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Website host?


A chickadee in love with the sky
I've been looking for a decent free website host, but I'm not very satisfied with what I'm finding on the Web Resources page. Tripod and Freewebs are too basic for what I want to do, and ZendUrl doesn't seem to exist anymore. At Space doesn't seem to support PHP. iFastNet seems okay, except that I'm stuck with ads on the bottom of the page. I can still try Award Space, but I'm unconvinced that it's worth the effort.

My website was hosted by Eevee's Headquarters until Kat stopped hosting websites. I was wondering if anyone would be willing/knows anyone who would be willing to host my website. (It's still up here if you wanted to see it first.) I don't need much:

  • 20 MB of space at the very, very most; on my computer, the site currently takes up 14 MB and I plan on thinning that down. 15 MB would work.
  • PHP supported
  • FTP access would be nice (I use net2ftp online; I'm assuming anything with FTP access is compatible with this) but I can get by without it.

I don't know how much bandwidth my site uses, but I can't imagine it is very much. I can try and find out if it's extremely important.

Basically I'm looking for something simple and straightforward to use. If there's any other decent free hosting sites that I'm missing, I guess that's okay, but if there's anyone willing to host my website, I would greatly prefer that to a hosting company.

You're bringing AMC back? Awesome! :D

I have a bunch of free space that I'm not using, so I wouldn't mind hosting you if that's all the space you need. FTP access, PHP, MySQL databases if you need them, and while I obviously can't give you access to my admin panel I could go in and set up some other things for you if you need them.

If you'd like to look at other free hosting options first, though, I used Freehostia for a little while before moving somewhere else--they've got all the stuff you need and are pretty reliable, though they do require a phone number when you sign up (they've never called me for anything, though). You can also try running a "power search" with this website, narrow down the choices and also look at reviews and things. A lot of the options on it are a little dodgy, and there are a ton of hosts that are actually the same one but rebranded (primarily ByetHost, which I'm told you should probably stay away from), but there are some pretty nice hosts on there if you're willing to sift through the cruft. I hear good things about X10, for example.

(And yeah, I've been meaning to go through that post and update it because hahahaha wow it's terrible. Remind me again in December and I'll see what I can do.)
Ah, right, Zymic. I forgot about them. Didn't stay long enough to see how scalable they were, though.
Kratos, that would be great! I went through my files and trimmed them down to about 10 MB - I have a bunch of images on it still that I can host elsewhere to save a little more space.

Freehostia and Zymic both look decent. I might check out Freehostia - but if you wouldn't mind hosting AMC, Kratos, that would be amazing! As long as you're okay with it.
Yeah, it's no trouble. Just send me a PM when you're ready and I can get the FTP account set up and go over the details.
I recommend Altervista — it's free, it has 200 MB of space, it offers PHP5 and MySQL support, and it has a nice credit system for upgrades (paid or through banners). it's also extremely fast, at least for European visitors, and you get a free subdomain (something.altervista.org) or a paid (cheap) domain. this allows to scale and to upgrade easily if the free hosting outscales your predictions.

also, some friend of mine spoke well of P4O, but I've never used it.
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