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Vipera Magnifica vs Eta Carinae


oh man, good times.
[size=+2]Vipera Magnifica vs Eta Carinae[/size]

Format: 3v3 singles
Style: Set
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO moves
Arena Description: Roulette Arena

The arena is located on the rooftop of the Bellossom Casino, one of the largest casinos in the Pokémon world. Originally the Rocket Casino, it was purchased from Team Rocket and renamed the Bellossom Casino by a wealthy entrepreneur from Goldenrod City. The battle takes place on a giant roulette wheel, with trainers standing on either side on raised metal platforms. As the wheel slowly revolves, large steel roulette balls roll around the arena, testing the battlers' reflexes. Looming over the arena is an enormous structure resembling a slot machine, with three bright slots featuring pictures of Pokémon. Around the arena, the rooftop is decorated with a garden of flowering shrubs and trees dressed in colorful lights. The rooftop offers a view of several other highrise casinos, their colorful flashing lights illuminating the night sky. The city below is abuzz with activity, tourists and high-rollers looking for the thrill of gambling.

As the slot machine spins, it has the power to produce a variety of effects that can change the course of the battle. At the beginning of each round, both trainers will spin the slot machine. When three of the same symbol line up on the slot machine, a reward is given to the trainer who spun it. Sometimes this reward is helpful, and sometimes it is not. The possible rewards are the following:

Jackpot! You just landed yourself a very nice payout! Unfortunately, the money comes out of the slot machine at very high speeds, and deals damage to your Pokémon as if it were the move Pay Day. Also, the money is in the form of Bellossom Bucks™, which are virtually useless to you. Sometimes winning isn't everything.

Your Pokémon gains the ability Super Luck in addition to any other abilities. The Bellossom Casino hopes that you will use this luck to give our many games a try!

Your Pokémon attains the power of a god! All of its stats will increase to +6, excluding accuracy and evasion. This power is only temporary though, as it will fade away after two turns.

Your Pokémon heals 10 health points. Lucky you!

A roulette ball collides into your Pokémon, dealing 40 BP Steel-type damage.

A tailwind comes into effect, doubling your team’s Speed for four actions.

An Unown floats into the arena, providing assistance to your Pokémon by attacking foes with Hidden Power. The Unown will leave the arena at the end of the round, or after it has taken 10 points of damage, whichever comes first.

The weather conditions will randomly change to either rain, hail, sandstorm, or intense sun for nine actions.

A Sticky Barb will latch onto your Pokémon. What was this doing in the slot machine?

The roulette wheel becomes charged with energy, mimicking the effects of either Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, or Misty Terrain. The type of terrain is randomized from these three options.

The slot machine is of course rigged such that every spin will cause three of the same panel to line up. Everyone’s a winner at Bellossom Casino!*

*Note: not everyone is a winner at Bellossom Casino


Each round, trainers may choose to wager up to 10% of their current Pokémon’s health on either Red or Black. At the end of the round, a roulette ball will spin and land in one of the colored pockets. If the trainer guesses correctly, their Pokémon will recover 10% health. If they guess incorrectly, their Pokémon will lose 10% health. This does not contribute towards the damage cap.

(Inspiration for this stage comes from the Casino Park / Bingo Highway levels of Sonic Heroes, as well as Waluigi Pinball from Mario Kart DS and every other casino level from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.)

Vipera Magnifica's active squad

mienfoo Violent Mustelid the male Mienfoo <Regenerator> @ Life Orb
buizel Finbarr Galedeep the male Buizel <Swift Swim> @ Leftovers
trapinch Darude the male Trapinch <Hyper Cutter> @ Eviolite
venipede Vile Myriapoda the female Venipede <Swarm> @ Black Sludge
glaceon Melia the female Glaceon <Snow Cloak> @ Never-Melt Ice (4 EXP)
litwick Calcifer the male shiny Litwick <Flame Body> @ Lucky Egg
eelektross Faraday the male Eelektross <Levitate> @ Magnet
scyther Psycho Mantis the male shiny Scyther <Technician> @ Metal Coat
larvitar Orestes the male Larvitar <Guts> @ Lucky Egg
squirtle Mature Gambino the male Squirtle <Rain Dish> @ Shell Bell

Eta Carinae's active squad

shellos-west Knossos the male Shellos (West Sea) <Storm Drain> @ Leftovers
rhyhorn Commodus the male Rhyhorn <Rock Head> @ Protector
pineco Sittidel the female Pineco <Sturdy> @ Lucky Egg
bayleef Cordelia the female Bayleef <Overgrow> @ Wise Glasses
vullaby Rahel the female Vullaby <Overcoat> @ Life Orb
purrloin Trixie the female Purrloin <Limber> @ Lucky Egg
helioptile Mo'o the male Helioptile <Dry Skin> @ Sun Stone
togepi Cinnamon Roll the female Togepi <Serene Grace> @ Soothe Bell
lileep Krinoa the female Lileep <Suction Cups> @ Lucky Egg
bonsly Tsunao the male Bonsly <Rock Head> @ Muscle Band

  1. Eta Carinae sends out
  2. Vipera Magnifica sends out and posts commands
  3. Eta Carinae posts commands
  4. let the games begin
And I will lead with Psycho Mantis.

Let's take a gamble with our moves, shall we? Use Silver Wind repeatedly to see if we can raise all our stats at once. If Sittidel uses Light Screen or has clones, use Aerial Ace instead. If she is protecting or unhittable (excluding Substitute), use Swords Dance.

Silver Wind / Aerial Ace / Swords Dance x3

And let's also wager 3% health on Red.
Damage, damage, and more damage. Set up a Light Screen, then counter the two Aerial Aces.

Light Screen ~ Counter x2

Also, 3% on Black.
Tickets granting passage all the way to the Kanto region were impossible to obtain at a reasonable price on such short notice. After numerous complaints from dummy accounts that all seemed to lead back to the ruins of the Devon Corporation, headed by the once-great Mr. Stone before he gambled away all of his fortune in Johto, the Goldenrod Casino was forced to shut down all of its slot machines and replace them with the much less thrilling game of Voltorb Flip. Obviously this was not acceptable for Vipera Magnifica's grand plans of a high-stakes Pokémon battle, and thus compromises had to be made. Kanto was a much less popular destination this time of year, and though a much cheaper flight to Johto and a trip on the Magnet Train would have been the ideal choice, the train was temporarily out of operation due to an unfortunate incident for which the government of Asber admits no fault. And so it was that one grim day Vipera Magnifica, Eta Carinae, and their disgruntled, aquaphobic ref climbed gracelessly out of a fucking whale's blowhole, spindly limbs moving awkwardly on land after several weeks at sea.

Thankfully, Bellossom Casino had not been forced to shut down due to similar complaints in the meantime. Though of course there would have been no need. After all, everyone is a winner at Bellossom Casino!*

*Disclaimer: Not everyone is a winner at Bellossom Casino.

Round One

Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Watching the slot machine with interest.

Eta Carinae (3/3 left)
Sittidel ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Sturdy
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: The other roulette balls are exactly her size! Perhaps she should make friends?


High on the rooftop of the Bellossom Casino lies the game corner's not-so-secret special attraction: a life-sized roulette wheel, large steel balls whizzing around it, and a gigantic slot machine that looms over the city. Curiously, a faded stamp on the side of the slot machine's recycled materials reads "PILFERBOT II". An even more worn-out watermark on its underside appears to say "D TOR KAMI KO PO R-S VI G EFR G RAT". What could this mean...?

Vipera Magnifica sends his Seviper to stretch out her body far enough to press the large button in the center of the roulette wheel, and the entire contraption whirs to life. The three squares on the slot machine light up and begin to spin, coming to a stop slowly, slowly...

unown unown unown

Excited beeps sound from the slot machine as its stomach opens, and an Unown floats out of it to join Vipera Magnifica's Psycho Mantis. But wait! The slot machine isn't done!

cherubi cherubi cherubi

Tendrils of an eerie pink mist creep from the slot machine's stomach, expanding to cover the entire roulette wheel. Psycho Mantis and his Unown, floating above the wheel, notice only a slight tingle, but Sittidel the Pineco, nearly submerged in the mist, feels a wave of calm stealing over him.

Psycho Mantis flaps his wings, and a wave of glittering dust scatters from them, drifting over the roulette wheel to stick to Sittidel's spines. Bug-type energy clings to Sittidel's skin, leaving her feeling woozy and light-headed as it mysteriously bites away a chunk of her lifeforce. Some of her strength flows back to Psycho Mantis, who suddenly finds all his senses sharper, his muscles lither, and his strength reinforced. His Unown friend, not to be left out, hovers in to join the fray, summoning up a stream of magenta orbs that rocket into Sittidel one by one.

Muttering unhappily to herself at the indignity of being ganged up upon so, Sittidel closes her eyes and concentrates, a pale green bubble of energy expanding around her. Psycho Mantis is not cowed by this, though, and simply rushes at her full-on instead. Sittidel closes her eyes and braces herself for the blow as Psycho Mantis slashes at her with one of his scythes, the green bubble parting easily to let him through. It reforms in time to slow the progress of the Unown's second strike, however, and the orbs of Psychic energy have lost much of their momentum by the time they crash into Sittidel.

Having prepared herself for her opponent's attack, Sittidel now jumps up and spins through the air at twice Psycho Mantis's speed, forcing the Scyther down to the ground. Psycho Mantis struggles from beneath her, slashing across her face again with his scythe, but this time the roulette wheel interferes, slowing his strike in the name of fairness. After all, what is gambling if not fair?

The Unown attempts to unleash its hidden power a third time, but the roulette wheel stops it as well. Having braced herself for a much more powerful strike, Sittidel is now caught off-guard, and only manages to weakly slap Psycho Mantis with her spines.

Suddenly the roulette wheel lights up, and Vipera Magnifica and Eta Carinae lay down their bets in favour of opposite colours as the Unown returns to its home in the slot machine's stomach. The wheel spins around and around, and when it finally slows to a stop a large steel ball plunks into one of the red pockets. Psycho Mantis feels a bit of his strength returned to him, while Sittidel finds herself even weaker than before...


Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 65%
Energy: 86%
Status: Breathing heavily from Sittidel's forceful attack. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed.
Used: Silver Wind ~ Aerial Ace ~ Aerial Ace

unown-w Hidden Power (Psychic) ~ Hidden Power (Psychic) ~ Hidden Power (Psychic)

Eta Carinae (3/3 left)
Sittidel ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Sturdy
Health: 57% (capped)
Energy: 77%
Status: Lying weakly on the ground, exhaustion already settling in. Protected by Light Screen (3 more actions).
Used: Light Screen ~ Counter ~ Counter

Arena Status
  • Misty Terrain is in effect (3 more actions). Pokémon on the ground (i.e. Sittidel) cannot be affected by major status conditions and take 2/3× damage from Dragon-type moves.

Damage and Energy

  • Psycho Mantis's Health: 100% - 36% (Counter) - 2% (Counter) + 3% (roulette) = 65%
  • Psycho Mantis's Energy: 100% - 4% (Silver Wind) - 5% (Aerial Ace) - 5% (Aerial Ace) = 86%
  • Unown's Health: 10%
  • Unown's Energy: ∞
  • Sittidel's Health: 100% - 11% (Silver Wind) - 7% (Hidden Power) - 18% (Aerial Ace) - 3% (Hidden Power) - 18% (Aerial Ace) - 3% (Hidden Power) - 3% (roulette) = 57% (capped)
  • Sittidel's Energy: 100% - 4% (Light Screen) - 18% (Counter) - 1% (Counter) = 77%

  • Speed order: Psycho Mantis (157) > Sittidel (15).
  • I'm not sure if this is supposed to be the Celadon Game Corner or the Goldenrod Game Corner based on the description, but I declare that it is now in Celadon.
  • The slot machine gave Psycho Mantis an Unown friend, and for Sittidel, changed the terrain to Misty Terrain.
  • Technically, the way VM's commands were worded meant that Psycho Mantis should have waited for Sittidel to move on the first action to see if she would use Light Screen, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and interpreted the commands as if they said "if she has a Light Screen up" instead. Let me know if this wasn't what you meant!
  • Silver Wind actually did raise all stats.
  • The Unown's Hidden Power's type was randomized to Psychic.
  • Since the second Aerial Ace's damage was capped, the second Counter only countered the damage actually dealt.
  • The roulette landed on red. I'm assuming that the arena description was a typo and Psycho Mantis should only recover the amount of health she wagered, not the full 10%. Same for the amount of health Sittidel lost.
  • Eta Carinae commands first.
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Start by trying to surround yourself with a Stealth Rock. If you don't feel like you can surround yourself, Stealth Rock Psycho Mantis instead. If that's what you decide on and he tries to Protect, whip up a Sandstorm instead. Follow up with a couple of Gyro Balls. If he's unhittable for any reason besides a sub, Gravity. If you've already used Gravity, Curse.

Stealth Rock/Stealth Rock/Sandstorm ~ Gyro Ball/Gravity ~ Gyro Ball/Gravity/Curse
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be the Celadon Game Corner or the Goldenrod Game Corner based on the description, but I declare that it is now in Celadon.
I intentionally left that ambiguous because I couldn't think of a decent name for a Pokémon Las Vegas. Celadon City works just fine though.
The roulette landed on red. I'm assuming that the arena description was a typo and Psycho Mantis should only recover the amount of health she wagered, not the full 10%. Same for the amount of health Sittidel lost.
Yeah, that was definitely a typo.

Anyway, looks like luck is on our side, Pyscho Mantis! Those boosts are going to be quite helpful to us.

I want you to wait until Sittidel sets up Stealth Rock, and then use Defog to blow away the rocks as well as her Light Screen. After that, do as your Unown friend did and use Hidden Power. Let's see what type of move that will be. When you're done, finish up with a Wing Attack.

Defog (wait) ~ Hidden Power ~ Wing Attack

And let's wager 3% health on Red one more time.
Oh shoot, I meant to wager 5% on red when I commanded. Can I do that and just let VM rewager (or recommend) if he wants?
Round Two

Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 65%
Energy: 86%
Status: Breathing heavily from Sittidel's forceful attack. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed.

Eta Carinae (3/3 left)
Sittidel ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Sturdy
Health: 57%
Energy: 77%
Status: Lying weakly on the ground, exhaustion already settling in. Protected by Light Screen (3 more actions).


Out comes Li Feng to press the slot button again, and the three panels begin to spin.

... ... ...

castform castform castform

The sky above darkens, ominous clouds moving in to cover the sun, and Vipera Magnifica recalls Li Feng in a panic as huge hailstones begin to rain down from above. The slot machine, however, is undeterred.

bellossom bellossom bellossom

How lucky! Then again, this is of course not unexpected, as everyone is a winner at Bellossom Casino! Sittidel doesn't really notice anything different, though, but the results do make her feel extremely lucky... Spinning exuberantly on the spot, the Pineco releases a horde of sharp rocks from her spines that hover eerily in a rotating circle around her. Pleased, she sits back to survey the results of her handiwork.

Psycho Mantis, however, spits upon Sittidel and her Super Luck. He begins flapping his wings furiously, calling up a gust of wind that blows away Sittidel's precious stones, and her protective green barrier along with it. Sittidel wilts. As she stews in her disappointment, Psycho Mantis closes his eyes, tapping into the hidden current of Dark-type elemental energy running within him, and summons up a series of deep black orbs that slam into Sittidel one by one, buffeting her backwards. As she skids to a stop near the edge of the roulette wheel, Sittidel focuses to cover her spines with a glowing steel sheen, jumps into the air and begins rolling forward on her side. She's easily able to control her momentum, and Psycho Mantis is caught off guard as she rams into him with far more speed than he would have expected from such a slow little Pineco. He goes flying through the air, head slamming into the wheel with a crack.

Gritting his teeth, Psycho Mantis quickly propels himself into the air again and rushes forward, streaking twice past Sittidel's side to slash at her with each wing. The second strike leaves a sizable cut in the Pineco's skin, and she cries out in agony. Forcing herself to push through the pain, she wills Steel-type energy to wash over her spines again, barreling forward across the wheel to slam hard into her opponent.

Both Pokémon abruptly stop moving as the wheel lights up with a high beep. Vipera Magnifica and Eta Carinae rush to place their bets on red, the lucky colour from last round, and the wheel begins to spin. Sittidel holds her breath as she spins with it, starting to get kind of dizzy, but finally the wheel slows down and again a roulette ball falls into a red pocket. The pink mist drifts off from the battlefield as both Pokémon feel a bit of their energy restored to them.


Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 41%
Energy: 74%
Status: Relieved that the odds have favoured him again. Dark-typed Hidden Power. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed.
Used: Defog ~ Hidden Power (Dark) ~ Wing Attack

Eta Carinae (3/3 left)
Sittidel ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Sturdy, Super Luck
Health: 28%
Energy: 57%
Status: Thankful for the boost, but not sure it's enough...
Used: Stealth Rock ~ Gyro Ball ~ Gyro Ball

Arena Status
  • It is hailing (6 more actions).

Damage and Energy

  • Psycho Mantis's Health: 65% - 12% (Gyro Ball) - 12% (Gyro Ball) - 3% (Hail) + 3% (roulette) = 41%
  • Psycho Mantis's Energy: 86% - 3% (Defog) - 5% (Hidden Power) - 4% (Wing Attack) = 74%
  • Sittidel's Health: 57% - 10% (Hidden Power) - 21% (Wing Attack) - 3% (Hail) + 5% (roulette) = 28%
  • Sittidel's Energy: 77% - 2% (Stealth Rock) - 9% (Gyro Ball) - 9% (Gyro Ball) = 57%

  • Speed order: Psycho Mantis (157) > Sittidel (15).
  • The slot machine changed the weather to hail for Psycho Mantis and gave Sittidel Super Luck.
  • Gyro Ball needs to be reworked anyway since it's, like, bad, but also the description says base speeds and I don't think that's right. I based it on current speed, giving it a base power of 142.
  • Despite Sittidel's Super Luck, it was Psycho Mantis's Wing Attack that was a critical hit. (It only added 3% extra damage, though.)
  • Misty Terrain wore off at the end of the round.
  • The roulette landed on red. Psycho Mantis regained 3% health, and Sittidel regains 5%.
  • Vipera Magnifica commands first.
Let's go ahead and use Air Slash, then follow with Ominous Wind twice. If Sittidel is protecting or unhittable, then use Roost.

Air Slash / Roost ~ Ominous Wind / Roost ~ Ominous Wind / Roost
Round Three

Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 41%
Energy: 74%
Status: Relieved that the odds have favoured him again. Dark-typed Hidden Power. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed.

Eta Carinae (3/3 left)
Sittidel ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Sturdy, Super Luck
Health: 28%
Energy: 57%
Status: Thankful for the boost, but not sure it's enough...


ninjask ninjask ninjask

Ah, yes. Psycho Mantis is in dire need of the Tailwind that kicks up behind him, lending even more speed to his already deft wings.

cherubi cherubi cherubi

Ah, yes. Sittidel is in dire need of the field of mist that once again creeps up over the roulette wheel. What would she have done without its protective presence?

Unfortunately, the mist does nothing at all to protect Sittidel from the scythe of air that Psycho Mantis quickly whips up with a couple flaps of his wings. The air cuts right across Sittidel's scales, and she hisses in discomfort. God, doesn't he have any better tricks? Once he evolves, he's going to be too slow to pull all this off, you know. Sittidel has no such problems. Her future Foretress form will be a perfectly lovely extension of herself, and with a hastily-improvised battery of insults she makes her Psycho Mantis knows it, too.

This jab at his final form leaves Mantis quite rankled. Angrily he—get this—whips up another wind, this one infused with the powers of the ghostly spirits of gambling, or something. Sittidel grits her teeth, very nearly giving in to the force of the wind against her scales. But no. She's got to hold out just a tiny bit longer. When Mantis pauses to take a breath, Sittidel closes her eyes and reaches out with her own link to the spirits of gambling, which are, of course, all about fairness. They're quite happy to even the odds, and Vipera Magnifica and Eta Carinae both find themselves compelled to make ridiculous bets on the suddenly-spinning roulette wheel. Of course it was rigged to land on black this time, and Sittidel sighs in relief as a large portion of Psycho Mantis's life energy flows into her, giving her the strength to take yet another gust of ghostly wind.

When Psycho Mantis is done with his ridiculous flapping, it's finally time. Sittidel's scales begin to glow brightly, and all goes still. Both trainers dive for cover as the Pineco's body explodes outwards, and Psycho Mantis is thrown heavily against the side of the slot machine, a shower of scales battering his vulnerable head. Roulette balls begin haphazardly rolling across the wheel, one flattening his wings, and even the massive slot machine above him teeters in place. Psycho Mantis takes a deep breath and raises his scythes pointlessly to shield his face, ready for the end... but then the slot machine finds its balance, and all goes still.


Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 1% (capped)
Energy: 60%
Status: Amazed that he's still alive. Dark-typed Hidden Power. Moderately confused (20% failure chance). +3 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed.
Used: Air Slash ~ Ominous Wind ~ Ominous Wind

Eta Carinae (2/3 left)
Sittidel ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Sturdy, Super Luck
Health: 0%
Energy: 20%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Swagger ~ Pain Split ~ Explosion

Arena Status
  • It is hailing (3 more actions).
  • Misty Terrain is in effect (3 more actions).
  • Psycho Mantis is backed by a Tailwind (1 more action).

Damage and Energy

  • Psycho Mantis's Health: 41% - 2% (hail) - 19% (Pain Split) - 23% (Explosion) - 1% (hail) = 1% (capped)
  • Psycho Mantis's Energy: 74% - 4% (Air Slash) - 5% (Ominous Wind) - 5% (Ominous Wind) = 60%
  • Sittidel's Health: 28% - 15% (Air Slash) - 10% (Ominous Wind) - 2% (hail) + 19% (Pain Split) - 10% (Ominous Wind) - 100% (Explosion) = 0%
  • Sittidel's Energy: 57% - 4% (Swagger) - 19% (Pain Split) - 14% (Explosion) = 20%

  • Speed order: Psycho Mantis (314) stands (just barely) alone.
  • sorry for writing, etc.
  • Pain Split, as a non-damaging move, didn't count towards reducing Psycho Mantis's confusion chance.
  • Psycho Mantis didn't hurt himself in confusion even once. Sorry, Sittidel :C
  • Eta Carinae sends out and commands first.
Let's go with Rahel!

Use Gust to knock him out. If he's protecting or unhittable for whatever reason, Nasty Plot.

Gust/Nasty Plot x3
Roost immediately, then take that first Gust. Wait for the second Gust, then build as big a Substitute as you can with your remaining health. When you're done with that, Baton Pass to Orestes.

Hopefully we don't roll Meowth or Ferroseed on the slot machine :/

Roost ~ Substitute (20%/15%/10%) ~ Baton Pass (to Orestes)
Round Four

Vipera Magnifica (3/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Health: 1%
Energy: 60%
Status: Amazed that he's still alive. Dark-typed Hidden Power. Moderately confused (20% failure chance). +3 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed.

Eta Carinae (2/3 left)
Rahel ♀ @ Life Orb
Ability: Overcoat
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ready for a good fight.


Once again, the slot machine whirs to life. Psycho Mantis watches it eagerly. What boost awaits him this time?

qwilfish qwilfish qwilfish

A Sticky Barb flies out of the slot machine's stomach and latches onto one of Psycho Mantis's scythes. The Scyther screams in horror and falls over, spent. The wind backing him fades at once.

chansey chansey chansey

Rahel blinks. She doesn't feel even the slightest bit different. But at least she dispatched her foe without making a move, right?!

Vipera Magnifica sighs and recalls his poor creature as the roulette wheel spins uselessly, for neither trainer felt compelled to bet on it this round.


Vipera Magnifica (2/3 left)

Psycho Mantis ♂ @ Metal Coat, Sticky Barb
Ability: Technician
Health: 0%
Energy: 60%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: nothing

Eta Carinae (2/3 left)
Rahel ♀ @ Life Orb
Ability: Overcoat
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Still waiting for a good fight...
Used: nothing

Arena Status
  • It is hailing (2 more actions).
  • Misty Terrain is in effect (2 more actions).

Damage and Energy

  • Psycho Mantis's Health: 1% - 3% (Sticky Barb) = 0%
  • Psycho Mantis's Energy: 60%
  • Rahel's Health: 100%
  • Rahel's Energy: 100%

  • Speed order: Rahel (60) stands alone.
  • You forgot one, VM! The Sticky Barb does damage when it transfers to your Pokémon, and I'm assuming you mean it to work regardless of held items in this arena. (It's going to be changed soon so that a Sticky Barb doesn't count as a held item for certain purposes, anyway, for more sticky hot potato fun.)
  • Since Rahel never made a move against her opponent, I'll be granting the KO experience for this to Sittidel. I assume Eta Carinae will have zero problem with this, but if he does, I guess Rahel can have the KO instead.
  • We didn't actually have any actions in this round, so I'm not so sure about reducing the duration of arena effects. I did anyway, but idk, make a case if you want.
  • Vipera Magnifica sends out and commands first.
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Sorry Orestes, I couldn't give you that additional crutch. Just do your best though, and with a bit of luck we can win this.

Start with a Smack Down. Once Rahel is on the ground, hit her with Bulldoze twice. If Smack Down didn't work and you can't hit with Bulldoze, use Ancient Power instead. If at any point Rahel is protecting or unreachable, use Dragon Dance.

Smack Down / Dragon Dance ~ Bulldoze / Ancient Power / Dragon Dance x2

Let's bet 3% health on Black this time.
Alright, Rahel, this isn't a super favorable matchup, but let's see what we can do. Lead with a Double Team, then hit him with a couple of Steel Wings. If he interprets clones as you being unhittable, or if he uses Dragon Dance for whatever other reason, switch out those Steel Wings for Punishments.

Double Team ~ Steel Wing/Punishment x2

And 6% on Red.
Round Five

Vipera Magnifica (2/3 left)
Orestes ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Itching to avenge his long-lost father, or something.

Eta Carinae (2/3 left)
Rahel ♀ @ Life Orb
Ability: Overcoat
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Still waiting for a good fight...


Li Feng snakes in snakily to press the big red button again, but the slot machine seems to be malfunctioning. It makes more spinning noises, but the tiles refuse to move...

qwilfish qwilfish qwilfish

The slot machine's stomach opens, and another Sticky Barb flies out of it, clinging on to Orestes's stomach. The Larvitar hisses in discomfort, clawing at his skin to get it out, but to no avail: the burrs have stuck in deep.

But the slot machine's not done yet! Another thirty seconds of pointless beeping, and...

qwilfish qwilfish qwilfish

Rahel backs away in horror, knowing what's coming next. Out comes a third Sticky Barb, latching insistently onto her feathers. Wincing in pain, Rahel knows there is only one option. She must flee. The Vullaby begins racing in awkward circles, wings plastered to her sides, squawking angrily the entire time. Alas, all she manages to go is create four more copies of herself, each with their own parasitic barbs...

Giving up on his own unwanted passenger for now, Orestes dashes over to the gardens and picks out a lovely, perfectly smooth rock. It seems almost a shame to throw it, but me must. He winds up his tiny arm behind him and then lets loose, and the perfect stone flies in a perfect arc through the air, blasting perfectly through one of the fake Rahels. The other four Vullaby rise up into the air as one, eight wings each sporting a silvery sheen over their feathers. They cut through the air toward him, and one of the wings slashes painfully into his side, but more importantly...

Rahel's Sticky Barb scrapes against the first as if by some magnetic force, and implants itself into his skin...

Orestes screams in pain, grabbing desperately at the two barbs in his skin. His original barb, not enjoying the company, clings onto Rahel's wing as the Vullaby swoops away, but this is not enough for Orestes. Angrily he roars to the gods of gambling, and the gods of gambling answer his cry, several little rocks rising from the garden dirt, imbued with the true power of the RNG. Indeed the odds do favour them, as they shower over the true Rahel, who squawks in surprise as her clones disappear, leaving her to take the entire brunt of the attack. Below, the mist covering the roulette wheel creeps away again, and above, the sky begins to clear, and hailstones stop falling.

Cawing, Rahel makes to cut across Orestes's chest with a steel-covered wing, and the Larvitar closes his eyes and braces himself for more barbarous impact, but the blow does not come. Rahel curses to herself, somehow having managed to completely overshoot her opponent, and, grumbling, Orestes retaliates with another shower of rocks aided by the gods of gambling. Rahel prepares to snap back, but just then the roulette wheel lights up and begins to spin.

Slowly a ball drops into the red pocket yet again, and Rahel feels some health restored to her as Orestes feels just a bit weaker.


Vipera Magnifica (2/3 left)
Orestes ♂ @ Lucky Egg, Sticky Barb
Ability: Guts
Health: 73%
Energy: 91%
Status: Grumbling to himself. Things are just not going his way today.
Used: Smack Down (hit clone) ~ Ancient Power ~ Ancient Power

Eta Carinae (2/3 left)
Rahel ♀ @ Life Orb, Sticky Barb
Ability: Overcoat
Health: 73%
Energy: 86%
Status: Poking pointlessly at her barb with her beak.
Used: Double Team (4 clones) ~ Steel Wing ~ Steel Wing (missed)

Arena Status
  • Nothing of note.

Damage and Energy

  • Orestes's Health: 100% - 13% (Steel Wing) - 2% (hail) - 3% (Sticky Barb 1) - 1% (Sticky Barb 1) - 3% (Sticky Barb 2) - 2% (Sticky Barb 2) - 3% (roulette) = 73%
  • Orestes's Energy: 100% - 3% (Smack Down) - 3% (Ancient Power) - 3% (Ancient Power) = 91%
  • Rahel's Health: 100% - 11% (Ancient Power) - 11% (Ancient Power) - 2% (Life Orb) - 3% (Sticky Barb 2) - 1% (Sticky Barb 2) - 3% (Sticky Barb 1) - 2% (Sticky Barb 1) + 6% (roulette) = 73%
  • Rahel's Energy: 100% - 4% (Double Team) - 5% (Steel Wing) - 5% (Steel Wing) = 86%

  • Speed order: Rahel (60) > Orestes (41).
  • The first Ancient Power hit the real Rahel.
  • Rahel's second Steel Wing missed. Lucky her, she didn't have to take back her barb. She still took Life Orb recoil, however.
  • The roulette landed on red, restoring 6% health to Rahel and doing 3% damage to Orestes.
  • Eta Carinae commands first.
I'd love for you to peace out by Flying out of the way, but Smack Down makes that very very hard to pull off. So lead with Swagger. If he pops up a Protect or Detect, Nasty Plot. Then, if Swagger succeeded, hit him with a Punishment. If not, go with Dark Pulse. If he's protecting, or you can't hit him for some other reason besides a sub, Iron Defense. Same conditionals for the third action.

Swagger/Nasty Plot ~ Punishment/Dark Pulse/Iron Defense x2

And 5% on Red
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