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Xaldin vs. Zaiella

Well, that's to bad... Oh well, I still got a plan. First, use sunny day to make sure she uses hail. Then, recover some health with roost. Then use Protect.

Sunny Day~Roost~Protect
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Eleven

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 60%
Energy: 50%
Status: Not very pleased by his ‘colour change’. +2 Attack.
Commands: Sunny Day ~ Roost ~ Protect

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 94%
Energy: 51%
Status: Generally feeling more cheerful. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Hydro Pump/Hail ~ Bubblebeam/Hail ~ Dragon Breath/Hail

Nightslice yawned and stretched his arms above his head. The constant, somber weather was making him feel sleepy, not to mention cold. He ought to change that. Shaking out his feet, which had started to fall asleep after being encased in ice for so long, he started to pace a few steps forward, then backwards, doing something resembling the Macarena as he did so. The Macarena? Azure shook his head in wonder. His opponent was a strange, strange Scyther.

Gradually the befuddled Horsea realized that the rain was tapering off, and he squeaked in annoyance. Nightslice and rainy weather just didn’t mix, apparently. He winced as the clouds drew back to allow an incredibly bright sun to peek through, the rays quickly working to heat up the air. Oh, no, not on his watch. Azure glared at Nightslice before rolling around and gathering a ball of elemental energy in his mouth for the umpteenth time this match. This time, instead of sapphire, it was an icy-blue, almost white colour. With a whistling sound it flew off to the troposphere, where it split into a thousand tiny fragments and fell back down on the earth. There were five simultaneous groans as every living being on Final Destination was struck with countless pieces of hail, each around the size of a golf ball.

Nightslice made a sound of protest as a particularly large chunk of ice clunked against his exoskeleton, probably leaving a slight dent. This was even worse than rain. With a sigh he folded his wings and sat down on the floating platform. He was feeling pretty achy; with that in mind, he closed his eyes in concentration and let pure energy flow into his wounds and bruises, marks left by the battle. A faint lavender glow surrounded the mantis as wounds narrowed and closed, bruises were smoothed over, and jarred joints were put back in place. Azure bit back a cry of rage. Not again! How was he supposed to knock out the overgrown bug if he kept healing himself? The constant revitalization came at a price that the Horsea didn’t realize, though. As the last bruise on Nightslice’s armour faded away, exhaustion descended on him once again, and he made a final decision not to move for a few weeks after this battle, at least.

Though now very despondent – what was the point in attacking, if Nightslice kept on shrugging off the wounds? – Azure reluctantly contracted his mouth tube so the once-wide hole was now barely larger than the head of a pin. Then he gave his water sac an abrupt, powerful squeeze, causing an incredible jet of high-pressure water to rocket from his mouth. So impressive was the force of the attack that it nearly pushed Nightslice off the stage; at the last second, the Scyther managed to dig his scythes into the hard metal, though he knew he was definitely going to feel that one in the morning. As the Hydro Pump finally died down, he stood up and shook out his entire body, water droplets spinning all over the place. He touched the side of his face and winced when he realized there was already a bruise forming there.

The Scyther was far from eager to experience another attack of that caliber, so he quickly knelt down and focused precious energy into a barrier in front of him. Azure took no notice and gurgled some water in the back of his throat, then spat the resulting bubbles at his opponent. They came out in a thick, clear stream – and bounced off of Nightslices shield. Some went up, while others went to the side, and still others simply popped where they were, leaving nothing behind to remind anyone of their forlornly short lives. Azure looked up to the sky and sighed deeply, only to have a hailstone drop straight into his mouth tube. He coughed and squeaked, his sounds muffled by the piece of ice clogging the poor seahorse’s mouth, before he managed to turn his head and shoot the cold object off to the side.

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 84%
Energy: 21%
Status: Absolutely exhausted once more. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 92%
Energy: 33%
Status: Downcast, with an aching mouth tube. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. The puddle of water is very small at this point. It’s raining, and it will hail for another 12 actions (4 rounds).

Final notes
Xaldin attacks first next round.
Ok, now we go on the offensive. Chill twice, then use X-Scissor. If he is not attacking, just chill... again
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Twelve

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 84%
Energy: 21%
Status: Absolutely exhausted once more. +2 Attack.
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ X-Scissor/Chill

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 92%
Energy: 33%
Status: Downcast, with an aching mouth tube. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Whirlpool ~ Chill ~ Chill

Nightslice gave a huge sigh that was not exaggerated in the least. Once again he settled down on the platform in a cross-legged position and closed his eyes, too tired to care if his opponent was going to attack him. He felt healthy enough, after all – he was pretty sure he could withstand anything Azure could throw at him.

As it turned out, the little Horsea was too busy trying to make sense of his commands to attack Nightslice. Whirlpool? He wasn’t even in water – heck, there wasn’t any water on the stage to start with! Azure snorted and fumed silently as hailstones rained from the sky and struck his body. At this rate, the battle would never end. The referee, probably thinking the same thing, exhaled slowly and rested her chin on her hand, wincing when a piece of ice bounced off her head.

After several minutes, Azure gave up wondering how he was going to execute his one and only attack and instead closed his eyes as well, a scowl still written across his face. It slowly turned upwards until eventually the frown turned into a peaceful smile. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was kind of tired. A meter or two away from him, Nightslice slumbered on, clearly at ease with no loud sounds or attacks to bother him. A hailstone hit him on his back, and he twitched, but there was no other indication that he was actually aware of his surroundings at all.

Another few minutes passed before the green mantis reluctantly opened an eye. One glance told him that his opponent wasn’t going to attack him anytime soon – Azure was still sprawled on the metal platform, eyes closed and breathing steady. Nightslice sighed in relief and let his eyes slip shut again, then growled irritably when another chunk of ice fell down on him. The hail was really starting to get on his nerves. Azure wasn’t enjoying it that much either; every time he was struck by the falling ice, a faint wail escaped his mouth tube. He was trying to rest, damnit.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 82%
Energy: 57%
Status: Feeling much more chipper. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 90%
Energy: 56%
Status: Annoyed by the hail. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. The puddle of water is very small at this point. It’s raining, and it will hail for another 8 actions (3 rounds).

Final notes
Zaiella attacks first next round.
Whirlpool requires a body of water, and the opponent to be in the water, so needless to say, Azure wasn’t able to execute it.
Aww my bad, I figured he could spit it out or something. O_o Dunno why I thought that... Anyway, now Bounce and Ice Beam.

Bounce~Bounce~Ice Beam
OK, not bad Nightslice. Use Swords Dance, then use detect, and then use X-Scissor

Swords Dance~Detect~X-Scissor
Ufff, homework sucks. Sorry this was late.

Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Thirteen

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 82%
Energy: 57%
Status: Feeling much more chipper. +2 Attack.
Commands: Swords Dance ~ Detect ~ X-Scissor

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 90%
Energy: 56%
Status: Annoyed by the hail. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Bounce (up) ~ Bounce (down) ~ Ice Beam

Nightslice dragged himself to his feet with a little sigh and a yawn. Then, eyes gleaming with energy, he took a battle stance, knees bent and scythes in a defensive position. Azure made a curious sound and glanced at his opponent, wondering what on earth the Scyther was up to. His question was answered when Nightslice suddenly leapt into the air, wings beating furiously to carry him several feet to the right, blocking and slicing at an imaginary opponent as he did so. When he landed, he raised his left scythe, turned it to the side as if parrying an attack, and viciously cut the innocent air in front of him. The immaterial opponent stumbled, if Nightslice’s wild smirk was anything to go by, and he finished with a magnificent spin and blunt-edge strike. His dance finished, the Scyther sighed again and took a more casual pose, idly rubbing his scythes against each other as adrenaline sang through his veins.

Azure couldn’t help but stay on the platform, if only to watch his opponent’s performance. When it ended, he studied Final Destination with several sweeping glances, looking for any ramp or raised area he could launch himself off of – how was he supposed to Bounce up if he was lying on his stomach or his side? Unfortunately, the floating metal arena was as flat as a piece of cardboard. The cogs and wheels in Azure’s brain spun furiously as he tried to think of a solution – ah, right. Of course. Rolling over to lie on his stomach, the blue seahorse closed his eyes in concentration, then narrowed his mouth tube and shot a jet of high-pressure water at the platform. So powerful was the stream that it actually lifted Azure’s upper half off the platform; panicking and terrified that he would overbalance, he quickly uncoiled his tail with an earsplitting crack, launching himself high in the air.

Within a few seconds Azure was no more than a blue speck in the cloudy sky. Nightslice narrowed his eyes and squinted at his opponent, sharpening his senses to an uncanny level in order to dodge the attack he knew was coming. As he tilted his head back, a hailstone struck him square in the snout, and he muttered something under his breath. After about another ten seconds, a distant whoop was heard as Azure began to descend, his fins folded close to his body to increase the speed at which he fell. So concentrated was the Horsea on velocity, though, that he neglected to aim, and all Nightslice had to do was step a little to the side for Azure to crash into the platform. He cried out in pain and indignation and toppled onto his side, the base of his tail now feeling incredibly sore.

Nightslice chuckled to himself and dashed up to the wailing seahorse, crossing his scythes in an X-formation as he ran. Azure, too preoccupied with his pounding tail, didn’t notice until his opponent was upon him. Two scythes cut down diagonally on the hapless seahorse, and Azure wailed again as two accompanying wounds opened up on his body. The attack was much more vicious than any other he had experienced so far – the combination of the fierce bug-energy-imbued slices and Nightslice’s attack boosts really, really hurt. Azure hissed as well as a Horsea could hiss before shooting a thick beam of ice in retaliation. Nightslice yelled in shock and jerked back, the wild glint in his eye fading when he realized that he had escaped from the attack without another casing of ice.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 70%
Energy: 44%
Status: Sighing in relief, although getting a bit fatigued. +4 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 70%
Energy: 41%
Status: Starting to feel kind of tired again. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. The puddle of water is very small at this point. It’s raining, and it will hail for another 6 actions (2 rounds).

Final notes
Xaldin attacks first next round.
Bounce was going to miss anyway, as declared by the RNG gods, so Detect required only the base energy usage.
Azure suffered a bit of damage from slamming into the platform because Bounce missed.
OK, let's go out with a bang! First use X-scissor, then night slice, then Aerial Ace! If he uses bounce again, then just chill on the first bounce.

X-Scissor/chill~Night Slash/chill~Aerial Ace
All right, let's try Smokescreen if you can blow smoke? and Bounce If not, use Water Pulse and Bounce.

Smokescreen/Water Pulse~Bounce~Bounce
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Stlye: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Fourteen

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 70%
Energy: 44%
Status: Sighing in relief, although getting a bit fatigued. +4 Attack.
Commands: X-Scissor/Chill ~ Night Slash/Chill ~ Aerial Ace

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 70%
Energy: 41%
Status: Starting to feel kind of tired again. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Smokescreen/Water Pulse ~ Bounce ~ Bounce

Nightslice crossed his scythes and regarded his opponent, watching for any sudden movements. When Azure just inhaled deeply, he sighed; some more rest would’ve been nice. The large mantis positioned his scythes and bent his knees, ready to lunge at Azure with arms raised – when said seahorse started retching and coughing horribly. Alarmed, Nightslice flinched, even as thick black smoke poured from Azure’s mouth and wrapped around the two battlers. He squinted, trying to make out the small blue form of his opponent.

When his efforts proved fruitless, he shrugged with defeat and surrounded his scythes with bug energy. Might as well take a shot in the dark. With a roar he dashed into the thick of the black fog and randomly brought his scythes down in two diagonal slashes. As luck would have it, his aim was true, and Azure squealed in surprise and pain as two more wounds opened up in her stomach.

Obviously shaken and not wanting to make any more chances, the Horsea rolled hastily away from Nightslice, then spat another stream of water at the ground to propel his head to the sky. When he was at a ninety-degree angle, he snapped his tail back and sprung into the air; Nightslice, reeling back in shock when the little blue shape shot out of the dark grey fog at light speed, took a deep breath and sat back onto the platform. At least this meant he didn’t have to move for a while.

A full minute passed before the blue speck in the sky that was Azure finally came into view again – how the Horsea managed to spring that high in the air was a wonder. Nightslice, with his eyes closed, didn’t notice a thing – that is, until his opponent landed smack dab on his shoulder. The tremendous speed built up by Azure’s fall powered the attack by a considerable amount, the impact actually forcing the Scyther’s torso to the ground, his legs kicking to the side. Somehow the seahorse escaped from the landing unscathed, simply landing on the metal platform on his tail before toppling over on his side with a squeak.

Though Nightslice managed to escape any lasting damage, his newly-bruised shoulder throbbed like fury and he took a few moments to recuperate before launching his next attack. When he finally stood back up, the ghost of a smirk graced his lips; there was no way he’d miss his next attack, Smokescreen or not. Pushing off with powerful legs, he turned in a tight circle to build up some speed before running all across the arena, wildly brandishing his scythes as he went. Only two seconds of razor-flailing later, a pained cry was heard; Nightslice lowered his arms and screeched to a stop.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 60%
Energy: 45%
Status: Grumbling about his shoulder, though confident overall. +4 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 35%
Energy: 30%
Status: Despondent and in pain. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. It’s hailing, and it will hail for another 3 actions (1 round).

Final notes
Zaiella attacks first next round.
Yup, the smoke from Smokescreen comes from an internal source.
Ugh, sorry for the late and crappy reffings :/ Hectic schedule.
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Stlye: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Fifteen

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 60%
Energy: 45%
Status: Grumbling about his shoulder, though confident overall. +4 Attack.
Commands: X-Scissor ~ Slash ~ Night Slash

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 35%
Energy: 30%
Status: Despondent and in pain. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Dragonbreath ~ Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Pulse

Even though Nightslice was very close to Azure, he couldn’t make out his blue form through the thick smoke. Blindly he stumbled around, hoping to locate his opponent with a well-placed kick. A few seconds later he felt his claw stub on something, and he cried out in triumph, raising his scythes above his head and surrounding them with bug energy in preparation for the blow. He sliced down, one arm after the other – only to realize that what he had targeted was no more than a chunk of metal left over from Cinnamon’s Rock Slide. He hissed in frustration and glanced around with eyes narrowed.

Azure was at as much of a loss as Nightslice when it came to aim, but he was ready to take a stab in the dark anyway. Taking a deep breath, the Horsea hastily mixed some chemicals in the back of his throat and exhaled, letting a mighty plume of blue-green fire blaze forth. Nightslice was still trying to figure out where his opponent was when the Dragonbreath came upon him. He screeched and held his breath, knowing that if he inhaled any of the dragon energy he could become paralyzed. Fortunately, the attack blew over quickly, but the Scyther didn’t escape unscathed. Nightslice cringed at the feeling of chemicals burning at his exoskeleton.

If there was a bright side to getting assaulted by a stream of fire, it was that it had blown away a good portion of the smoke cloaking the arena. Nightslice was now able to look around Final Destination with little hindrance, and his gaze almost immediately locked on a small blue seahorse rolling about on the floor a meter away from him. He smirked. Roaring, with one scythe cocked back, he dashed towards Azure and sliced down powerfully, opening yet another wound in addition to the many already adorning the seahorse’s body. Azure squealed and retaliated with a blast of dragon energy that seared Nightslice’s skin and pushed him back a foot or so. By now, the Horsea was on the brink of unconsciousness, weakened by pain and exhaustion. Seeing this, Nightslice grinned; victory would be his very soon.

His grin widened even more as he summoned dark energy around himself, hiding himself from view. Azure squeaked pitifully, too demoralized to even try locating his opponent. Not like he needed to; a few seconds later the Scyther reappeared behind him and sliced at him yet again, this time the blade coated with caustic, shadowy energy.

The blow, made fierce by Nightslice’s previous Swords Dances, was almost too much for Azure to handle, and he had to spend several moments panting on the platform to recuperate. When he did, he blew another wave of dragon energy at his opponent, but the attack was made weak by fatigue. That one Dragon Pulse nearly sucked the last reserves of Azure’s energy dry, and he felt like he was about to pass out. A wave of nausea crashed down on him.

The Horsea took little comfort in the fact that the sky overhead finally started to clear and the hail ceased to fall.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 38%
Energy: 29%
Status: Exhausted, but ready to end the battle. +4 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 9%
Energy: 8%
Status: Drop-dead tired, and about to black out. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. The hail has stopped. The Smokescreen is now very thin, only serving to tint things black.

Final notes
Xaldin attacks first next round.
…But those attack boost jack up the damage like what.
Baton Pass to Ralts, then, if Ralts can attack, then use shock Wave twice.

Baton Pass (To Ralts)~Shock wavex2
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Mmm... Well, I suppose it's fair to give Zaiella a DQ warning now. She has approximately 23 hours to post her commands.

edit: Oh yeah, Xaldin, I don't know if you want to rethink your commands because of this, but if Pokemon are switched, then the round ends right there. If you wanna edit, make sure to get it in before Zaiella posts.
Na, thats ok, I'll wait. Besides, if he gets on the field, and defeats Azure, then is that enough to evolve?

EDIT:I changes a few things on my profile, so if it is not to much, can you change the first post accordingly?
Uh, kinda late, but since she hasn't posted the commands yet...

Zaiella has been DQ'd, and I hereby announce Xaldin the winner. He gets $16 for winning, and I get $10 for reffing.
Cinnamon and Azure both get 1 EXP each, while Nightslice gets 2 EXP.
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