Ufff, homework sucks. Sorry this was late.
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination
Just a floating, flat platform.
Round Thirteen
Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 82%
Energy: 57%
Status: Feeling much more chipper. +2 Attack.
Commands: Swords Dance ~ Detect ~ X-Scissor
Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 90%
Energy: 56%
Status: Annoyed by the hail. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Bounce (up) ~ Bounce (down) ~ Ice Beam
Nightslice dragged himself to his feet with a little sigh and a yawn. Then, eyes gleaming with energy, he took a battle stance, knees bent and scythes in a defensive position. Azure made a curious sound and glanced at his opponent, wondering what on earth the Scyther was up to. His question was answered when Nightslice suddenly leapt into the air, wings beating furiously to carry him several feet to the right, blocking and slicing at an imaginary opponent as he did so. When he landed, he raised his left scythe, turned it to the side as if parrying an attack, and viciously cut the innocent air in front of him. The immaterial opponent stumbled, if Nightslice’s wild smirk was anything to go by, and he finished with a magnificent spin and blunt-edge strike. His dance finished, the Scyther sighed again and took a more casual pose, idly rubbing his scythes against each other as adrenaline sang through his veins.
Azure couldn’t help but stay on the platform, if only to watch his opponent’s performance. When it ended, he studied Final Destination with several sweeping glances, looking for any ramp or raised area he could launch himself off of – how was he supposed to Bounce
up if he was lying on his stomach or his side? Unfortunately, the floating metal arena was as flat as a piece of cardboard. The cogs and wheels in Azure’s brain spun furiously as he tried to think of a solution – ah, right. Of course. Rolling over to lie on his stomach, the blue seahorse closed his eyes in concentration, then narrowed his mouth tube and shot a jet of high-pressure water at the platform. So powerful was the stream that it actually lifted Azure’s upper half off the platform; panicking and terrified that he would overbalance, he quickly uncoiled his tail with an earsplitting
crack, launching himself high in the air.
Within a few seconds Azure was no more than a blue speck in the cloudy sky. Nightslice narrowed his eyes and squinted at his opponent, sharpening his senses to an uncanny level in order to dodge the attack he knew was coming. As he tilted his head back, a hailstone struck him square in the snout, and he muttered something under his breath. After about another ten seconds, a distant whoop was heard as Azure began to descend, his fins folded close to his body to increase the speed at which he fell. So concentrated was the Horsea on velocity, though, that he neglected to aim, and all Nightslice had to do was step a little to the side for Azure to crash into the platform. He cried out in pain and indignation and toppled onto his side, the base of his tail now feeling incredibly sore.
Nightslice chuckled to himself and dashed up to the wailing seahorse, crossing his scythes in an X-formation as he ran. Azure, too preoccupied with his pounding tail, didn’t notice until his opponent was upon him. Two scythes cut down diagonally on the hapless seahorse, and Azure wailed again as two accompanying wounds opened up on his body. The attack was much more vicious than any other he had experienced so far – the combination of the fierce bug-energy-imbued slices and Nightslice’s attack boosts really, really
hurt. Azure hissed as well as a Horsea could hiss before shooting a thick beam of ice in retaliation. Nightslice yelled in shock and jerked back, the wild glint in his eye fading when he realized that he had escaped from the attack without another casing of ice.
Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 70%
Energy: 44%
Status: Sighing in relief, although getting a bit fatigued. +4 Attack.
Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 70%
Energy: 41%
Status: Starting to feel kind of tired again. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. The puddle of water is very small at this point. It’s raining, and it will hail for another 6 actions (2 rounds).
Final notes
Xaldin attacks first next round.
Bounce was going to miss anyway, as declared by the RNG gods, so Detect required only the base energy usage.
Azure suffered a bit of damage from slamming into the platform because Bounce missed.