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StarCraft 2


New member
I've been waiting for so long for this game, and it's finally going to get released today (in fact people in the SEA region are already able to play it due to being ahead in terms of timezones).

I've been in the beta (although I had some serious technical issues; I'll actually need a new comp to play it since they increased the system reqs even further since the beta), and also judging from tournaments/showmatches/high level ladder games casted and posted on youtube or at other places, I must say that the multiplayer is very polished, and the automated matchmaking system is great.

The single player campaign itself will have tons of replayability due to being able to choose in what order you want to go through which missions, what units/abilities/etc. to buy and in what order, and how you want the subplots to turn out. They've even recently released a final trailer with cinematic stuff from the campaign: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_E83GfWM-A

Bnet 2.0 unfortunately lacks a lot of stuff compared to 1.0 (chat channels, cross realm play, LAN, automated tournaments, clan system, etc.), but they said those would be addressed post-launch eventually, with the exception of LAN.

Also some of the most epic tournament games:
Protoss vs Terran, game 2 between Tester from oGs and TheLittleOne from Teamliquid, in Day9's King Of The Beta's group stages
Protoss vs Terran, game 2 between Nazgul and TheLittleOne in the first TL Invitational round 4
Both games show usage of Nukes, mass Battlecruisers, mass Colossi, mass Void Rays and other insane stuff

edit: this just in: ESL is going to hold a SC2 tournament with the largest prize pool to date ($15,000) in mid-August with coverage of the entire event on EuroSport on TV (which can easily force out an even larger event in the US in the near future). guess SC2 definitely has the chance to become a huge, mainstream eSport in Europe and America, and not just in South Korea like SC1

So yeah, discuss multiplayer, single player campaign, bnet 2.0, fave commentators, fave players from the beta (I actually do realise most if not all people from here most likely weren't following the SC2 beta at all, but still), etc.

Obviously put campaign-stuff between spoiler tags, and actually be careful around youtube not to get spoiled if you do care for the campaign, as people already have access to the MPQ files.
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Kerrigan becomes human again, Jim Raynor kills his best friend that wasn't in the first game at all because his best friend wants to kill Kerrigan.

Enjoy paying for maps.
I was in the beta, good fun. As for the campaign, not sure I want to actually buy all 3 parts. Maybe just the Protoss part if I want to play the game.
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