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Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

Nova's white belly fur steadily appeared -- though it had a dark tan tint to it from all the previous dirt that had built up -- highlighting that, even by graydian standards, his body was weird.

"His Dragon Rages stung more." Nova clicked his tongue. "It's like... the meteor was someone tugging on your ear. The Dragon Rages were a flick to the groin."

He blinked several times. "... I think that metaphor would've landed better if you were a guy. And had ears."
"I think I know the analogy well enough," Mhynt said. With a final sigh, she stepped off of Nova and said, "I think that's as good as it'll get with one washing session, but maybe later we can try another go for the rest."
Nova rolled back over. Of course, his fur being damp meant that there was now some dirt clinging to it. But that was, at least, better than void ash. And many of the clumps came off when he shook himself out.

"Thanks," he said. "Sorry about this."
"It's no problem," Mhynt said. "I needed a little extra sun anyway. Every time I go into that Dungeon, I feel like I need twice as much light to make up for it..."
Nova leaned over so the golden tip of his crest was close enough for Mhynt to bump with her claws.

"Then let's make sure the next trip's the last one. By kicking that asshole out of Forlas."
Mhynt smirked, but it was soft and friendly. She bumped her claw-knuckle against Nova's beak. "To removing our shackles," she said, "one battle at a time."

Just a few days ago, the thought of going against Alexander and Owen felt like a trauma-fueled fantasy. But now... it felt possible. And for the first time in a long while, Mhynt felt hope for a day where she could walk free again.

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