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Novelux Teardrop Island

[Ch05] ~ Finale ~ Perfect Clarity
  • Articuno returned to the Sun Stone's rooftop as promised – precisely at noon – and with little fanfare, they whisked those Wayfarers who'd come there to their station, many miles away from Frontier Town.

    The legendary floated in the air as if hovering in flight, but their wings did not flap or even so much as glide. They sustained their levitation by psychic power alone, their wings free to gesture, stroke their beak, or gleam with power as they swept their surroundings clear of mist and wildlife.

    "We shall begin shortly," said the legend, in their coolly composed voice. "I wish not to see a simple demonstration of strength, but the particular qualities that make your group so remarkable. Your... coordination. Inventiveness. Mastery of strange elements."

    They looked over their shoulder at the gathered Wayfarers.

    "Forgive me," they added, lightly. "I am unaccustomed to hosting guests. Welcome to Teardrop Station. It is, for the moment, my home."
    Dave and Articuno Discuss the Covenant
  • At this point, Dave couldn't really get around it. A bunch of Wayfarers had decided to work with the Covenant, for some reason. Apparently the psychic Articuno was their leader. They wanted the Wayfarers to help them root out corruption within the organization or some shit, and people seemed pretty down for that. And all Dave could think was what the fuck, why do we trust this fucker.

    So he asked around and got someone to pass along a message saying he wanted to talk. Part of him wondered if Articuno was doing some kind of psychic bullshit, hypnotizing people into agreeing the Covenant was great actually. But he'd also read that Dark-types were meant to be immune to that kind of shit in Forlas. Either Articuno could tell him something real fucking persuasive about why this organization wasn't a shady fucking child-brainwashing bigotry club and they could simply root out all the bad apples and the rest of them would never, or he could come back with some ammunition to try and persuade his fellow Wayfarers to stop helping these shitheads.

    In return, he'd received an invitation to Teardrop Island, on the ferry with the staff. Well, why the fuck not. Let's hear what Articuno had to say about the Covenant.
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