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*leaves the traditional platter of tea and cod, waltzes off while whistling the OG Pokémon theme song*
I just got some very unfortunate news, my dog Boomey is getting put to sleep some time tomorrow, he's had a rough last year and a half, but the last couple weeks were just a downward spiral for him
Is it too difficult for some people to express their sheer frustration in online video games without resorting to hate speech and real life threats?!
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Apparently yes. Yesterday I was playing a casual round of SMITE and one of my teammates got mad butthurt for some reason and started using a certain racial slur. I reported them because duh!
Anyone else find it weird that the Venonat/Venomoth line doesn't have a middle stage similar to Metapod? Like it's a moth, those do have a pupal stage.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Larvesta evolving into Volcarona at lv 59 tho
The lack of sufficient security at venues is so appalling, especially with all the mass shootings that have happened in the US so far this year, that fucking Kimberly, the OG Pink Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (well, technically Amy Jo Johnson, the actress who played her) refused to go to a convention she was supposed to attend because of it. She apologized, but some people think it was just an excuse. However, I think her reasons are 100% valid.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Also I still miss Jason David Frank. Power Rangers will never be the same without Tommy.
Gen 1 sure had a lot of three-headed mons, huh? Dugtrio, Dodrio, and Magneton. But no three-headed dog.
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Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Cerberus is badass! Also I like how his depiction in SMITE took inspiration from versions of him that had a fucking snake for a tail!
SMITE added a new god yesterday. Ix Chel, but they also added a "Race to Diamond" to reward the first five people to reach 1,000 worshipers for her... This makes the assholes who routinely insta-lock a newly released god even worse! WTF, this isn't solving the instalocker problem, it's making it WORSE! Thanks a lot, Hi-Rez!
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
You Rock! Cancel That!
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
The PC players are being a bunch a instalocking bastards, while Hi-Rez is basically saying us console players (I play on PS4) can get fucked with an AIDS cactus. I hope this first "Race to Diamond" is also the LAST!
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Who's the smartass who came up with this bullshit "Race to Diamond"?! They should get demoted, or even better, FIRED!
Seriously, Toei? You just had to release the entire English dub of the Digimon Adventure: reboot on the Microsoft store, but only selling digital copies and not actually streaming it?! And why the fuck does it cost well over $150 USD to be able to watch the entire series from start to finish?! Smdh. It's also very true to the original Japanese version, including the soundtrack, which I was hoping for, too. SMDH
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