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W0lverine123 vs Skylark

shy ♡

whispers in gay
3v3 (Single)
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, only 5 Chills/Pokemon

Arena: Abandoned Mine

In all simplicity, this is a man-made cave. What was once a rail runs through the center, though it's now more of a slight discolored path (with little metal bits embedded in it) if anything. Somehow, the torches mounted every few yards on the wall still work, so there is constantly light, though that light is dim and flickering.

Each section of the mine consists of a winding cave, about ten feet high and ten feet wide. Rotting timbers line the walls, barely supporting the crumbling rock. However, there are so many, and the mine was so well-excavated, that it's very unlikely that a cave-in will occur. However, it is possible, if extreme stress is put on the walls (anything more than about two hundred pounds slamming into it will probably make the mine collapse).

Other: Restricted to basic Pokemon (I.E., not evolved). Ya, I be a newb.

Wolverine's active squad

[Ignis] Cyndaquil (Male)
Ability: Blaze

[Metus] Gastly (Male)
Ability: Levitate

[Fuga] Starly (Male)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Ferus] Trapinch (Female)
Ability: Arena Trap

[Glacialis] Seel (Female)
Ability: Hydration

Skylark's active squad

[Chase] Feebas (Male)
Ability: Swift Swim
Sig. Attribute: The Ugly Duckling

[Rush] Ralts (Male)
Ability: Trace

[Crystal] Ralts (Female)
Ability: Trace

[Fondue] Squirtle (Female)
Ability: Torrent

[Static] Mareep (Male)
Ability: Static

Wolverine sends out
Skylark sends out and attacks
Wolverine attacks
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