- Pronoun
- they or she
Hello, this is still Betelgeuse speaking! I believe I should give everyone an update on recent events and current objectives.
All evidence points to an organisation called Cipher being responsible for creating the Shadow pokémon we have encountered recently. We believe their base to be underground in the town of Blaguarro, and it is of particular importance that we prepare to go there and put a stop to their operations. I estimate that the best time to launch such a mission may be between two and four weeks' time from now. Until then, we should do everything possible to prepare for that eventuality.
Several Wayfarers recently encountered the Midnight Lycanroc known as the Wolf, who is in fact a former human by the name of Seth Lycas. He is from the same world as Cipher, and has been fighting them for some time. He is suffering from acute Shadow corruption but apparently retains his lucidity. He may be willing to give more information about Cipher if some of us were to contact him again.
Seth says that he receives messages identifying Cipher agents and other instructions from an entity called Powehi. This is the entity that has been sending the party messages in their dreams whenever they make contact with Shadow energy. I am attempting to learn how to monitor and interact with this energy, but I have not yet been able to monitor any such communications. Please let me know if you learn anything further!
Some of you have learned that there exists a counterpart to Shadow-type energy, its natural opposite. This is 'Radiance', an energy of which I believe I am largely composed... It may prove decisive in the conflict to come that the Wayfarers are able to make use of this energy, and our best lead on getting access to it is the Saint known as the Wandering Light. One other potential source of information about Radiance is the monastery alled Obstine Abbey, the monks of which are said to meditate on "Saints' light".
This information was obtained from the chieftain of the Escarpa Clan, Luxray Sierra. Teams of Wayfarers were able to persuade Sierra to stand down her warriors from their war footing for the time being, and defer their mission to demolish the Silver rail bridge in favour of working alongside other local groups to oppose Cipher. However, as time passes, Cipher will grow stronger and most certainly develop countermeasures against our plans. We should prepare to fight them in a purposeful manner. Other local groups that may assist us in the conflict include the Ranger Union, the Sun Wardens, and the civilian residents of Blaguarro.
In addition to becoming stronger yourselves, and establishing firm alliances, another essential matter is to strengthen my connection sufficiently that I can maintain a combat network even as far as Blaguarro and with Shadow-type energy disrupting it. It is possible to boost my connection in a part of the world by establishing an anchor to the heart of a Mystery Dungeon. One such anchor exists at the entrance to Silver Ravine, and I estimate that I will need at least two more similar anchors in the wider region in order to function adequately in the Cipher base called Terminal Two. There may be other benefits to creating such anchor points, too!
Good luck, everyone. I have faith in you all.
All evidence points to an organisation called Cipher being responsible for creating the Shadow pokémon we have encountered recently. We believe their base to be underground in the town of Blaguarro, and it is of particular importance that we prepare to go there and put a stop to their operations. I estimate that the best time to launch such a mission may be between two and four weeks' time from now. Until then, we should do everything possible to prepare for that eventuality.
[ ] Chapter Objective: Stop Cipher.
Several Wayfarers recently encountered the Midnight Lycanroc known as the Wolf, who is in fact a former human by the name of Seth Lycas. He is from the same world as Cipher, and has been fighting them for some time. He is suffering from acute Shadow corruption but apparently retains his lucidity. He may be willing to give more information about Cipher if some of us were to contact him again.
[ ] Campaign Objective: Receive more intelligence from Seth.
Seth says that he receives messages identifying Cipher agents and other instructions from an entity called Powehi. This is the entity that has been sending the party messages in their dreams whenever they make contact with Shadow energy. I am attempting to learn how to monitor and interact with this energy, but I have not yet been able to monitor any such communications. Please let me know if you learn anything further!
[ ] Campaign Objective: Tell Betelgeuse about interactions with Powehi.
Some of you have learned that there exists a counterpart to Shadow-type energy, its natural opposite. This is 'Radiance', an energy of which I believe I am largely composed... It may prove decisive in the conflict to come that the Wayfarers are able to make use of this energy, and our best lead on getting access to it is the Saint known as the Wandering Light. One other potential source of information about Radiance is the monastery alled Obstine Abbey, the monks of which are said to meditate on "Saints' light".
[ ] Campaign Objective: Locate the Wandering Light, Zeraora Luz.
[ ] Campaign Objective: Learn to wield the power of the Radiant-type.
[ ] Campaign Objective: Visit Obstine Abbey.
This information was obtained from the chieftain of the Escarpa Clan, Luxray Sierra. Teams of Wayfarers were able to persuade Sierra to stand down her warriors from their war footing for the time being, and defer their mission to demolish the Silver rail bridge in favour of working alongside other local groups to oppose Cipher. However, as time passes, Cipher will grow stronger and most certainly develop countermeasures against our plans. We should prepare to fight them in a purposeful manner. Other local groups that may assist us in the conflict include the Ranger Union, the Sun Wardens, and the civilian residents of Blaguarro.
[ ] Campaign Objective: Train and prepare to fight Cipher.
[ ] Campaign Objective: Make more allies who can help oppose Cipher.
[ ] Campaign Objective: Improve relations with and coordinate with our allies against Cipher.
In addition to becoming stronger yourselves, and establishing firm alliances, another essential matter is to strengthen my connection sufficiently that I can maintain a combat network even as far as Blaguarro and with Shadow-type energy disrupting it. It is possible to boost my connection in a part of the world by establishing an anchor to the heart of a Mystery Dungeon. One such anchor exists at the entrance to Silver Ravine, and I estimate that I will need at least two more similar anchors in the wider region in order to function adequately in the Cipher base called Terminal Two. There may be other benefits to creating such anchor points, too!
[ ] Campaign Objective: Establish additional MD anchor points. (0/2)
Good luck, everyone. I have faith in you all.