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Wandering Back

Silver Sneasel

New member
So, I haven't been here in a very very long time. Not since before Platinum came out. I know my old name and password, but i don't feel like i'm actually the person i was when i made that identity, and i would prefer to start new again.

Just for the recocord, my self confidence has been completely shattered and run over a few times in the past couple years.

I have an account on Fanfic under the same name. I have a deviant art account, but it's in a different name because Silver Sneasel was taken there.

I love books and right now i'm rereading the guardians of gahoole series before reading Wolves of the beyond. I'm ninteen. My favorite pokemon are Sneasel, Gallade, and Mewtwo, so i'm not exactly origional. My favorite movies are Shrek and Stranger than Fiction.

Well, thanks for looking at this, at least. I suppose i'll see you around.
Welcome (back!)!

So yeah, I don't know what else to say except,

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