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Tarot Mafia

re: some quotes
I don't know how much stock to put into Herbe's lack of 3p's/6 wolves in their rand list (on second thought it's probably almost completely NAI)
i was just drawing cards asking if the person was mafia aligned or no, it was just y/n questions. please put 0 stock into my tarot card list lmao it was intended way more as a joke
So, what role/card did you draw for everyone? Interrested in whether that matches up, tbh.
bro i do not remember i was using the upright (Yes)/reversed (No) system. i think mewtini was justice and kokorico? was strength? and lots of swords cards but it honestly does not mean anything i dont think

seshas feels a dash extra paranoid about me than usual and im just :/ about it.
for the record, so far, jack is the ones whose vibes i most question rn
Kokorico is not producing the iffy vibes e did in Cats so that's a good start
It's very sweet of you to say so, but I'm fairly sure that's about 70% just because I'm not paying attention enough to come up with anything in any way controversial, haha.

for the record, so far, jack is the ones whose vibes i most question rn
Can you talk at all about why? I kind of get what you mean - I looked slightly askance at his post #48, for example, which seemed to be deriving an awfully arbitrary conclusion from virtually no information - but my confidence in that is really very low. Curious whether you have anything more concrete. (I'm going to bed now but I'll swing by early tomorrow to see the answer.)
im watching hamilton with my family tonight but I’m glad to see revealing my info did spark some discussion! :D
I did idly wonder what sorta mob might've singled out rari_teh as a sufficiently primary target, but I wasn't watching y'all go for the last couple games, so I wouldn't know whether rari_teh previously raised hell or whatever-
ok it's time for mewtini to catch up and obnoxiously post while she does it <3 i am so used to like ... following the thread like a hawk because i've had nothing better to do in quarantine. imagine having to "catch" "up"

anyway brb
ok it's time for mewtini to catch up and obnoxiously post while she does it <3 i am so used to like ... following the thread like a hawk because i've had nothing better to do in quarantine. imagine having to "catch" "up"

anyway brb
can’t wait to read ur catch up posts and be like “wow this makes so much sense how come i didn’t see it when i read it” to everything
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