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Yarn is comfy and easy to wear
So guess what. I'm getting my first true snow day in god knows how long. The roads are completely covered, so I'm pretty much not going to school tomorrow, and possibly Tuesday, considering we are supposed to get 8-12 inches of it. The only problem is most people I know I rarely ever see nowadays, but I've been dying for a day or two off. Might make snow cream tomorrow. Mom says I can't tonight because the first snow is dirty, but I don't see why it would be any dirtier than rain or other snow. Oh well.
So guess what. I'm getting my first true snow day in god knows how long. The roads are completely covered, so I'm pretty much not going to school tomorrow, and possibly Tuesday, considering we are supposed to get 8-12 inches of it. The only problem is most people I know I rarely ever see nowadays, but I've been dying for a day or two off. Might make snow cream tomorrow. Mom says I can't tonight because the first snow is dirty, but I don't see why it would be any dirtier than rain or other snow. Oh well.

^ this

Freak weather. Freak weather.
So guess what. I'm getting my first true snow day in god knows how long. The roads are completely covered, so I'm pretty much not going to school tomorrow, and possibly Tuesday, considering we are supposed to get 8-12 inches of it. The only problem is most people I know I rarely ever see nowadays, but I've been dying for a day or two off. Might make snow cream tomorrow. Mom says I can't tonight because the first snow is dirty, but I don't see why it would be any dirtier than rain or other snow. Oh well.


Where in God's name do you LIVE?!?

We have the exact same forecast here in Almost-Philly.
I'm two states above Yoshi and three above you Leafie. ^^

Yeah. 8D *vacations in Pittsburgh a lot*

This marks our third large snow deposit and possibly our third snow day. The other two were in February.

1. Snow only coming every few years is normal.
2. Snow only comes in January. December is luck and February is freak weather.
3. Snow only comes once a year if it comes at all. Any more and it's freak weather.

heh, I remember waking up on the second school day, glancing at my clock and seeing that it was 6:30, thinking "AAAARG I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL", glancing out my window to see if maybe my clock is an hour off and it's really the better time of 5:30, and promptly going "wtf" at the sight of snow on the porch roof below my window.

... that snow mostly melted before noon, though.

If there is school tomorrow I go to a freak school. 8D
So guess what. I'm getting my first true snow day in god knows how long. The roads are completely covered, so I'm pretty much not going to school tomorrow, and possibly Tuesday, considering we are supposed to get 8-12 inches of it. The only problem is most people I know I rarely ever see nowadays, but I've been dying for a day or two off. Might make snow cream tomorrow. Mom says I can't tonight because the first snow is dirty, but I don't see why it would be any dirtier than rain or other snow. Oh well.

Gah. I'm in New Jersey, and I'm getting the freako snow. *prays that the NJ people are not STUPID enough to keep school open*
Gah. I'm in New Jersey, and I'm getting the freako snow. *prays that the NJ people are not STUPID enough to keep school open*

Down here it's "you get an inch of snow, school system goes paranoid and cancels all school". My area is not well-prepared for snow at all... also with the fact that due to lack of make-up days, tomorrow and probably the snow day we had before will probably be taken out of spring break.

I do keep wondering what would happen if it snowed on the last day of school for some freak reason.
As a fellow Virginian, I'm really happy too. Snow only comes in our area when it comes from the south, the mountains and Northern Neck normally get all the snow. I am a happy girl. Even though this means we're going to have days added on to school this year.
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It's the oppositte here. Once, half of the streets were covered in ice *read:an ice rink*
AND WE WENT ANYWAY. Hopefully, tomorrow won't go down like that.

Oh yuck. I don't think the school buses have the right tires here for icy road travel and the salt trucks can't go everywhere to de-ice the roads, so.

I vaguely recall it beginning to snow at the end of a school day once like six years ago, and the bus managed to take me home, but the snow had hardly accumulated by then. Heh.

It's almost a guaranteed no school for us tomorrow unless maaaaaybe the snow stops right this second, but eh. <3 snow
@RT: It's you people in New Jersey that make my school close for nothing. :D

(my high school takes people from like 8 school districts and if one closes so does the school.)
@RT: It's you people in New Jersey that make my school close for nothing. :D

(my high school takes people from like 8 school districts and if one closes so does the school.)

I'm fairly sure I recall a time in which my school closed the night before it was supposed to snow in anticipation.

... it did not snow. 8D
I'm most very likely getting out of school, but I am worried that the idiots here won't close. This school system would be the type to do it. Still, I'm not going either way, so if its an unexcused absence I wouldn't care.

EDIT: I'm still not used to my new avatar. Changed it yesterday and whenever I look at it, I expect to see Robotnik's crazy face. Instead I get the manliness known as Captain Falcon.
Only 8-12? That's nothing! Way up here in Ontario, it'd take 20 inches to get a snow day.
All you funny United Statesians and your imperial mesurements. Metric mesurements FTW! 8D
New Jersey here, and oh, how I love when my brakes fail on the snow, and that I have to go to work tomorrow at 7am for maintenance work. <<
Awwwh, Walrein. *hugs* I only have school, but you have WORK.
@Flora- Uh, you're welcome?=D Psssh.Why do we have to be "tough?" I want to be a weeenie. A warm weeeine. *snicker* a warm weeine, as in a hot dog-*shot*
Yay, no school! But where did I go yesterday? The power went out, and still is. We have a generator running, but after the fuel in it runs out we only have about a gallon of gas left. I luckily was able to enjoy a warm breakfast by cooking a pizza dinner in the toaster oven when it was hooked up very briefly. Who would've known that D/P kitchen timer would become useful for once? XD

My dad may leave to get some gas and propane for the heater. So it is all good.
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