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Twiggy for Victory vs Chaon (Ref: Negrek)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
Twiggy for Victory said:
3vs3 single

DQ time: 1 week

Damage Cap: 30%

Banned Moves: OHKO moves, dig, water moves, earthquake/earthpowers, and anything else that includes smashing the ground.

Arena: Cookie fort

Arena description: The cookie fort sounds like a fort, but is in fact a gigantic chocolate chip cookie that floats on a sea of vanille. The cookie is big enough to carry a full city, so it's hard to throw other pokemon into the vanille. There are several floating platforms made of berry jelly and black chocolate above the arena, which can be used to stay above the arena. The cookie has several chocolate and bitter chocolate 'mushrooms' which can be eaten by sacrificing an action. If a pokemon doesnt eat the 'chocolate mushroom' immidiatly, however, they will find out it becomes as hard as granite and casn be used as a weapon. Also, there is a 10% chance in each round that chocolate will rain, slowing down whoever is caught in the strange rain. If a pokemon falls into the vanille sea, they will reappear in the middle point of the arena. Dig cannot be used because the cookies is relative thin, and digging will make the pokemon land in the vanille sea. There is also a 20% chance that one of these will happen:
1)A bagon with a jet-pack will come and use a dragonbreath on the whole arena.
2)A cacnea will blast the arena with pin missiles.
3)A gyarados will come out of the sea and use a hydro pump of vanille(still hurts).
4)A delibird will come and throw pizza around. Pizza heals 4% health.
There's a 5% chance for each of them to occur.

If a chocolate mushroom is eaten, it heals 5% of the pokemon's health, and 5% of it's energy.
If a bitter mushroom is eaten, it boosts the energy by 10%.
If one gets to drink from the vannile sea, they can replenish 10% of their health at the cost of 4% of their energy.
Bitter and normal 'mushrooms' can be used as explosive weapons that lower the speed by 1.
If a pokemon is not hiding under something or inside a protect bubble, the chocolate rain will hit them(no damage) and lower both accuracy and speed by 1.
Twiggy for Victory's Squad said:
[Larry] chimchar (M)

[Gorda] rhyhorn (M)
Ability: Rock Head
Signature Move: Mt. Powerhouse Striker

[Lena] happiny (F)
Ability: Serene Grace

[Keylle] shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Chaon's Squad said:
[Bael] vulpix (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Valence] ponyta (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Mendall] growlithe (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Theod] teddiursa (F)
Ability: Quick Feet

1. Twiggy for Victory sends out
2. Chaon sends out and attacks
3. Twiggy for Victory attacks
I send out Theod.

Let's do this Theod. Let's start off aggresively! Hit him with a focus punch to start. Then, protect yourself from any oncoming attacks, then finish it off with a toxic.

Focus Punch ~ Protect ~ Toxic

((Toxic is learned through a TM.))
Okay, Gorda, let's show them how foolish their move choice was!

First of all, use Counter. Then, when she uses protect, use sword dance, and finally use protect to block the toxic.

Counter~Sword Dance~Protect

((counter from breeding, sword dance+protect from TMs)
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Somewhere far beyond the borders of the league's familiar territory is a great sea of vanilla, its opaque waves no doubt concealing all manner of strange and wonderful creatures the likes of which modern civilization has never encountered. Floating about on its churning surface are a squadron of truly massive chocolate chip cookies, each large enough to house an entire city and some inhabited by their own peculiar brands of wildlife. For the most part, though, their craggy surfaces are barren, not many species having learned how to subsist on little more than sugar. Today, though, one of these delectable islands has visitors.

The air just above the surface of one of the cookies ripples like a heat-haze before three trainers and a league-owned abra materialize in their chosen arena. The little psychic type vanishes almost immediately upon arrival, leaving the humans alone to set up their battle in this strange place. They converse for a few minutes, then split up, each heading for one of the weird floating platforms that hover above the surface of the cookie. It takes a bit of work, but in the end all three are able to wrestle their way aboard a platform, left rather sticky by their endeavors but otherwise ready to battle.

Twiggy for victory is the first to send out his pokémon, and Gorda the rhyhorn takes shape in a burst of white light. The rhyhorn snorts and paws at the ground disdainfully, kicking up a few crumbs as he mentally disparages the lack of good, honest dirt around this place--not that it's all bad. The vanilla-scented breeze wafting through the air is enough to calm the rhyhorn down, and as he sniffs experimentally at the air, his opponent takes shape on the far side of the arena.

Theod the teddiursa, with her natural preference for honey and all other things sweet, is much more taken with the arena than Gorda. The normal type can hardly keep from drooling as she gazes around at the cookie, the strange chocolate mushrooms sprouting from its surface, and the vanilla sea beyond. So preoccupied is the teddiursa that she almost misses her commands, jerking to attention only with persistent verbal prodding from her trainer overhead.

Round One

Twiggy for Victory (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- A bit weirded out by the terrain.

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- *drools*

Forcing herself to ignore the tantalizing world around her, Theod turns her attention inward, sharpening her focus to a deadly edge as she channels energy into her fist. Gorda watches, tense, as golden light blossoms around the teddiursa's paw. The glow brightens and expands as Theod slowly builds up the attack, and Gorda can only wait, knowing that what Theod has in store for him is going to hurt. At last Theod's focus punch is prepared and the teddiursa lets out a battlecry as she rushes forward, blazing fist held high. She swings it straight into Gorda's face with explosive force and a blast of energy, but the rhyhorn is prepared; concentrating through the pain of the attack, he scoops his horn under Theod and hefts her over his shoulder.

Theod finds herself unexpectedly airborne, the momentum of her attack turned against her. A moment later she plows back to earth, her glowing paw trapped under her and the remainder of her focused energy dissipating in a painful burst against her stomach. As Theod shakily starts to get back to her feet, Gorda wheels around, a dangerous frown on his face, which now bears a deep crack down its right side where the focus punch struck. Theod lets out a small squeak of alarm and hastily raises her paws in front of her, a translucent wall of green energy extending from her claws and bending back to encase her in a seamless bubble of protection.

Gorda has no intention of trying Theod's defenses, though. The rhyhorn starts to sway instead, tossing his head side to side as he starts up an awkward shuffle. Gorda's initial clumsiness falls away, though, as the power of the swords dance overwhelms him. He moves faster and faster, stubby horn whistling through the air as he tosses his head and his feet thundering against the cookie as he stamps out a driving rhythm. His spirits rise as adrenaline surges through his veins, a rush of confidence bolstering his fighting ability.

Theod frowns and releases her protect; there's no need to be worried about a dance. Noxious toxins bubble and combine in her stomach as she toddles towards Gorda, who is just winding down his swords dance. The rhyhorn barely has a chance to catch his breath before Theod is upon him, ribbons of purple, viscous liquid dribbling from the corners of her mouth. Gorda ducks his head, a wall of energy flashing into being above him--and the toxic Theod spews at him can only drip harmlessly down its curved surface, burning purple-rimmed holes in the cookie below.

Twiggy for Victory (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 82%
Energy: 72%
- A little winded, but otherwise fine. +2 Attack

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 70% (capped)
Energy: 82%
- Frustrated and aching all over.

Final Notes
- Twiggy for Victory attacks first next round.
Great job, Gorda!

Okay, first of all, use Attract to stop her. If she protect from the Attract, use Chill.

In the next round, try to eat a bitter mushroom, and if there are any around, Chill. If she gets to use a strong physical move, use Counter. If she has protected from the Attract in the previous round, use Attract to make sure she falls for your sexiness charm. If any random effects that are bad for us come or that bear tries to land a status effect on us, Protect.

If your opponent has somehow reached the damage cap, use Chill to restore energy or Protect if she tries to status you and you haven't used it in the previous round. If she doen't try to status you and hasn't reached the damage cap, Double-Edge to deal her damage or Counter if she uses a strong physical attack(over 10% damage). If she hasn't been hit by your charming body, use Attract again.

Attract/Chill~Eat Bitter Mushroom/Chill/Counter/Attract/Protect~Chill/Protect/Attract/Double-Edge

Other notes: I've got a bad humor and Gorda isn't as attractive as I claim.
Okay Theod, so the first round didn't go the way we planned, so what? We'll just hit him all the harder this time. Start with a rock smash, seeing as how he's made of the stuff, then stuff him in a rock tomb, and finish the round with another Focus Punch.

Rock Smash ~ Rock Tomb ~ Focus Punch

((All moves learned from TM/HM, and Twiggy.... Damned long command string.))
Round Two

Twiggy for Victory (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 82%
Energy: 72%
- A little winded, but otherwise fine. +2 Attack

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 70% (capped)
Energy: 82%
- Frustrated and aching all over.

As Theod growls in frustration and balls her paw into a fist, ready to try another strike, a bubbling roar brings her up short. Gorda, too, glances around in response to the noise, eyes widening as a great scaly head emerges from the sea of vanilla bordering their cookie arena. A tremendous gyarados rears up from the depths, sheets of vanilla leaving cloudy streaks down its cobalt scales, and eyes the arena with a mean-spirited glare. Moreso than the puny pokémon playing on the cookie's surface, it seems annoyed at the trainers whizzing around overhead on their jelly platforms. Tipping its head back, the gyarados shoots a tremendous column of vanilla at the nearest one, blasting the platform clear out from under the feet of its occupant. Twiggy for Victory plummets back to the surface of the cookie with a yell of surprise, and the gyarados snickers to itself as he lies groaning on what passes for the ground. Mischief managed, it sinks back beneath the waves, leaving a gaggle of confused humans and pokémon in its wake.

Gorda, being relatively slow on the uptake, is easily upstaged by Theod. Drawing her paw back, the teddiursa lets out a warrior's cry and lashes out with a shattering strike. The rock smash attack catches Gorda on the forehead just over one eye, leaving a network of fine cracks in its wake, but nothing dramatic enough to seriously compromise the rhyhorn's armor. What it does serve to do, though, is shock Gorda back into the moment and get him started on his next attack.

The rhyhorn strikes a regal pose, flexing the muscles in his rocky legs and preening for Theod's benefit. The teddiursa blushes a bit and turns away, flattered despite herself that he's putting on a show for her. As Gorda struts around, horn in the air, Theod does have to admit that he's kind of handsome, for a rhyhorn, anyway, and--as she's learned to her dismay--pretty strong, too.

It's fortunate for Gorda that he's managed to get Theod under his spell before he starts thinking about what he should do next, because that turns out to be a doozy of a problem. The rhyhorn freezes mid-strut, eyes going slightly crossed as he tries to think back over what he's supposed to be doing. Well, not attract, it looks like that worked... let's see, protect if Theod does something damaging, find a mushroom... oh, mushroom, wait, are there mushrooms around here?

Theod forgets all about her rock tomb attack as she watches Gorda casting about for his next action. He's so cute when he's confused! As time wears on, though, and Gorda shows no sign of figuring the puzzle out, Theod starts to get bored. Why isn't the rhyhorn paying any attention to her? Pouting, the teddiursa tries to think of how to remedy the problem.

And then it strikes her. Grinning impishly, Theod starts charging up a focus punch, a warm glow of energy surrounding her paw and lower arm. She'll get Gorda's attention in a big way! This'll show him not to ignore her! With her punch prepared, she runs right up to the bemused rhyhorn and socks him one to the jaw, bowling him off his feet and leaving him lying, shocked and even more confused than before, on his side.

Twiggy for Victory (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 61%
Energy: 65%
- What just happened? +2 Attack

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 70%
Energy: 67%
- Giggling over the success of her prank. Attracted to Gorda (severe).

Final Notes
- It was not specified what the random gyarados would attack.
- Gorda was too confused by his commands to attack on the last two actions.
Alright Theod, that was an awesome prank you pulled on him! But I've got one that'll be really funny! Try starting with some Fake Tears, then Cut, and finally, put up a barrier to protect yourself!

Fake Tears ~ Cut(STAB) ~ Protect
This round wasn't so good, Gorda, but we'll show them this time!
It seems that attracting her wasn't such a good idea, though, so you'll go all out on offence!(partially)

First use Toxic to poison her, then use Rock Slide, and finally Chill when she uses protect.

Toxic ~ Rock Slide ~ Chill
Round Three

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 61%
Energy: 65%
- What just happened? +2 Attack

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 70%
Energy: 67%
- Giggling over the success of her prank. Attracted to Gorda (severe).

While the two pokémon are recovering, a delibird goes flapping by overhead, clearly overburdened by the contents of its sack. Weariness appears to have made it unobservant, or at least unable to dodge quickly enough when one of the floating platforms comes whizzing around towards it. Chaon is forced to fall to one knee and cling to the platform for dear life as bird and jelly-construct collide, but the delibird is the one who comes off the worse, tumbling back through the air and losing its grip on the neck of its sack. The sack opens, spilling its contents--a whole lot of pizza, as it turns out. Slices rain down on the cookie below, slapping to its surface in a wide spread just to the left of the two battlers.

The delibird manages to right itself and, with an angry squawk, be on its way again, leaving trainers and battlers once more impressed by the weirdness of the wildlife in this area. Theod watches the delibird vanish into the distance, glances back to Gorda, seems to consider for a moment, then bursts into tears.

The teddiursa's opponent backs off with a snort of consternation. What on earth? The teddiursa bawls away unabashedly, and Gorda can't help but feel a bit awkward, going and attacking a little crying teddy bear. He coughs, a deep, bubbly sound, then somewhat sheepishly turns and spits a vile wad of toxins at his opponent. The toxic attack splashes all over Theod's front, and she squeals as the burning poison starts to eat into her skin.

Her affection for Gorda temporarily overwhelmed by pique at the fact that he just threw up poison all over her, Theod dashes at her opponent, anxiety caused by the feeling of the toxins seeping into her system spurring her even greater speeds than before. Lashing out with her claws, the teddiursa manages to catch the crack she caused with her previous rock smash, tearing much deeper than she otherwise would.

Gorda roars and twists his head away, growling low in his throat as he shakes off the pain and summons his next attacks. There are no rocks for him to work with in this arena, but rock-hard chocolate seems as though it might do the trick. At his command, several of the chocolate chips scattered around the cookie tremble, ripping free of their moorings and floating gently up to hover just over the surface of the arena. Theod glances around, perplexed, and then Gorda lets out rough growl, tossing his head forward. The improvised boulders hurtle forward, converging on Theod and burying her beneath a small pile of chocolate.

The teddiursa manages to drag herself free, glaring across at Gorda. Honestly, she's starting to feel downright peeved with him now--if he's really so interested in her, why does he continue to treat this just like a normal battle? Snorting, the teddiursa crosses her arms over her chest, forcing a wall of energy out from her body to surround her on all sides.

Gorda has no intention of testing the teddiursa's protect, instead settling down on the cookie and taking a moment to rest. As Theod realizes Gorda isn't going to attack, she lets the protect attack fall and stands where she is, even more annoyed than before.

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 52%
Energy: 63%
- Feeling all right. +2 Attack, -2 Special Defense

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 58%
Energy: 57%
- Ticked off and no longer quite so confident. Badly poisoned (4% next round). Attracted to Gorda (mild).

Terrain Notes
There is a small pile of chocolate boulders between the two battlers. Off to their left, pizza is scattered across the ground.

Final Notes
- Because Gorda had no actual rocks to use for his rock slide, it was treated as normal type.
- Lars the Turtwig attacks first next round.
Okay then!

Use flamethrower in all rounds, Chill whenever Teod protects, and protect if she tries to inflict any status on you. However, don't protect twice in a row.

Wow! Look at that command string! We need to take advantage of this now! Start with a toxic, then Protect, then smash his rocky butt to pieces.

Toxic ~ Protect ~ Rock Smash

I'm posting Lars' command string as I see it, so that he doesn't change it due to my comment.

Round Five

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)

Gorda (M)
Health: 52%
Energy: 63%
- Feeling all right. +2 Attack, -2 Special Defense

Chaon (OOO)

Theod (F)
Health: 58%
Energy: 57%
- Ticked off and no longer quite so confident. Badly poisoned (4% next round). Attracted to Gorda (mild).

Irritated though she may be, Theod is a bit hesitant about trying to poison Gorda. After all, he can't help what his trainer's told him to do, can he? But then again, he didn't exactly go out of his way to disobey his orders, either. He can hardly ask anything more of her. Mind made up, Theod narrows her eyes and gives a light cough as she starts to pull noxious chemicals up from the pit of her stomach. Gorda braces himself, conjuring up a shield of pure energy to protect himself as Theod runs at him, toxic fluid dribbling down her chin. When she spits the nasty goop at her opponent, though, it simply splashes off his protect and dribbles uselessly to the ground. Theod is not entirely disappointed as she wipes her mouth with the back of a paw--in the end, she didn't actually end up hurting Gorda, after all.

As Gorda's protect flickers and dies, Theod gives her present circumstances a mental once-over and decides that now would be a good time to set one up on her own. She'd like to believe that Gorda doesn't really want to hurt her but, well, better safe than sorry. The teddiursa holds her paws out in front of her, energy extending from her claws and forming a clear dome around her. As soon as Gorda catches the faint gleam in the air that marks out where the protect shield is, though, he simply settles down for another rest, and Theod isn't sure whether to be annoyed or grateful by this apparent show of benevolence.

Theod lets her protect shield drop and then, hindered only by the faintest of hesitations as a result of her lingering attraction, lunges forward with one paw clenched, striking Gorda on the face near where her first rock smash landed. This time the attack hits a sweet spot on the rhyhorn's armor, sending cracks racing all across his face and seriously weakening his protection in that area. Gorda roars with pain and indignation, heaving himself back to his feet as he stokes flames in the depths of his rocky body. Smoke drifts from the angry rhyhorn's nostrils a second before he opens his mouth and unleashes a powerful cone of fire on his diminutive opponent. Theod falls, shrieking, as the flamethrower washes over her, scorching fur and burning away any shred of affection for Gorda she might still have been harboring.

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)

Gorda (M)
Health: 49%
Energy: 61%
- The armor on his right cheek is deeply fissured, and cracks radiate across his whole face. +2 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (OOO)

Theod (F)
Health: 48%
Energy: 44%
- Frantically rolling around on the ground. Badly poisoned (5% next round).

Terrain Notes
There is a small pile of chocolate boulders between the two battlers. Off to their left, pizza is scattered across the ground.

Final Notes
- Chaon attacks first next round.
Funnily enough, my inability to get on the forums for the past week and a half or so has rendered me unable to give DQ warnings to anybody.

As of now, yes, Chaon has a DQ warning.
((My posts aren't getting through...))

Theod, don't let this big rock push you around! Soften him up with some more Fake Tears. Then, use Faint Attack. Finally, Protect yourself.

Fake Tears ~ Faint Attack ~ Protect
Okay then! First, use Protect to stop the Fake Tears.
Then, use Crush Claw, and Finally use Swords Dancel.

Protect~Crush Claw~Swords Dance
Round Six

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 49%
Energy: 61%
- The armor on his right cheek is deeply fissured, and cracks radiate across his whole face. +2 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (OOO)

Theod (F)
Health: 48%
Energy: 44%
- Frantically rolling around on the ground. Badly poisoned (5% next round).

Though she's smothered the last of the flames out of her fur, Theod doesn't rise. The teddiursa's eyes glisten, and she begins to sniffle pointedly. Gorda hastily constructs a shield of energy around himself, a faint hum filling the air as the protect dome surrounds him on all sides. Theod begins to bawl, but Gorda is unmoved; through the faint distortion of his protect shield, he sees the teddiursa's crocodile tears for what they are.

Gradually Theod becomes aware that her tears aren't having any effect; sniffing, she wipes moisture away from her eyes and glowers at Gorda. The rhyhorn indifferently lets his protect fall, worn out by the strain of keeping it active and sensing that Theod has given up on her attack. While Theod may be done with her fake tears, though, she doesn't let their failure slow her down; she fades into a cloud of dark energy, vanishing before Gorda's very eyes. The rhyhorn snorts, annoyed, and swings his head back and forth as he searches for some sight of her. The teddiursa reappears just behind Gorda and rushes forward, caustic darkness still veiling her body as she deals a solid punch to the side of the rhyhorn's face.

Gorda grunts and wheels ponderously around, malice glittering in his dark eyes. Lashing out with a forepaw, the rhyhorn catches Theod with his stubby claws and tears a wicked gash across her chest. The teddiursa gasps with surprise and pain, one paw going up to the bloody rend in her fur and her eyes glistening a little with the beginnings of real tears. She hastily puts up a protect shield to give herself some time to nurse the awful injury in peace, but Gorda only takes the opportunity to boost his attack still further. The rhyhorn's rocking, plunging dance, starting clumsy and slow and building to something faster and much more graceful than Theod would guess the rocky beast was capable of, looks more than a little more ominous to the teddiursa huddling behind her glimmering shield.

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 44%
Energy: 47%
- Stung but feeling vindicated. Face armor badly damaged. +4 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 35%
Energy: 32%
- Scared and in pain. Badly poisoned (6% next round). -1 Defense

Terrain Notes
There is a small pile of chocolate boulders beside the two battlers. Off to their left, pizza is scattered across the ground.

Final Notes
- Lars the Turtwig attacks first next round.
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