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New profile posts

Yo Google, Could you Please state why certain celebrities are trending so I don't think that they died?
Not as bad as those posts that people deliberately post that's just a picture of a celebrity and their name.

"David Attenborough, British naturalist and broadcaster, aged 96"
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
hey friend! How are you? Thanks for your message on my status :)
I still say that Hi-Rez getting Sean Schemmel to voice Sun Wukong in SMITE a galaxy brain idea.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Getting the voice of Goku to be the the voice of Goku's mythological inspiration, yes!
The small town life is taking an enormous toll on my mental health
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
I desperately need to move out of here and into somewhere a metric fuckton more urbanized than where I'm stuck currently
Good luck! Do you have a specific location in mind?
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
@Ys_ I don't intend to leave Massachusetts, but want to be closer to, if not in, Boston
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Had a strange dream last about winning a rap battle against a screaming squirrel that emerged from the pits of hell, and was on crack. Why?! I don't fucking know
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pronouns situation currently: xe/xem in the plural (xe rhymes with may)
"xe have an account on the forums, xyr name is herbe, xe were making videos, xey've done a lot of mafia"
Hello, how goes it? you know... i posted in the SMB club! if you wanna go back to it :smile:
Oh too bad! i have 1 and 3, i would have gotten 2 but my mother doesn't like the name Marie so i can't have it, but i know the game pretty well so feel free to post in my club :smile:
That's an odd reason not to let you have a game!
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