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Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

“I think you’re at the part of the movie where the spy’s met the love interest and started coming out of their shell a little,” the Dewott hummed, grinning back at the Sneasel.

Silver knew that Archie was being witty with that remark, and yet he couldn’t stop his cheeks from burning. For a moment he thought that some desert gust had slipped through some gap, but he didn’t see any open door. He sure was glad that his entire body was covered in a dark pelt, or who knew how bright his skin was actually glowing!

“L-love interest…?!” he stammered to himself, keeping his gaze totally focused on the torn pages and his voice low. “Wha—That’s preposterous! Who would even fit that bill—?” A familiar brunette flashed in his mind, smiling kindly at him and filling his headspace with joyful giggles. It took all his willpower to prevent his arms from dropping the papers and force himself to address Archie again.

“Ah! Hm! Yeah, I’ve been to that cafe during the off-worlder festival! Pretty nice place. I, huh, wouldn’t mind going there!” Relieved that his heart wasn’t banging against his ribs anymore, he got up and looked again at Archie, giving him a sideway grin. “Hey, I don’t mind helping with the cleanup! After all, we’re, um… we’re friends, right? And, well, friends help each other.”

Yeah, it was still weird to spell out that word, but Silver felt very proud of himself for being able to say it, at least. And best of all… he totally meant it.
The Dewott stared at Silver open mouthed. Then he brought a hand up to his muzzle to stifle a few chuckles. Yeah, a reaction that strong definitely meant the Sneasel had a crush. Oh well, Archie knew better than to pry, though he had a good idea who might be on Silver’s mind from their last conversation. Between the two of them the second floor cleanup barely took any time at all. That just left the scattered pages – and the spine of the book itself – downstairs.

“Well, if I have enough left over after I pay the librarian to get this book rebound, I’ll treat you there,” he said, momentarily glancing over the banister again before fixing his gaze back on Silver. “And, of course we’re friends! Back where I’m from, anyone who’s fought beside you in battle is considered a friend, so I’m afraid you’re stuck with me!”

He gave the Sneasel another wry grin, which was soon interrupted by another yawn. “We’d better get going. If I don’t get some more coffee in me soon I won’t make it back to the inn…”

Before that though, he hoped the Sneasel was ready for another battle. Because as he lead the way down the stairs to the library’s ground floor, he just knew waiting for them at the bottom was a very irate librarian…

[Ch05] Nova & Isidora ~ Better Play it Cool
Nova could've-- no, should've gone to help with at least one of these asshole birds. But with his conflicting thoughts on the Saints, the risk of his shadows taking complete hold of him was just too high. He thought that, perhaps, he could get some concrete answers about "higher" Saints at the library. Then he recalled hearing passing mentions of how paradoxically big Little Scriven's library seemed in proximity to the town itself, so he set out there instead.

And it was a decent size, leaving Nova with little idea of where to start. He had gotten directions toward where to find the history section, but had gone to one of the tables first to scribble a few notes to himself.
Incidentally, Isidora was spending yet another day at the library, trying to make a dent into its catalogue. She would've liked to say she was here for an important reason this time (she still needed to look into the Wight Barren), but at some point she had gotten sidetracked wondering why Little Scriven was inhabited mainly by birds. She had a book on the town's history under one arm when she found Nova, sitting by himself. And without the helmet. A lot's happened since we last talked...

There was at least one thing Isidora needed to rectify. She attempted a nonchalant approach and raised a paw in greeting. "Oh, hey. I never got to congratulate you for getting rid of that helmet." Though now that she was closer, she couldn't help scrutinizing his head a bit. She was pretty sure she knew where she'd seen a picture of his species before, but that didn't really matter beyond sating her curiosity. I'm just glad he's free from all that, if only for now.

Breaking her gaze away, she instead found herself staring at what he was writing. "Noting something down?"
Nova's triangular ears twitched. "Hmm?" He glanced up from his notes. "Oh, hi. Uh, thanks. It's been nice. Weird acclimating to other types again, but I'm managing."

He set the pen he was levitating down. "Just some... stuff Sybil told me about. I'm on the hunt for books about the Saints." Nova paused, then added. "Or, well, hypothetical Saints. That might've had a hand in making Forlas."
"So, creation gods? Like Dialga, Palkia, Giratina?" Isidora brought a claw to her chin. "Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever heard anything about that in passing. The cultures around here seem to mostly care about local deities."

She slowly gravitated towards a seat across from him, and set the history book under the table. Now this could be something productive. "What's got you lookin'? Did all the stuff goin' on with the birds get you curious?"
Nova's feathers and electronics dimmed a bit, like a machine using too much energy. "I... think those are some of the names." Those were still difficult memories to hold onto, apparently.

"The birds are... less of a factor." He tapped a claw on the ground. His cheek bolts turned once in thought. "Though they're certainly a prime example of the Coven's whole Saint obsession being incredibly dumb. A strong argument for why people shouldn't be able to gain that kind of power, whether it gets passed to them... or they make some artificial equivalent."
Isidora's feathered ear twitched at the way he seemed to literally darken. Wait, what did I say that was insensitive this time?!

Moving on, she nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I heard you mention something like that over the network. I thought Luz was an exception, it's crazy to think any legendary can pass their powers down to just anyone. Like Kings choosing their successors." A beat. Nearly treasonous thought to add. She shrugged with one arm. "I mean, you'd figure there'd be some accountability at least, but so far the birds have clearly disproven that. It's a miracle this world's still standing."

She couldn't help noticing the hesitation on the last part of his comment though. He was talking about the third chimera, wasn't he? The one called Ark? Her mind still hadn't untangled of all the implications that development held...

She leaned onto the table a bit. "And trying to artificially recreate legendary superpowers just seems kinda delusional to me." She caught herself staring at the bolts on his cheeks. "But I can't say I'm surprised humans would try it anyway..."
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Nova tilted his head. "They may not all be humans, though. There could be people descended from them, like Ignatius. Or there could be some pokémon native to Forlas who... agree with them and think they're trying to do the right thing."

He went silent for a bit. "Honestly, I'm not even sure what this group's about. Aside from building Sage and being fascinated with Sages, I'm clueless."
"If the Coven has pokémon like Ignatius in it, then that's just sad to think about." Isidora shrugged and shook her head in mock disappointment. "Makes no difference to me either way."

Then it was her turn to tilt her head. "And, wait, what's this about sages? I think I'm out of the loop on that one."
Nova blinked several times. "Ah, hmm. Just got wires crossed. Sages are what they're called on one planet back home." He shook his head. "Like here, they pass their titles and powers onto apprentices. Recycled power derived from a great dragon of light that they all answered to."

He glanced at the ceiling. "The Saints' power... had to come from somewhere. At some point. I have a hard time believing a bunch of Saints just... sprang up out of nowhere at some point and run around, passing their power along like batons. Especially when there are sentient forces of nature like Powehi and Aurelia."
Isidora nodded to his explanation, a twinkle of interest in her eye. "Oh, I see." She brought claw to her mouth and muttered a bit. "Divine power from a figure analogous to light... Interesting how these things tend to rhyme."

She placed her paws behind her head and curiously followed his gaze. "Far be it from me to explain where legendary pokémon come from. They seem to have more prominence on this world versus mine, so some of this is new territory to me." Though, what had she just figured? It wouldn't hurt to throw it out there.

"Could be it has something to do with Radiance and Auriga," she suggested, hoping he'd recognize she was just spitballing. "It's supposed to be a 'Saint's power' after all, so maybe she has an answer." She shrugged. "...If we can find her."
"And they can pick successors or fade into relics that... attract successors." Nova thought of Sybil, and how it seemed as though the wyrdeer sensed... something calling to her within the Relic Fragment. "But I wonder how good a system like that possibly is if you get something like these birds who seem content to make people's lives miserable. Maybe it's... part of Forlas' problem. Along with offworlders in general."
Isidora leaned onto the table and sighed. "This world has too many problems. It all just seems so unstable." She lightly scratched at the table's surface as she thought about it. "If it was set up on purpose, I'm sure it must've made sense at some point. Maybe something to do with 'worldly balance' or some shit, what I know of legendaries is usually like that. But if offworlders just keep getting summoned to put temporary fixes on the world anyway, then that system's clearly outlived its usefulness. Just an old relic to be discarded."

Something dark and bitter simmered in her heart. Something helpless. "But... What are we supposed to do about that? It is what it is, isn't it?"
"Well, I think we're part of the problem. Sorta." Sighing, Nova shook his head. He slid the paper he was scribbling on in front of Isidora...

Why can offworlders get so strong so quickly? Strong enough to take on Saints?
Has it always been this way?
How long have there been fallers on Forlas?
Is this related to the Saints?
If Saints can influence Forlas, can they transfer our power to natives instead?

There were several other similar questions, with a variety of arrows pointing toward doodles of the Relic Fragment and a wheel-like symbol.
Isidora leaned closer for a look. Her eyes caught on the pictures first -- Wait, huh? -- and then quickly scanned over his text until Betel's auto-translation made it make sense. "Fallers...?"

She wasn't sure what to say at first. "This is... a lot." It seemed to mostly be theories, enough possibly to keep Nova in here for days. But more than those, her eyes kept gravitating towards that wheel. Somehow, she felt she had seen it before. It almost looks like...

She pointed a claw at it. "What's this?"
"Well, I don't know if it applies here," Nova admitted. "But it's a symbol associated with Arceus. The pokémon that's often considered the creator of a universe it's found in."

He clicked his tongue. "And the pokémon I was built in the image of."
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Isidora tested the name on her tongue. "Arceus... Ark..." That's why the symbol was familiar. She'd seen a similar one back home, just different. And Nova being designed after this 'Arceus' must've been why the third chimera was called Ark, too. But... putting the pieces together implied so many things. Isidora shook her head and forced herself to stop thinking about it before she fell down that rabbit hole. "Sorry, I started thinking about my world."

Back to the topic at hand and fully invested, she peered over the list again, her eyes wide with curiosity. "I think your ideas are interesting. Maybe a little difficult to research, but if we could find an answer to even just one of these..." She brought a paw to her mouth while her claws flexed in the air. "If you're designed in this creator deity's image, the identical chimera the Coven made must be too, and they must've gotten the idea from somewhere, if some offworlder didn't just bring it with them." Her ears twitched and she pointed at Nova. "And that's what you came here for, right?"
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Nova nodded. "Sybil says there are rumors of much more powerful Saints that kinda fit the description. And I just... have trouble believing there are Covenant members who'd just show up out of nowhere with knowledge of how to immediately make someone like me. It can't be just a simple coincidence..."
"Yeah, I don't think it can be either." Isidora pensively crossed her arms. "Though my gut says the existence of an 'Arceus' will be hard to verify. I've never come across anything casually, so it must be relatively obscure, at least in this part of the world. Maybe there's some culture out there who can allude to it, but if there are any definitive records, worst case scenario is the Coven havin' most of 'em..."

There was a reason to be determined then. She abruptly stood up from her chair. "Y'know what? I'm invested. I'll help you look."
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