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Why hello there.


It's feeding time
'sup people? I'm, if you hadn't already seen that, Male Gardevoir. I'm a pretty new Pokémon fan, and I've only owned three games so far, the first being Pokémon Pinball, second being Red Rescue Team and the third one being Pearl, I'm currently waiting for Platinum too come to Europe, since my Pearl freezes on me when I go into the Pokémon league. :dead:

I found this forum when I was doing the "What Pokémon are you?" quiz, and despite never getting it when answering the questions Gardevoir is one of the ones that describe me the most.
It's funny now that I mention it, I don't know why I began liking Gardevoir all of a sudden, I didn't like it a lot before, but I just liked one day, might have been due the fact I loved the times Gardevoir showed up in the players dreams.
I also like RPing a lot, and I hope I can have a opportunity to do it at some time on this forum.

Also, I didn't make my avatar, GreatMaw on DeviantArt did, but I had to use it, the Gardevoir's expression is just made of epic.
I never noticed that before!

(Though Gardevoir wears a dress, what do you want? A dress or a tutu?)
^ I think you have just Copy Pasted that to rise-ify your postcount...which is 24 right now. Hello and welcome to TCOD where I the almighty Princess EeveeSkitty[too good for a king or queen] of my land Windia. I give cat plushies out to newbies because I'm trying to make myself more popular nice.
^ I think you have just Copy Pasted that to rise-ify your postcount...which is 24 right now. Hello and welcome to TCOD where I the almighty Princess EeveeSkitty[too good for a king or queen] of my land Windia. I give cat plushies out to newbies because I'm trying to make myself more popular nice.

CAT PLUSHIES! *hugs cat plushie*
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