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You're Banned (Reincarnate)

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You're bannned cuz when I do that I always read parts I don't remember from the first read through... Maybe I should see a doctor or somert about my memory...
You're banned for not looking at the most recent post and taking too long to write out your own post and yelling at me for ninja'ing you! (lol at your face)
You're banned for being too slow to avoid being ninja'd even though I waited for you to reply before I even began typing
You're bannned cuz the way you said implies you were lying in wait, possibly sneaking up on us waiting for the right time to strike! Jus like Lionesses, Tigers/Tigresses, Leopards, Ocelots, Pumas, Panthers...
You're banned because I was actually trying to determine what you were writing and what you were writing it for. After seeing you type a lot, I decided you weren't typing for that particular thread, and posted myself. Taking a lot less time than you.
You're bannned cuz I don't really type a lot in replies, I only ever type copious amounts when it's the epic deaths in "The Suicide Game", but that's only really to satisfy my want to tell a story! Granted I type long replies on Hellgarth, but can you blame me? In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Role-Play it's because I'm telling a story, and I and my opponent tend to make long and complicated moves involving strategies and counter-strategies, moves and counters to each other's moves! Then when it's in the game we've stolen for our talking to each other, it's usually cuz I have a fair bit to say! Hang on...
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