All is fair in love and war
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Who datBugsy would like a word with youBecause she's the only bug type one! Bro don't you know my brand
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Who datBugsy would like a word with youBecause she's the only bug type one! Bro don't you know my brand
tofu is claiming that neither action is badgeyi can confirm that actions not requiring a badge are a thing. this is a very strange hill to die on.
I have an action that doesn't use badges, and one that does ^^Blu, to be clear, you have a badge cost on all your actions?
My ability isn't an official move, but it's heavily flavor-relevant
mf said in the sign-up post that generally every role would have a badge power. i can only imagine that a non-badge role would be someone who's trying to get lynched or can blow up alonei don’t really see an inherent issue with that?
if you want to see me rp play dnd with meSeñor Phoenix, being a bastion of levelheadedness, this behavior is most unlike you. Perhaps an elegant display of my splendid waterpower will serve to calm your spirits?
And... you didn't speak up during the argument about whether Tofu is lying purely because she claimed to have an action that didn't cost badges?I have an action that doesn't use badges, and one that does ^^
I kinda assumed everyone has at least one free action?And... you didn't speak up during the argument about whether Tofu is lying purely because she claimed to have an action that didn't cost badges?I have an action that doesn't use badges, and one that does ^^
I don't think we can implicate Tofu purely off of this-generally, each role in the game will have additional abilities that they can use by expending Badges. this means that using such abilities requires them to have received Badges from another player, and frequent use will require more Badges
What? Everyone has an action that doesn't cost badges, I'm pretty sure. It's the "not having any actions that cost badges" part of Tofu's claim that is peculiar.And... you didn't speak up during the argument about whether Tofu is lying purely because she claimed to have an action that didn't cost badges?I have an action that doesn't use badges, and one that does ^^
that’s a huge assumption and i’m not sure i see any compelling reason to believe in it. she could just as easily be telling the said in the sign-up post that generally every role would have a badge power. i can only imagine that a non-badge role would be someone who's trying to get lynched or can blow up alonei don’t really see an inherent issue with that?
that’s news to me.personally i think the bit that's weird is how the badge distribution has the flavor of bring given out by the pokemon