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(still adorable?) bluzzyroo vs Mai

1. Luftballon

4 vs. 4 double
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Attract, direct healing limited to 2/Pokemon
Arena: BEES

More specifically, a giant vespiquen's skirt-hive-thing. It was a prosperous, worry-free location for the grubs that lived there; dutiful combee constantly collected honey for them, they had all grown in size to the point they didn't have to worry about fearow and yanmega, the walls of their honeycombs were always sturdy and moist, all was well. They had a few weeks until they became part of the ever-dutiful mindless swarm, and there were never any upstart female combee to bother their protector. They were even beginning to get other servants, way up there in the sky; they were a bit preoccupied with the Battle for Asber but that was okay. Everything was taken care of.

Until Mai and blazhy found the hive. Then, the only rational words that could be said were "BEES".

My god. Their gods. Everyone's gods.

They needed to fight in a god. They needed to be their servants, to be a part of the Swarm.

It also happened that they were planning to fight at some point, so, it was decided there and then that they would hold a battle inside their diety's abdomen. The walls are indestructable (and sticky), as could be expected with a goddess; they're yellow-orange and slathered with honey. The bottom of the hive is sealed up with honey, too, and extra bits of it at the bottom make a rather shallow but still habitable place for water types. As the battle goes on, the pool will deepen and more honey will drip; it won't get to the point where the combatants would drown. On the side, there are entire honeycombs filled with honey. Water-dwelling pokemon could be sent out in either of those locations.

Oh, and the queen bee is Novadea.

Other: When sending out last, sendouts cannot have super-effective STAB on one or more of the opponents. There's no water in the arena, just honey; water type moves and pokemon can still function normally, though. Pokemon can drink some of the honey and gain 5% health and energy. This takes an action.

Mai's Squad:

[Viserys] snivy (m) <Contrary> @ Leaf Stone (787)
[Katara] mienfoo (f) <Regenerator> (1596)
[Link] shroomish (m) <Poison Heal> @ Amulet Coin (1842)
[Kaleidoscope] illumise (f) <Tinted Lens> (2481)
[Malice] shuppet (f) <Insomnia> @ Wise Glasses (2682)
[Taxxon] gulpin (m) <Liquid Ooze> (2686)
[Guardian of the Park] meditite (m) <Pure Power> @ Shell Bell {move: Aura Sphere} (2894)
[Beauty] clamperl (f) <Shell Armor> @ Deepseatooth (2915)
[Varys] spinarak (m) <Insomnia> @ Black Sludge (2955)
[Ritte] hoothoot (f) <Insomnia> @ Metronome (2973)

bluzzy's squad:

[Nephilim] cleffa (f) <Magic Guard> (499)
[Phalanx] cradily (m) <Suction Cups> @ Big Root (694)
[Mercury] togepi (m) <Serene Grace> (712)
[Polychaeta] wyrmal (f) <Magma Armor> (723)
[Adamantite] anorith (m) <Battle Armor> (725)
[Kreskin] zorua (m) <Illusion> (743)
[Mhalairt] frizard (m) <Flash Fire> @ Lucky Egg (1151)
[Lapudo] venonat (f) <Tinted Lens> (1450)
[Meihua] mienfoo (f) <Inner Focus> (2696)
[Brainfart] whismur (f) <Soundproof> (3045)

bluzzy sends first, Mai sends and commands, bluzzy commands, res ignores the thing for a month, reffing happen.
Re: (adorable) bluzzyroo vs Mai

18 hours to dq time for mai, but I'm not even going to try enforcing it until further notice. take your time. plan ahead or something.
Re: (adorable) bluzzyroo vs Mai

Sorry about the delay. I think I broke my ASB paranoia.

Okay! I'll be using Taxxon and Malice/Charlotte for this.

To the both of you: if your opponents seem to be waiting for you to move, don't let them outstall you. You're slower and they don't learn any negative priority moves; stall almost certainly means shenanigans. And shenanigans aren't cool unless I'm pulling them off.*

Taxxon, start by sending out a spread-out poison gas; we need it thin to help with that unchildful accuracy, and as long as frizard is still poisoned in the end we're fine. Make is as thin as you need to ensure 100% accuracy while still poisoning him. You may not understand accuracy, but you should understand "certain to hit", right? If not, ignore that part about 100% accuracy and other superconfusing numbers and just try to make the attack spread-out.

If, on the first action, you can't poison Mhal but you can still hit him/his substitute, try a sludge bomb. If Mhal is completely unavailable (having a hittable substitute means available!), stockpile 10% of your energy.

Next two actions: if Mhal is poisoned and available for targeting, use venoshock on him. If he's available for a poison gas and isn't yet poisoned, use that instead. And if he's completely unavailable/is planning to mirror coat your attack, 10% stockpile.

Poison gas / Stockpile (10%) / Sludge bomb @ Mhalairt~ Venoshock @ Mhalairt / Poison gas / Stockpile (10%)~ Venoshock @ Mhalairt / Poison gas / Stockpile (10%)

Charlotte, you're supporting in the first action. Snatch anything snatchable from Mhal that would prevent Taxxon's poison gas from landing and affecting him. (I know, I know, "snatch targets the first move to appear" and all that, but you're doing this reactively. That means the substitute will be the earliest available thing, and it shouldn't be a problem.) If Taxxon has gotten Mhal poisoned without your interference, and Mhal is both statused and targetable (substitute available means targetable; protect/detect/other dodging things no), hex him. If the frizard makes himself unavailable and anorith is both statused and targetable, switch your attack to him instead. (Also do that if Mhal's just planning to mirror coat your hex on over.) If nothing else here applies, calm mind.

The next two actions are pretty simple, too. Cast a hex on frizard, following the same rules specified before. If frizard is targetable but not poisoned, loose a shadow ball at him instead. Move on to anorith with the same manner of attacking if frizard is completely unavailable. Calm mind if nothing else applies.

On the last action, though, target anorith on default; that means hexing him if he's statused and available, and shadow ball if he's just available. If none of that applies, move on to Malice, and if using that wouldn't work either (unworking means mirror coat/unavailability!), calm mind.

Snatch / Hex @ Mhalairt \ Adamantite / Calm mind~ Hex @ Mhalairt \ Adamantite / Shadow ball @ Mhalairt \ Adamantite / Calm mind~ Hex @ Adamantite \ Mhalairt / Shadow ball @ Adamantite \ Mhalairt / Calm mind

* Okay, so maybe they are still fun to watch and try to learn from either way. But we don’t want them happening to us, y’know?
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Re: (adorable) bluzzyroo vs Mai

Mhalairt, we don't want you to get poisoned and at the mercy of Hexes and Venoshocks and what have you, so just go ahead and Protect on the first action.

Follow up with a medium Substitute that shouldn't get Snatched since Malice won't Snatch on the second action, and that'll save us from any further gassings.

End with an Ice Beam at Malice. For yay damage.

Protect ~ Substitute (15%) ~ Ice Beam @ Malice

Now Adamantite, what can we do... or should I say Kreskin? First of all, see if you can't edge away from the Poison Gas. Even though it's single-target, being spread out may make it multitarget, but I imagine it can't go that far... Still, being poisoned is something we'd like to avoid, though not absolutely necessary, since we won't take as much damage from Hex as Mai'd like to believe. Regardless, don't spend all your time trying to dodge Poison Gas, because you still need to throw a Shadow Ball at Malice.

After that, go ahead and seal Shadow Ball with Imprison. That should render Malice unable to attack for the rest of the round, since Mhalairt isn't poisoned but is still targetable. Malice should use Shadow Ball, which unfortunately no longer exists.

End with a Foul Play at Malice for some nice damage.

Shadow Ball @ Malice ~ Imprison ~ Foul Play @ Malice
revision, we are reusing this thread.

and, order: bluzzy sends first, Mai sends and commands, bluzzy commands, res ignores the thing for a month, league shuts down, league is shut down, league remains shut down, league reopens, res reopens battle, res ignores the thing for a month, reffing happen.
... let's.

4 vs. 4 double
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Attract, direct healing limited to 2/Pokemon
Arena: BEES

More specifically, a giant vespiquen's skirt-hive-thing. It was a prosperous, worry-free location for the grubs that lived there; dutiful combee constantly collected honey for them, they had all grown in size to the point they didn't have to worry about fearow and yanmega, the walls of their honeycombs were always sturdy and moist, all was well. They had a few weeks until they became part of the ever-dutiful mindless swarm, and there were never any upstart female combee to bother their protector. They were even beginning to get other servants, way up there in the sky; they were a bit preoccupied with the Battle for Asber but that was okay. Everything was taken care of.

Until Mai and blazhy found the hive. Then, the only rational words that could be said were "BEES".

My god. Their gods. Everyone's gods.

They needed to fight in a god. They needed to be their servants, to be a part of the Swarm.

It also happened that they were planning to fight at some point, so, it was decided there and then that they would hold a battle inside their diety's abdomen. The walls are indestructable (and sticky), as could be expected with a goddess; they're yellow-orange and slathered with honey. The bottom of the hive is sealed up with honey, too, and extra bits of it at the bottom make a rather shallow but still habitable place for water types. As the battle goes on, the pool will deepen and more honey will drip; it won't get to the point where the combatants would drown. On the side, there are entire honeycombs filled with honey. Water-dwelling pokemon could be sent out in either of those locations.

Oh, and the queen bee is Novadea.

Other: When sending out last, sendouts cannot have super-effective STAB on one or more of the opponents. There's no water in the arena, just honey; water type moves and pokemon can still function normally, though. Pokemon can drink some of the honey and gain 5% health and energy. This takes an action.

blazheirio889's active squad

cleffa Nephilim the female Cleffa <Magic Guard> @ Leftovers
cradily Phalanx the male Cradily <Suction Cups> @ Big Root
cubone Loa the female Cubone <Rock Head> @ Thick Club
anorith Adamantite the male Anorith <Battle Armor>
zorua Kreskin the male Zorua <Illusion>
venonat Lapudo the female Venonat <Tinted Lens>
mienfoo Meihua the female Mienfoo <Inner Focus>
whismur Brainfart the female Whismur <Soundproof> @ Lucky Egg
remoraid Takoyaki the male Remoraid <Sniper>
skrelp Phyconuke the female Skrelp <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg

Mai's active squad

bellsprout GERTRUD the female Bellsprout <Chlorophyll>
ralts Oktavia the female Ralts <Trace>
riolu Sayaka the female Riolu <Steadfast>
shuppet Charlotte the female Shuppet <Insomnia> @ Wise Glasses
gulpin Taxxon the male Gulpin <Liquid Ooze>
meditite Guardian of the Park the male Meditite <Pure Power> @ Shell Bell
spinarak Varys the male Spinarak <Insomnia> @ Black Sludge
skitty Elise the female Skitty <Normalize> @ Moon Stone
swirlix Fraise Sucre the male Swirlix <Sweet Veil>
mareep Alcott the female Mareep <Static>

order: bluzzy sends first, Mai sends and commands, bluzzy commands, res ignores the thing for a month, league shuts down, league is shut down, league remains shut down, league reopens, res reopens battle; then,

bluzzy sends again, mimi sends and commands, bluzzy commands, res maybe doesn't ignore the thing for a month again (you can hope), reffing happen.
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rule 6: do zoruas bypass the super-effective STAB rule

mimi has asked the question: if zorua is sent out under illusion, would it be legal to send pokémon which do not have super-effective STAB against the apparent sendout, but do have SE STAB against zorua?

tentative ruling: it would be allowed.

if the two of you are not okay with this, uh, complain at me?
Yeah, I'm fine with it being allowed. I mean if it wasn't and you were all "YOU CAN'T DO THAT" then uh cat's out of the bag
let's help miruku try and get the inaugural reffing in go go gooo

Sending out Sayaka and Guardian of the Park! Guardian, you come out hovering.

Sayaka! Earthquake a bunch. Like a bunch. Unless Phyconuke the skrelp disappears and a zorua appears instead. Then drain punch (health) a bunch instead. If you can't hit your target or can't use whatever move you were wanting to use, try using swords dance instead. If you want to use swords dance but you can't... just use drain punch on Loa/whatever appears to be Loa.

earthquake (all) / drain punch (Phyconuke/Loa) / swords dance ~ earthquake (all) / drain punch (Phyconuke/Loa) / swords dance ~ earthquake (all) / drain punch (Phyconuke/Loa) / swords dance

Guardian, you get to punch some things a bunch. Like a bunch. Hover over to Loa/whatever appears to be Loa and use drain punch a lot, especially if Loa disappears in favor of a zorua. If Sayaka is using earthquake and someone tries to use smack down on you or otherwise remove you from the air, protect yourself from that smack down, but don't do it twice in a row. If you want to use it/someone is trying to smack you down but that would mean you're using it twice in a row, just use drain punch on Loa/whatever appears to be Loa instead. If you can't hit your target or can't use whatever move you were wanting to use, use swords dance instead. If you want to use swords dance but can't, use drain punch on Phyconuke/whatever appears to be Phyconuke.

drain punch (Loa/Phyconuke) / swords dance / protect ~ drain punch (Loa/Phyconuke) / swords dance / protect ~ drain punch (Loa/Phyconuke) / swords dance / protect
hnnn computer restart while writing

Loa, start with Iron Defense. Then, Knock Off Guardian's item. If the Earthquakes have been reasonably successful (damn you res and your cryptic answers) and you feel considerably battered by the time it's your move on the third action, then end with Endeavour on Sayaka. Otherwise, just like idk Double-Edge Sayaka, I guess

Iron Defense ~ Knock Off (Guardian) ~ Endeavour (Sayaka)/Double-Edge (Sayaka)

Phyconuke, stay in your honeycomb, as far away as possible from the floor and any walls. Hopefully that'll act as a buffer against the Earthquakes, because honey is viscous and honeycomb isn't prone to shaking anyway and flying Vespiquen may adjust? Anyway. Sludge Bomb Guardian twice, then Scald Sayaka and see if you can't burn her. If Sakaya has been knocked silly by Loa's Endeavour, though, Scald Guardian instead.

Sludge Bomb (Guardian) x2 ~ Scald (Guardian/Sayaka)

(can anyone tell how rusty I am? :DD)
bluzzy: 2/4

[Loa] cubone (f) <Rock Head> @ Thick Club
Health 100%, Energy 100%.
Condition: My turn?
Commands: Iron Defense ~ Knock Off @ Guardian ~ Endeavour/Double-Edge @ Sayaka

[Phyconuke] skrelp (f) <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg
Health 100%, Energy 100%.
Condition: blub
Commands: Sludge Bomb @ Guardian x2 ~ Scald @ Guardian\Sayaka

mimi: 2/4

[Sayaka] riolu (f) <Steadfast>
Health 100%, Energy 100%.
Condition: あたしって、ほんとばか
Commands: Earthquake / Drain Punch @ Phyconuke\Loa / Swords Dance x3

[Guardian of the Park] meditite (m) <Pure Power> @ Shell Bell
Health 100%, Energy 100%.
Condition: Ceci n’est pas un parc.
Commands: Drain Punch @ Phyconuke\Loa x3 / Swords Dance / Protect x3

Round 1

In a spring long ago, a group of three … ah, but at the time, there were four; two trainers, their referee, and a friendly friend, they sought out this divine queen, to whom the only rational words was "BEES"—they planned to come here to battle. Not the queen itself, but each other, inside that queen. It should have been splendid.

Summer came, and as disaster befell Asber … their battle did not occur.

Autumn came, and their battle did not occur.

Winter came, and spring again, and their battle did not occur.

… and then one day, a winter day, they returned, three of them, to this place. Times had changed. They had changed. The world around, even, had changed. But their desire for that battle—it had not waned.

Swiftly, the trainers made their choices—the magnificently adorable metal dragon, a cubone and a skrelp; the other a riolu and a meditite—and gave their instructions; the referee motioned for the round to begin, at last.

The first to move was the meditite, guardian of a park now long turned into a housing complex, sliding over to the cubone to deliver … a punch to the face. Of course. And at quite nearly the same moment, the riolu drove into the, er, floor, so to speak, of the hive, causing the entire hive to shudder for a moment.

The cubone, Loa, shaken by those two almost simultaneous hits, nevertheless found an opportunity to secrete a particularly metallic film about her body to fortify her defenses. The meditite, floating in the air, was unaffected except by a small glob of honey landing on his lap.

The skrelp, meanwhile, carefully swimming near the surface of the honey, felt the tremor deeply—if a bit dampened by the honey—and, once it had passed, unsteadily fired a blob of toxic sludge (albeit mixed somewhat with honey) at, hit in the back, and mildly annoyed the meditite, in roughly that order.

Not exactly a paragon of reasonable retribution, the Guardian at that point punched Loa in the face again. (Well, he’d been ordered to do that anyway.) As he punched this time, some measure of the … life energy … sort of, which the punch had removed from the cubone gathered around his fist, and he licked it off as the riolu set off another almost-but-not-quite earthquake.

The cubone was not exactly intending to just stand there taking it, and now took advantage of the meditite’s slight distraction to slap away a peculiar shell bell he’d been holding with a burst of dark-charged energy. The skrelp, meanwhile, spit out another glob of toxic goo, this time hitting the Guardian frontally, sharply enough that the meditite accidentally ingested some and suddenly felt … unwell.

As far as he was concerned, the correct reaction to that was also to punch Loa in the face, but this time, as he punched, the vague glow surrounded the cubone and the outward flow of "life" abruptly cut off—ah, but the source of that glow had been the ref’s baton; the agreed damage cap of the battle, then. And the riolu’s next almost-earthquake triggered the same response, though the skrelp was again shaken about.

Loa, now familiar with the intensity of the "earthquakes", nodded at her partner Phyconuke, and left the meditite to charge into the riolu with extreme force, channeling all her rage and pain from, er, partly the earthquakes but honestly mostly from getting punched in the face that many times.

Phyconuke, by implicit agreement, now took one more shot at the meditite, this time not adulterated with toxic gunk be merely … boiling. The water boiling and the caramelising. Scalding, but by some miracle it fell off quickly as the Guardian shook it off and didn’t get burned too badly.

bluzzy: 2/4

[Loa] cubone (f) <Rock Head> @ Thick Club
Health 60% (capped), Energy 75%, +2 def.
Condition: simulataneously enjoying and not enjoying the honey.
Executed: Iron Defense ~ Knock Off @ Guardian ~ Endeavor @ Sayaka

[Phyconuke] skrelp (f) <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg
Health 64%, Energy 87%.
Condition: blub blub blub
Executed: Sludge Bomb @ Guardian ~ Sludge Bomb @ Guardian ~ Scald @ Guardian

mimi: 2/4

[Sayaka] riolu (f) <Steadfast>
Health 60%, Energy 82%.
Condition: did her best, has no regrets.
Executed: Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake

[Guardian of the Park] meditite (m) <Pure Power> @ Shell Bell
Health 73% (capped), Energy 83%, poisoned.
Condition: finger lickin’ good! … the honey, obviously, not babies.
Executed: Drain Punch @ Loa ~ Drain Punch @ Loa ~ Drain Punch @ Loa

  • order: meditite (60), riolu (60), cubone (35), skrelp (30)
  • on grounds of "inside a padded flying thing", we’ll say sure that can reduce the damage of earthquake but accordingly trying to use the honey as padding will reduce your accuracy
  • sludge bomb poisoned on action 2
  • 2 am writing is 2 am writing?
  • bah not inaugural
  • bluzzy commands next, then mimi, then league shuts down and/or reffing happens.
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Haha whoops so I totally forgot that Skrelp was water, not dragon, so. Nuke, keep using the honey as padding (but maybe try to wait a bit until it stops sloshing around as much?) and Scald Sayaka until she's burned, spraying it around if there are clones. If there are actions remaining, Venoshock Guardian. Also Venoshock Guardian if Sayaka is Protecting/Detecting/Digging/you can't hit her otherwise because idk?? If you're to attack Guardian but there are clones, spray with Scald; if you can't hit Guardian for whatever reason but Sayaka is already burned, keep Scalding her anyway. If uncan hit either, stuff your face with honey. Also stuff your face if uncan hit Sayaka and you've Venoshocked Guardian twice already.

Scald (Sayaka/Guardian)/Venoshock (Guardian)/eat honey x3

Loa, just... Rest, Sleep Talk, and Chill. If you were prevented from Resting because you flinched or were confused, then try to move it to the second action. If you're still awake by the third action, just Double-Edge because screw it. Target Sayaka if she was only Scalded once or twice, and Guardian otherwise. If you are to use Double-Edge but your chosen target is unavailable for whatever reason except Substitute, then just Substitute (10%) I guess.

Rest ~ Sleep Talk/Rest ~ Chill/Double-Edge (Guardian/Sayaka)/Substitute (10%)

so uninspired and mushy, but this isn't going to the system so even if I lose it won't show up on my record haha

Sayaka... uhm, just pray to the RNG gods not to get burned while you continue to earthquake. Sorry.

earthquake ~ earthquake ~ earthquake

Guardian, it's c-c-c-combo time! ... It's debatable whether a combo is actually a good/efficient idea, but I'm gonna do it anyway. It sounds cool.

Focus punch and drain punch combo, aimed straight at Loa! She'll be pretty easy to punch, considering she's asleep, and Nuke should still be scalding Sayaka. Or at least she'll be slower than you.

After the combo, drain punch Loa again, unless she's damage capped; if so, use psychic on Nuke ... unless she's damage capped, too, in which case. Chill, man.

focus punch + drain punch (Loa) ~ drain punch (Loa) / psychic (Phyconuke) / chill
bluzzy: 2/4

[Loa] cubone (f) <Rock Head> @ Thick Club
Health 60%, Energy 75%, +2 def.
Condition: simulataneously enjoying and not enjoying the honey.
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk / Rest ~ Chill / Double-Edge @ Guardian\Sayaka / Substitute (10%)

[Phyconuke] skrelp (f) <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg
Health 64%, Energy 87%.
Condition: blub blub blub
Executed: Scald @ Sayaka\Guardian / Venoshock @ Guardian / eat honey x3

mimi: 2/4

[Sayaka] riolu (f) <Steadfast>
Health 60%, Energy 82%.
Condition: did her best, has no regrets.
Executed: Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake

[Guardian of the Park] meditite (m) <Pure Power> Health 73%, Energy 86%, poisoned.
Condition: finger lickin’ good! … the honey, obviously, not babies.
Executed: Focus Punch + Drain Punch @ Loa ~ Drain Punch @ Loa / Psychic @ Phyconuke / Chill

Round 2

Still shocked at the lack of a league shutdown between the commanding and the last reffing, the two trainers give a new set of orders for a new round. And, surprise of surprises, the ref signalled the start of the next round with another zero league shutdowns in between, which has to be some kind of a record.

As the riolu continued to pound the beehive, the meditite continued hovering around Loa preparing a punch, the cubone herself curled up to take a name, and the skrelp, most annoyed by this constant moving and shaking, shot a blob of boiling honey at the true idiot riolu.

As the riolu continued to pound the beehive, the Guardian of the Park, now well and truly focused, punched a sleeping baby in the face with extreme force and, collecting the energy draining out into his fist, returned to resting in mid-air and licking his fist. Very delicious, yes.

And at this point Loa mumbled something in her sleep and a ludicrously large swarm of BEES suddenly descended from above to engulf guardian in BEES. And Phyconuke spat another blob of boiling honey at Sayaka, and p soon both Sayaka and the Guardian were quite well-cooked, if one in honey and the other in BEES.

As the riolu continued to pound the beehive, if now a bit pained by her burns, Loa was now shimmering in resonance with the ref’s baton, so the Guardian turned his attention (and his telekinesis) to the skrelp and slammed probably into a nearby honeycomb wall. A pulse of vague light there, too, but even so Phyconuke managed to bring out spit out a stream of unpleasant liquid at the Guardian, which bubbled furiously as it reached first the remnants of the swarm of BEES which had descended upon him and then the Guardian himself.

Meanwhile res nonplussedly something the ref’s baton not a flashlight.

bluzzy: 2/4

[Loa] cubone (f) <Rock Head> @ Thick Club
Health 60% (capped), Energy 59%, +2 def.
Condition: awake but not alert. Executed: Rest ~ Sleep Talk (Secret Power [bees] @ Guardian) ~ Chill

[Phyconuke] skrelp (f) <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg
Health 24% (capped), Energy 77%.
Condition: bluuub blub
Executed: Scald @ Sayaka ~ Scald @ Sayaka ~ Venoshock @ Guardian

mimi: 2/4

[Sayaka] riolu (f) <Steadfast>
Health 33%, Energy 64%, burned.
Condition: pergit pugnare.
Executed: Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake

[Guardian of the Park] meditite (m) <Pure Power>
Health 54%, Energy 64%, poisoned, burned.
Condition: prefers the honey to the bees.
Executed: Focus Punch + Drain Punch @ Loa ~ Psychic @ Phyconuke

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