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Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Arylliot is here! Oh wow, you guys didn't mention Elliot once. I haven't watched an episode of Scrubs in a while, so I may be a bit bad at playing her. Oh and rusty! Rusty too. I'll try to catch more episodes though~ (And I haven't seen some of the newer episodes, so yeah, I might be a be clueless.)

Name: Dr. Elliot Reid

Occupation: Doctor of Internal Medicine

Personality: Rather neurotic and quite insecure. Has some issues, particularly with her mother. She also has a tendency to tell over the top, seemingly random stories about her childhood and past, which don't always get to the point she was trying to make. Mostly she rambles. Quite a bit, actually.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Ok,Ok, Here.
Name: Carla Turk
Personality: A bit motherly towards J.D, she's the practical one.
NAO we start!
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Well...I guess we should start.

Ever since Dr. Kelso retired, things have been different around here...Dr. Cox is running the hospital, Ted has more confidence, and the Janitor has been knocked down a peg...however, I really dislike the fact that Dr. Cox uses the intercom to page "Angela, Tifanny, Lisa, Marge, Louise, and Ilyana" all the time JD paused, glancing up at a speaker with a glower, before continuing on down through the ICU. Stopping by the bed of his patient, Rolf Boyd, he began to check the man's vitals. Sometimes, I sort of wish that Elliot had never thrown him that birthday party...

"So, Mr. Boyd, how are you feeling?" he asked. Mr Boyd turned to look in his general direction, as his eyes, due to his disease, Oscarsqintania, had to be squinting all the time, otherwise he would be in severe pain.

"Eh, I can sort of ease up on the sqinting a bit..." he said, opening his eyes a little. "But only for a little bit..." he admitted, feelign downcast. His wife, Misty Grielike, took hold of his hand, smiling faintly.

"Well, don't worry. I'll see if a mixture of animestique steroids coupled with some firemblian will allow your facial muscles to relax. In the mean while, just hang tight, and I'll see if I can get you a radio or soemthing up here." JD assured the man, patting him on the shoulder.

You see, Oscarsquintania causes all the facial muscles, starting with the ones holding your eyelids, to slowly loose their ability to move. Eventually, the other muscles in teh body start drawing in on themselves, until the person is forced to curl up into the fetal position and will eventually sufficate when their lungs shut down. Luckilly, we caught this one pretty fast, so Mr. Boyd should be fine.

Now, back to Kelso...maybe I'll visit him sometime...who knows, he might not have even wanted to retire...my shift ends in a couple of hours, so I'll swing by his house then
JD smiled, nodded to himself, and promptly ran into a gurney that had moved into his path when an intern bumped it.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Dr. Cox was walking towards one of his patients rooms when he walked by JD."Hey Judy! Hows Mr. Boyd. Have you teated hes quite amusing disease yet?"
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

(OOC: For the record, I think that whenever you endorse JD/Cox slash, Jordan kills a puppy. Oh, and if anyone can spot the various references in my disease, kudos to you! )

JD, popping up from his place on the floor, rushed to Dr. Coxes side...oh god, how he would kill for those dynamite curls

"Well, I've already ordered the drugs he needs, and he should be alright very soon...Although we picked up something a little wierd in his blood cultures, so I'm just going to ask Dr. Bob" he began, before pulling a blood smear out of his pocket" To take a look at it." He said, before asking a passing orderly to take it down to the good natured hemanipathologist.

"So, Dr. Cox, what do you think Dr. Kelso is up to nowadays?" he asked, keeping pace with the man of everchanging hairstyles.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

"Well, Judy I really don't care what Bob is up to these days, but I would guess that, because you came and asked MY opinion that you want to go see him because you miss him."
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

"No, not at all!" JD said, attempting not to make eye contact. if he had learned one thing during his seven years of medical experience, it was that you do not want to mess with the Coxinator.

I'll still visit him...just...maybe not convince him to come around here... JD said, before his pager beeped. Looking at it, he saw that his patient, Ms. Lethe, was requesting to see him. Greatful to get away from Psychocox, he casually turned into an elevator and pressed for her floor.
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

Dr. Cox watched JD walk off and continued on to his patient Mr. Horris."Well Mr. Horris, it appears that you have a bad case of extremehairritis. It shortens your hair on your front and grows it on the back. I ordered some antibiotics for you, but if you eat any meat, oils, fats, sugars or fruits then you will come down with a bad case of Diarrhea. So PLEASE do yourself a favor and just DON'T eat it."

((PS How do I change the title to close it and stuff?))
Re: [Scrubs] My First RP

((a) You Go Advanced, and pull down the bar that made it open, and Click Closed ...2)Wait,Wait, Isn't the Janitor a main caracther, and Sargent didn't sign up yet?
c) I kill puppies now? 0_0
Name: Janitor (or Dr. Jan Itor)

Occupation: This is REALLY obvious

Personality: Warped & Twisted. Constantly hatin' on J.D.

P.S. Am I too late?
I better do this now then:

Name: Dr Todd "The Todd" (something - I'll look it up)
Occupation: Surgeon
Personality: 'Cool Guy', obsessed with sex ect. - I am not so good at this
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