• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
So as someone who has been a fan of TCOD for years (possibly even joined the forums before, I can't remember) and has been lurking for a few days, I decided I should join.

Hey, the name's Tim and I'm a 20-year-old Pokenerd from Croydon in London, UK. I'm currently studying Biology up in the West Midlands - a subject that I'm really passionate about. I plan to do a PhD in Botany/Plant Cell Biology in the near future.

I have been into Pokemon for a good 11 years now, having played since Red and Blue (guess the avatar shows :p). Pokemon White and a rediscovery of the card game and anime have brought me back to the franchise. I don't have a particular favourite game - in fact I love them all so much that I regularly go back to play some of my older ones (currently playing Sapphire, and will be playing Platinum for the first time next week!)

I'm also interested in many other games, particularly Mario, Sonic and Zelda. I also occassionally play RPGs, with some of my favourites being Tales of Symphonia, Paper Mario TTYD and currently Final Fantasy 8.

I've recently rediscovered my love for writing and drawing, so you might see some creative work from me over the summer.

I look forward to meeting some of you.

Cheers, Tim
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God, nobody replied to this.

Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies, where most people drink tea and eat cod. May I redirect you to the Animé-Style Battling section of the Games sub-forum? It is a creative way to enjoy pokémon battling, with new twists and interesting variations, so be sure to check that out!

Have a nice time here!
Haha liking this "tea and cod" thing.
Oo yes that sounds interesting actually. I've never actually given something like that a look but I'm up for it when I have the time.
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