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The Kaiser is back for revenge! Or not...

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Last time I was banned from here, I was attempting to apologize to everybody I offended in the past. Seriously, guys, I'm 18 now, and have a new sense of maturity. Admins, don't ban me on the spot again for the same reason as the last several times. I feel that this forum is like an online home for myself. I said I was sorry.

And like I said when I was Concert Crush, I no longer respond to my past usernames. So no referring to me as "Turbo" or "Celestial Blade", call me by my username, or Kaiser, or my user initials "DK".

I'm in a good mood now, and banning me again would just piss me off to the point of pure anger.

If you don't like me, please, for the love of Arceus, forgive me, seriously.

I was typing this intro up for a while on Word, so take it into consideration, especially since I believe, IMHO, that my past bans were unjustified.
Besides not helping your case, coming back over and over is kinda annoying, you know?

Which you are regardless of that, mainly due to your constant flaunting of your political views. I'm conservative, but I don't go around in every other post saying that Republicans are the best thing ever to happen to this world(which they most certainly are not, most republicans are complete idiots and don't even represent true conservative ideals but eh...).

Maybe if you handled the situation maturely and acted mature(since you are saying that you are just because you are 18 now), then people would be nicer to you, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
out of curiosity why do you believe this is your "internet home" anyway? I mean it's not like people treat you well here.
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