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Novelux The Museum of Everlasting Brilliance


Well-known member
Heartache staff
The Museum of Everlasting Brilliance stood as a shining beacon that gave Novelux its signature glimmer. The glass, steel, and marble grinned sweet words of stories to denizens and visitors alike, while the pipes that trailed along its corners made the backbone of living, breathing history.

Like any structure modeled after progress, its entrance boasted an imposing stairway leading into the gates of a heaven to historians and tourists. Even its stained glass ceiling mimicked angelic clouds as it took sightseers on a journey across "civilized progress" from cane and timber longhouses to sprawling cities.

On the second floor was the “Glistening Gallery”, where artists from all across Lucemar — sometimes even from such distant Old World countries as Arcadelle — were given the opportunity to display their craft for the world to see. Whether they were humble paintings, mind-boggling sculptures, or even plaques detailing performance arts, there was something for every walk of life.

The “Hall of History” nestled itself below on the first floor, depicting both Novelux’s founding and an attempt to capture Lucemar's own colored history. Glass-guarded ancient relics, well-preserved historical documents, as well as wax recreations created a vault of knowledge for any curious citizen — provided they took no issue with the somewhat prideful perspective of the display placards.

The true glory of the museum, however, is in its third floor: The “Techrarium”. Generously funded by Fermlein Steel, this section of the museum aims to showcase the latest advances in science and technology. Visitors can interact with a range of exhibits as well as gawk at some of the original experiments that lead to the greatest discoveries. Its true appeal, however, is in the Annual Innovation Exposition, where would-be inventors and entrepreneurs from all across the world gather to show off their latest prototypes in hopes of acquiring fame, support, and funding.

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Ch06: Novel Sights, Novel Psyches
The Mismagius let out a long yawn as he happily drifted between the whirlwind of activity that made up Novelux's crowds. Yet despite his casual posture, there was a clear glint of excitement twinkling beneath his hats and along his gems. He clutched onto the letter as he navigated through the streets before finally making it to the tour trolley station with an eager grin. His eyes darted around, hoping to find both the interviewer and any potential Wayfarers that followed him.

While the museum itself was a radiant jewel crystalized by the sands of time and march of progress, the station was the rougher earth that surrounded it. Steel poles lined the the rails like watchmen as the concrete covers near the boarding area became their shields. Pipes, wires, and dust crawled along the walls nearby as they provided the true foundation hidden just out of sight from the splenderous sheen of the museum nearby.

With a quick adjustment of his hat and scarf, Ghaspius wondered aloud, "Huh, wonder where everybody is." It seemed despite it being a relative busy day in the city, the station had no other tourists or passengers waiting to board.
Andre trotted up to the mismagius with a frown. "Ghaspius! Please don't run off like that. This is a big city. We should stick together."

Oh, great, he sounded like an overbearing mother. Ghaspius was his own mon and could find his way on his own, surely.

Andre sighed. "Sorry. I'd just hate for one of us to get lost." He looked around, searching for a change of subject, and noted the emptiness of the station.

"Hm. Would have expected more of a crowd in such a large city..."
The Mismagius let out a light noise as he snapped out of his over-eager trance. He turned towards Andre and chuckled, "Sorry 'bout that. Just after seein' what we saw at the Cove's place and now in this city, I've just been dyin' to get my tassels on it all." Ghaspius gestured towards the wide streets filled with railcars and wagons intermingling with the dozens of pedestrians.

"I mean, folks don't even need to walk or float from place to place themselves if they don't feel like it! Can y'all imagine what kinds of wonders they got in the works? Or what kinda stuff they're gonna onboard me to work on?"

Even so, the station they stood near, along with the museum entrance itself, remained sparse of activity, save for the occasional passerby from a distance. "Ya got a point, though. Maybe it's closed today...?"

A gentle rumble echoed through the steel rails. At the very least, it seemed the trolley was operational, and closing in. One with particularly sensitive hearing might've even identified some chatter that seemed to follow the car, but the exact words made indistinct by the machine.
Novelux was in some ways, the closest to familiarity Koa had felt since coming to Forlas. The hustle of the city, the crowds, the architecture... It vaguely reminded him of parts of Jubilife or Veilstone.

Yet in other ways, it felt distinctly alien and unfamiliar compared to Frontier Town. Not to mention, visiting a new place without his team by his side was less fun.

Still, Ghaspius was good company, and they had a museum (and surely a city like this had a library too right) and maybe he wanted a break after everything so he was more than happy to make the trip to learn more.

It didn't take but a few moments for him to lose himself taking in the sights, and when he looked around again, Ghaspius and Andre were gone.

Tracking them by scent proved arduous with the congestion of different scents, and it was a mix of dumb luck that he found them again.

He trotted up to Ghaspius, then paused, his ears twitching. A frown crossed his muzzle as he glanced around. No obvious sign of whoever left the invited. And oddly quiet for a city... His pelt prickled and he scanned the area again. "So this person you're meeting... Do we know what they look like?"
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Ghaspius opened the letter once more, scrunched his gaze at its contents, and shook his head. "Not a clue. But I mean considerin' that there ain't a soul in sight, I think we'd know 'em when we saw 'em, right?"

The ding ding of a bell and screeching of steel wheels interrupted any further speculation from the Mismagius. As he turned to face the trolley, he let out a light noise of intrigue. The car was painted a glistening white that matched the museum's facade and a recently applied polish gave it an almost ethereal glow in the sun's rays. Its open rows of seats invited any passerby to hop on and off as they pleased, though they were all currently empty. Was it simply a slow day?

"All aboard!" A Dwebble with a conductor's hat for a shell greeted from the front. His voice, though aged with gravel, was as warm as a stone in a hearth as he grinned at the group.

"Oh, are you the interviewer?" Ghaspius asked as his eyes lit up in intrigue.

The Dwebble adjusted his hat-for-a-shell. "Son, my job's to provide some tours for the good folk visiting Novelux, starting and ending here at the museum." It seemed that the trolley would be making rounds around the city itself rather than in the musuem. "So if you're trying to meet someone, I think 'yer best bet would be take a ride. This is the only car running today, and most folks prefer hopping on at one of the stops rather than here. You'd catch 'em halfway."

Ghaspius looked to the others for their input.
Andre hummed. "The letter said to meet at the station, didn't it? I wouldn't start improvising. But it's your interview, so it's your choice, Ghaspius."
Koa took another glance around the empty station before looking back to Ghapius, then considering Andre's suggestion. "Maybe we should do it. They would probably have to ride the trolley to get here, so we should run into them, right?"

"Besides," he added, as he scanned the empty area a final time, "if they're not here yet, seeing more if the city could be useful. If you want, that is," he added quickly. He didn't want Ghapius to miss his appointment. (Even if he thought that not being here to meet the person you sent a letter to was rude).
Ghaspius opened the letter once more to double check the time and place, and sure enough, it all lined up. He scanned the around one last time and let out a hum. "So how much is one of these tours, anyways?"

The Dwebble stared at the envelope for a moment before replying, "Ah, tours are paid for by Fermlein Steel." He rose to the tips of his claws and pulled out a pair of binoculars from beneath his hat as he took a look around. "Not seeing anyone else coming this way. Doubt whoever wanted to meet you is gonna show since the museum's closed for today, anyhow. Trolley tour's still on, though!"

The Mismagius couldn't help but adjust his own hat in response. "Why's that?"

"Ah, haven't heard the news?" The conductor settled back down as he stuffed the binoculars back into the hat. "There's been a whole heap of trouble going on in town. A murder last week, a missing 'mon the week before... but the one's the museum's worried about are arsonists. Torched a nearby warehouse not too long ago." The Dwebble shook his head. "Staff decided it'd be best to try to secure the exhibits 'til they're sure they won't be targeted next."

Ghaspius's floating slowed as a dismayed look crossed his features. He looked back at the others, turned to the conductor, and asked, "You said the tours are still happenin'?"

"Climb on board."

He clutched the letter and settled into one of the many empty seats, beckoning the others to follow. It seemed there would be a moment of pause to ask any questions before the trolley took off.
Andre climbed aboard the trolley. "You mentioned a murder?" he asked the conductor. "Who was murdered? Do they know who did it?"

Of course you want to learn more about the murder. Eager to compare handiwork? said an intrusive thought.

Shut up, Andre thought, covertly sighing.
Missing mon and murder? Arson? His thoughts couldn't help but go back to the weeks before confronting Cipher, and the stories of missing mon. But surely Cipher hadn't come all the way out to Novelux. He'd thought they were further away. A sign of something worse or was it just common criminals?

Koa glanced at Andre for a moment, then shook himself and focused on the Dwebble as he climbed on board. "Arson? Why would an arsonist want to go after the museum? Or uh... arsonists?"
Andre climbed aboard the trolley. "You mentioned a murder?" he asked the conductor. "Who was murdered? Do they know who did it?"
The conductor let out a hum as he fiddled with the controls. "'fraid I don't got those details committed to memory, but it should be in the papers. Might've been a businessmon, I think? If I see something that jogs my memory though, I'll you know."

He rang the bell a couple of more times, signaling to an audience of zero that the trolley was going to move again. "Next stop: the shopping district!"

Koa glanced at Andre for a moment, then shook himself and focused on the Dwebble as he climbed on board. "Arson? Why would an arsonist want to go after the museum? Or uh... arsonists?"
The conductor craned his neck back. "Well, lemme answer that question with a question — what makes it so that any ol' fire-type can't go torching places up?"

Ghaspius lifted his head as he held up a tassel. "Oh, I know this one! It's proofing! There's somethin' called dungeon dust that imbues a surface with resistance to the elements. The composition isn't well known, but it's clear there's a crystalline structure fiber that gives its signature strength and luster as well as continuous ongoing reactions within that give it the iridescent glow!"

The Dwebble let out a hearty a chuckle at that ramble of a response. "Good answer. So then, if it ain't a fire-type's oopsie, and it ain't some random drunkards some bottles and a vendetta against storage spaces, what do you think it might be?"

As he turned the safety dials and pushed the lever forward, the trolley hummed to life as the metal screeched against metal. Soon, the car lurched forward before finally beginning its rolling thunder.

"Personally, I think it was the terrorists."
His fascination with how elemental proofing and dungeon dust worked was pushed out of his head at the Dwebble's last words.

"Terrorists?" That wasn't a word he felt like he heard very often. His lip curled. Targeting a museum? He would like to give them a piece of his mind... "Why do you think that?" He wasn't sure they were here to stop terrorists but if they could do something to help Novelux he wanted to.

"And would they have against the museum?"
"It's a spree is what it is. Three months ago, a train got derailed, some fella's gone missing, and now the torching? Lemme tell you what they all had in common: industry," the Conductor replied as he tapped his controls, "See, I hear lots of things on the job. People like talking when they think no 'mon's listening. And apparently, there's this collective I've been hearing about that apparently has a bone to pick with things humans might've influenced or touched."

The Dwebble raised his head. "That's why I think the museum staff's gone all skittish. A monument to progress and how far civilization's come? Prime target for a group like that." With the shrug of his hat, he added, "That's just my guess, though. I'm sure the detectives got more leads and info than ol' me."

The car slowed down as the group approached the shopping district, requiring the Conductor to ring the bell a few times as much larger crowds of Pokémon loitered and wandered. A sea of colour and cloth stretched out into the horizon as rows upon rows of vibrant signs and awnings all fought for one's attention. A few street vendors parked along the sidewalks as they proudly displayed their homemade goods, while classier folk seemed to flock towards the more bedazzled buildings.

The Conductor held a gaze towards an advertisement health remedies as they passed by. The sign had a drawing of a vial of bright red liquid held up by a beefy looking Lucario with text that read, 'Guaranteed to cure your ailments and lift your spirits!' The Dwebble's expression was inscrutible — recongition, longing, a hint of concern — but it just as quickly passed as he spoke up again.

"So, any of you fine folks know how they get those fancy flashing lights on those signs?" He asked in his usual hearty voice.

Ghaspius was eager to nearly lift out of his seat and answer. "Oh, oh, I actually learned this just the other day! Normally ya use electricity to contain gases, but it turns out if ya pass that electricity into a metal filament while it's filled with certain gases, it glows! Some even call it a fifth element of alchemy!"

If there was any skepticism, the Dwebble didn't show out as he let out a warm laugh. "You certainly know your stuff, huh?"

The Conductor pulled the lever as the car soon came to a stop at the closest station. He turned out to the folks nearby and shouted, "All abroad!"

Strangely, no one seemed to want to get on. The group could either stay on the trolley and wait for their mystery contact, or try to take a look around in the spare minutes they had.
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"It's a spree is what it is. Three months ago, a train got derailed, some fella's gone missing, and now the torching? Lemme tell you what they all had in common: industry," the Conductor replied as he tapped his controls, "See, I hear lots of things on the job. People like talking when they think no 'mon's listening. And apparently, there's this collective I've been hearing about that apparently has a bone to pick with things humans might've influenced or touched."

The Dwebble raised his head. "That's why I think the museum staff's gone all skittish. A monument to progress and how far civilization's come? Prime target for a group like that." With the shrug of his hat, he added, "That's just my guess, though. I'm sure the detectives got more leads and info than ol' me."
"Human-opposed..." Andre mused. "Wasn't there some group some Wayfarers met months back that had those notions? Forgot the name. Then again, could be someone totally different... this city is big."

The Conductor pulled the lever as the car soon came to a stop at the closest station. He turned out to the folks nearby and shouted, "All abroad!"

Strangely, no one seemed to want to get on. The group could either stay on the trolley and wait for their mystery contact, or try to take a look around in the spare minutes they had.
The idea of walking around didn't seem to even occur to Andre, the deerling too deep in thought.
The Vanguard? Or some other group? If this was really about having a bone to pick with humans... Koa frowned in thought as the trolley came to a stop, and poked his head out to take a look around. Not that he even knew what to look for. Someone holding a sign saying 'Here for Ghaspius'?

If it had been just him and another Wayfarer he might have taken a look around, but he didn't want to miss whoever Ghaspius was meeting. With a final glance around, he retreated back into the trolley, still gazing out the window.

"Ever hear the name 'Vanguard' get mentioned?" he asked casually. After a moment of consideration he added, "And what about you? How do you like Novelux and the museum?"
"'Vanguard'..." The name trickled across his tongue like a watering can to a drying plant. His many legs tapped against the metal tile as he spoke. "I've heard the name alright. Wouldn't surprise me if they had some hand in terrorism. Don't let scary news bother you, though; there's always something or another someone's gonna talk about to get attention. Novelux's way safer than being out there in the wilds."

He quickly changed topics as he waved a claw. "I mean, just look around you! Bright lights, quick crowds, the latest in tech and fashion at every turn. Never a dull moment. Always something to see and discover. Musuem's much the same, but a bit more on past than future stuff. And with Sparkwright around?" He chuckled. "You bet it's gonna get more exhibits than ever. And if you're lucky, you might even get a glimpse of that fancy carriage. No rails, no wires, no one pulling it. Made by the same stuff as trains, but it can move on its own! I might just have to start getting this old chitin ready for new work, hah!"

It wasn't clear whether or not Ghaspius's eyes or gems glistened more like stars in that moment. "Same construction as trains? So it's some kind of steam engine?"

The Dwebble looked at him with proud grin. "Something even stronger, if you can believe it. How do you think they pulled that off?"

Ghaspius hummed in thought as he tapped his bangs and listened to the crowds. Despite the much denser area, they were all more focused on getting from place to place than paying the tram any mind. Still, an observant eye might've seen a Scrafty in a ragged coat giving the car the occasional glance.

Eventually, the Mismagius spoke up. "Ya know, there was that one 'gun' I saw Odette use earlier. I wonder, if one can propel a bit of brass, couldn't ya also propel a carriage with a big enough boom?" He tugged on his scarf, skeptical of his own words yet unable to stop himself from musing. "Like if an engine had little contained explosions inside them, that could do it, right?"

An impressed look briefly flashed over the Conductor's features before his tugged his hat down to cover his face. "You might just be onto something," he mumbled, before turning back to the controls. "Well, almost time to go. Next stop's the uptown, and then we'll be looping back to the museum. You folks got anything on your mind 'fore we head out?"
So the Vanguard did have a name for themselves out here... but then, the Escarpa had plenty of rumors about them. How much was true? He considered pressing the conductor for more information, but the Dwebble seemed eager enough to change the subject.

Koa caught himself just barely before he could say 'like a car?' Even if their status as offworlders wasn't a secret he didn't want to draw too much attention to them. It still felt odd to consider pokemon so interested in making things like that. It was hard to imagine Anubis or Scrapper or even Echo interested in building an engine.

Propping himself on his front paws, he peered out the window. "That definitely sounds like it would work," he said simply. "They'd have to be pretty big though, to fit every pokemon..." He tried to imagine Rascal riding a car, try to reach a steering wheel, and stifled a laugh.

His gaze caught on the Scrafty, and he found himself watching the mon. "Is it normal for tours to be so... quiet?" he asked, not looking away.
Propping himself on his front paws, he peered out the window. "That definitely sounds like it would work," he said simply. "They'd have to be pretty big though, to fit every pokemon..." He tried to imagine Rascal riding a car, try to reach a steering wheel, and stifled a laugh.
"True enough! Probably have to make model for each standard size class," the Dwebble noted as he patted the front of the trolley. "Like ol' Tessa here. What she lacks in capacity, she's got in grit! Never broke down on me once. 'Course, there's always that young'un Drilbur with Big Bam. Mostly does cargo, but sometimes he picks up a passenger here and there that ain't got a dollar to their name."

Ghaspius couldn't help but tilt his head at that. So trams normally costed money to board, but this one hadn't?
His gaze caught on the Scrafty, and he found himself watching the mon. "Is it normal for tours to be so... quiet?" he asked, not looking away.
The Scrafty fluffed up his coat before pulling out a newspaper, suddenly disinterested in what was going on with the trolley.

"Well, I imagine folks aren't interested in touring a city they live in or to a museum's that closed up for the day. News gets around fast in these parts," he said as he rang the bell twice more. "But, worries aside, I think today's a real spirited one; one of the brightest candidates for following up to a dazzling week, wouldn't you say? After all, it's not every day you can see some the potential for something greater in your life as visitors!"

As soon as the car's wheels screeched and the trolley began to move, Koa could see the Scrafty get up, lower his head, and begin walking towards the opposite direction — towards the museum.

'Uptown', as the Conductor called it, was the upper-class district of the city. The streets were much cleaner with more sparse but orderly passerbys. Pokémon held doors open for one another, flyers formed organized webs of traffic, and a fresher scent wastedin the air as well-planned greenery interspersed between the towering buildings. While consumer business dominated downtown, big business had been the center here. Multi-storied offices with fancier exteriors like the headquarters for the Barovelt Central Rail, gentle music echoing from the rooftop venues of gourmet restaurants such as The Kitzway, and of course luxury fashion center and boutiques.

The most striking of them all, however, was a nearly ten-storey building constructed of both mortar and metal that glistened the sun's rays off its shining surfaces. More impressively was just how massive each one was — the front entrance could fit entire trams, if one deserved.

"Fermlein Steel," the Conductor noted as he pointed a claw towards the semi-skyscraper. "'Course, nowadays they do more than just steel. Full-time manufacturing, construction advisory, they even got their hands in the entertainment biz now I hear." A wistful smile crossed his features. "You'll never find a more self-made rich 'mon like Archaludon Lennox Fermlein. If you ask me, he is the city. He even personally funded the Silver Striped Bridge that we'll be passing over on the way back."

As the trolley came to a stop, Ghaspius couldn't help but eye a particularly popular store, Regenia's Prize, appeared to sell vial-contained perfumes that promoted opulence and elegance. At a bench next to its entrance, a feather-coated Gothitelle held out a fancy fan as she glared at the trolley. She eyed up and over it several times, analyzing. Andre and Koa, however, could see she wasn't looking at the car itself, but at Ghaspius.

"Ah, that place catch your eye? Heard they named it after a constellation," the Dwebble said, paying her no mind. "Wonder how they make that stuff smell so good, though."

"Oh, it's pretty simple in concept," Ghaspius spoke up, once again eager to chime into the science of it all. "Find a natural oil or gas — usually from like a flower or a Weezing — then ya can use steam distillation, boiling, solvent extraction, enfleurage, maceration or expression to isolate it. Mix it with other ingredients while makin' sure it ain't toxic or reactive, and you're golden. Just takes a whole lotta time and trial-and-error, though, so they keep all those formulas on lock-and-key."

A hint of a smile crossed the Gothitelle's lips, but she turned and looked away as something else caught her eye.

"Well, how about that; I learned a little something today," the Conductor said with a mirth cadence. "Well, same deal as last time. Look around, ask questions, wait if anyone boards — though not sure if anyone 'round these parts might — and we'll be on our way back in a few minutes."
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"Fermlein Steel," the Conductor noted as he pointed a claw towards the semi-skyscraper. "'Course, nowadays they do more than just steel. Full-time manufacturing, construction advisory, they even got their hands in the entertainment biz now I hear." A wistful smile crossed his features. "You'll never find a more self-made rich 'mon like Archaludon Lennox Fermlein. If you ask me, he is the city. He even personally funded the Silver Striped Bridge that we'll be passing over on the way back."
Andre hummed, though tried not to make it sound too disapproving. He didn't like the idea of a corporation having so much power, but he didn't want to cause an argument.

"Well, how about that; I learned a little something today," the Conductor said with a mirth cadence. "Well, same deal as last time. Look around, ask questions, wait if anyone boards — though not sure if anyone 'round these parts might — and we'll be on our way back in a few minutes."
Andre took the chance to pry. "You said Fermlein was a self-made mon. What's the story there?" When it came to anyone 'self-made', he was always skeptical.
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