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One-Shot Slavery


Is back.
Yes, it was for a homework report and so not that good and it is a little padded out but here is my representation of slavery.

The boar was just standing there, completely unaware of anything spying on it. It was feasting on a rotten fruit that had fallen from a tree. I watched it, to see if it noticed anything strange. My name is Sunkeru, I am a son of Baba, the town chief. I took my eyes of the boar to look around at my surroundings. Next to me stood my older brother Mamou, he was only a few years older than me and was my father’s favourite son; Mamou was a strong fighter even though he was not a man. Hiding in the tree on the other side of the boar was my other brother, Saiku he was the oldest out of us, the fastest of us, he was covering the boar, and finally my father, who was sneaking up to the boar, slowly, trying to grab it as he narrowed near it. A lot of days were like this, we were hunting. Suddenly, deep in thought, I tripped and lost my balance, I slipped and fell through the bushes and I grunted as I hit the floor. Suddenly the wild boar was startled and picked up the fruit with its mouth and ran for its life out of the rainforest. “Damn you Sunkeru!” Saiku growled as he dropped out of the tree and ran to catch it. Suddenly everyone started sprinting after it, I had let my family down, I was definitely bound to be punished for this, and so I started running, not wanting to be left behind. “I told you father, he is too young to be brought hunting, he should stay at home” Saiku panted as he ran up to his father, my father blanked him and kept running. It saddened me to be spoken of like this. I ran up behind them, yet to prove that I was one of the family. Then I heard the most awful sound in my whole life, the most loud, sharp sound ever. Someone had fired something. The boar stopped in its tracks ,as did my father, the boar kneeled over, something had hit it hard, it was bleeding .“Stop!” my father shouted at us. He looked around him, now we were being hunted, “Father, what was that noise?” My father quickly shushed me and grabbed our hands as we ran for our own lives. Suddenly as I looked behind me, a tall figure was standing there holding two pistols at us. Suddenly loads of men came out behind the trees and chased after us. One of them grabbed father by the neck with a piece of rope, surely that would strangle him? I was terrified, so terrified I couldn’t even think. I ran over to father, trying to save him but Mamou grabbed onto me firmly and yanked me back to the village, running as fast as possible. I was sobbing by the time we got back to the village, they had taken my father away, our chief, but what was even worse was that I couldn’t do anything to save him. As we entered the village my brothers spread out, Mamou and I were rushing to our mother’s hut and Saiku pulled out a horn on his back and demanded attention. “ People, our village is under attack, the white man has come, run, run as fast as you can!” Our mother, Isatou was in our hut, the main hut in the centre of the village. Everyone was in outrage and panic spread across the town like plague. As we ran in she was sobbing as I was and grabbed hold of us and gave us a hug. There was no time to explain what had happened, we had to get out of the village and fast, before that man came back and killed us like he had my father. We grabbed our belongings and ran for the wasteland beyond our village. Outside our tent stood the white man chuckling to himself, he was clean, yet unshaven, he wore a leather hat and boots but the thing that was brought to my attention first was the collection of weapons on his belt, any one of those would be lethal. I then looked around, everyone was out of their tents, stuck in their tracks watching the man who was clicking his heels, waiting for someone to make a move. He smiled, “It looks like we’re really gonna pull the money in today, eh boys?” he tugged on his whip and pulled out his gun. Several other men staggered out of the forest behind him, carrying similar weapons. “Lock ‘em up by sundown, and try not to kill too many of them, we have a cargo ship to fill.” The white grunts shot three rounds of bullets in the air, sign of all-out riot! My mother grabbed us and ran onto the wasteland, Mamou ran to join Saiku and tried to fend off the invaders, Saiku pulled out his tribal
Dagger and Saiku threw himself at the white man, hoping to kill him but they failed, as they were forced into chains and savagely kicked and whipped. The white men were going into the huts killing when they felt like it and grabbing whoever was cowering inside the huts and caging them up to add to their collection, everything was happening so quickly, this was sick, why did those white men want to harm us?
My mother and I were alone, running through the dried out and dead wasteland. They stopped to catch their breath when they heard footsteps from behind them, one man grabbed my mother another punched me hard in the stomach, how many of them were there? The men grabbed my mother and whipped her, they were obviously more interested in her than me. A man turned round to see me on the floor cowering, “What about this little pipsqueak?” the chunky man asked the tall white man. “Meh, he’s far too young, no threat to us, shoot him” Suddenly a sense of fear overcame me and I bit his hand and ran off into the wasteland, a new sense of fear, I had never felt this scared or ran this fast. “ Don’t worry about that little beggar, don’t waste your ammo.”
And so I ran. I felt like a coward but I ran, there was nothing else I could do so I ran through the wasteland and ran into the forest.
Hours later I heard footsteps, they were slow and many. I looked behind me, had they come back to kill me? No. It was the footsteps of my own people, people in my village, chained up. They looked like kneeling over and dying at any moment, had the white man chained them up? I decided to hide and follow them. I finally saw where they were taking us. A big wooden creation that floated on top of the ocean, whole villages could’ve fitted on there. As the slaves were walked to their crates someone fell over. One of the women from our village, savagely the men whipped her and kicked her over, this was horrible to watch. I then saw my brother, I almost shouted out to him but firmly kept my mouth shut in case I was caught. Mamou was grimacing, his skin was red from all the lashings he had taken and he was just one in a line of many, I caught his eye but he didn’t respond. I wandered round to the big wooden boat and watched the slaves put on the ship as cargo. As Mamou was being put on board he lashed out with the little energy he had left and knocked one of the men over, a last resort, the man pulled out a pistol and started punching him. I looked away, I couldn’t watch, suddenly I heard another voice, a scream. It was my mother she pulled away as Mamou was punished but caught up in the chains. The white men chuckled. They were sick, they grabbed my mother and pushed her into the ocean, he had killed her. I couldn’t stand this any longer, I grabbed my small knife that I had been hiding away, not a knife for combat but nevertheless I grabbed my knife and boarded the ship.
I hid underneath the tiny floorboards in the cellar, scared to go on top deck. This “ship” was cramped and claustrophobic, the floorboards were mouldy and rotten, and the stench smelt of a hundred dead corpses, it was horrific, the smell got to me, up my nose and I passed out.
I woke up to find myself sprawled over the wet, mouldy floor clutching my knife when suddenly a door clanked open, blinding light soared out of the entrance. The slaves were carried down to the cellar and locked onto wooden boards. “ Now” The white man jeered, “You lot keep quiet and we’ll all get along fine” He finished closing the locks on some of the prisoners, they had no energy left to resist. “And try not to die, we don’t want to stink up the place, eh?” Someone whispered a faint curse at him as he closed the door on them.
This was it, we were alone. I got up to check if the white man had gone then checked on the prisoners. I saw my brother, “Saiku” I looked down to see the warrior in chains and holding onto life.
“Kill the white man” he whispered. “Kill them.” His breathing was slow and jagged, he couldn’t live in these cold, cramped conditions. He sat down in the corner, waiting for his next chance to kill the white man. Whilst having to listen to the drowning sounds of people screaming and the smell of rotten bodies. A few hours later as the boat had departed he heard the sound of someone outside climbing down a ladder. I tightened my grip on the dagger. “Wakey Wakey!” he jeered. He was holding chains and a key. He unlocked everyone and dragged them up to the top board. I followed, hoping I wouldn’t look out of place. The surface was incredibly bright even though it was no longer daytime. I could finally breathe. Why did they call us up here? A man walked round the side with a bucket and threw it at us. As it hit I writhed on the floor, it stung like crazy, salt water. That was it, who was I going to kill first? As I did my best to hide my knife. I looked up. The tall white man who had invaded our village was standing at the top, at the wheel, looked down at us. Him. He was to blame, he had enslaved us, killed my father, separated our tribe he was dead. I picked myself up and with dizzy sight and imprecise aim I threw my knife spinning at the monster. I watched it fly at him.
I had failed. The knife landed by his feet, his smile was wiped off his face and he scowled, he picked up the knife and walked down the steps to me. 2 man grabbed hold of me and kicked me, hard. The white man squared up to me, towering above me, he kneeled down and held the knife to my face. “ All you animals have to do it stay in line and do as you’re told” He turned his back on me. “Throw him overboard.”
Why were we hunted like animals?
Why aren’t we equal to these white men?
Will it always have to be like this?​
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