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Weird computer problem.

Vladimir Putin's LJ

your blood flows through my veins
Which can be summed up by this image:

Why is that when I right click>properties the thing tells me only 36GB have been used up but in the Computer window thing it always shows that I only have 3GB left out of 51? Is it a virus?
It's really starting to get on my nerves, especially since it won't let me draw in Photoshop if I have less than like 4GB of memory (which is weird itself but not as important).
It probably isn't counting system folders. Vista takes up about 12GB, which just about accounts for the discrepancy.
It probably isn't counting system folders. Vista takes up about 12GB, which just about accounts for the discrepancy.
Ah, right, that makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is that I just deleted a bunch of files to create space and guess what happened?

I hate this machine :^D
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