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Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}


Well. This is it. I figured I would create it. If you are not a member of the Scrubs Fanclub please sign up there first. Still put down your stuff. Of course the rules:
-No godmoding
-Well, I shouldn't need to say anything. Be nice, don't cuss etc.

Here is the format:
Name: Dr. Perry Cox
Occupation: Acting Chief of Medicine
Personality: Can be a jerk, but has a warm, fuzzy center

Here is the plot. Dr. Kelso has left and JD feels sad and tries to get Kelso back. Let's just let it go from there.
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Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Oh goodie! I've always wanted to be the adorable main character!

Name; John Dorian(JD)
Occupation: INternal Medicine Attending
Personality: Warm and cuddly as an untrained labradoodle. Thinks alot. Has a habit of daydreaming about scenarios, often ending very oddly. A good doctor, and currently father of one baby who lives with his mother forty minutes away.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Name:Jordan Sullivan
Occupation:Board member.
Personality: Mean, vemonous, cruel, you get the picture, right?

Also, what do I do?
Do I just hang out in the hopspital, or... what?
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

You have become more of a regular cast member since Cox and Jordan got re-married, so yeah.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Name: Dr. Kelso
Occupation: Retired Chief of Medicine
Personality: Usually nice and peaceful, but has outbursts of sarcasm. But is an overall nice guy...right?
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

We start when every main character signs up, Namely Carla, Turk, and, yeah. That's it. So PM them wouldya?
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Er, I gotta better idea!
I'll PM everyone but Turk.
Because,well Pikadator's right here.T-T. so yeah, I'll log out soon, and he'll make his form.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

I was bored, so I went to your user profile and went wherever you did.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Oh yeah...
Name:Dr. Christopher Turk.
Personality: Can be cocky at times, but is usually the determined one.
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