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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

Felin turned her head sharply, ears perked up and eyes drawn to slits as soon as she heard someone enter her room. She moved in front of the sword almost as if to hide it, embarrassed someone caught her in the middle of their conversation. Her posture relaxed when she saw who had come in through the door.

"Well, well, if it isn't Steven!" Felin said, grinning after listening to him speak. A spark of recognition crossed her gaze, suddenly remembering more of him from the gala night. She stood, held upright by her boots and waved a paw in a showy motion. "I should introduce myself as well. I'm called Felin Boots, silver ranked solo explorer!"

Something about Steven's wording brought a twitch to her whiskers. "What do you mean your group? I didn't know we were splitting ourselves into groups. Are you mistaken? I didn't quite notice you in the..." she searched for the word as she tilted her head. "...Nexus. You must be a late arrival, or you got dropped somewhere far and desolate, or lush and green, and you had to walk and haul your blue limb body down to Frontier Town."

She chuckled, finding amusement in her own rambling. "Which is it? Either way, I'm an offworlder just like you, dear Steven."
Steven perked up at Felin's theatrical introduction. "Ah, so you remember me!" He nodded. "That's good. I was worried in the chaos of that evening things might have ended up a blur--"

He stopped himself short, listening in puzzlement to what Felin was saying.

"No there's no groups among-- At least I don't think so... Wait, you're an offworlder?" He was slowly becoming more flustered, eye darting from the sword to Felin, back to the sword, then to her boots, then back to Felin. "Then... the sword? But why would you--? And you seemed so friendly with them--"

Steven stopped again, sinking a little lower to the ground and giving a sheepish click of his claws. "Ah, it seems I have made a mistake. You see, up until this moment... I may have thought you were one of the bandits," he finished hastily. "My apologies."

Peeking up at Felin, he hoped she wasn't too offended.

"But I have to ask, what are you planning to do with that sword?"
"You thought I was one of the bandits? I don't blame you, but I still—" Felin held her stomach as she struggled to contain her laughter. Thinking back on the night, it made sense one would've thought she was part of the Las Picaras group. Sonora even shared her species for that matter.

"No one can blame you. I did come across as a bandit that night, a noble bandit who steals from the rich to aid the poor!"

Felin flicked her tail and padded aside, no longer shielding the sword. With a held out paw, she willed the growth of vines from her wrist. They slithered up and around the blade all the way to the hilt and gingerly pulled it down towards her palm. The whole motion had been methodical, like it took Felin a great deal of focus to control the vines.

One would find much more ease to perform stabs and thrusts than slashes with the blade, but Felin thought she could pull it off.

"You asked what I wanted to do with the sword. I'm going to use it of course," Felin said as she wrapped both her paws around the handle beneath the large decorated pommel. Its blade was long and narrow almost like a needle: An ornate rapier.
At first, when Steven saw Felin begin to tremble, he feared it was out of anger at his assumption. But then when she spoke, and her voice tittered with barely contained laughter, his worry melted away.

He smiled back at her, chiming a small laugh of his own. "In some ways we all ended up as honorary bandits that night."

Though his eye-smile faded slightly at her noble bandit statement. In some ways he could understand it, but he didn't relish the idea of stealing from anyone. Because his family was wealthy, did that mean he deserved to be stolen from?

In the case of the corrupt mayor, though, he could make an exception. Wealth accumulated through such despicable means was not deserved.

Fortunately, he didn't think Felin saw his momentary doubt, as she had busied herself in hoisting the sword in her paws. It was an impressive feat, using her vines to lift a sword so unwieldy for a person of her size.

"You're a natural," Steven commented, watching wide-eyed as Felin concentrated on balancing herself and the blade. "Almost like you've done this before."

He thought for a moment about what she had said earlier. "Didn't you say something about being an explorer before you came here? Im curious, what sort of expeditions did you go on?"

He wracked his brain trying to puzzle why someone would need a sword to dig up ancient ruins, or go delving in a cave.
"Well I'm not sure how to answer that to you," Felin said, shifting on her haunches to find a better posture for holding the sword. "If you're from the same camp as me I'd just say I've been a delver for thirteen years and counting and you'll have the full gist. However if you're one of the human folk--" She briefly paused in momentary discomfort on how many of them there even were. "--I'd have to go on a long explanation on how I explore mystery dungeons but what I'm used to isn't quite the same as what we have here."

Felin watched the blade's tip lift up as she raised the sword. She waved it around steadily, bringing it pointing towards her sparse bed in the corner. A grin tugged at her lips. "Would you look at that? It's gotten lighter. Well, more like I've gotten more meat on my bones."

All she needed now was the right physique to wield it. As a Sprigatito it'd be far too unwieldy on her. Perhaps if she had a gatito blade it'd be a good temporary compromise for her.
"Ah, mystery dungeons!" Steven said, recognizing the term from his conversation with Ghaspius. "I may be one of the human folk, as you've put it, but I've heard of them before! Well, once. And I don't know much aside from there many interesting materials to be found inside..."

Steven's eye slid downward to one side as his excitement fizzled.

"So perhaps you're right, I don't truly understand your merits, but..." his gaze found Felin again and he nodded, "it's prudent to learn from someone like you. Especially since these dungeons exist here on Forlas, too."

He watched Felin practice with her new sword and found his own smile growing, too; her enthusiasm was contagious.

"And thirteen years experience, it's no wonder you're capable of doing, well--" he gestured at the sword in her paws, "that."

Steven thought a moment, then seemed to reach a decision in his own head. "I know you said you're a solo explorer," he began, "but I think there are those in our group who could learn a lot about dungeon delving from you."

He coughed slightly, the sound coming out as a muted metallic clang. "Of course, only if you'd be willing. I told Misdreavus Ghaspius I'd go on a dungeon exploration trip with him, and I admit I know almost nothing about them."

"It certainly doesn't have to be tonight, I don't want to interrupt any more than I already have, but in the future could I confide in you to help me learn more about mystery dungeons?"
"Ah, don't you worry. I'm not exactly busy right now," Felin said, waving him over with her paw. "I like to talk about my work. Helps me see what about it I'm doing right and how to fine tune my ways."

Felin laid the sword aside, her gaze on Steven as she laid on her side in a relaxed posture. "So, what do you want to know first?"
"Ah well, that's good, I enjoy hearing stories from different worlds. There's a lot to ask, but perhaps..."

Steven's eye fell back to the sword resting at Felin's side.

"Is the swordfighting a hobby of yours, or is there something in mystery dungeons that you need it for?" He seemed nervous as he finished his question.
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"I wouldn't say I need it for dungeon delving," Felin remarked with a chuckle as she mused at the thought. In her mind she pictured herself diving into a dungeon with a bag filled with all kinds of blade artifacts for anything from 'knife that heals by cutting' to 'knife for starting fires'.

"I fight with a sword because... well I enjoy it. Most wouldn't consider it all that practical. After all, why approach a dungeon wildener close when you can make them back off by firing a blast wand from several paws away?" Felin sat up and crossed her legs as she faced him. "A sword can be an invaluable tool to have though, if you have one that can channel your elemental power."
Steven's floating settled a little at Felin's answer, like he'd suddenly relaxed after being tense. "Ah, so there are foes in these dungeons, but it's not required to face them with a sword. That's a relief," he said with a slight laugh and a shake of his head. "I know how to battle, but not like that."

"That, and I've never held a sword before, or any weapon for that matter." He performed a half turn left and then back right, peering down at his body. "Not that I could use one like this anyway. I think it suits you, though."

Steven gave a thoughtful hum, and then hovered a bit more upright. "Thank you for sharing your expertise with me, Felin, but I don't want to take up too much of your time. I'm the one who intruded on your room uninvited, after all." He backed towards the door with a small bow. "I would like to find you at a later date though, to chat about mystery dungeons again, if that's amenable to you."

"For now, though, I'll let you get back to your sword practice, or was it sword whispering, perhaps?" Steven joked.
"Sure. Come again any time, as long as the door's open," Felin said with a chuckle.

She spared a few more words with Steven and bade him farewell, which brought her back to her solitude. The silence she'd been left with was almost as deafening as leaving a rowdy parade and crawling into a closed off cave.

Why did Felin enjoy using a sword? She recalled the answer in the form of something that person had told her years ago...

"Yeah your SACRED SWORD is dandy and dazzling, but it wears you down quickly, Fel. Use the sword tool. Doesn't pack as big of a punch, but you can go on with it much longer."

Felin lifted the rapier again and stared at the reflection of her crimson eyes on the metal blade. Back then Felin had found the mere proposition as cowardice. Yet, It had gone on to save her life multiple times. In her line of work, one couldn't afford to be picky. Do that enough and you might be staring at dead bodies by your hind paws.

Ch02: Broody Boys Bonding [Wes & Gladion]
Wes hobbled into the lobby, trying and failing rather spectacularly to hide his limp. Going on a hike the day after breaking his leg definitely didn’t make the list of wisest decisions he’d ever made, but he’d also done dumber things. He decided not to dwell on how concerning of a conclusion that should have been.

He all but flopped onto a cushion, catching his breath. There was still plenty of time left in the day, so Wes didn’t want to retire to his room just yet, but the thought sure was tempting. But still…after last night, he was realizing he didn’t much like the idea of being all alone, which was frankly a very unfamiliar feeling. But back in Orre, he’d never been alone, not truly, not without Neo and Novo. And now…

He forced the thoughts from his head and took a few calming breaths. It was fine. He was fine. In fact, he was so engrossed in his self-addressed pep talk, he didn’t notice the sound of someone approaching him.
Gladion was getting ready to call the day a wash. He was up late last night, and he’d been feeling like he had to pace himself more than he was used to in his body. Not from physical stamina per se, but just comfort and the way it’s unfamiliarity grated on him.

Wes was there, looking the worse for wear. He should probably check in on his friend, make sure he didn’t end up alone here and all. He took a seat in the lobby himself.

“Hey, Wes. Glad you’re still in one piece. Holding up fine?”

Was that pushy? Or weird? He was nervous now. He’d just voluntarily initiated smalltalk without thinking of it as such, and now that he’d realized it he felt like that was a mistake. It was a weak spot if his, after all…
Wes jolted ever so slightly at the voice suddenly next to him. He blinked up at—oh. Gladion? Other than the concern on his face, he looked fine. Better than Wes had been faring, surely.

It took him a second for the words to sink in. “…Oh, uh. Hi.” He paused, not quite sure how to answer Gladion’s question at first. He settled for, “I’m…alright. I’ve been better, but I’ve been worse.”

He sat up on the cushion, moving his leg gingerly, and glanced back at Gladion. “How about you?”
Oh no, he’d started a pointless conversation hadn’t he? Gladion felt the cold dread of having to manage a normal mundane social situation creep in. Totally self inflicted.

“I’m doing… alright, I guess? Physically, I’m fine, not much is going to hurt me too long here the way I’m built. But this place is confusing as hell, feels like I’m fraying mentally. I’ve gotten used to things working differently, but now I’m finding that some things from my place do exist here when they shouldn’t. Which raises its own whole set of headaches.”
Wes actually laughed out loud at that. “Gods, tell me about it. Apparently things exist here that I thought only existed in my homeworld, because of course they do.”

He hadn’t meant to sound so bitter, but he couldn’t hide it anymore. He dug his claws into the cushion in frustration. “Don’t suppose you’ve heard about the mess I and several others got ourselves into recently?” Gladion hadn’t asked about Wes’s leg, so Wes assumed he must have already known.
Oh, good, now they were talking about something. That made things up easier… even if it felt a little wrong that talking about his acquaintance(? friend?) getting beaten up was easier than smalltalk.

“I… hadn’t, actually. I can figure something happened, but I have no clue what. Mind filling me in, if you’re familiar with the subject? Could go somewhere quieter for it if you want. Or just talk about something else. Don’t want to make a habit of accidentally interrogating people every time I try to chat.”
Wes shook his head and waved a hand—or paw, rather. “No, it’s fine, it’s not too crowded in here anyway. And it’s important for you to know.” He decided not to share that he was more comfortable in a public, well-lit place.

“Anyway…well. I went with a group in the night to, ah, investigate some of Ignatius’s shady dealings. Granted, the methods of investigation were shady at best, and I didn’t realize just how brainless the whole operation was until it was already under way—” he cut himself off and took a breath. That was a tangent he’d rather not get into at the moment. “Anyway, we…got attacked. Or mauled, rather, by an absolutely deranged Charmeleon who came at us out of nowhere. Crazy strong and definitely out to kill. It’s…we…should have died. Would have, honestly, if Sonora’s crew hadn’t stepped in to get us out of there.” And if it hadn’t conveniently run off…what had made it flee?

Wes said all of this rather casually, is if he were commenting on the weather. “That’s the gist of it. Dunno where that Charmeleon went or where it came from. But one thing is for sure, it was a shadow mon.” He looked at Gladion, voice low. “You familiar with that term at all?”
Gladion’s first internal reaction was that said investigation sounded interesting, but he had the good sense to keep that musing to himself. Subject at hand.

“I’ve… heard the word before, in the context of the kind of shady dealing that can happen in Orre, but I’m not exactly sure what the implications are. I suppose that’s the thing from your place that’s been haunting you here? Is it… a distinctly human thing as far as you understood it?”

Another data point to add to the set of weights dragging him down towards insanity.

“…‘Cause, not to distract from your issue, but my species exists here so distinctly human stuff’s on the table here.”
Huh, that was…a good point. What if…what shadow mon were being created by a former human?

He was getting ahead of himself, though. “Well, count yourself lucky you don’t know what they are. It’s nothing pleasant.” Realizing that wasn’t exactly helpful information, he added, “Where I’m from, it just means a Pokémon that’s been made stronger, has more fighting instinct, at the cost of their sanity and mental stability. Not sure if it works the exact same way here, though, because that Charmeleon…it was like it didn’t have a soul. Like it never even had sapience to begin with.” He shivered and drew into himself. “The voice confirmed it, though. And apparently being near a shadow meant the voice’s connection was…weaker, or something. I’m not sure why.”

He furrowed his brow, thoughts churning. “In my world, it was manufactured by humans, somehow. I don’t…I don’t know how they do it, or how it would be possible here, but if, say, a human with that knowledge was summoned to this world…”

He trailed off, letting the unfinished sentence speak for itself.
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