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So I Herd You Leik Mudkipz

"Mudkipz" came from the hellhole of the Internets, in a little place called 4chan. In this place resided the massive black hole of the Internets, a deep, dark vortex of insanity and villainy called /b/. The people who lived here, called "tards," came up with a new form of expression, the meme. A meme is simply a fad spread around the interbutts, and is often cited in small publications, called threads, on /b/. One particular meme, Mudkip, actually started out in a site called DeviantART. One poster in this site asked an artist, "so i herd u liek mudkipz?" in which another poster replied, "I LUUURRRVE MUDKIPZ." Through means not known to humans, this event spread to /b/, where it became a meme. Now you know why Mudkip is popular on the internet. And therefore, I ask you: so i herd u liek mudkipz?
Well... not really. There was a time in everyone's internet life when they didn't know what a meme was; I had to ask a friend of mine what the importance of being "over nine thousaaaaaand!" was; and given this is the place for Pokemon-related discussion, it's the logical place to ask about mudkipz. :/
Good god... not 4chan. Oh, the horrible memories.
*Goes off into corner to cut self*
I think /b/ is the "Random" board on 4chan. (never been there.)

They have /a/, and stuff too.
/b/ is the hellhole of the Internet and the birthplace of Anonymous. He delivers, he has no mercy, and he is legion.
The people who lived here, called "tards," came up with a new form of expression, the meme. A meme is simply a fad spread around the interbutts, and is often cited in small publications, called threads, on /b/.

Oh god no. A meme is a unit of cultural thought, coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene, which, while applying to what we see on the internet, has a much broader meaning as well. Each religion is a collection of memes in the form of traditions, songs, writings, etc., for example.
This meme is almost 20 years old now. Time doesn't feel real anymore.

But on the other hand, the old memes will always reign supreme. WINRAR, Over 9000, Falcon Punch, Sparta Kick, Mudkipz, Internetz, Pingas, Pool's Closed, etc. May they continue to do so for another 20 years. ;_;7
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This meme is almost 20 years old now. Time doesn't feel real anymore.

But on the other hand, the old memes will always reign supreme. WINRAR, Over 9000, Falcon Punch, Sparta Kick, Mudkipz, Internetz, Pingas, Pool's Closed, etc. May they continue to do so for another 20 years. ;_;7
I still find most of those more entertaining then the majority of stuff I see people parroting today. I don't care what anyone thinks.

Also, trollface. Trollface is timeless.
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