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What Pokemon are you emotionally attached to?

Pikachu--first Pokemon I ever knew well. The one on my Silver, Lita; was lv. 88ish. Even now, it's a tradition to have a Pika named Lita on my lineup, or at least on the file (as my YouTube fans have noticed) Part of this is because I love how much Ash loves his Pikachu, and the other is because I too love the little guy.

Articuno--The most beautiful of the three birds, IMO.

Lugia--Strong, beautiful, and has a haunting theme song. ::misses Helios, the Lugia on her old Silver file...::
Pikachu: First Pokémon I ever saw, first Pokémon I ever drew, my favourite Pokémon ever since Pokémon came out, and I can never see my crush as anything else ever since I named my partner after him in MD2... the list goes on.

Mewtwo: I love how troubled he his (but not in a bad way!), and pretty much everything else. Sometimes he relates to me. Plus...
Absol and Quilava were part of a game I played with my pokemon figures, and they represent me and the one I love....
Only he didn't represent my crush. Replace Absol and Quilava with Pikachu and Mewtwo. XD;;
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