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Sbamber wants to say hi


Pokemon Splicer
Hey everybody I'm Sbamber! I love Pokemon, and am in many various Pokemon Forums.

I hope I can one day, have over 1,000 posts here, just like I do on most other forums!
Welcome, sir! To TCoD! Enjoy yourself, obey the rules, and most important of all, Stick it to the man! And by the man I mean Mods, Admins, and those with 5,000 or more posts!
As long as you don't break the rules then they can't ban you. If I find that you were banned for something that was unfair then I will go to the highest power in the land. Butterfree.

Do you like RPing?
RPing is fun, I just don't have tons of time on my hands to RP a lot. I might join a RP, just for the fun of it...
Haha, thanks.

I like RP about Pokemon, duh, but it has to have battling, not just "Oh, Joe walked into the Pokemon Center, and grabbed a bite to eat..."

I like stuff like "Go! Pikachu! Use ... Blah blah..."
It has to have a storyline, and action...
Well, lucky for you we have a lot of good RP'a here, and I am thinking about making another in addition to the one called Electronic Malfunction that you can find in my sig. And the type of RP that you are referring to is an Anime-Style-Battling RP. At least that's what I call them.
Anime-Style-Battling RP? Long name for a small thing...

And is your Electronic Malfunction RP still open for applicants?
Umm, I have to go now, but I bookmarked this site (along with the other 150 sites).

I'll get on tomorrow to get at that RP.
Your sig is awesomely cool with the awesome banner but don't overdo it as people sometimes do, as in put so much you end up with the dreaded scrollbar. The scrollbar haters will kill you. But have a cat plushie as a remembrance of this day.
Hi! Welcome to tCoD!

I'm Flora, the owner of Pokemon: A Shadowy Past. (That's not the only reason I came to welcom you, I swear!)

Nice banner, by the way. ^^
Lol, thanks, I'm glad you like my banner, I've been doing GFX for a little over a year now, and I feel I have gotten really good. I will post of my work later on.
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