Uh, I didn't do it.
I know right? >:P
I should take advantage of famous people coming to the Mall more often. It was really cool. Some people waited outside all night to get in, but I had a couple passes to get in straightaway.
It was really cool, and may I mention that Josh Hutcherson is a really nice guy? They answered questions and it was all really cool. Also they did a photo of the first few sections giving the District 12 salute which was awesome, I didn't get a pic of it since I was in the rotunda and the pic was taken from above, but I found it online.
I should take advantage of famous people coming to the Mall more often. It was really cool. Some people waited outside all night to get in, but I had a couple passes to get in straightaway.
It was really cool, and may I mention that Josh Hutcherson is a really nice guy? They answered questions and it was all really cool. Also they did a photo of the first few sections giving the District 12 salute which was awesome, I didn't get a pic of it since I was in the rotunda and the pic was taken from above, but I found it online.
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