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Novelux The Museum of Everlasting Brilliance

Ch06: Novel Sights, Novel Psyches
  • The Mismagius let out a long yawn as he happily drifted between the whirlwind of activity that made up Novelux's crowds. Yet despite his casual posture, there was a clear glint of excitement twinkling beneath his hats and along his gems. He clutched onto the letter as he navigated through the streets before finally making it to the tour trolley station with an eager grin. His eyes darted around, hoping to find both the interviewer and any potential Wayfarers that followed him.

    While the museum itself was a radiant jewel crystalized by the sands of time and march of progress, the station was the rougher earth that surrounded it. Steel poles lined the the rails like watchmen as the concrete covers near the boarding area became their shields. Pipes, wires, and dust crawled along the walls nearby as they provided the true foundation hidden just out of sight from the splenderous sheen of the museum nearby.

    With a quick adjustment of his hat and scarf, Ghaspius wondered aloud, "Huh, wonder where everybody is." It seemed despite it being a relative busy day in the city, the station had no other tourists or passengers waiting to board.
    Ch06: Dave and Andre Discuss Museums
  • The museum was all a bit pretentious, waxing poetic about glorious civilization, but at least it was an interesting window into the state of science in Forlas, and into how the locals thought of their history.

    Everything extolled Novelux and the triumphant advance out west as the pinnacle of modernity. Apparently the local native lapine tribes were integrating well, with an unstated undercurrent of unlike some other savages out west. The virtuous pioneers of civilization, nobly bringing technology, proper governance and finance to the primitives. Weird overcompensatory shit about how nobly industrious they were, what good spouses they were said to make.

    Dave looked up from a set of wax figures depicting some historical event or other and found a familiar orange Deerling reading off a placard.

    "Hey," he said. "Enjoying the Museum of How Great We Are?"
    Ch07: Geological Intrigue
  • Oresday, 30th Spirits

    As advertised in the papers, Uncanny Antiquities: an Exhibition of Mystery Mineralogy was now open to the public of Novelux, on display at the Museum of Everlasting brilliance. The entrance hall and the west half of the first floor was decorated with banners displaying both the logo for the Alexadrian Geologic Society, as well as Magna University.

    But of course, the real eye-catcher was the numerous glass display cases featuring all manner of mineral oddities. From elemental stones to wonder orbs, strange fossils to petrified seeds, unearthed from dungeons where they'd taken on unique properties. Glittering clumps of dungeon dust in varying stages of morphing into a remarkable facsimile for Commonweath dollars and Protectorate bullion.

    The exhibit's grand unveiling would no-doubt attract all manner of mineral and relic aficionados from all over the city.
    Ch07: Something Smells Spooky ~ Koa & Ghaspius
  • When sheep sleep, wolves rise; night time in uptown Novelux was no different. Whether it was an ambitious businessmon proudly dazzling their many lights across their storefront, a shady someone searching for their mark, a couple waltzing their way to their date spot, a tired day worker looking to drink their sorrows away, or a nocturnal crew making no shortage of jabs at their coworkers, the area just outside of the museum continued to hum with activity even as the moon took place of the sun over the horizon.

    The Mismagius's deep purple cloak and washed-out scarlet muffler blended right in with the rest of the city's inhabitants. Ghaspius hummed to himself a little ditty as the small bag wrapped around his chest made the accompanying percussion with each "step". However, it seemed the familiar clinks and clanks of his potions had been completely absent — replaced with the shuffling of papers and utensils instead.

    He slowed down as he passed by a particularly opulent looking store, Regenia's Prize, gazing upon its show window. A mannequin of a Florges in a fur coated stood in a posed that emphasized her elegance as she held the perfume bottle in her dainty grip. Behind her had been an array of various high-class brands, from Tsa Berri to Chérimon.

    His eyes darted from bottle to bottle, as though trying to piece together a difficult puzzle, unaware of anyone that might be nearby. The chatter from the restaurant across the street, Greedent's Glory, had been the perfect background noise for his mind to wander.
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