but is a sheep entering.
[size=+2]Sunflower vs Zora of Termina[/size]
Sunflower's active squad
Holly the female Lillipup <Vital Spirit>
Caesar the male Growlithe <Intimidate>
Mondo the male Drilbur <Sand Rush>
Euclid the male Deino <Hustle>
Tyri the female Pichu <Static> @ Soothe Bell
Jaffacake the female Buneary <Run Away>
Lollipop the male Panpour <Gluttony>
Darwin the male Archen <Defeatist>
Nubbins the male Espurr <Own Tempo>
Aine the female Flabébé (Orange Flower) <Flower Veil>
Zora of Termina's active squad
Cyndra the female Typhlosion <Blaze>
Sheila the female Ninetales <Flash Fire>
Hera the female Kirlia <Synchronize>
Anya the female Zubat <Inner Focus>
Scarlet the female Zorua <Illusion>
Jade the female Yamask <Mummy>
Grace the female Fennekin <Magician>
Q the female Elgyem <Synchronize>
Marama the female Inkay <Contrary>
Alexis the female Doublade <No Guard> @ Dusk Stone
The random numbers say:
- Zora sends out first
- Sunflower sends out second and attacks
- Zoreau attacks second
Format: 2v2, single, set
DQ: Two weeks
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Chills 3/Pokemon, Direct recovery
Arena Description: The Tangled Wood
A dense forest eternally bathed in night, with only the light of the bioluminescent mushrooms standing out midst the darkness. Sprites and spirits flutter by, giggling as they plan their mischief. The remnants of ruins and pathways make the occasional breaks in the trees, and a modest river runs through the forest, lined with piles of driftwood.
You stand in one of the very rare clearings in the woods at about 40 feet in diameter, but the edges are lined with thick brier bushes. Falling into them would hurt quite a bit! (2% Damage every round stuck in them)
Though there is enough light to battle by thanks to the mushrooms, no amount of sunlight can pierce the darkness. The use of Sunny Day would clearly be impossible.
Sunflower's active squad

Zora of Termina's active squad

The random numbers say:
- Zora sends out first
- Sunflower sends out second and attacks
- Zoreau attacks second