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New profile posts

I think I'd credit this place for encouraging me to learn more about trans issues + how to be supportive of trans rights. I was nominally pro-trans in the past, but didn't give any thoughts until now towards what being trans means to those who are, and how they wish they'd be treated. Hopefully y'all forgive me for any uncomfy things I've posted in the past. These biases unfortunately run deep.

(and this is probably the deepest thing I've ever written on this site lmao)
I was so excited when I found a XenForo add-on for social groups so we could possibly revive the Cult of Eif and that was the moment that I remembered, that XenForo add-ons cost dolla. 😔
I've decided to make a second region alongside Nogland.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
the Inama region will be based on Kenya, and the starters are named Hynyasi Motovark and Majippo!
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Here's a fun fact about the names. They are all portmanteaus of the animal they are based on, and the elemental type they are.
i could've sworn i remember some bbc to automatically rotate/change between different things for forum signatures but i can't find any mention of it anywhere nor how to do it... i feel like it was separated with pipes but i don't remember the tags? does anyone know how to do this/if it is a real thing
I'm in a Digimon mood lately especially since the 25th anniversary of the entire franchise is coming up towards the end of the month. I've been experimenting with different results of this one personality quiz to figure out which hypothetical partner I would have. So many results.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
June 26th 1997, is when the very first Digimon v-pet came out in Japan, which fun fact, was the same Day the original Harry Potter book initially hit shelves. yes, even the same year
Is it weird that I associate the song Candy shop by 50 cent with the Greek god zeus?
honestly it tracks? considering the olympian amount of fucking zeus was up to
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
I mostly thank the mythology guy on tiktok and YouTube for that connection
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