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SkyAngel vs. Dragonair (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Squornshellous Beta

Active member
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
SkyAngel's Active Squad
Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity


Pyraxia (Female)
Ability: Flash Fire

Dragonair's Active Squad
Rallie (Female)
Ability: Trace

Cyndy (Female)
Ability: Blaze

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall

First Round
- SkyAngel sends out
- Dragonair sends out and attacks
- SkyAngel attacks
- I ref
This is so exciting!!! *excitement overload*

Go, Stryker! Show 'em your stuff! *crazy maniacal laugh*
Stryker, hmm? Then let's send out Dia, so he can't use his STAB.

So, first let's use Will-o-Wisp, to lower his attack. Then, confuse ray. After that, mean look so he can't switch. If you get taunted, then use brick break, unless he doesn't attack you, if so use focus punch.

Will-o-wisp/Brick break/Focus punch-Confuse ray/Brick break/Focus punch-Mean look/Brick break/Focus punch

*holds back nervousness*
Okay, Stryker, you can take it. First, use Substitute to avoid any status effects! Then use Swords Dance and X-Scissor.

Substitute - Swords Dance - X-Scissor
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Pre-Round Notes
Unlike most of the crazy battles that go on in Asber (who came up with that name for the region uuuurgh), this one's actually pretty simple. No space travel, no alcohol, not even a giant waffle - just a nice, soothing field of flowers. The trainers set themselves up at opposite ends of the battlefield, and at the referee's command they open their Pokéballs. One opens into a bipedal, clawed creature that begins looking around for its opponent or any Seviper the other into a ghost with gems dotted around its body that immediately whimpers and tries to hide from the sunlight. Hoping the Sableye gets over it soon, the referee shouts, "Battle begin!"

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Pretty nice place. No Seviper, which is always a plus.
Commands: Substitute ~ Swords Dance ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Will-o-Wisp / Brick Break / Focus Punch ~ Confuse Ray / Brick Break / Focus Punch ~ Mean Look / Brick Break / Focus Punch

Round 1 Begin!

Dia immediately stops shrieking about the BURNING LIGHT upon hearing the ref's shout, instead getting into a fighting stance and clenching his fist, which begins to glow with a very faint but steadily intensifying red aura. Stryker, meanwhile, begins focussing for his own attack. His eyes glow bright white and a stream of energy pours out of them, forming itself into the shape of a much smaller Zangoose. The clone blinks slightly, then focusses on its opponent. The very same opponent, having finished his concentration and preperation, now has a near-blinding red glow surrounding his fist. Suddenly, he darts toward Stryker with incredible speed, aiming a punch at him, but the substitute leaps in front of the attack, which is strong enough to punch a hole right through its chest. The doll falls to the ground and fades away.

Dia, pleased with the impact of his attack, repeats it; he focusses and begins channeling energy into his fist. Stryker, rather disturbed by the power the Sableye has just displayed, opts to bulk himself up somewhat, beginning a frantic dance, spinning, twirling, slashing at the air, grinding his claws together. He stops the dance somewhat weary but with a stronger fighting spirit, just in time to see Dia run towards him with that same blindingly bright fist and give him an uppercut right in the jaw. Even with the Sableye's diminutive stature, it's a powerful blow - so powerful in fact that there's a sickening CRACK and Stryker is lifted clean off the ground and thrown backwards.

Staggering to his feet, Stryker glares furiously at the tiny ghost; then, in an attempt to channel some of his rage and pain into something productive, he raises his arms up high, then runs towards Dia with almost blinding speed, infusing his claws with Bug-typed energy as he goes. Upon reaching the ghost, he slashes his arms down hard, and though his arms go straight through the ghost the elemental energy contained within his claws catches on and sears Dia from the inside. Dia, in turn, glares furiously at Stryker, doing his best to establish eye contact; the Zangoose is more than happy to oblige, hoping to look intimidating. Dia focusses a rush of dark-type energy into his gem-eyes, which passes to Stryker and solidifies his body just enough to prevent it converting to the bright red energy of a Pokéball beam. Stryker shivers slightly and looks away, ashamed to have lost the psuedo-staring-contest.

Round 1 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 67% (CAPPED)
Energy: 87%
Status: ...Ow. Attack +2, Mean Looked, may well have a broken jaw.
Attacks Used: Substitute ~ Swords Dance ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 94%
Energy: 78%
Status: Wait, I did that?
Attacks Used: Focus Punch ~ Focus Punch ~ Mean Look

Damage / Energy Calculations
Substitute - 10% health (Stryker), 5% energy
Focus Punch - 25% health, 10% energy
Swords Dance - 4% energy
Focus Punch - 25% health, 10% energy
X-Scissor - 8% damage, 6% energy
Mean Look - 4% energy

- If you could specify what size of Substitute in future? I randomized it and you came up with 10%, but it can be any of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%.
- Woah, Focus Punch does a lot for a little. It was originally even less in fact - it was going to be 6% according to my calculator, but that seemed too low so I upped it.
- The Substitute was destroyed on the second action.
- The second Focus Punch hit the damage cap.
- Substitutes Destroyed In A Violent Way In Battles I've Reffed Count: 3.

Arena Notes
- There's a trail of disturbed ground where Stryker skidded on his back from the attack; otherwise not much of note.

Next Round
- SkyAngel Attacks
- Dragonair Attacks
- I ref
WHOA O_O Surprised cuz I thought the Focus Punch was only if I taunted xD....ouch. I need to be more careful. Okay...

Stryker, use Protect if Sableye tries to harm you, and Swords Dance if he does not, followed by Toxic and Dig

Protect/Swords Dance - Toxic - Dig

To be edited upon seeing what the previous post is changed to.
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Here you go, the fixed version.

2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Pre-Round Notes
Unlike most of the crazy battles that go on in Asber (who came up with that name for the region uuuurgh), this one's actually pretty simple. No space travel, no alcohol, not even a giant waffle - just a nice, soothing field of flowers. The trainers set themselves up at opposite ends of the battlefield, and at the referee's command they open their Pokéballs. One opens into a bipedal, clawed creature that begins looking around for its opponent or any Seviper the other into a ghost with gems dotted around its body that immediately whimpers and tries to hide from the sunlight. Hoping the Sableye gets over it soon, the referee shouts, "Battle begin!"

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Pretty nice place. No Seviper, which is always a plus.
Commands: Substitute ~ Swords Dance ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Will-o-Wisp / Brick Break / Focus Punch ~ Confuse Ray / Brick Break / Focus Punch ~ Mean Look / Brick Break / Focus Punch

Round 1 Begin!

Stryker, upon hearing the ref's shout, immediately begins focussing for his attack. His eyes glow bright white and a stream of energy pours out of them, forming itself into the shape of a much smaller Zangoose. The clone blinks slightly, then focusses on its opponent. That same opponent then blows gently and a tiny flame winks into existence, then floats erratically over to the substitute, where it burns into the arm, fizzles out and vanshes. The substitute looks down at its arm in puzzlement.

Stryker opts to bulk himself up somewhat, beginning a frantic dance, spinning, twirling, slashing at the air, grinding his claws together. He stops the dance somewhat weary but with a stronger fighting spirit. The Sableye focusses hard and a tiny light flashes in each of his gem-eyes, then solidifies in front of him as a tiny orb of light. It drifts over to the substitute, who grabs it and squeezes it hard. It vanishes.

Stryker looks amusedly at the tiny ghost, then he raises his arms up high, then runs towards Dia with almost blinding speed, infusing his claws with Bug-typed energy as he goes. Upon reaching the ghost, he slashes his arms down hard, and though his arms go straight through the ghost the elemental energy contained within his claws catches on and sears Dia from the inside. Dia, in turn, glares furiously at Stryker, doing his best to establish eye contact; while Stryker would usually be more than happy to oblige, the substitute pulls him aside and throws him back, glaring in turn at the Sableye. The malicious dark-type energy contained within the Sableye's glare does absolutely nothing to the substitute.

Dia observes the round with a feeling of disappointment.

Round 1 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 92%
Energy: 87%
Status: That was boring. Attack +2.
Attacks Used: Substitute ~ Swords Dance ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 94%
Energy: 89%
Status: Well, that's a whole lot of useless.
Attacks Used: Will-o-Wisp ~ Confuse Ray ~ Mean Look

Damage / Energy Calculations
Substitute - 10% health (Stryker), 5% energy
Will-o-Wisp - 3% energy (accuracy roll 15, needed 75 or higher to miss)
Swords Dance - 4% energy
Confuse Ray - 4% energy (accuracy roll 60, needed 100 to miss)
X-Scissor - 8% damage, 6% energy
Mean Look - 4% energy

- If you could specify what size of Substitute in future? I randomized it and you came up with 10%, but it can be any of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%.
- That was... a lot less fun than the first version to write. Bah humbug.
- No, the fault was mine. I misinterpreted your commands, mostly due to forgetting to read the sentence as a whole.
- Substitute > Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray and Mean Look.

Arena Notes
- Very little of note.

Next Round
- SkyAngel Attacks
- Dragonair Attacks
- I ref
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Okie xD Not so hopeless then =D!

Stryker, use Protect if Sableye tries to harm you in any way, be it physical or status-wise. However, if he doesn't try to harm you, use Toxic! Then use Dig to dodge whatever attack it uses on you and attack from beneath it with another X-Scissor!

Protect/Toxic - Dig~X-Scissor (I don't remember how to show it's a combo, but I'll go check now. For the moment I'll use a tilde.)
Okay. Now, first use will-o-wisp, if just to avoid toxic. Next, use double team, then taunt. Nobody wants statuses or stat ups on their opponent, do they?

Will o wisp-Double team-Taunt
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 92%
Energy: 87%
Status: That was boring. Attack +2.
Commands: Protect / Toxic ~ Dig + X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 94%
Energy: 89%
Status: Well, that's a whole lot of useless.
Commands: Will-o-Wisp ~ Double Team ~ Taunt

Round 2 Begin!

Stryker, hearing his opponent's orders, realises Will-o-Wisp? That's targeted at me! That means... yeah. He closes his eyes and focusses, then a translucent light blue shield winks into place around him and his Substitute. Dia, meanwhile, blows the same tiny flame as before into the air, sending it over to Stryker, where it snuffs itself out on the Protect. The shield then flickers and vanishes.

Stryker immediately leaps into action, scrabbling at the ground and vanishing under it. The substitute looks around comically for its creator, then, seeing the hole, dives down it after him. Dia begins a strange, circling dance, running around faster and faster until when he slows down he has four identical Sableye behind him. Suddenly, the ground underneath the clones and the Sableye explodes upwards and Stryker bursts out, flies straight through one of the Sableye which flickers and vanishes, raises his arms upwards and slashes them down hard on the first Sableye he sees, which vanishes in turn. Both Dia and Stryker look distressed to see that there are three Sableye left, though both for different reasons. The Substitute pokes its head out of the hole, looks around, jumps out and lands in front of Stryker.

Dia looks amusedly at Stryker, then begins to talk, his movements mimicked by all of the clones; imbuning his voice with malevolent dark-type energy, he insults Stryker: "Hey, you little Zangosling! Hiding behind that pathetic clone-wraith? Too afraid to battle me yourself, afraid I'll ruffle up your widdle fur? Come on, fight me like a Pokémon!"

Stryker, hearing this, naturally becomes enraged, though more than he would have without the Sableye's dark influence; before he can do anything to act on it, though, the referee shouts for the round to end.

Round 2 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 94%
Energy: 71%
Status: GAH KILL THE GHOSTTHING Attack +2, Taunted (three more actions)
Attacks Used: Protect ~ Dig ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 96%
Energy: 82%
Status: Kekekekeke. Has two clones.
Attacks Used: Will-o-Wisp ~ Double Team ~ Taunt

Damage / Energy Calculations
Protect - 4% energy
Will-o-Wisp - 3% energy (accuracy roll 74, needed 75 or higher to miss)
Dig - 8% energy (missed due to Double Team)
Double Team - 4% energy (created four clones)
X-Scissor - 6% energy (missed due to Double Team)
Taunt - 2% energy

- Combos are indicated with a +, by the way. I couldn't imagine Dig reasonably being comboed with X-Scissor, so Stryker used them in rapid succession.
- Dia's Double Team created four clones.

Arena Notes
- There is a tunnel leading from Stryker's end of the battlefield to Dia's.

Next Round
- Dragonair Attacks
- SkyAngel Attacks
- I ref
So, he still has that substitute. Get rid of that with a brick break, will you? If that gets rid of his substitute, then whooo!Time to give him so status. First, use Will-o-wisp, because seriously, that dude has to get burned. If it missed, asdfgjn- do it again. If not, then confuse ray. If you don't break his substitute the first time, use brick break again until you do, and if you have time use will-o-wisp.

Brick break-Will-o-wisp/Brick break-Confuse ray/Brick break/Will-o-wisp
So, he still has that substitute. Get rid of that with a brick break, will you? If that gets rid of his substitute, then whooo!Time to give him so status. First, use Will-o-wisp, because seriously, that dude has to get burned. If it missed, asdfgjn- do it again. If not, then confuse ray. If you don't break his substitute the first time, use brick break again until you do, and if you have time use will-o-wisp. If at any point he breaks out of his taunt and tries to status you, use protect. If he breaks out of taunt and tries to stat up, use taunt again.

Brick break/Protect/Taunt-Will-o-wisp/Brick break/Protect/Taunt-Confuse ray/Brick break/Will-o-wisp/Protect/Taunt
C'mon Stryker, you can do this. First, use dig to avoid that brickbreak, then x-scissor, then dig again!

Dig - X-Scissor - Dig
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 94%
Energy: 71%
Status: GAH KILL THE GHOSTTHING Attack +2, Taunted (three more actions)
Commands: Protect ~ Dig ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 96%
Energy: 82%
Status: Kekekekeke. Has two clones.
Commands: Brick Break / Protect / Taunt ~ Will-o-Wisp / Brick Break / Protect / Taunt - Confuse Ray / Brick Break / Will-o-Wisp / Protect / Taunt

Round 3 Begin!

In his Taunt-induced rage, all Stryker is thinking about is tearing the Sableye to shreds, and his trainer is happy to give him orders to that effect; he scrabbles at the ground and disappears underneath it, his substitute following close behind. Bursting out from underneath one of the three Sableye, he leaps right through it, whereupon it flickers and vanishes. Dia looks at the substitute, emerging from the hole, and comes to a decision; he leaps towards it, punching it hard on the top of the head; its skull shatters beneath Dia's fist, the substitute collapses and reverts to energy, pouring itself at Stryker, and Dia leaps back. Each of his movements is mimicked by his mirror-image clone.

Stryker, having given up trying to identify the real Dia, just decides to wing it. He raises his arms high and slashes down on a Sableye, the bug-type energy contained within his claws latching onto the Sableye and burning it. In the light of his reveal as the real Sableye, Dia's clone vanishes, only worsening his mood, already bad from trying to figure out his trainer's complicated commands; giving up, he guesses wildly, spits a fireball into his hand, then throws it towards Stryker. It launches on an erratic flight pattern, but hits Stryker all the same; it lands square on his chest and sears the flesh, leaving a throbbing burn.

Dia leaps up yet again, wincing as he stretches out the burn, aggrevating it, and he dives for the ground, disappearing underneath and reappearing moments later, colliding with Dia as he leaps out. Dia, again confused by his commands, again guesses completely, then concentrates hard, a tiny ball of light forming and drifting towards Stryker, who is immediately taken by its pretty shininess.

Round 3 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 90%
Energy: 47%
Status: Pretty lights... Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (severe; 75% chance of confustionfail)
Attacks Used: Dig ~ X-Scissor ~ Dig

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 70%
Energy: 71%
Status: Easily fooled, hey. Has two clones.
Attacks Used: Brick Break ~ Will-o-Wisp ~ Confuse Ray

Damage / Energy Calculations
Dig - 8% energy (missed due to Double Team)
Brick Break - 13% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 18, needed 100 to miss)
X-Scissor - 13% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 56, needed 100 to miss)
Will-o-Wisp - 3% energy (accuracy roll 50, needed 75 or above to miss)
Dig - 13% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 78, needed 100 to miss)
Confuse Ray - 4% energy (accuracy roll 11, needed 100 to miss)

- The substitute was destroyed on the first action.
- Dragonair. First off, using more than three conditionals in an action confuses your Pokémon, though through a stroke of luck you got the commands you wanted. Also, could you please write more neatly? It's sometimes difficult to tell what you're saying. Proofread your posts if you would? And commands are best written with actions seperated by " ~ ", if only to make it easier on me.
- You couldn't have used Focus Punch? D:

Arena Notes
- There are two tunnels leading from Stryker's end of the battlefield to Dia's, and one spanning a very short distance on Dia's end. Occasionally they cross paths underground.

Next Round
- SkyAngel Attacks
- Dragonair Attacks
- I ref
Bleh. Almost forgot about this XD

Stryker, you're hurt and confused...let's just try and do as much damage as we can, kay?

X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor
Okay, Dia! Stryker is only attacking! This will be simple.

Since this is pretty much a free turn for statuses and such, let's make it hurt. First use toxic. If toxic misses, then use it again. If it hits, use sucker punch. After that, then make a small substitute, which is 10%, I believe. If toxic misses both times, forget it. It's not worth it.

Toxic-Sucker punch/Toxic-Substitute (10%)

(Is this a bit neater, Squornshellous Beta? Also, you can stack statuses, correct?)
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 90%
Energy: 47%
Status: Pretty lights... Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (severe; 75% chance of confustionfail)
Commands: X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 70%
Energy: 71%
Status: Easily fooled, hey. Has two clones.
Commands: Toxic ~ Sucker Punch / Toxic ~ Substitute (10%)

Round 4 Begin!

Struggling to ignore the shiny glowy shiny thing, Stryker rushes towards his opponent, gets distracted, trips over, and lands headfirst on the ground. Dia begins drawing noxious chemicals from various sources in his body, which culminates in a large glob of horrible chemicals that he spits out of his hidden mouth, sending it flying straight over Stryker and landing in the flowers, a large radius of which wither and die instantly.

Stryker, having finally picked himself up, hurls himself towards Dia once more but trips, cartwheels end-over-end and slides to a halt right next to Dia. Dia spits out another glob of toxic goo, which hits Stryker and soaks into his skin. Stryker's long-built immunity to poisons, however, prevents any adverse effects, much to Dia's disappointment.

Again attempting to attack Dia, Stryker begins charging bug-type energy in his claws, but in his confused daze it backfires and what feels like a large electric shock rushes through him. He drops to the ground, twitching. Dia begins pouring his own energy and vitality into the nearby flowers, which grow, twist, and form themselves into a Sableye-shaped plant-thing. It then begins moving, pulling itself free of the flowers it grew from.

Round 4 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 76%
Energy: 49%
Status: Ow. Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (severe; 75% chance of confustionfail)
Attacks Used: [confused] ~ [confused] ~ [confused]

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 62%
Energy: 52%
Status: That didn't go too well. Has two clones.
Attacks Used: Toxic ~ Toxic ~ Substitute (10%)

Damage / Energy Calculations
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Toxic - 8% energy (accuracy roll 94, needed 80 or above to miss - missed)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Toxic - 8% energy (accuracy roll 79, needed 80 or above to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Substitute - 10% health (Dia), 5% energy

- Technically neater, um... Mai (bah everyone jumped on the namechange bandwagon and now I have to remember a bunch of new names), but... oh, whatever, it doesn't matter.
- Yeah, statuses can stack.
- Stryker confusionfailed on all three actions there. Unlucky.
- Stryker ain't doing too well, is he?

Arena Notes
- There are two tunnels leading from Stryker's end of the battlefield to Dia's, and one spanning a very short distance on Dia's end. Occasionally they cross paths underground.
- There is a patch of flowers that have withered and died where the errant Toxic struck.
- There is a patch of flowers that are ripped away just above the ground where Dia's Substitute came into being.

Next Round
- Dragonair Attacks
- SkyAngel Attacks
- I ref
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