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Sleep Paralysis: The Horror

That happened to me once. I was so freaked out that I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.
I used to sleepwalk :/. Once, I walked into my mom's room and said "Steaks burning...in my hands". And another time my mom was sitting in the kitchen and I came in and walked around it then went back to my room.
Does anyone know if it's true that when someone sleep talks you can ask them something and they'll answer truthfully? My mom said that with the 'steak incident' as I call it, she told me to go back to my room and I said OK and went back.
It's happened to me in two different ways..

The first; someone was sleeping over the night, they woke up before me in the morning and started playing a video game, I could hear the music and everything, and they came over to me and asked me a question about the game. I could hear them asking me, and I was trying to answer but I couldn't speak or move or open my eyes.

The second; I think I was dreaming that I woke up, I could see a shadow of a person on the wall, hanging over me. I couldn't move. I was trying really hard to slightly move an arm or a leg, in the hope that I could gain full control of my body and then just get up and knock that person over. I was trying to call out for help, but nothing happened. It felt very real, and scary. I remember thinking "someone must have drugged me with something.." ,,xD

I've experienced the actual Sleep Paralysis multiple times, deliberately. Because it's the key to start lucid dreaming. The second example i've only experienced that one time.. and I think I can rule it out as a nightmare, not Sleep Paralysis. xD

Sleep Paralysis isn't scary, because you're 100% conscious and you're thinking clearly.

Does anyone know if it's true that when someone sleep talks you can ask them something and they'll answer truthfully?
My mum says the same thing, she reckons that she asked my dad stuff and it works.
I don't think you can know for sure unless you have someone who sleeps next to you at night.
I have never had sleep paraltsis before.
But it sounds scary.

I remember once, I fell asleep during Family Movie Friday. My mom apparently woke me up, and I slowly walked to my room. She says I dove onto my futin under my loft and immediately fell asleep. I had no memory of it 0.0'
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