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In Progress The Fourth Apocalypse


Beta Pokemon
Hello, friendly friends. I've been twiddling with this idea for some time now, and now that I've got an account on the TCoD forums, I figured that I might as well post it and get some feedback. Hope you like it!

Chapter 1: The End of the World (Again)​

It was a perfectly normal day in the Coronet mountains. Pokemon fought over silly territorial squabbles. Others looked for the sparse amount of food that was up there. A select few Pokemon lazed around irritably.

Being one of those who was lazing around irritably, Isolde was bored as heck. The light blue, catlike creature was so utterly disappointed with life, it gave her the creepy willies sometimes. She shifted in her little nest made up of snow. It would be very nice, she reasoned, if something happened right now.

Ever since she had been little, this particular Glaceon had been shunned by all of her brothers and sisters. This was not because she was shiny, or any of that bunk, but because while they were a very rowdy lot, and very well-developed fighters, Isolde had been more of a thinker, and a philosopher. It showed even today, as all of her siblings spent their lives drinking onion beer, having sex with each other, and generally being dipsticks. Isolde, however, spent her days gazing out across the mountains, and marveling the architecture of Heiligkirche, the Hearthome Church.

Unfortunately, because her brothers were better fighters than her, this resulted in Isolde being deprived of all berries, and food in general. Thus, they slowly were starving her to death, and also putting her in an almost perpetually bad mood.

"****," she barked at a passing Bronzor, who scuttled out of the way. He did not want to risk angering any of the Glaceon, who would either fire a drunken Ice Beam at him or develop a plan to psychologically torture him.

Little did Isolde know that soon, she would be having the best day of her life. Ironically, her first clue was when the world ended.

It started out as a little breeze, nothing special in particular. But then it picked up. The few trees that lived at this altitude rustled in irritation. Absol began to howl. The wind blew even faster.

Isolde leapt to her feet and began racing down a snowy cliff path. She knew that if she could just get inside the caves that wormed through the mountain's core she would be safe, if this turned out to be a full-scale blizzard.

The wind howled on faster still. Boulders, disturbed from their perches near the mountain's summit began raining down like massive bowling balls. Bronzor got squashed. Snover were uprooted.

Now Isolde began to get worried. She had lived on this mountain her entire life, and had never experienced winds like this before. It was probably just a tropical storm coming up from the Sea of Wailord, but she didn't want to take any chances with hurricanes. Oh, where was that cave? Isolde listened desperately for any sound of wind echoing past the walls of a cave, but there was none.


The noise came from the sky. Isolde looked up to find a forest-green snake the size of a jumbo jet flying around the summit of Mt. Coronet. Somehow, instinctively, she knew that this was the creature causing this storm. With a valiant battle cry, Isolde fired a frigid Ice Beam attack at the draconic monster.

Unfortunately, this did little to weaken the beast. It now turned towards her and suddenly shot out of the sky. Before the Glaceon could react, the monster had grabbed her with a reptilian claw and soared back to the mountain's summit.

Isolde was gasping for breath as the monster dug its claws into her half-starved flesh. Through her blurry vision, she could see an ornate temple at the mountain's peak - probably Spear Pillar, a shrine to Dialga and Palkia. Then, if anything worse could happen at that time, it happened.

Mt. Coronet erupted.

Globs of hot lava and smoldering ash burst out of the volcano. The beast holding Isolde reared back in terror, accidentally letting go of her in the process. As the Glaceon fell off the mountain, she could see the beast that had capture her writhe in pain as lava coated its body and ash coated its throat.

As Isolde fell, she reflected on the fact that she would probably die after this. That was a good thing, she thought. Death would be a welcomed break from the life she lead.

It was at that moment that the Glaceon found herself in the clutches of yet another monster. This one was the size of the Empire State Building, and looked like a massive, plated t-rex. This beast eyed her suspiciously, and then made to throw her into the slowly advancing lava.

A blast of blue flames from above knocked the second monster off its feet. Isolde's head jerked upward to reveal the dragon-like monster from before. Its skin was now an ugly, orangish color from being covered with lava, but that didn't seem to be hampering it in the least. She wondered, just for a second, if all of these idiots were out to get her.

The sound of water managed to get her and the monsters' attention. They turned towards it, and none of them liked it.

If there was any time for a thousand-mile high tidal wave to be sweeping across western Sinnoh, this wasn't it. The monster holding her shot into the sky on a pillar of rock forming beneath is feet. The dragon simply flew upwards, while Isolde could only watch in horror as it drew nearer and nearer . . .

Something at the top of the wave caught her eye. Isolde strained to see what it was, and then realized that this was the third monster of the day. It was shaped like a whale or dolphin, but was easily as large as the titanic, and was covered in a glistening coat of wet scales.

Both of the other monsters attacked - the one holding her fired a massive boulder at it, while the other monster blasted it with a tornado that appeared from its mouth. The third monster surrounded itself with a barrier of pure ice, easily deflecting the other monsters' attacks.

What is going on? Isolde thought, racking her brain for any memories that might explain what was going on right now. She just needed one tidbit of information . . .

Suddenly the Glaceon had a flashback to her days as an Eevee. While her brothers and sisters were play-fighting outside, Isolde and her mama Glaceon were sitting in their snowy den, telling stories to each other.

"Now, Isolde," mama Glaceon had said, "do you want to hear a scary story?"

"Yeah!" she had chirped.

"All right. Once upon a time, in a land far in the past, the gods of the earth, sea and sky were restless. They were arguing about which of their territories was the best. Soon war broke out between them."

Mama Glaceon lowered her voice so that Isolde had to strain her fluffy Eevee ears to her her.

"The god of the earth polluted the sky with choking ash from his volcanoes. The god of the sky decimated the creatures that lived in the sea with massive bolts of lighting. The god of the sea raised the ocean to cover the earth."

"Whoa, that does sound scary!" squeaked Isolde.

"But that's not the worst part." The Glaceon grinned. "There is a legend that says this fight, this war that could end the world, will happen again in the future."
I must admit, that is a good point. However, this chapter does not encompass a day by any means. I think that by Chapter 2 (or, if I feel like writing my head off, chapter 3) you will see why it's the best day of her life. Hint: Isolde has a heck of a crappy life. What could make it better, hint, hint?

Speaking of Chapter 2, if I really put my head to the grindstone, I may be able to pump it out sometime this week.
Bonjour, amis! C'est beau temps ici, à l'endroit où je vis que vous avez probablement ne se soucient pas, et je viens de finir le chapitre 2 de L'Apocalypse quatrième. Il est là!

Note: I'm in a very French mood, if you hadn't noticed. Pardon the chapter's shortness, I don't like writing these mushy scenes with Isolde and Mama Glaceon.

Chapter 2: The Other Gods​

This memory did not encourage Isolde in the least. She continued to squirm against this monster-who-had-turned-out-to-be the god-of-the-earth's grip.

"****," she said aloud. "Why couldn't any of my siblings be in this place right now?"

Isolde banged her head against the god of the earth's stony skin. This gave her a very bad headache, so she stopped, and began to look around at the battle.

The god of the earth was currently summoning massive amounts of lava from the now-decimated slopes of Mt. Coronet. Meanwhile, the god of the sea was raising another tidal wave, and the god of the sky was summoning a tornado from the heavens. For a moment, everything was deathly quiet. Isolde could just imagine the citizens of Hearthome City cowering in fear.

Then their attacks struck. It was like the story Mama Glaceon had told, but worse, and different, somehow. All of the gods fired their elements at one another and created one, massive ball of energy that seemed to suck the world in. Rocks were uprooted from the earth. Waves broke free of the ocean. The sky seemed to shrink like a deflating balloon.

The god of the earth tried to resist, but it was no good. The supreme power of the vortex created by the three gods' attacks was too much for even a deity to endure. With a massive roar, the huge beast was swept off its feet. In the pandemonium, Isolde slipped out of its grasp.

There was only a moment of terrible, ripping pain.

Then silence.

* * *​

High above the fighting gods, an immortal was sipping tea disapprovingly. This immortal was not of the sort that usually drank tea, but heck, this seemed the time for it.

Being large and horselike, with a massive, golden ring around his waist, nobody questioned anything that Arceus said. Holding the position as king of the gods as well as just about everything else was another deciding factor in how people viewed him. Unfortunately, being king of the gods did not make you automatically as patient as can be, and today he was particularly annoyed.

"Why," bellowed Arceus, sending some minor deities scuttling away, "has that stupid soul not come to the Hall of Origin yet? I must speak with her!"

"We are letting the Glaceon, Isolde, spend some time with her mother before we start talking about all of our gloomy hullaballoo," explained the voice of Mew in a forcibly kind voice. You could tell when she was mad, because the intercom on which she was speaking would begin emitting absurdly purple sparks.

Arceus glanced around the room he was in. It was made of pure light, which was terribly exciting until you had lived in a palace made of it for several million billion years. Other than that, the room was quite simple, containing only Arceus' La-Z-Boy armchair and a very large, plasma-screen television.

"Well, bring her and her stupid mother in here, then! It is vital for our plan to work that I talk to Drizzled right now - That is the Glaceon's name, right?"

A loud and Mew-ish sigh echoed through the Hall of Origin.

"I don't see Zeus, Poseidon and Hades duking it out right now, do you? We can let them have a bit of a happy reunion before we send them on their mission," explained Mew.

"Gods above," muttered Arceus. "You would think it was a sin to be impatient." But he waited just the same.

* * *​

Isolde awoke on something soft and warm. She stretched her legs and yawned. This spot of snow she picked out was so comfortable, she decided to just go back to sleep.

Suddenly, vivid memories of lava, monsters and vortexes tore through her mind. Isolde could clearly recall her entire body being ripped to shreds by the vortex.

Am I . . . dead? she asked herself.

"Yes," murmured a voice as smooth and kind as butter. "Oh, but Isolde, does that really matter? As a great man once said, 'After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

The Glaceon whirled around. Standing behind her was Mama Glaceon, there and in the flesh. With her heart bursting with joy, Isolde leapt toward her and embraced her mother for the first time in seven years.

"I've missed you so much," whispered Mama Glaceon. "You've always been my little girl, whether I'm alive or dead."

The Glaceon parted. They gazed around the room they were in - It was made out of light, which seemed very exciting to Isolde. The floor was covered in warm, white carpeting that was twice as comfortable as snow. Bits of it even came out, so that you could have snowball fights and the like.

They both glanced at each other, having just discovered this fact. Isolde grinned. Mama Glaceon grinned back. With whoops and cheers of delight, they began pelting each other with snowballs. The globs suddenly became icy cold and textured like snow as soon as you thought of them as snowballs, adding to the sheer joy of the situation.

That snowball fight seemed to last for days. It was all happiness, it was all joy, and it was all love. Neither Glaceon had experienced anything like this for the past seven years, and both were relishing it.

Finally, the Glaceon became tired of their snowball fight. Mama Glaceon lead Isolde to the igloo she had built in the past years, and her daughter was pleased to discover that its walls were completely covered in books. While Isolde searched for a series she liked, Mama Glaceon molded snow into such a shape that it magically became hot chocolate. Nestling down in the snowy floor with their books and hot chocolate, both Glaceon knew they could, and might, stay like this for centuries.

"This place really is heaven," Isolde breathed.

"Yes," agreed her mother softly. "It is."
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