to wipe away her tears. She wanted to scream at him. Punch him. Kill him. She knew she could, after they’d finally figured out she couldn’t use moves like Pokemon they’d started her on martial arts for some reason. She knew that if she wanted to she could hurt him. It was his fault. He’d let team rocket take them. He’d let them kill him. Instead she took a deep breath, and gently pushed Candice away. She walked up to him, every single drop of hate in her body making it’s way out of them. She raised her hand, and made to smack him, he blocked it and she kneed him in the stomach.

Thomas doubled over onto his knees, holding his stomach, gasping for breath. “Okay. I. Deserved. That.”

“Yes.” She growled at him.

A few seconds later he’d regained his breath. “You could probably spend all day beating on me and not be happy with the damage.”

She didn’t know where he was going with this. “Probably two.”

“By two I’d be dead. Let’s leave it at one. Do you want to stay here and cook? Or do you want to get out of here?” He stayed on his knees.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, that in a few minutes, a group of teenagers are going to attack this base and get all of the morphs, who want to go, out. I’m offering to get you out, and any others that we run into, out before the chaos starts.”

“Where will we be going?”

“Does it matter as long as they can’t control you anymore? And as long as you are able cook?” He’d considered mentioning Bolt, but decided against it. She was a completely different person! He was surprised he was able to recognize her, and he knew that talking about him was a bad idea right now.

“I don’t know.” Thomas looked up at her, there were still tears streaming down her face, making tiny rivers through the soft brown fur. She turned to Candice.

“I’m going with him. I’ve been friends with him longer than he’s been alive. You’ll be fine.”

Tilla shuddered slightly, then nodded. “Fine. But while we’re getting out of here he’d better explain where we’re going.”

Thomas stood up, and moved towards the door, Candice and Tilla following. He pushed it open and almost ran into a Morph, he was about four inches taller than Thomas, and had black hair. His eyes glinted a dark amber, and he snarled as Thomas bounced off of him. “Who the hell are you?”

Thomas looked him over. There was an amber gem in his head, and his tail was curled… He looked like a Persian morph, except that the layer of fur covering his body was pure black. Thomas gaped at him and then began going over the possibilities in his head, there could have been a mutation in the cells to cause the human strain to change his skin or it could be natural, it wasn’t someone…

Candice thumped him on the head with the back of her hand. “His coloration is because of an increase of Melanin in his fur, it happens extremely rarely to Pokemon, but it’s much more common in Morphs. Thirty percent of them are Melenistic, we were studying why in the lab here. The odd thing is that none of the genes you used had a trace of Melenism in them, so this is some sort of genetic mutation. And Pokémorphs becoming shiny is something that’s almost genetic in them, unlike for normal Pokemon. It‘s like some chemical reaction that happens in the parents brain that unlocks the gene, but it‘s inconsistent. With twins it’s inconsistent…” She would have kept going if the morph hadn’t glared at her.

“I’m Daren. What’s going on here?”

“I’m leaving.” Tilla stated calmly.

“Then who’s going to cook?” Daren growled.

“Hopefully the humans will learn how to cook themselves. In a bit, apparently, the base is going to be attacked, and Thomas,” she pointed at him. “is going to get us out of here. Coming with?”

“Sure, I’m getting tired of this place anyway. Although being in the company of two more scientists is going to get annoying. How are we getting out of here?”

Thomas smiled. “We’re hopefully going to just walk out. I think Candice will know where to go. I’m going to come back in and try to find more people.”

“No you sure as hell won’t.” Candice glared at him. “Daren here can get the morphs who want to leave all lined up, and YOU are going to take us where we need to go.”

Thomas opened his mouth to object, then sighed. “Fine, but we’re going to have to run. My Skarmory won’t be able to carry all of us.”

“I’ll go and find everyone who wants to leave and make sure that the Rockets are thoroughly confused.” Then he looked at Thomas for a few seconds. “I take it that you’re the one who has the camera room screaming that obnoxious song?”

Thomas nodded, and Daren smiled, his fangs showing in a flash of white, then he was gone down the hall. “Lets get out of here.”
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