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Landsverd Teardrop Island

Turn 4
Player Phase
Laura's Soul's Conviction buffed Bellatrix!
Laura gave Bellatrix a Helping Hand x3!
Laura's Coaching buffed Isidora!

Isidora's Triple Axel dealt 18 damage to the shield! It's super effective!
Isidora's Triple Axel dealt 31 damage to the shield! It's super effective!
Isidora's Triple Axel dealt a CRITICAL 52 damage to the shield! It's super effective!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 30 damage to the shield! It's super effective! Shattered!
Isidora's AGILE Ice Shard dealt 20 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 20 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Feint Attack dealt a CRITICAL 52 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!

Ridley's Rogue Skill lowered Articuno's Def by 1!

Gladion used Soul's Volition! He recalled an icy memory!
Gladion's Tri Attack dealt 6 damage to Articuno! Paralysed!

Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 13 damage to Articuno!
Bellatrix's Obstinate Soul dealt 17 damage to Articuno! It's super effective! -1 Res!
Bellatrix's Obstinate Soul dealt 19 damage to Articuno! It's super effective! -1 Def!
Bellatrix's STRONG Bitter Malice dealt a CRITICAL 75 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 12 damage to Articuno!
"Then I shall see to it," Bellatrix replied to Articuno, seizing her opening.
"Tch. C'mon, don't be a killjoy."

"I don't know the meaning of holding back! Radiance or no, I'll come at you all the same!"

Articuno flung their wings wide and blinked through space, attempting to dodge and mitigate the incoming attacks. When their Freezing Soul finally coalesced into a silver sheen of energy, the bulk of the party were already absent. Only Ridley and Andre were frozen in place...

Boss Attack: Articuno's Freezing Soul struck Andre and Ridley for significant damage!

"Hm! That's more like it," they mused, evidently pleased, their beak curving into a cold smile. "You have taken advantage of the terrain best suited for a defensive position, collaborated to effect force multipliers, and your coordination is more advanced than I had perceived. Very good."

The snow shades began to drift towards the lake. The whiteout persisted. Ice bit at skin and nerve.

"With my options limited, I must attend to your stragglers first. Then... Ms Bellatrix. You have thus far eluded my attention, and I must make recompense. Please bear with me; I will attack you with great force momentarily."
Turn 4
Enemy Phase
Boss Attack: Articuno's Freezing Soul struck Andre and Ridley for significant damage!
Articuno Focused...

The legendary regarded the two former humans frozen before them with an analytical curiosity.

"Can't have had that many friends if you're so unfamiliar with the meaning of teamwork," Ridley shouted. "The point to working as a team is doing what you can and trusting other people with the rest. For instance... I can't fight, but I sure can annoy the shit out of people. And you just made the stupid mistake of letting me know it bothered you."

"Hmm... I believe I understand your nature," they mused, softly, in Ridley's head. "Impulsive. Audacious. Lacking self-regard. You live in the moment, take risks, and make a strength of your own ill-discipline. How strange that you should consider yourself so unintelligent... and be so genuine in your inauthenticity. You have been fascinating, Ridley, but you have done what you can. I thank you for your efforts."

bludgeoned to death

it wouldn't matter

gruesome sadism

put down


what are you doing

you're not done yet

"I'm afraid that I cannot allow you to die, Andre. Nor will you see a Forlasan court of law for your crimes on other worlds. You must serve penance in other ways."

Articuno's Ancient Power struck Andre & Ridley for substantial damage! Their stats rose! The lake's frozen surface shattered! (MC 2)

The lake-surface platform broke into discontiguous blocks and panes of ice, the Deerling and Mimikyu now prone atop them.

Articuno turned their dispassionate face towards the islet, jutting tall out of the water, a shadow in the whiteout. With their vision and their psionic perception, they could locate the Wayfarers entrenching themselves there, but the thickly-forested and uneven terrain of rock and leaves was unsuitable for close-quarters combat with no appropriate space unoccupied...

"Your offensive accomplishments are quite impressive," they remarked, "and this strategem of seizing the most defensible ground so totally is a bold move, and an astute one. You have been excellent and especially interesting opponents."

Their wings swept wide, their eyes flashed. Dark orbs and bright beams raked the islet, catching the team's strikers even as they shredded tree bark and sent shattered splinters of stone flying from the island rock.

Articuno's Shadow Ball dealt 43 damage to Isidora!
Articuno's Shadow Ball dealt 11 damage to Bellatrix!
Articuno's STRONG Freezing Glare dealt 31 damage to Isidora! Reflexive Rhythm!
Articuno's STRONG Freezing Glare dealt 88 damage to Bellatrix!
Articuno couldn't crit at range!
Articuno's paralysis prevents additional actions!

"This will not do for long, however. I must press you to relocate yourselves!"

Legendary Action: Status Cure!
Boss Attack: Articuno is preparing Freezing Soul.
Target: Roost Islet

Articuno bowed as their wings glowed brightly, and their familiars of ice approached the lake.

"You are besieged, Wayfarers. Your response must be definitive and deft. Demonstrate to me your aptitude!"
Articuno was getting used to dealing with his paralysis, it seemed. Fine. He'd just have to push harder. There wasn't much fuel left in the tank for him, but what energy was had left, he'd make count. He fired off one last bolt of light, stronger than any before it. He followed it up with an attempt to trap Articuno again. It had hurt, last time, but it what he was capable of doing to help.

Isidora had escaped down south, past one of the shades. He dug one of his talons into its surface, hoping that if he took an Ancient Power, it might at least shred the shade with him and stop it pursuing Isidora.

Then, all that was left to do was wait...

Figuring out what his whole deal was hadn't really helped. In a storybook, it would've been some kind of breakthrough. Instead, he just understood why he was angry. That didn't do him any good. Eventually, his anger and spite, as good as it had felt, burnt out. He was still an actor, following a script. He had a role to play. Dragged along in this charade by someone else's sense of noblesse oblige. If he couldn't feel like himself, there was only one option left. Feel. Nothing. At. All. Chromatophores flooded with dull grey.

He sighed. "If you're gonna knock me out, do make sure you don't put me through the ice and drown me. Okay?"

Gladion (110 STM, 13 TMP, +0 SPD, +2 ACC, 0 SHD, 9 RAD)
- Walk (+2 MC) to Beachfront Lake (-6 TMP)
- STRONG Tri Attack @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-43.5 STM, -4 TMP, +5 TMP) [Paralysis <3]
- Mean Look @ Articuno (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Soul's Volition (-30 STM, +2 TMP) [Steel]
- **Act:** Item (Sitrus Berry)
- Interact @ Grapple the Beachside Lake Snow Shade (-3 TMP)
Net change: -94 STM, -4 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 16 STM (49 after regen), 9 TMP, 0 SHD, 9 RAD
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Gladion said:
"If you're gonna knock me out, do make sure you don't put me through the ice and drown me. Okay?"

Articuno smiled coldly. "I could never be so careless," they replied. "But yes, I rather think you're past due for fainting."

Laura jumped from floe to floe, her hackles rising and tail puffing up at the risk of falling into freezing water. Unthinkable. No thanks.

Her limbs ached. Her energy ebbed. Think tactically. What was the win con...?

All that mattered was finding the optimal outcome. To make a clean solve. Justify herself.

As if anything she could do would ever make others value her.


She could see it like a route on a map. What needed to happen. Victory.

She extended a paw and did something with her stubby feline fingers and Dark-type malice pulsed towards Articuno. She imagined it would do hardly anything, but at least it would give them pause.

"Isidora!" she shouted. "We need you to win – I'll get their attention! I'm counting on you, so don't you fucking faint!"

Trusting someone who didn't trust her felt like planting her foot on a landmine, but... someone had to trust first. Maybe it had to be her.

Laura ripped her improvised balaclava from her face, and threw it over the nearest snow shade, hoping to stun it, damage it, hold it, anything. Her paws brushed animate frost. Cold. Pristine.

Her eyes only saw silver light, and her aura thrummed from the connection. She felt the Saint's gaze on her.

"Oh... Now that is interesting..."

Laura (41 STM, 30 TMP, +2 SPD, +1 ACC, 43 SHD, 43 RAD)
- Walk to Beachfront Lake
- Activate ability (Moody) @ +2 Spd, -1 Atk
- Dark Pulse @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-22 STM, -8 TMP, +3 TMP)
- **Act:** Call @ Isidora
- Helping Hand @ Isidora & Bellatrix (ACTIVATE: Support Feat) (-16 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** Item (Protect Orb)
- Interact @ Fling sneak scarf onto snow shade (-3 TMP)
Net change: -34 STM, -14 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 7 STM (41 after regen), 16 TMP, 43 SHD, 43 RAD
Ha ha, Ridley thought. A distant part of him recognised that it was probably a sign he was becoming a little too inured to violence if he could see a god bringing down vengeance upon him and only feel smug that his juvenile nonsense had gotten under their skin.

Then the Ancient Power hit. Ridley heard something crack and remembered thinking, clearly and distinctly, shit, I hope that wasn't me.

The next thing he knew he was underwater, the golden light of an activated reviver seed crackling around him. Ridley -

sense-memory of black water closing over his head, the unbearable pressure of it crushing down as despair like a riptide pulled him away from the shore

- panicked, flailing around wildly with every limb like he'd never learnt to swim. One hand brushed something solid and he grabbed hold of it desperately, one point of solidity in an ocean of disorientation, and used it to drag himself out of the water.

The frigid air hit him like a hammer blow, made agonising by the wet fabric of his disguise. The awful shock of it was enough to bring Ridley back to his senses. He was lying on a chunk of ice floating in a lake, not drowning in two inches of water on Powehi's silver shore.

"I c-consider myself p-p-pretty fucking smart, actuall-l-ly," Ridley's mouth forced out through full-body shivers, while Ridley's brain thought: That's the reviver seed gone then. If he wanted to try that trick again, whatever advantage they got from it would have to be worth Ridley being knocked out of the fight entirely. "I just make st-stupid decisions."

If he did try it again, maybe he'd send Articuno the extremely vivid mental images he was having of certain parts of his anatomy turning black and falling off from frostbite.

"L-l-let's end this bef-fore hypothermia d-d-does me in," he muttered.

Ridley hadn't done all he could. Not yet. He forced himself back to his feet and reached for power, grasping onto the first thing he could find and hauling it through himself. He didn't even need to look to know where Articuno was, the knowledge humming through the Betel-forged link between the Wayfarers and settling itself sure and true in Ridley's mind's eye.
Ridley charged.

Speaking of making stupid decisions: using an electric-type attack when he was totally soaked with water. This was going to hurt Ridley at least as much as it hurt Articuno.

Ridley (Aux Rogue/Brawler)
- Brawler ELECTRIC Aux @ Articuno
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For a moment, things seemed better, and of course that was quickly followed by a freezing silver blast that knocked him onto his proverbial ass again. The world faded into black - but suddenly brightened with a warmth. Reviver seed. It must have been that.

"I'm afraid that I cannot allow you to die, Andre. Nor will you see a Forlasan court of law for your crimes on other worlds. You must serve penance in other ways."

Did that mean... that Articuno wouldn't tell? Andre breathed a sigh of relief, though acknowledged fully that it still wasn't anywhere near a good thing that his enemy knew his true nature. They could always change their minds about sharing that information.

He got up to his hooves and turned to face Articuno only to be hit with another set of rocks for his troubles. This time, though, Andre hung on, with a very clear thought in his head at that: Get the hell away.

Except there had been someone near him, hit by the rocks just like him. Andre looked over to see a sopping wet Ridley. He was about to yell out to him when he saw sparks of electricity - and instead fell back on his previous thought and got the hell out of there, not stopping until he reached the inland lake's southern bank.
Pain. Isidora's body trembled and her head throbbed. She knew it was coming, but hadn't expected to survive it. Might need to take another berry. But I can't last much longer at this rate... Except it didn't matter, she had a reviver, and they were so close, she couldn't let it slip away-

"Isidora!" she shouted. "We need you to win – I'll get their attention! I'm counting on you, so don't you fucking faint!"
At the sound of her name, something in her subsided, and Isidora felt a little colder. Annoyance replaced it. Laura, Bellatrix... Why did her teammates always have to tell her what to do, as if she didn't already know what her best move was?

"I didn't plan on it!" she shouted back, baring icy claws and rushing off the island towards Articuno's shadow. She knew that after a sitrus, she could survive any one move from Articuno. She knew thanks to Betel that the overall plan here would leave them unable to focus on her without straining themself. Laura might not even need to act as bait here; did she realize the risk to herself she was taking?

Because, Isidora knew that if Laura drew their attention, Articuno wouldn't be able to resist 'testing' her. In making this mistake, they would be left completely open, but...

She trusts you.

No thoughts, only offense. She hopped deftly and expertly across the broken ice and met her opponent the same way as always. Isidora wasn't interesting: they had already figured her out, after all. And so of course she retreated, abandoning her allies yet again. The entire situation should read as familiar, the team's strategy was almost exactly the same.

Back on the beach again. Isidora ate her berry and waited for Articuno to capitalize on the few things that were different.

Isidora (88 STM, 15 TMP, +0 SPD, +5 ACC, 0 SHD, 10 RAD)
- Receive (Call) (+3 TMP, -10 SHD, -10 RAD)
- Dash to Beachfront Lake (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Ice Shard @ Articuno (-7.5 STM, +7 TMP)
- CRITICAL Triple Axel @ Articuno (-34 STM, -18 TMP, +6 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Articuno (-5 STM, +7 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Articuno (-7.5 STM, +7 TMP)
- CRITICAL Feint Attack @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-8 STM, -18 TMP, +7 TMP)
- **Act:** Item (Sitrus Berry)
- Walk to South Beach
Net change: -62 STM, -1 TMP, +0 SHD, -10 RAD
Net totals: 26 STM (60 after regen), 14 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
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Bellatrix's claws gripped the ground she stood on, holding firm against both the whiteout and Articuno's attacks. She flashed her fangs at them for a brief moment. When the attacks ended, she still stood – perhaps slightly wobbly – but conscious nonetheless. She frowned in though as she considered her next course of action. She needed to play her next move carefully, though there was no shame in it at this point in the fight, being reckless would burn her reviver when there was opportunity to hold onto it for longer. Her gaze trailed back to where she imagined the forest she had been hiding out in to be, a position that not only gave her ample cover but also forced Articuno to go out of their way for.

She sprung again, using Articuno as an object for her momentum, ignoring the nearby Snow Shade. She didn't care to face them, to her they were nothing more than a mere distraction from the main fight. As far as Bellatrix cared, they could psychoanalyse her teammates as much as they liked, but she ensured that she wouldn't receive such treatment.

"I believe you may have figured out my primary strategy," she said as more tendrils of ghostly energy snaked their way towards Articuno. It didn't have the same power backing the one she had used before, a result of having no time to focus those energies fully. "But have you the means to stop it?" Once again she vanished into the whiteout with a final parting strike, appearing amongst the trees at its edges.

Bellatrix (43 STM, 10 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Dash to Beachfront Lake (-2 TMP)
- Extreme Speed @ Articuno (-22 STM, +2 TMP)
- Bitter Malice @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-25 STM, +3 TMP)
- U-Turn @ Articuno (-15 STM, +2 TMP)
- Retreat to South Beach
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Articuno's Items
- Walk (+1 MC) to Coastal Conifers (-3 TMP)
Net change: -22 STM, +2 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD

Net totals: 21 STM (54 after regen), 12 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
Turn 5
Player Phase
Laura's Dark Pulse dealt 16 damage to Articuno! It's super effective! Flinching!
Laura called out to Isidora!
Laura's Helping Hand boosted Isidora & Bellatrix!

Laura's Interact:

All that mattered was finding the optimal outcome. To make a clean solve. Justify herself.
As if anything she could do would ever make others value her.

The Saint stared down at Laura, one wingtip placed thoughtfully under their beak.

"I believe you may lack a strong internal locus of self-esteem," they murmured, softly. "Naturally, that need not necessarily inhibit you, but it speaks to the nature of your bonds with your party, does it not?"

Laura balanced on an ice floe and returned Articuno's gaze, poised to dodge an attack.

"So what?" she bit back, her words and breath alike both bitterly cold in her throat. "You think you have all the context to perfectly understand me?"

The bird's smile twitched upward. She had their interest, now.

Laura has Articuno's attention!

Ridley's Electric Brawler Strike dealt 18 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!

Gladion's STRONG Tri Attack dealt 7 damage to Articuno! Paralysed!
Gladion's Mean Look trapped Articuno!
Gladion used Soul's Volition and became the Steel-type!

Gladion's Interact:

Feel. Nothing. At. All.

Articuno's aura was already locked within range of Gladion's, but their fascination drew them closer still.

"You... wore a mask, enduring the demands of wealth-owning blood – to present as that which is prestigious, and not as yourself. How did you ever harden your heart, when yours is one that overflows so with feeling? All this for such a petty ideal. Worthless adherence to assigned gender. How... disgustingly mundane."

Isidora's AGILE Ice Shard dealt 19 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Triple Axel dealt 18 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Triple Axel dealt 25 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Triple Axel dealt a CRITICAL 63 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 20 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 24 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Feint Attack dealt a CRITICAL 55 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!

Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 12 damage to Articuno!
Bellatrix's Bitter Malice dealt 32 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Bellatrix's U-Turn dealt 7 damage to Articuno!

Articuno's levitated position dipped lower in the air as their boundless legendary power began to weaken.

"Exceptional," they commented, candidly. "Were it not for my present fettles, I would certainly eliminate you from the fight, Isidora. Congratulations on restricting my tactical possibility space so completely. Let us dispense with this, Gladion."
Turn 5
Enemy Phase

despair like a riptide pulled him away from the shore

"Mm? What was that...?"

But the mental anguish was soon drowned in the confusion of battle and conflicting minds.

Bellatrix said:
"I believe you may have figured out my primary strategy. But have you the means to stop it?"

"Perhaps I could end this now... if I were more interested in victory than in this battle's true purpose," whispered the bird, to Bellatrix alone. "Your vulnerability as a team is to defeat in detail – concentration of force, however, is not an easily employed or prestigious tactic in the kind of battles your party favours. Few opponents will be so ruthless as to focus down your best striker."

The implication was clear – truly unforgiving, merciless foes who knew which Wayfarers to take out first would be truly dangerous to the party. All Articuno wanted right now, though, was to learn about them.

"I will see you shortly, Ms Bellatrix..."

Articuno's eyes burned with psionic power as they bombarded the frozen lake around them with attacks. Concentrated offense, directed solely at Laura and Gladion, more than they could possibly endure – and yet, somehow, they very nearly did.

Boss Attack: Articuno's Freezing Soul dealt a CRITICAL 33 damage to Laura!
Boss Attack: Articuno's Freezing Soul dealt a CRITICAL 44 damage to Gladion! It's not very effective...
Legendary Action: Stats Boost! +1 Spd, +1 Def.
Articuno has enough Spd this turn for +1 Act.
Articuno's Ancient Power dealt 17 damage to Laura!
Articuno's Ancient Power dealt 26 damage to Gladion! It's not very effective...
Articuno's stats rose!
Articuno Focused...
Articuno's AGILE Shadow Ball dealt 34 damage to Laura! It's not very effective...
Articuno's AGILE Shadow Ball dealt 32 damage to Gladion!
Legendary Action: Sure Crit!
Articuno's Shadow Ball dealt a CRITICAL 63 damage to Laura! KO!!
Articuno's Shadow Ball dealt a CRITICAL 84 damage to Gladion! KO!!
Articuno is flinching and can't do more!

Just, not quite.

Snow Shade 2 walked to South Beach.
Snow Shade 2 used Haze! Isidora's stats fell!
Snow Shade 3 walked to Tall Grass.
Snow Shade 3 prepared an attack.
Snow Shade 1 walked to Beachfront Lake.
Snow Shade 1 prepared an attack.

Laura coughed and spluttered as she got to her feet again. That was Gladion fully out of the fight, then. Her, though? Not yet.

"You learned enough about us yet?" she asked, aware that Articuno must be expecting the counterattack, but still hoping to spread their attention as much as she could. "This something all your recruits go through to join?"

"Not at all," came the reply. "Recall that you are so singularly unusual among all offworlders who come here. This is a unique moment. Indeed, I would dearly like to learn even more about you all, and the rest of your party, and your worlds. Do they prosper where Forlas falters, or do they bear greater suffering? Why, and how, have they their different qualities? You were all chosen by some power I do not understand, and about which I only have the merest suspicions. For what reason were you chosen, Ms Laura?"

The Meowth staggered on a broken ice floe, wondering how to spend the precious little energy she had left. Boost Isidora again, probably. They were incredibly synergetic, despite everything... so she'd keep doing what was needed, as long as it was needed.

"I don't know," she said. True, and yet...

"Surely you must speculate?"

She nodded, stiffly.

"'Course I do." She bit her lip, raw and chapped. "Maybe the team needs strategists and trainers. Maybe we need all the different temperaments and experiences we have. Maybe... We saved that ARK Unit, remember? I'm trying to save genetic experiments like that back home. Maybe I was always gonna do the same thing here."

Articuno heard her, listening silently.

The strikers would be here any moment.

"Perhaps," they whispered. "Or perhaps you are all stubborn martyrs in your own ways. Driven, insecure, recklessly altruistic. 'Heroes'."

The storm howled. Time to end this.

Boss Attack: Articuno is preparing Freezing Soul!
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After he'd had a few seconds to clear his head, guilt settled into Andre. The others were fighting and he'd run away. When the others were probably taking worse hits than him with nothing but a gritting if the teeth, why wasn't he able stay in the fray?

Well, he was simply too weak. He wouldn't be able to get in any hits when Articuno still boasted that attack power and he barely knew how to attack. But he could go back to the snow shades. He concentrated on Betel's network and sensed a shade on the beach. He didn't really feel up to a Double Kick with his still-aching legs, but it was still the best type matchup, right? He'd just have to deal with the pain.

Andre sprinted up to the shade before pivoting on his front hooves and ramming his back legs into its bird-shaped form.
"[...]You were all chosen by some power I do not understand, and about which I only have the merest suspicions.[...]"

"I'm n-not," Ridley said, "so s-sure we were chosen at all. I think m-m-maybe we chose."

He didn't know about the other offworlders, those poor souls stripped of their memories and dropped into an alien world and alien bodies without preparation, but the Wayfarers had been given a choice. They could have said no. Maybe some of them had. Ridley had walked that long dark road to the plaza, but who knew how many turned back before they reached their destination? Who knew how many had reached that plaza, and heard Betel out, and told them no?

What united the Wayfarers wasn't that they'd heard the call, but that they'd answered.

Ridley continued, "You wanna know a secret? I'll t-tell you this one for free, you don't even have t-t-to read my mind for it." He was wet and freezing and had just electrocuted himself. He didn't have enough functional grey matter right now to be smart. He said, "I didn't come here to help people. I came here because I wanted to see what another world would be like. I was just curious. That's all."

Ridley (Aux Rogue/Brawler)
- Rogue Aux: Lower DEF @ Articuno
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Bellatrix shook herself out, preparing for one final strike to the Saint. The battle wouldn't be close at all, rather a decisive victory for the Wayfarers. Even if they would endure the oncoming strikes, they would not the next time.

"So we have learned," came Bellatrix's answer, her mind trailing back to the battle with the Cipher admins. Certainly not ones to give the Wayfarers any chances in order to test them. "And yet they were brought to their knees all the same. You are far from our first battle and far from our last." She raised her blade. "Shall we?"

She didn't wait for an answer before sprinting back into the whiteout to let loose another string of attacks. "How much have you learned from us?" she asked through the storm. "From only five Wayfarers in a group that exceeds twenty?"

Bellatrix (54 STM, 12 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to South Beach
- **Act:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Dash to Beachfront Lake (-2 TMP)
- Extreme Speed @ Articuno (-22 STM, +2 TMP)
- Extreme Speed @ Articuno (-33 STM, +2 TMP)
- STRONG CRITICAL Bitter Malice @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-37.5 STM, -18 TMP, +5 TMP)
Net change: -53 STM, -6 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 1 STM (34 after regen), 6 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
A freezing mist enveloped the beach. The vapors choked the already snow-obscured air, and despite Isidora's efforts to hold her breath, the Haze seeped through her fur and skin to sap her of her strength anyway. Dammit! Not now!

The mist cleared. Gladion was out. Laura was having a conversation with Articuno. Bellatrix was about to take her shot. The strain of battle weighed on Isidora's body: she couldn't make up for what she lost, not before her chance left her. All she could do was put her all into it now.

The sneasel ran in, back onto the lake, flanking wide, looking for her best position-

"Isidora! I need you to trust me!"
"They always spread their wings on a charged strike – land your best move right then—!!"

More advice. And a big ask. But in the midst of her focus, those feelings barely registered. It didn't matter who she had to work with. More than anything right now, she wanted to win this. To prove that Articuno understood nothing about her.

She fired off her Ice Shards, feinted an opening, skidded close into an angle opposite of Bellatrix's assault. And then-


Isidora (60 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +3 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Receive (Call) (+3 TMP, -10 SHD, -10 RAD)
- Walk to Beachfront Lake
- **Act:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Ice Shard @ Articuno (-5 STM, +5 TMP)
- CRITICAL Feint Attack @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-8 STM, -18 TMP, +5 TMP)
- AGILE Ice Shard @ Articuno (-10 STM, +5 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Articuno (-5 STM, +5 TMP)
- CRITICAL Triple Axel @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-34 STM, -18 TMP, +5 TMP)
- Interact @ Isidora is so in sync with Laura's wishes that she landed a triple critical hit! (-3 TMP)
Net change: -22 STM, -11 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 38 STM (72 after regen), 3 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
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She could feel the deciding moment approaching. There was ice under her feet and a blizzard roaring in her ears, but it may as well have been the turf of a Galarian stadium, and the roaring of the crowds.

Laura shot a look towards her Sneasel teammate, sprinting to flank. Good. That was right. Her plays were always solid to begin with, but... Did she know? That Laura expected her to be competent enough on her own? That synergy was not control?

"Isidora! I need you to trust me!"

Being a trainer wasn't about commanding your partner. She was a coach, not a puppeteer. A second pair of eyes. Your partner trusted you – and you, them. That's what they needed right now... So she decided.

She'd trust Isidora to trust her.


"They always spread their wings on a charged strike – land your best move right then—!!"
She held some energy in reserve, waiting for the strike. It'd go right through Articuno's defences, if the timing was right, if Isidora could just battle with her, together—

Laura and Isidora are breathing in perfect sync with one another!

Laura (39 STM, 16 TMP, +3 SPD, +1 ACC, 43 SHD, 43 RAD)
- Coaching @ Isidora (ACTIVATE: Support Feat) (-18 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Isidora (-16 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** Call @ Isidora
- Interact @ Triple Axel (-3 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Isidora (-12 STM, +2 TMP) [Backloaded]
Net change: -38 STM, -5 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 1 STM (35 after regen), 11 TMP, 43 SHD, 43 RAD
Turn 6
Player Phase

Articuno's wings continued to glow brighter in the whiteout, but their head turned to examine Ridley, their eyes narrowing with puzzlement.

"What...? You were... only curious? No more than that?"

Their concentration, impressive as it was, faltered. An opening presented itself.

The Wayfarers took it.

Laura's Coaching buffed Isidora and Bellatrix!
Laura's Helping Hand buffed Isidora x3!
Laura called out to Isidora!
Laura's Interact: Laura held back a Helping Hand for Isidora's critical strike at the right moment!

Ridley's Rogue Skill lowered Articuno's Def by 1!

Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 21 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Feint Attack dealt a CRITICAL 56 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's AGILE Ice Shard dealt 16 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 19 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Triple Axel dealt a CRITICAL 28 + 43 + 61 damage to Articuno! It's super effective!
Isidora's Interact: Isidora is so in sync with Laura's wishes that she landed a triple critical hit!

Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 9 damage to Articuno!
Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 10 damage to Articuno!
Bellatrix's STRONG Bitter Malice dealt a CRITICAL 52 damage to Articuno! It's super effective! KO!!

The whiteout ended.
The snow shades dissipated.

The storm faded, and as Articuno drifted weightlessly to earth, the mist around the island faded too, if only for a moment. On the horizon, the pokémon there could see a city, a skyline of tall buildings, electric lights, grey beneath an overcast sky.

And then the vision ended, the mist restored.

"Well... You have met certain of my expectations," said the legendary, drily. "And you have surprised me in other ways. Most significantly of all, you have revealed that you are not the precisely selected heroes your summoning implied..."

They straightened up, and with a soft cry of effort, they froze over the lake surface for the sake of the terrestrial 'mon around them.

"And yet, I find you all the more fascinating for it. To travel to another world from curiosity alone... I would have chosen that, once."

✅ Objective: Defeat Articuno.
✅ Secondary Objective: Show Articuno who you really are.
~ Wayfarer Victory! ~
The snow shade dissipating made Andre think for a moment that he'd actually been useful before he realized it was simply the consequence of Articuno being felled. He felt stupid, wondering if there was any point to his attacking the shade, but maybe he'd been keeping it busy. Probably not.

He was happy about the blizzard being gone, at least. It was much warmer now, meaning the pain his body felt was restricted to just aches rather than aches and the chill.

"Well... You have met certain of my expectations," said the legendary, drily. "And you have surprised me in other ways. Most significantly of all, you have revealed that you are not the precisely selected heroes your summoning implied..."

They straightened up, and with a soft cry of effort, they froze over the lake surface for the sake of the terrestrial 'mon around them.

"And yet, I find you all the more fascinating for it. To travel to another world from curiosity alone... I would have chosen that, once."

Andre made his way across the lake ice to Articuno. "So... do you consider us fit for the Covenant position?" He dreaded the answer.
A few moments after the end of the fight, Gladion stirred. He didn’t feel like getting up yet, but it seemed like everyone was settling down within earshot of him.

“We made it?”

Articuno seemed content with them, at least. They were still going on about stuff. The words ‘disgustingly mundane’ still rung in his ears. Now that he had time to, he laughed to himself. It was, wasn’t it? But it’s not like he’d have been fine with the old money families of Kalos without that aspect.

He looked up at Articuno, not feeling ready to standing yet. “What’s normal of your heroes? I’m not gonna tell you we’re all surgically selected, but every human’s fucked up in their own way. Honestly, I’m dying to know what your perfect one looks like.”
Andre said:
"So... do you consider us fit for the Covenant position?"

Articuno regarded Andre carefully. They knew. They saw his secret. They hadn't assumed that he was a criminal and a murderer, but they knew he feared discovery. Was terrified of it, even.

"I expect several of you at least to be well-suited for the task at hand," they replied, evenly. They cleared their throat lightly, adjusting to using their vocal cords again. "If you're willing to accept the responsibility, Andre, I am confident that you could make yourself useful in investigating the matter of the ARK Unit's origins, and whatever clandestine schemes may surround it."

If he was willing to accept.

They hadn't threatened Andre... This was, still, voluntary.

"If your terror makes you a liability, it would be best not to depend on you," came a private whisper. "I am, above all else, pragmatic."

Gladion said:
“What’s normal of your heroes? I’m not gonna tell you we’re all surgically selected, but every human’s fucked up in their own way. Honestly, I’m dying to know what your perfect one looks like.”

The bird's beak parted for a moment as they considered this.

"They differ," they said, at last. "You are aware of Jesse Stranger? He was, by all accounts, a remarkably driven individual, with charisma and confidence enough to deal with the disparate cultures of Sojaveña, intelligent and persistent enough to solve the enigma dungeons common at the time, and solitary enough to endure long journeys across sparsely-settled country. At other times I have heard of humans who are especially cerebral, or singularly mighty, as appropriate to contend with their respective Crises. In all cases, however, these summoned heroes are proactive, cooperative, and deeply altruistic."

They paused, frowning slightly.

"With that in mind, I would hardly describe them as perfect. The ancient ones are mythologised, and the modern ones are... rough around the edges. Jesse Stranger, for instance, was necessarily a forthright personality, uncompromising at times, and unsophisticated. Yet, a vulgar tongue is perhaps a greater asset in Sojaveña than 'high class' mannerisms, as you may have discovered for yourselves. Perfection is contextual. 'Appropriateness' is perhaps a more apt adjective."
"I expect several of you at least to be well-suited for the task at hand," they replied, evenly. They cleared their throat lightly, adjusting to using their vocal cords again. "If you're willing to accept the responsibility, Andre, I am confident that you could make yourself useful in investigating the matter of the ARK Unit's origins, and whatever clandestine schemes may surround it."
Had Andre been a canine, he would have wagged his tail. He hadn't failed. He'd passed. Somehow. Honestly, he had to question Articuno's judgment a little. But maybe they knew better who was suited for their organization.

"If your terror makes you a liability, it would be best not to depend on you," came a private whisper. "I am, above all else, pragmatic."

Oh. Hm. Not a completely green light, then. But, well... Andre believed he was up to the task. After all, if he got into the Covenant, if he could find out useful information, he could become an asset too valuable to lynch. If every Wayfarer agreed that their mission was more important than enacting vigilante justice on their own, that is.

"I would be honored to accept that responsibility," Andre said and bowed without thinking, only realizing after what a sycophant he looked like. Whatever. And my secret will not be an issue, he added in private thought.
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