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you might already know me!!!


so i post on this groovy forum that has somehow found itself in conflict with tcod. now, i don't want any bad blood spilt between the two of us. we both hail from good, pure forums with a lot of activity and fun! there's no need for constant fighting, regardless of who causes it - and there always seems to be two different sides of the story when it comes to what caused the rift in the divide to begin with. what i'm asking is that we lay down our swords and just call it a truce! now, i'll admit that the rest of my pals don't know i'm posting this but i'm sure i'll be able to bring them around after a while. this constant fighting isn't good for any of us. blood pressure and all that.

do we have an agreement tcod?

p.s. we are called COSMO KNIGHTS not 'cosmonots'!!! it makes me very angry to see us being referred to by a name we do not go by! irrational? maybe. prideful? perhaps!

also i did not register just to post this i'd like another shot at being a successful member of this community if it's okay with you guys... but to do that i feel we need to get past this community conflict!
Welcome! I'm new as well. Enjoy your stay!

as part of turning over a new leaf for the sake of both forums, i have to announce to all of you that queen shiva is a FRAUD! he is a teenage boy who posts on my forum and wants to troll you all but i'm not going to let him get away with it!

take him away, mods.
So here I am, catching up on my introductions at the same time I'm trying to negotiate with my girlfriend and my mother at the same time...and this thread jsut about makes my night. Not because of the troll, just because of Butterfree's one-line, two-word post.

My sincerest thanks to Butterfree.
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