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Yet Another Association Game

(She was a German World War II warship built to rival our Hood, which was a Dreadnaught-Class warship! In their one and only battle, the Bismarck landed, what the crew even admit to, a lucky hit on Hood's magasine cuz it had bad armour plating there sinking her before she had much of a chance to do anything, plus Hood was old, compared to Bismarck's relative youth! Seeking revenge the Royal Navy hunted down the Bismarck to sink it, but being of similar size to Hood, this proved tricky! It wasn't until a torpedo launched from a Swordfish Fighter from the Ark Royal hit her rudder disabling her, when they bombarded the ever loving crap out of her, ultimately sinking her! And Navy history is an interest of mine especially since I spent 4 years in the Sea Cadets and was lucky enough to get a tour of the Ark Royal!)


(Going on the international food theme...)
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