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Deadly Sniper Goat

I like this alot.
Hey, what is up my homies.

Been here before, dropped out, after a long while decided to come back and start fresh.


Can't wait for the "Which set of names is better" battles that always precedes a new generation.
Well...welcome back! I am Silver! I may have been here when you were an active member, I may know you! *points to thr RP lounge and forum* its fun there, so you should go. See you around!
Sliver sounds vaguely familiar.

I was Monkeysaurus for several years (From some point in the Invisionfree days to... at the very least a year into this), stopped coming here altogether for a few years, came back for about a week tops as President Michael Wilson, then came back now. Maybe third time's the charm.

Made a new account primarily because lol forgot password and don't use the email old account/s was assigned to (Additional lulz: Don't remember if the Michael wilson account is the same as the Monkeysaurus one or not. I don't think so)
They do seem familiar too...I origanily was called eevee123, but I've gone by Silver for a long time now. Maybe that would help jog you're memory! I hope you have a good time here as you return! Usually it's more active, but my time is -5, so idk if some people have school or whatnot. When it gets later here you'll most likely have more posts here!
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