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syphondblade vs. Alraunne


beep beep coming through
syphondblade said:
Battle Format: 2vs2 Single
Battle Style: Set
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKO Moves, Weather Moves, Chilling, Direct Healing Moves, Moves with an original base power of 100 or higher
Arena: Tower of Chasms

The Tower of Chasms is located in a mountain range close to Kanto. It used to be a huge tourist attraction, before is was closed down. The reason: frequent visits by Darkrai. Now no one goes into the tower. Any one who does, disappears... so why not have a battle here?

Once every four turns, there is 20% chance that one of the pokémon battling will fall into a moderate sleep. Since Dark, Ghost and Psychic are used to power such as those, Darkrai's powers don't affect them. Kanto's government also named the Tower of Chasms as an ancient wonder, so it must not be damaged in any way. No moves with an original base power of 100 or higher can be used. Weather moves are not allowed either, as the battle will be inside.

Additional Rules: No water, so no fish pokémon. The arena is too small for Waillord.

syphondblade's active squad: [Shinigami] Riolu (M) <Steadfast> - [ShadeSpire] Gastly (M) - [Psych] Abra (M) <Synchronize>

Alraunne's active squad: [Tock] Hoothoot (M) <Insomnia> @Brightpowder - [Boo] Haunter (M) <Levitate> @Lucky Egg - [Bertrando] Murkrow (M) <Super Luck> - [Cinarum] Babydrake (M) <Serene Grace> @Leaf Stone - [Sully] Skelitten (M) @Dusk Stone - [Maestro] Kricketot (M) - [Anthy] Ivysaur (F) @Big Root - [Mei] Pachirisu (F) <Run Away> - [Spross] Hoppip (F) <Chlorophyll> - [Gertie] Girafarig (F) <Early Bird>

syphondblade sends out
Alraunne sends out and attacks
syphondblade attacks
I ref in what I sincerely hope will be a timely manner
In that case, I'll start with Sully!

Start off with Howl, then Crunch, crunch! If Psych uses Protect, use Howl instead.

Howl ~ Crunch/Howl x2
syphondblade vs. Alraunne, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Snoozing
Psych's Commands: Thunder Wave ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Already bored
Sully's Commands: Howl ~ Crunch/Howl ~ Crunch/Howl

Arena: Tower of Chasms

The Tower of Chasms is located in a mountain range close to Kanto. It used to be a huge tourist attraction, before is was closed down. The reason: frequent visits by Darkrai. Now no one goes into the tower. Any one who does, disappears... so why not have a battle here?

Once every four turns, there is 20% chance that one of the pokémon battling will fall into a moderate sleep. Since Dark, Ghost and Psychic are used to power such as those, Darkrai's powers don't affect them. Kanto's government also named the Tower of Chasms as an ancient wonder, so it must not be damaged in any way. No moves with an original base power of 100 or higher can be used. Weather moves are not allowed either, as the battle will be inside.

Round One: Begin

Alraunne and syphondblade's footsteps echo through the corridor as they make their way to the central hall of the Tower of Chasms. Neither trainer speaks, both lost in their own thoughts, but perhaps this is to be expected; the desolate, lonely tower's propensity for making people... go away has a way of pushing itself to the forefront of the mind.

They manage to reach the central hall without spontaneously disappearing, however, and thus reassured of their relative safety (for now, at any rate) they take their places at opposite ends of the vacant room. The pokémon they choose to begin their battle with don't seem to be as ill at ease as their masters--Sully the skelitten is quite used to, dark, run-down stone edifices and appears entirely nonplussed by his surroundings, and certainly Psych the abra can't be too worried if he's able to continue napping so peacefully. Both perk up slightly when they receive their initial commands, however, and after a few more seconds of mental preparation they begin in earnest.

Sully is startled to see that his apparently-sleeping opponent is the first to move, his limp fingers suddenly springing to life and crackling with electricity. A thin bolt zigzags through the air and connects with the kitten's face, instantly disrupting his ectoplasm and starting him shaking uncontrollably. Sully freezes in place, momentarily unable to do so much as move his head or whimper, and Psych goes back to his catnap undisturbed by any of that noisy and unnecessary "howling" nonsense.

Then the abra moves again, lifting his arms and spreading his fingers wide so that a small blob of darkness has enough room to form between them. The blob warps, twists and grows, swelling to the size of Psych's head before he sends it off with a flick of his wrists. The immobilized Sully has no time to get out of the way and takes the full force of the shadow ball to his skull. Ghostly energy burns the skelitten's body, searing away some of his natural defenses against such attacks. It takes Sully a few seconds to push the horrible burning sensation out of his mind and force his limbs to move, but when he does take his next shaky steps forward they are with purpose. He pushes his way across the dank stone floor, opens his jaws wide and snaps them shut on one of Psych's extended arms, relishing the pained squeal the abra makes as tiny, needle-like teeth sink into his flesh.

The close proximity necessary to perform such an attack does have its benefits, however. By the time Sully relinquishes the arm he's been gnawing on Psych already has a second shadow ball half-formed in the other hand, and it slams into Sully's side before the little ghost can even think about retreating. While the ghostly aura does not spread its ethereal burn any further it does hurt a lot more than the first, so much so that after a few moments the skelitten temporarily loses all sensation in his body. At the very least the numbness allows him to hobble forward and bite his opponent again, and he makes sure that he chomps down extra-hard to make up for his loss of feeling. Psych yelps and tries to wrench his arm free from the grip of fangs dripping with dark energy, and when he does he realizes that he is on the verge of going numb himself. He paralyzed Sully and used a dangerously-effective attack on him... shouldn't he be feeling better than this right now?

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 66%
Energy: 81%
Status: I could've sworn I had the upper hand by a longshot... :/

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 65% (CAPPED)
Energy: 86%
Status: Special Defense -1; Paralyzed (moderate); numb and frightened

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Sully was fully paralyzed on the first action.
-Psych's first shadow ball lowered Sully's special defense.
-His second shadow ball caused Sully to hit the damage cap.
-Strenuous movement while paralyzed costs Sully an extra ~1% energy.
-syphondblade attacks first next round.
Good job Psych. Now start with a Calm Mind. Next use a Shadow Ball two more times to piss that cat off. Nice and simple, eh?

Calm Mind~ Shadow Ball~ Shadow Ball
syphondblade vs. Alraunne, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 66%
Energy: 81%
Status: I could've sworn I had the upper hand by a longshot... :/
Psych's Commands: Calm Mind ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 65%
Energy: 86%
Status: Special Defense -1; Paralyzed (moderate); numb and frightened
Sully's Commands: Facade ~ Torment ~ Crunch

Arena: Tower of Chasms

The Tower of Chasms is located in a mountain range close to Kanto. It used to be a huge tourist attraction, before is was closed down. The reason: frequent visits by Darkrai. Now no one goes into the tower. Any one who does, disappears... so why not have a battle here?

Once every four turns, there is 20% chance that one of the pokémon battling will fall into a moderate sleep. Since Dark, Ghost and Psychic are used to power such as those, Darkrai's powers don't affect them. Kanto's government also named the Tower of Chasms as an ancient wonder, so it must not be damaged in any way. No moves with an original base power of 100 or higher can be used. Weather moves are not allowed either, as the battle will be inside.

Round Two: Begin

Shaking his head vigorously to clear it of any lingering doubts, Psych shuts his narrow eyes and settles down to relax. Concerns and troubles flow out of his mind as he empties it, leaving room for heightened concentration and increased resolve. The abra feels much calmer after his brief meditation, and more than ready to deal with any further unpleasant gnawing from his undead opponent.

It is not simply Sully's teeth which come after Psych this time, however, but the skelitten's entire body. Now in a state of near hysteria over his soreness and stiff limbs, he throws himself wildly at Psych and flails away at every inch of the abra's body he can reach. Psych's new calm momentarily deserts him under the vicious physical onslaught; claws tear at him, fangs snap at him, a rock-hard skull batters the air out of his chest and the abra all but loses it as pain and fright overtake him. Sully bounces back with a clatter of phalanges on stone and sneers, tail twitching happily, if jerkily, at the sight of his beleaguered opponent.

Psych scoots back with a look of extreme trepidation on his thin face, eager to put as much distance between himself and the clearly psychotic ghost-type prowling around the other edge of the room. Another sphere of darkness forms between his now shaking fingers; extreme nerves make the trajectory of this third shadow ball much wobblier than its predecessors, but it does hit its target and knock the skelitten onto his tail.

Whatever momentary relief comes from the sight of Sully hitting the floor disappears seconds later, however. The skelitten, refusing to give in to his paralysis and pain, picks himself up and clicks his way right over to Psych. That's all you've got? he scoffs, exposing all of the teeth in his skull in a nasty leer. You're pathetic. Shadow ball, schmadow ball, buddy--if that's the best you can do to the likes of me then you might as well give up now.

Sully's words echo in the back of Psych's mind even as he turns and limps away with his flaming tail in the air. Is this... is he really not doing enough? Surely shadow ball was his best bet against a foe like Sully... right? He'd thought it was working pretty okay, too, but... nerves and indecision war with his previous self-induced calm and all but paralyze the abra, leaving him wide open for another helping of tiny kitten teeth laced with dark energy. Sully bites down into his squirming foe with relish, purring a little when he tastes blood. Now this is a little more like it.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 34%
Energy: 68%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Tormented (2 more actions); discouraged and in pain

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 46%
Energy: 65%
Status: Special Defense -1; Paralyzed (mild); a bit more confident, if still stiff

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-syphondblade, by "every four turns" do you mean actions or rounds? If you meant actions, I'll check and see whether Darkrai would affect the first action of this round and re-ref if necessary. In general, though, be careful about using the word "turns", as that's not a valid unit of time in ASB.
-Alraunne attacks first next round.
Hmm... Let's keep up with the Facade and Crunch. If the Abra uses Protect at all then use Howl instead to amp up your next attack! If you can't Howl though, or have Howled once already this round, just try to chill. (The max number of commands for one action is three, right?)

Crunch/Howl/Chill ~ Facade/Howl/Chill ~ Crunch/Howl/Chill
syphondblade vs. Alraunne, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 34%
Energy: 68%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Tormented (2 more actions); discouraged and in pain
Psych's Commands: Substitute ~ Protect ~ Shadow Ball

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 46%
Energy: 65%
Status: Special Defense -1; Paralyzed (mild); a bit more confident, if still stiff
Sully's Commands: Crunch/Howl/Chill ~ Facade/Howl/Chill ~ Crunch/Howl/Chill

Arena: Tower of Chasms

The Tower of Chasms is located in a mountain range close to Kanto. It used to be a huge tourist attraction, before is was closed down. The reason: frequent visits by Darkrai. Now no one goes into the tower. Any one who does, disappears... so why not have a battle here?

Once every four turns, there is 20% chance that one of the pokémon battling will fall into a moderate sleep. Since Dark, Ghost and Psychic are used to power such as those, Darkrai's powers don't affect them. Kanto's government also named the Tower of Chasms as an ancient wonder, so it must not be damaged in any way. No moves with an original base power of 100 or higher can be used. Weather moves are not allowed either, as the battle will be inside.

Round Three: Begin

Psych holds out his bleeding arms as if to put some more distance between himself and Sully's terrible teeth. Purplish psychic energy snakes around his trembling fingers, slithering forward and coalescing on the stone before him. In a matter of seconds the energy has taken on the approximate shape of an abra; a hefty amount of what little health he has left is transferred to it before he winks out of the chamber and disappears.

Sully stares at the pseudo-abra now sitting before him, puzzled. Wha--where'd Psych go? The skelitten isn't stupid, and he knows full well that the sparkly purple thing across the floor is not Psych. There isn't much else for him to do with the real Psych missing in action, however, so he snorts, shakes his still-tingling limbs and lurches forward with his jaws agape again. Crunching down on the energy-based construct doesn't give him the same satisfaction as puncturing skin and drawing blood, but the darkness dribbling from his fangs cripples the substitute all the same; the purplish light quickly dims and starts to lose its shape, barely standing after Sully's attack.

Determined to remove the obstruction and get his teeth into the real Psych again, Sully takes a few paces back and then prepares to throw himself at the substitute with renewed vigor. He skids to a stop when he sees Psych reemerge from whatever alternate plane he had concealed himself in, just in time to erect a shield of shimmering, greenish energy. With an undignified clattering of claws on stone he scrabbles to straighten himself up, knowing an impenetrable barrier when he sees one. Unable to get rid of the substitute as soon as he'd like, Sully vents his frustration to the rafters and lets out a long, screechy yowl that grates painfully on the ears of all present--even Psych, relatively safe behind his forcefield, cannot completely escape the irritating noise. He lets it drop and disappears again in an instant, unwilling to remain in earshot of the terrible sound any longer than he has to and leaving Sully and the substitute alone again.

This is not the case for long, however--Psych reappears again seconds later and a safe distance away, now more concerned about attacking than prolonging his body double's lifespan. Another shadow ball flies forward and collides with Sully, the ghostly sphere eating away at more of the skelitten's fur and increasing his already considerable discomfort. The furious skelitten makes another lunge, but the weary abra has already vanished before he can move more than a few jerky steps. Sully is forced to do a quick ninety-degree turn and make for what remains of the substitute instead; without Psych there to block him with another protect, the skelitten is able to sink his teeth into the substitute and shatter it completely.

With the substitute gone Psych is forced to return to the tower chamber, and he looks quite forlorn without anything standing in between him and the battered but vicious ghost-type. He moans softly when he hears Sully growl at him; creating the substitute took a lot out of him, after all. With the advantage he was so sure he had at the beginning of the battle fading fast--along with his grip on consciousness--how is he supposed to fend his opponent off now?

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 14%
Energy: 42%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; starting to slip in and out of consciousness

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 27%
Energy: 49%
Status: Attack +1, Special Defense -2; Paralyzed (mild); sore and stinging all over

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-The largest substitute allowed is 20%, so that's what Psych created.
-Shadow ball lowered Sully's special defense again.
-Yes, Alraunne, it's three total conditionals per action.
-syphondblade attacks first next round.
Last edited:
Good job Psych. Now start with a Shadow Ball. Next, if you manage to stay conscious, use another Shadow Ball. Finally end this off with a Reflect. If Sully decides to Torment on the first action, just Protect. If you both are conscious for the last action, use Shadow Ball.

Shadow Ball/ Protect~ Shadow Ball~ Reflect/ Shadow Ball
syphondblade vs. Alraunne, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 14%
Energy: 42%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; starting to slip in and out of consciousness
Psych's Commands: Shadow Ball/Protect ~ Shadow Ball ~ Reflect/Shadow Ball

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 21%
Energy: 41%
Status: Attack +1, Special Defense -2; Paralyzed (light); sore and stinging all over
Sully's Commands: Protect ~ Crunch ~ Crunch

Arena: Tower of Chasms

The Tower of Chasms is located in a mountain range close to Kanto. It used to be a huge tourist attraction, before is was closed down. The reason: frequent visits by Darkrai. Now no one goes into the tower. Any one who does, disappears... so why not have a battle here?

Once every four turns, there is 20% chance that one of the pokémon battling will fall into a moderate sleep. Since Dark, Ghost and Psychic are used to power such as those, Darkrai's powers don't affect them. Kanto's government also named the Tower of Chasms as an ancient wonder, so it must not be damaged in any way. No moves with an original base power of 100 or higher can be used. Weather moves are not allowed either, as the battle will be inside.

Round Four: Begin

Sully, for one, is quite sick of the barrage of shadow balls he has had to suffer through, and refuses to take yet another hit when he sees the exhausted Psych raise his trembling hands for another go. He braces himself on the cold stone floor, and a thin haze of greenish light begins to coalesce in front of him even as the umpteenth shadow ball takes form and takes flight. The skeletal kitten shows his pointed teeth in a weary but confident smile. The barrier just has to hold for a moment or two, that's all, and then victory will surely be his. Nothing could possibly go wrong--

--unless the shield falters almost as soon as it takes shape. A spasm runs through Sully's body at precisely the wrong moment and he gasps, the shock of sudden full paralysis causing him to drop the protect and allow Psych's shadow ball through. This time the painful sensation of cold, corrosive ghostly energy eating away at him lasts for only a few seconds; merciful unconsciousness overtakes Sully almost instantly, sparing him the worst of the discomfort as he crumples to the ground.

Something shifts slightly in the shadows at the other end of the hall; the movement is barely perceptible in all the darkness, but there is definitely something moving there. Whatever it is remains put, however, and no further motion seems to come from the corner. Whatever it was, it appears to have vanished... for now.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 14%
Energy: 33%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; would be celebrating if he weren't in so much pain

Alraunne (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)


Sully (M) [Pressure] @Dusk Stone
Health: 0%
Energy: 40%
Status: Knocked out!

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Sully's paralysis actually dropped to light at the end of last round; I just forgot to note it. I also realized that I'd miscalculated Sully's health in rounds 2 and 3; Psych should have done 3% more to him both times he hit during those rounds. Otherwise, the additional damage didn't affect anything. Sully's pre-round stats have been edited to rectify both mistakes.
-...but then, after all that, Sully was fully paralyzed on the first action and Psych's shadow ball knocked him out. :/ Tough luck, and sorry for the mathfail on my part.
-Alraunne sends out and then attacks first next round.
I'm gonna have to send out Boo, then.

Okay, Boo, go with... Shadow Claw. If the Abra uses Protect, use Double Team for 3 clones.

Shadow Claw/Double Team (3 clones) x3
syphondblade vs. Alraunne, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

syphondblade (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 14%
Energy: 33%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; would be celebrating if he weren't in so much pain
Psych's Commands: Thunder Wave ~ Psychic ~ Psychic

Alraunne (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Boo (M) [Levitate] @Lucky Egg
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Cackling nastily
Boo's Commands: Shadow Claw/Double Team ~ Shadow Claw/Double Team ~ Shadow Claw/Double Team

Arena: Tower of Chasms

The Tower of Chasms is located in a mountain range close to Kanto. It used to be a huge tourist attraction, before is was closed down. The reason: frequent visits by Darkrai. Now no one goes into the tower. Any one who does, disappears... so why not have a battle here?

Once every four turns, there is 20% chance that one of the pokémon battling will fall into a moderate sleep. Since Dark, Ghost and Psychic are used to power such as those, Darkrai's powers don't affect them. Kanto's government also named the Tower of Chasms as an ancient wonder, so it must not be damaged in any way. No moves with an original base power of 100 or higher can be used. Weather moves are not allowed either, as the battle will be inside.

Round Five: Begin

For a second--just a second--it sounds as though the presence in the shadowy corner is laughing, mocking Psych from someplace he can't see in the darkness. It is almost a relief when the source of the noise is revealed to be a male haunter, emerging from Alraunne's poké ball to take the place of the fallen Sully. Boo flexes his long, talon-like fingers experimentally and turns his disembodied hands over in the air a few times, almost as if admiring them or inspecting his nails. Psych almost snorts; stupid laughing ghost can't even take this seriously. Maybe, if Boo is so distracted by his musings about manicures or whatever, he might be able to get in a hit before the ghost-type becomes too much trouble.

But then Boo's (already very well-manicured, thank you very much) fingertips take on a dark, shadowy aura with which Psych is all too familiar--the same ghostly energy he himself had called upon to use shadow ball. Still cackling evilly, Boo lashes out with one hand and rakes it across the abra's chest armor, marring the brown plate with ugly, black scratch marks that resonate with intense pain. Tears spring unbidden to Psych's narrowed eyes as darkness nearly overtakes him; he is just barely clinging to consciousness when Boo pulls his detached hand back in.

Spots dance back and forth in Psych's vision as he tries to collect himself. His head pounds, his chest is on fire, every drip and echo in the dark chamber is magnified a thousand times. He can hardly think straight and has to struggle even to muster the coordination require to raise one arm again. Once the trembling limb is pointed in the haunter's direction, however, he is able to redirect a few more electrical pulses into and then out of his hand. The thunder wave miraculously manages to strike true, catching the laughing ghost unawares; his entire purple form shifts and twitches erratically on contact with the electricity, and it cuts Boo's laugh short in seconds.

Boo coughs and shudders as unpleasant tingles run all across his gaseous body. He isn't too disheartened, of course. It's not as though he intends to let a little paralysis stop him. He prepares to lash out with shadow-laced talons once again, certain that this time he'll finish the job properly. Perhaps his cockiness is unwarranted, however--the thunder wave has slowed his reaction time just enough to allow the fading Psych to latch onto him with his mind. Pulses of psychic energy pull at all corners of Boo's body, very nearly separating him into independent wisps of ectoplasm; it takes all the willpower Boo has to remain more or less in one piece, especially given his natural intolerance for such high amounts of telekinetic power.

In the end, however, Psych is only able to keep up the assault for so long. He releases his grip on Boo and allows the haunter to collect himself, slumping backward onto the cold, unforgiving stone in his exhaustion. Boo, while still feeling rather a lot more pain than he's experienced in a while, is quick to take advantage of his foe's supine position. Another shadow claw, slightly jerkier this time, tears another trio of gashes in Psych's armor. The second attack is far more than the abra can handle, and he blacks out like Sully before him.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

syphondblade (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Psych (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 0%
Energy: 20%
Status: Knocked out!

Alraunne (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Boo (M) [Levitate] @Lucky Egg
Health: 78%
Energy: 90%
Status: Paralyzed (moderate); half-cackling, half-choking

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Psych fainted on the second action.
-syphondblade sends out and then attacks first next round.
Last edited:
Thank you Psych.

Now come on out ShadeSpire. Use Hypnosis, followed by a Confuse Ray, and a Dream Eater. If Hypnosis fails, use Shadow Ball on the last action. If either Confuse Ray or Hypnosis is blocked somehow, use Double Team instead.

Hypnosis/ Double Team(3 Clones)~ Confuse Ray/ Double Team(3 Clones)~ Dream Eater/ Shadow Ball
Oh, nooo! This can't fly, Boo. Don't let this little Gastly get the best of you!

Taunt, taunt, taunt! If Taunt fails and you are put to sleep, use Sleep Talk. If ShadeSpire gets any Double Team clones out and you are awake, use Shadow Punch instead for the next two actions.

Taunt ~ Confuse Ray/Shadow Punch/Sleep Talk ~ Shadow Ball/Shadow Punch/Sleep Talk
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