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warpedplant vs. Totodile

Eta Carinae

I really loved that farm.
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

[size=+2]warpedplant vs Totodile[/size]

warpedplant's active squad

cyndaquil Jess the female Cyndaquil <Blaze>
spinarak Havrey the male Spinarak <Insomnia>
frillish Joe the male Frillish <Cursed Body>
gothita Anna the female Gothita <Frisk>
hoppip Frank the male Hoppip <Leaf Guard>

Totodile's active squad

zubat Camazotz the female Zubat <Inner Focus> @ Black Sludge
riolu Anput the female Riolu <Inner Focus> @ Razor Claw
cleffa Sin the male Cleffa <Magic Guard> @ Soothe Bell
honedge Perry the male Honedge <No Guard> @ Dusk Stone
deino Wrath the female Deino <Hustle> @ Lucky Egg
pancham Poe the female Pancham <Iron Fist> @ Muscle Band
houndour Roxy the female Houndour <Flash Fire> @ Absorb Bulb
eevee Fluttershy the female Eevee <Adaptability> @ Soothe Bell
eevee Applejack the female Eevee <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg
eevee Rarity the female Eevee <Adaptability> @ Water Stone

The mighty RNG says warpedplant sends out first!
I'll send out my good friend, Applejack!

Okay, AJ, set up a Reflect first. Then use Body Slam a couple times. However, if you're trapped in an Infestation, use Flail to free yourself. If he Protects, use Focus Energy.

Reflect ~ Body Slam/Flail/Focus Energy x2
Okay, start off with toxic. Now, being paralyzed is not good, so use infestation to prevent paralysis. On the final turn, start digging.

Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 1

warpedplant OO


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Commands: Toxic ~ Infestation ~ Dig
Status: Clicking his mandibles excitedly.



Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Reflect ~ Body Slam/Flail/Focus Energy x2
Status: Bracing against the ocean breeze.

The landscape was almost materially fresh, the crispness of the salt in the air nearly tangible. Three Pokemon trainers traipsed through the tranquil landscape, taking care to step only on stable rocks as they approached their battleground. Upon approaching a fairly barren swath of land, two of the trainers took places on either side of the expanse, the third presiding from the centre of the clearing. The combatants quickly materialized in the sand. On one side of the arena stood an eye-catching arachnid, cute with his beady eyes to some, grotesque with his abundance of legs to others. Across from him stood a much less polarizing creature. A plain Eevee, shivering a little in the wind, was the challenger. The third trainer, having not sent out a Pokemon, blew his whistle three times in quick succession. The battle had begun.

Applejack, the brown feline, was first to act. Worried about the possibility of being trapped in those spindly legs, the Eevee generated a shimmering shield of energy around her. The golden dome was made of nothing physical, yet as a few specks of dust were blown into it they were slowed to an ambling pace, as if transitioning from air to water. From Havrey the Spinarak’s point of view, Applejack was now a spectre, hidden behind her sparkling wall of light. Still, he was confident that no amount of energy was going to stop him from completing his hunt.

In his mouth he began to secrete his favourite poison, a toxic substance used to kill his prey. Applejack was far too big for him to accomplish such a result, but such a potent mixture was sure to cause some pain. Alas, he needed some way of getting the solution into Applejack’s bloodstream without scurrying over there himself. Whereas many others using the move may have simply trusted themselves to spit it on to their opponents, Havrey felt much more comfortable trusting in his natural abilities. Therefore, he shot a strand of spider silk at Applejack through the barrier, the cord bright purple from being tainted by the toxins. The whip of silk was right on target, meaning that as it fell it landed right upon Applejack’s head, drooping over her face and tail. Quickly the murk transferred, tinging the Eevee’s fur purple for a few moments. Yet the salivary cocktail was quick, and in no time at all it had penetrated her skin and weaseled into her bloodstream. Applejack shook off the cable, but the deed was done. As she moved to rid herself of the string, she felt the slightest pang as the toxins did their work.

Not wishing to dwell on her faltering constitution, Applejack burst forth from out of the dome, clearly not hindered by its effects. Dodging the loose stones on the beach, she found a clear enough patch that she could use as a runway. Once a certain area caught her fancy, she charged down it and flew into the air, blotting out the sun from Havrey’s view for a split second. The Eevee came down in a majestic bellyflop, but it wasn’t until she struck Havrey were their sizes truly compared. While it was doubtless that being pancaked like that would hurt, Havrey was actually larger than Applejack, and heavier as well. He sunk to the ground by a few inches, but was able to quickly shake Applejack off after the initial blow. The arachnophobic referee grimaced in response. This job wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

And it only got better from there. Havrey tilted his head to the sky and clacked his mandibles three times, reverberating surprisingly loudly, even with the cresting of waves still audible from a few metres away. At first, the arena remained still, everyone waiting for some activity. Soon, their wish was granted. From under the rocks, between the folds in the sea weed, and in tiny holes in the sand, miniscule bugs began to hop up and around Havrey. They were naught but tiny sand fleas, but the sheer number was enough to unnerve all but Havrey, who seemed quite comfortable amongst his brethren. Another sharp click and the beach hoppers took off, determined to crash headfirst into the shield. Suprisingly, the barricade provided no protection in the instance, each of the little crustaceans finding imperfections in the wall to hop through. Now they could see Applejack clearly, and they hungrily bounced towards her, where they dug their tiny teeth in for a wild ride. The referee was glad he couldn’t see what was going on.

For Applejack, the bugs were more of an annoyance than torture. Still, she would happily be rid of them as quickly as she could. Not needing much encouragement from her trainer, she frantically started to shake her entire body, trying to dislodge as many of the pests as she could. She succeeded in dislodging about half, each of which retreated back into the sand with their quests coming to an end. A fair few still hung on however, Applejack’s weak panic not enough to put a stopper on their determination. Havrey was happy to see his soldiers perform so valiantly, but now it was time for him to take a quick leave. While Applejack continued to struggle with the invaders, Havrey put each of his six legs to work on the sand below him. Soon he was in a sizable hole, and as the round ended, he was safely underground, wrapped in pitch darkness while his opponent still wrestled with the beach bugs.

End of Round 1

warpedplant OO


Health: 88%
Energy: 94%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Status: A bit disoriented. Underground

Totodile OO


Health: 95%
Energy: 90%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Pissed off. Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% the next), trapped in a half-Infestation (3 more actions)

Arena Notes:

Ref Notes:
-Reflect took extra energy (initially) due to Adaptability, whereas Body Slam did extra damage
-Toxic couldn’t miss due to Havrey’s typing
-Infestation was a critical hit, which meant along with extra damage I automatically put it at a 5-turn duration
-Also it’s surprisingly a special move, so it would have bypassed Reflect anyways
-As Flail would be at such a low power this early in the battle, I had it only knock off about half of the bugs. From that point, Infestation will do 2% damage over the next 4 actions as opposed to 4%. That means ½% from the third action, which I didn’t put in Applejack’s final health, but will be accounted for once the next action of Infestation finishes
-I interpreted “start digging” as merely getting underground, not completing the attack
-No tunnel is present because sand tends to collapse into holes
-Sorry if I referred to Havrey as Harvey at any point
-warpedplant to command next
Okay, Havrey, you did pretty good. She managed to out damage you, but you did set up some statuses. Now, instead of completing the dig, taunt AJ. Then, block the entrance to the hole with a electroweb. Next, use a venoshock, or hone claws if you can't hit her.

Taunt~Electroweb~Venoshock/Hone Claws
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Spinarak doesn't learn Taunt, so I think we're good here. First, Refresh to get rid of that nasty poison. Then Work yourself Up twice.

Refresh ~ Work Up x2
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 2

warpedplant OO


Health: 88%
Energy: 94%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Commands: Taunt ~ Electroweb ~ Venoshock/Hone Claws
Status: A bit disoriented. Underground

Totodile OO


Health: 95%
Energy: 90%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Refresh ~ Work Up x2
Status: Pissed off. Reflect active (2 more actions), Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% the next), trapped in a half-Infestation (3 more actions)

As the creepy crawlies continued to chow down on her immaculate coat, Applejack got to work on her cleanse. She shut her eyes and tried to ignore the tiny teeth attacking her. After a few deep breaths, a healthy, yellow aura appeared around her. Though it did nothing to deter the bugs, the toxins within her body were neutralized in a quick and grand operation. As Applejack’s immune system kicked into overdrive, the poison that had seeped into her bloodstream was eradicated with inhuman efficiency. Applejack reopened her eyes with a warm smile on her face. She had one less thing to worry about. From deep underground, Havrey was having no such luck. His trainer had asked him to do… something? He wouldn’t quickly admit it, but he had no idea what his course of action should be. Luckily, his trainer couldn’t see him, so he faced little guilt for merely pacing around his little hideout for a few seconds.

Still a bit nervous that she was leaving herself open to a sneak attack, Applejack continued to prepare herself for when Havrey finally did decide to surface. She engaged in a few more focused breathing exercises and started stretching out her muscles. She pawed the ground with apprehension and dislodged a few more critters, though many were leaving from simply having eaten their full. Inside her mind, she was working to eliminate all pessimistic thought. She was dedicated to re-boosting her self-confidence, and that meant reiterating how awesome she was over and over until it became ingrained in her brain.

Havrey could see none of this, but at the moment his opponent didn’t matter much. He was safe underground, at least for the moment. Facing away from where he dug, he began to fire off strands of silk from each of the glands in his abdomen. Though the hole that he had burrowed had been refilled with sand since he had formed the tunnel, he was still able to construct a miniature web along the edge of his cavern. He worked with fervor to make up for his inaction a few moments prior. Each strand of silk that he added to the wall was slightly electrified. The web he was building would already have no trouble trapping anyone who tried to advance through it, but with the added charges, a trespasser would get a nasty zap as well. Though he could not see the results of his work, once finished Havrey was impressed with the traps he had set up in case Applejack decided to come knocking.

The aforementioned Eevee had no such intentions. She was content to continue readying herself for Havrey’s emergence. As she continued to perform warm-up exercises, the last of her pests hopped off and buried themselves back in the dunes. She was relieved, as she could now concentrate fully on the task at hand. Slightly upsetting was the disappearance of her golden dome. It flickered a couple of times, as if trying to remain without Applejack pouring energy into it, but it soon melted away, leaving the Eevee even more exposed. Havrey, from below, was still neglecting to attack Applejack. Having gathered that a Venoshock would be hopeless without a clear shot at Applejack, he instead felt around, looking for a smooth rock. Eventually finding one embedded in the tunnel above his head, he used it as a whetstone, running his claws back and forth over the surface. As he worked, the points of his legs became more and more fine. Pleased with his primitive nail file, he took his legs off of the rock and resumed the waiting game once more.

End of Round 2

warpedplant OO


Health: 88%
Energy: 88%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Status: Starting to bore. Attack +1, Accuracy +1, Underground

Totodile OO


Health: 93%
Energy: 83%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Keeping her guard up. Attack +2, Special Attack +2

Arena Notes:

Ref Notes:
-Sorry I forgot to mention Reflect in the end of round summary before. Luckily it did not matter
-Totodile is correct, Spinarak does not learn Taunt, and it would not have worked from underground anyways
-As I mentioned in my notes from last round, the hole that Havrey created was filled up by sand, so the Electroweb was placed against the edge of his mini-cave, not on the opening of the hole
-Reflect and Infestation technically ended at different times, they were just together for flavour
-Venoshock would not have worked because of the aforementioned hole issue
-Totodile commands next
If he's still underground, or if he's otherwise unhittable, use Focus Energy, or Work Up if you've already used Focus Energy. If you can hit him, go with Hyper Voice.

Focus Energy/Work Up/Hyper Voice x3
Okay, I don't know were your ears are, but plug them with sand. Then unleash dig, but try to combine it with toxic. Finish up with foul play.

Plug Ears~Dig+Toxic~Foul Play
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 3

warpedplant OO


Health: 88%
Energy: 88%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Commands: Dig ~ Toxic ~ Foul Play
Status: Starting to bore. Attack +1, Accuracy +1, Underground

Totodile OO


Health: 93%
Energy: 83%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Focus Energy/Work Up/Hyper Voice x3
Status: Keeping her guard up. Attack +2, Special Attack +2

Applejack was very much settling into a routine. This time, the exercise was going to be a lot more calming, less of a pep rally inside her mind. She shut her eyes and gathered her thoughts once more, making sure to give priority to those that would help her with the battle. In her mind she recited the height, weight, ability, and moveset of Spinarak, analyzing and looking for weaknesses. There was no better time than the present to commit all of that information to memory, and so she repeated it over and over, the tiniest inkling in the back of her mind telling her that Havrey could strike at any moment.

Below ground, Havrey was having a little bit of a crisis. His trainer had again given him an order that he wasn’t sure how to follow. He could certainly dig back up towards the fresh air, but he wasn’t sure exactly what orifice the “ear” was. He was fairly familiar with his body, and he had nothing that he would call an ear. Eventually he decided that if he didn’t know what it was, that meant that the hole didn’t exist, and it therefore was filled. With this rationalization still fresh in his mind, he began to reach for the surface again, each of his legs clawing furiously at the sand. When he did escape, he found himself just behind Applejack. Taking no time to dillydally, he promptly leaped onto the Eevee, knocking her into the sand and further dirtying her coat. Applejack was in a state of near-mental equilibrium, but she was still thrown off as she tackled and sent sprawling. Havrey, pleased, hopped back up and scuttled over to his original place on the beach.

Applejack angrily shook sand from her fur. Now the little brat wanted to play, it seemed. Well, she was happy to join in on the fun. She opened her mouth wide and let loose an incomprehensible caterwaul. The sound was so powerful that even the referee and trainers were forced backwards as if by a gale-force wind. The impact on Havrey was hard to imagine. The soundwaves ripped through his fragile body, promptly tossing him backwards with the sand that was also being kicked up and blasted away. The titanic emission lasted for only ten seconds, but in that time Havrey nearly lost his sense of balance, his mind so rattled by the scream. He wobbled as he got to his feet, trying to stay focused so as to continue with the battle.

He shook his heads a few times, relishing in the lack of noise but the gentle crashing of waves. Again he widened his mandibles and shot out a thin wire, his own multi-purpose silk. The strand was just as toxic as before, and his aim was just as true, the silk splattering agains Applejack’s face and efficiently transferring its contents into her veins. Applejack sighed at the repetitiveness; she was tired of being ill. Luckily, she could voice her displeasure. Rearing up she belted again, more sound waves ripping through the arena, this time sending a couple of rocks flying backwards. Havrey, though more prepared, was still lifted from his feet and on to his back, where he tried to find some way to block out the pain. Alas, the vibrations were relentless. He got up much more slowly this time, his addled brain aching for a rest.

Applejack was starting to feel positive again; clearly her onslaught was proving effective. And now it looked like her opponent wanted more. Preposterous! But indeed, Havrey had lifted two of his legs into the arm, and he seemed to be asking Applejack to come hither. Still high on adrenaline, Applejack was ready to heed the arachnid’s request. Having no orders to follow, she was simply looking to run him into the ground. However, in her state of euphoria, her judgement had been tampered with. As she controversially charged, Havrey held his ground until the end. Once she was only inches again, the Spinarak deked left, and Applejack was left to hurtle into a stone imbedded in the beach. There was no time to halt, and Applejack ran right into it, tripping and falling flat on her face. The Eevee slowly rose to see Havrey looking as innocent as always. She wasn;t trying that again.

End of Round 3

warpedplant OO


Health: 58%
Energy: 78%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Status: Still shaking. Attack +1, Accuracy +1

Totodile OO


Health: 72%
Energy: 70%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Feeling a bit of a strain in her vocal cords. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% the next)

Arena Notes:

Ref Notes:
-I actually did some spider research with regards to clogging ears. Apparently, spiders don’t have ears, they hear by feeling vibrations in their legs. I figured a Spinarak would follow similar principles, so filling his ears with sand failed as he possessed no such body parts. Even if he could have, this would not have accomplished the desired effect because of how spiders detect noise
-warpedplant commands next
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Okay, at this point, I think we need to switch tatics. Just try to out damage with venoshock, if she heals with refresh, switch to megahorn. If she can't be hit, use agility.

Venoshock/Megahorn/Agility x3
(Is Applejack Focus Energy'd? The post-round notes don't say.)

I guess he really wants us to stay poisoned. Okay, we can change our plans too. Use Facade a lot: that should deal more damage than even a boosted Venoshock. If you hit the damage cap, use Sand Attack instead.

Facade/Sand Attack x3
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 4

warpedplant OO


Health: 58%
Energy: 78%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Commands: Venoshock/Megahorn/Agility x3
Status: Still shaking. Attack +1, Accuracy +1

Totodile OO


Health: 72%
Energy: 70%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Façade/Sand-Attack x3
Status: Feeling a bit of a strain in her vocal cords. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% the next)

Applejack wasn’t going to be the victim of any more nasty tricks. She was taking matters into her own paws. Havrey was hers for the taking, and if the little pest had to resort to cheap tactics, so be it. She could rely on her superior strength. With many an angry thought still whistling through her head, she dropped her common visage, doing away with the “cute pet” look and instead embracing her inner frenzied beast. She bared her teeth in a ferocious snarl, and let drool descend to the sand. Growling with a surprising ferocity, she burst forth towards Havrey, who was finally starting to appreciate some peace and quiet. The Spinarak, startled, tried to scuttle away, but Applejack was unrelenting. She overtook the arachnid with a few bounding strides and pounced upon her prey. Rather than be content with the tackle, she began to throw a flurry of paw-punches into his fragile back. Havrey clicked his mandibles in a panic as he felt himself being pushed into the sand, each granule rough against his tender underbelly. When her knuckles began to hurt from the effort, Applejack finally backed off, leaving Havrey to extract himself from his imprint on the beach.

Straining to push himself back onto his feet, Havrey refocused on Applejack, who still looked quite threatening. He was out to prove that he could be a threat as well. He had some natural talents that he could put to wonderful use as well, particularly techniques involving the glands that fed his venom. Aligning his mouth with Applejack’s demented face, he summoned a concoction in his mouth. He was quick to spit it out before he inflamed his own palate. It came out as a streamlined glob of purple goo, less viscous than his two toxic blobs from before. The poison landed on Applejack’s face, temporarily replacing her livid demeanor with one of shock. The solution was at first not particularly painful. Applejack flinched from the initial contact, but now the liquid seemed to only be stinging a bit and quickly disappearing into her skin. In a matter of seconds her opinion was flipped on its head. As the poison receded into her muscle tissue it came into contact with the noxious substance from earlier, and the results were noticeable. A wave of agony swept through all of Applejack’s body, and she doubled down. Havrey watched on with cruel elation, amazed with the wonders of simple chemistry.

The scorching sensation did help Applejack in the sense that she had even more anger to fuel her charges. Fighting back the tears that came from the pain, she jolted forward again, the lactic acid produced helping to displace toxin that seemed to still be exploding within her flesh. She slammed into Havrey again, this time bent on an even richer pummeling. She flashed a demonic grin as she grabbed a jagged stone sitting beside Havrey. The Spinarak let out a high-pitched screech as Applejack was not content to merely punch the poor spider. She was bludgeoning his back with the rock, and it was awful for him. Soon his abdomen was covered in numerous scratches and abrasions from the torture. Starting to feel quite weak, he wrestled himself free before more damage could be done. Anger now fueling through his veins as well, he coughed up a never splattering of caustic chemicals, these ones quickly spread out across Applejack’s flank. The Eevee again felt her knees buckle from the anguish, though she did take some relief in Havrey’s condition. Covered in a wide assortment of minor injuries, he didn’t look like he could last much longer.

Through the raging fury quickly enveloping her brain, Applejack was presented with a decision. Her trainer had asked her to berserk until Havrey hit the damage cap, but she was lost as to what that looked like. Was the ref going to step in? Were his attacks going to be stopped by some magic forcefield? Did that mean the Spinarak was eventually going to strike a poor, unsuspecting headpiece? Lost, Applejack played a quick game of eenie-meenie-minie-moe in her head, letting fate decide what she was to do. This gave way to an action that she could agree with; Havrey had been hurt enough. Instead, she was content to try and prevent Havrey from injuring her anymore. Still appearing as if she was going to hurtle forward for a third time, she was able to surprise Havrey by stopping short and kicking a heap of sand right into his face. He squirmed and reached with his claws to his eyes, but there was no way he could displace all of the particles. Having to blink a lot more than normal, he nonetheless hit Applejack with another blast of chemicals, these ones giving her tail an off putting purple shade.

End of Round 4

warpedplant OO


Health: 18% [CAPPED]
Energy: 57%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Status: Battered and bruised. Attack +1

Totodile OO


Health: 32% [CAPPED]
Energy: 54%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Starting to reach for the finish line. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (2% this round, 3% the next)

Arena Notes:

Ref Notes:
-Yes, Applejack’s Focus Energy was still in effect, sorry about missing that
-The second Façade was a critical hit
-Havrey hit the Damage Cap on the second action
-I generally don’t think Pokemon are able to tell if their opponents have hit the Damage Cap, so Applejack performed a random move from those commanded on Action 3. You got lucky Totodile, as she did go with Sand Attack.
-Which cost extra energy due to Adapatability
-Applejack his the Damage Cap on the third action
-Totodile commands next
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I guess it would be kind of hard for a Pokemon to tell. (Also, Havrey's accuracy should be sitting at 0?)

We're in the home stretch, Applejack. Hit him with more Facades until he goes down. If he Protects, use Refresh and then switch to Last Resort.

Facade/Refresh/Last Resort x3
Well, that went horribly.

Okay, we can still try to even the gap. Now, she has commands for protect, but not for dig. Dig down to score some extra poison damage, as you are technically not protecting, so she'll just be stuck doing nothing. Try to use an infestation from down there, then try to combine megahorn with dig. (If "not technically protecting" is too much of a stretch, just megahorn.)

Charge Dig/Megahorn~Infestation/Megahorn~Dig+Megahorn/Megahorn
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 5

warpedplant OO


Health: 18%
Energy: 57%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Status: Battered and bruised. Attack +1

Totodile OO


Health: 32%
Energy: 54%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Starting to reach for the finish line. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (2% this round, 3% the next)

Havrey furiously tried to begin burrowing into the ground again, where he knew he would be safe in his own cramped hole. Applejack was far too quick for him however, and was bounding forward again in a flash, not breaking her laser-like stare, unwavering upon Havrey’s abdomen. With a zealous cry signalling imminent victory, Applejack hurled herself into Havrey’s hastily disappearing body. The impact drove the spider into the sand for several feet, but he had been unconscious before his body had even hit the sand. Eyes now closed, his legs became rigid and crumpled, and warpedplant recalled him dejectedly.

End of Round 5

warpedplant OO


Health: 0%
Energy: 57%
(Havrey) Spinarak [M] <Insomnia>
Status: KO’d!

Totodile OO


Health: 31%
Energy: 47%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Hooting and hollering, but still just as adorable. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% the next)

Arena Notes:

Ref Notes:
-Yes, it was over a week, and I am quite sorry for that. I don’t have an excuse, especially for such a short round. I can promise you it won’t take this long again though
-An Adaptability boosted, +2 Attack, Poison-inflicted Façade was more than enough to knock out Havrey for good
-Technically, poison damage is divvied up over the round, so Applejack only took 1% damage this round, as she was only being affected for one action. The counter still rose as usual.
-warpedplant sends out and command next
I think I'll go with Joe.

Okay, start with acid armor, then do a rain dance. then, finish her off with a water spout, But if she Protects, try Safeguard.

Acid Armor~Rain Dance~Water Spout/Safeguard
Well, normal moves won't do us much good here, so we'll have to use what we can. Bite him first, and then use Shadow Ball. Lastly, sneak in a Sunny Day before he can Water Spout you.

Bite ~ Shadow Ball ~ Sunny Day
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