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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You hold the ability to change the world.

I've just got another idea: Instead of what I said last time, there could be just letters saying "KICK" west of Italy, "THE" east of Italy and "PIZZA" south of Sicily.
And also "UNITY" somewhere around the frozen area.
Move England and US next to Iceland, so we can have the TCoD thingy where everyone comes and whatnot.
EDIT: Not forgetting Australia.
Move Veitnam close to Canada and make Austrailia the new Anarctica.
oh wait nvm that would kill so many people
Move Europe and maybe Japan closer to the US. I do want to see the world, you know.

EDIT: ...In fact I'd just like to see the effect moving countries around in general would have.
I'd only really make one major change: Taking the Chicago area and plopping it on the East Coast. Then maybe the move I'm making would be a little less... extreme. Also I could bug Flareth.
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