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Suggestions Working on a new region, just for fun


New member
K, so nobody really liked my planet texture artwork, maybe you might like this.

I'm working on a new region (or maybe a country, with regions in it?) just for fun. I have no plans on using it for any fanfictions or anything like that. I do not mind anyone else using it for their own works, and if they do it would be nice if they could give credit at least.

This is a work in progress, I'll say so when it's completed. There are no routes or cities yet, and I haven't yet decided where all the pokemon are going to inhabit it yet.

So far I only have the maps of the elevations and the kinds of natural habitats. Warning: These are very high resolution .jpg images, so they need to be downloaded to be viewed. If you don't think your computer can handle images of a resolution higher than 4000 square pixels, I have provided lower resolution images but most of the detail has been lost in them.

I have also provided a key for the habitat types.

On the images, a grey triangle represents a mountain. Orange triangles represent an active volcano. Black is a dormant volcano, and green is an extinct volcano. You won't see them clearly or at all on the low res images. Inland areas of water are freshwater lakes.

High res downloads:

With habitats

With elevations

Low res images and key for habitats:

Key for habitats

With habitats

With elevations

Let me know what you think.
Judging by the title, I was expecting to see either a 'map' of a region (read: blobs of green on a blue background) or some far-fetched fakemon. Instead, I'm pleasantly surprised. P:

I don't think I've ever seen a fake region this detailed; you've obviously put a lot effort into this (by the way, did you have some sort of generator helping you or did you draw it from scratch?). I don't know that much about geography, but at least my artistic side says that I like the shaping of the region; especially the middle part with all the 'cracks' and mountains.
The lower part looks a bit bland compared to the middle, though, so maybe add some of the cracky texture to the upper parts of its coastline? It might make it look more natural (or perhaps it's just my artsy part talking, I have no idea if it makes sense geographically P:).

I have to say, this is definitely an interesting project, and at least I would love to see you continue this P:
Thanks for the compliments, to answer your question I did it from scratch in the following way:

I made each elevation its own layer, starting with the basic outline of the region and the islands. Then putting on top each layer of height. I just worked the habitats around this. I wanted one part of the region to be flat and plain-like, with more grassland-type pokemon found in it, and another to be mountainous, rocky, forested and with more mountain and woodland pokemon in it. Then a volcanic island chain with perhaps beach and volcano-dwelling pokemon, thus the difference in shapes of the land.
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