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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Too late, and so far I like them both. :PThird is good but if you haven't heard Dummy get that first, I didn't really like TV on the Radio much
Agreed, I don't like all those ambient tracks. But then again I've never been much of a NIN fan.slip is mediocre
I own the Downward Spiral but I really haven't listened to it much tbh. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime.
EDIT: okay so Third rocks but is it just me or do they use the whole "the song ends when you aren't expecting it!" schtick way too often?
It's experimental if you do it once in your career (like the Beatles), it's just kind of annoying/pretentious if every other song ends that way :|they usually do so I guess... it's called being experimental I guess